*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for FlowProgramming in RESTCONF inventory Suite Setup Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_XML} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Library Collections Library RequestsLibrary Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.txt Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** *** Test Cases *** Check Stats for node 1 [Documentation] Get the stats for a node Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s Check Nodes Stats openflow:1 Check Stats for node 2 [Documentation] Get the stats for a node Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s Check Nodes Stats openflow:2 Check Stats for node 3 [Documentation] Get the stats for a node Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s Check Nodes Stats openflow:3 Check Flows [Documentation] Check all flows are present Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s Check For Specific Number Of Elements At URI ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API} "output-node-connector" 21 Ping All Test [Documentation] Ping all, verify no packet loss or duplicates Write pingall ${result} Read Until mininet> Should Contain ${result} Results: 0% dropped