*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for Statistics Manager Suite Setup Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Library Collections Library ../../../libraries/RequestsLibrary.py Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Library ../../../libraries/Topologynew.py Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot *** Variables *** ${nodeprefix} openflow: ${key} portStatistics ${REST_CONTEXT} /controller/nb/v2/statistics *** Test Cases *** get port stats [Documentation] Show port stats and validate result [Tags] adsal ${topo_nodes} Get Nodes From Tree Topo (${TOPO_TREE_DEPTH},${TOPO_TREE_FANOUT}) 1 @{node_list} Create Nodes List ${topo_nodes} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 70s 2s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_CONTEXT}/${CONTAINER}/port ${node_list} get flow stats [Documentation] Show flow stats and validate result [Tags] adsal ${topo_nodes} Get Nodes From Tree Topo (${TOPO_TREE_DEPTH},${TOPO_TREE_FANOUT}) @{node_list} Create Nodes List ${topo_nodes} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 70s 2s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_CONTEXT}/${CONTAINER}/flow ${node_list} get table stats [Documentation] Show flow stats and validate result [Tags] adsal ${topo_nodes} Get Nodes From Tree Topo (${TOPO_TREE_DEPTH},${TOPO_TREE_FANOUT}) @{node_list} Create Nodes List ${topo_nodes} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 70s 2s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_CONTEXT}/${CONTAINER}/table ${node_list} *** Keywords *** Check For Correct Number Of Nodes At URI [Arguments] ${uri} ${topo_nodes} ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get session ${REST_CONTEXT}/${CONTAINER}/${uri} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01" ${TOPO_TREE_FANOUT+2} : FOR ${ITEM} IN @{topo_nodes} \ ${IND} Get From Dictionary ${ITEM} id \ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} "${IND}" ${TOPO_TREE_FANOUT+3} Check For All Nodes At URI [Arguments] ${uri} ${topo_nodes} ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get session ${REST_CONTEXT}/${CONTAINER}/${uri} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 : FOR ${ITEM} IN @{topo_nodes} \ ${IND} Get From Dictionary ${ITEM} id \ Should Contain ${resp.content} "${IND}" Create Nodes List [Arguments] ${topo_dict} ##init list @{node_list}= Create List : FOR ${ITEM} IN @{topo_dict} \ ${IND} Get From Dictionary ${ITEM} id \ Append To List ${node_list} ${IND} [Return] @{node_list}