*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for LACP Link Resiliency Suite Setup LACP Inventory Suite Setup Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Library SSHLibrary Library Collections Library String Library RequestsLibrary Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.txt Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${node1} openflow:1 ${agg-id1} 1 ${agg-id2} 2 ${agg1-connector-id1} 1 ${agg1-connector-id2} 2 ${agg2-connector-id1} 3 ${agg2-connector-id2} 4 *** Test Cases *** Verify the Group tables data for Switch(S1) [Documentation] Functionality would check the presence of group tables entries on OVS Switch(S1) initially Verify Switch S1 Group Table select 1 2 up Verify Switch S1 Group Table select 3 4 up Generate port down scenario of one of the LAG interface on the Host H2 side and check functionality [Documentation] Generate the link failure on Host H2 LAG Membership-port and verify functionality Set Host interface state h2-eth1 down Verify information of lacp-aggregator associated with Host H2 after link down scenario [Documentation] Get lacp-aggregator data for node associated with Host H2 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15s 1s Verify LACP aggregator data is updated post link down scenario Verify the Switch(S1) Group tables data after H2 link down scenario [Documentation] Functionality to check if the corresponding group entries are updated on OVS Switch(S1) after port-down scenario on the Host H2 Verify Switch S1 Group Table select 3 4 down Generate port up scenario of the LAG interface on the Host H2 side and check functionality [Documentation] Generate the link up scenario on Host H2 LAG Membership-port and verify functionality Set Host interface state h2-eth1 up Verify information of lacp-aggregator associated with Host H2 after link up scenario [Documentation] Get lacp-aggregator data for node associated with Host H2 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15s 1s Verify LACP aggregator data is updated post link up scenario Verify Switch(S1) Flow and Group tables data after H2 link up scenario [Documentation] Functionality to check if the corresponding group entries are updated on OVS Switch(S1) after port-bringup scenario on the Host H2 Verify Switch S1 Group Table select 3 4 up *** Keywords *** Verify LACP RESTAPI Response Code for node [Documentation] Will check for the response code of the REST query Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Should Contain ${resp.content} ${node1} Verify LACP RESTAPI Aggregator and Tag Contents [Arguments] ${resp.content} ${content-lookup} [Documentation] Will check for the LACP Specific tags or Aggregator ID for node Should Contain ${resp.content} ${content-lookup} Verify LACP RESTAPI connector associated for aggregator [Arguments] ${resp.content} ${node} ${agg-connector-id} [Documentation] Will check for the LACP connector info for each aggregator Should Contain ${resp.content} ${node}:${agg-connector-id} Verify LACP aggregator data is updated post link down scenario [Documentation] Functionality will verify the node conenctor data on the lacp-agg api after link down scenario ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get session ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API}/node/${node1}/lacp-aggregators/${agg-id2} Verify LACP RESTAPI Response Code for node Verify LACP RESTAPI connector associated for aggregator ${resp.content} ${node1} ${agg2-connector-id1} Should not Contain ${resp.content} ${node1}:${agg2-connector-id2} Verify LACP RESTAPI Aggregator and Tag Contents ${resp.content} lag-groupid Verify LACP aggregator data is updated post link up scenario [Documentation] Functionality will verify the node connector data on the lacp-agg api after link up scenario ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get session ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API}/node/${node1}/lacp-aggregators/${agg-id2} Verify LACP RESTAPI Response Code for node Verify LACP RESTAPI connector associated for aggregator ${resp.content} ${node1} ${agg2-connector-id1} Verify LACP RESTAPI connector associated for aggregator ${resp.content} ${node1} ${agg2-connector-id2} Verify LACP RESTAPI Aggregator and Tag Contents ${resp.content} lag-groupid Verify LACP Tags Are Formed [Documentation] Fundamental Check That LACP is working ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get session ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API} Verify LACP RESTAPI Response Code for node Verify LACP RESTAPI Aggregator and Tag Contents ${resp.content} non-lag-groupid Verify LACP RESTAPI Aggregator and Tag Contents ${resp.content} lacp-aggregators LACP Inventory Suite Setup [Documentation] If these basic checks fail, there is no need to continue any of the other test cases Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 15s 1s Verify LACP Tags Are Formed Set Host interface state [Arguments] ${port-id} ${port-state} [Documentation] Will configure the port state of the Host to either up or down Open Connection ${MININET} prompt=${LINUX_PROMPT} Login With Public Key ${MININET_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/${SSH_KEY} any Execute Command sudo ./m h2 Execute Command sudo ifconfig ${port-id} ${port-state} Execute Command sudo ifconfig ${port-id} Verify Switch S1 Group Table [Arguments] ${group-type} ${port-id1} ${port-id2} ${port-id2-state} [Documentation] Functionality to verify the presence of LACP group entries on the OVS Switch(S1) Group table ${group_output}= Run Command on Remote System ${MININET} sudo ovs-ofctl dump-groups s1 -O OpenFlow13 ${MININET_USER} # Log ${group_output} Comment ${group_output} Read Until mininet> ${result}= Get Lines Containing String ${group_output} output:${port-id1} Should Contain ${result} type=${group-type} Should Contain ${result} output:${port-id1} Run Keyword If "${port-id2-state}" == "up" Should Contain ${result} output:${port-id2} ELSE Should not Contain ... ${result} output:${port-id2}