*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for RESTCONF Topology Suite Setup Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Library Collections Library ../../../libraries/RequestsLibrary.py Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.txt *** Variables *** @{node_list} openflow:1 openflow:2 openflow:3 ${REST_CONTEXT} /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology *** Test Cases *** Get RESTCONF Topology [Documentation] Get RESTCONF Topology and validate the result. Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s Ensure All Nodes Are In Response ${REST_CONTEXT} ${node_list} ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get session ${REST_CONTEXT} Log ${resp.content} List all the links [Documentation] List all the links in the topology. ${body1} Create Dictionary dest-node=openflow:1 dest-tp=openflow:1:2 ${body2} Create Dictionary source-node=openflow:3 source-tp=openflow:3:3 ${link2} Create Dictionary link-id=openflow:3:3 destination=${body1} source=${body2} Set Suite Variable ${link2} ${body1} Create Dictionary dest-node=openflow:1 dest-tp=openflow:1:1 ${body2} Create Dictionary source-node=openflow:2 source-tp=openflow:2:3 ${link1} Create Dictionary link-id=openflow:2:3 destination=${body1} source=${body2} Set Suite Variable ${link1} ${body1} Create Dictionary dest-node=openflow:3 dest-tp=openflow:3:3 ${body2} Create Dictionary source-node=openflow:1 source-tp=openflow:1:2 ${link4} Create Dictionary link-id=openflow:1:2 destination=${body1} source=${body2} Set Suite Variable ${link4} ${body1} Create Dictionary dest-node=openflow:2 dest-tp=openflow:2:3 ${body2} Create Dictionary source-node=openflow:1 source-tp=openflow:1:1 ${link3} Create Dictionary link-id=openflow:1:1 destination=${body1} source=${body2} Set Suite Variable ${link3} ${links} Create List ${link1} ${link2} ${link3} ${link4} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s Verify Links ${links} Link Down [Documentation] Take link s1-s2 down Write link s1 s2 down Read Until mininet> ${links} Create List ${link2} ${link4} # increasing the WUKS timeout to 60s to see if the CI environment might just be taking # longer for this test with the lithium redesign plugin Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 2s Verify Links ${links} # shot in the dark. maybe the "link s1 s2 down" really didn't take the link(s) down? # hopefully this output below will show that. Write sh ovs-vsctl find Interface name="s1-eth1" ${output}= Read Until mininet> Log ${output} Write sh ovs-vsctl find Interface name="s1-eth2" ${output}= Read Until mininet> Log ${output} Link Up [Documentation] Take link s1-s2 up Write link s1 s2 up Read Until mininet> ${links} Create List ${link1} ${link2} ${link3} ${link4} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s Verify Links ${links} Remove Port [Documentation] Remove port s2-eth2 Write sh ovs-vsctl del-port s2 s2-eth2 Read Until mininet> @{list} Create List openflow:2:2 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s Check For Elements Not At URI ${REST_CONTEXT} ${list} Add Port [Documentation] Add port s2-eth2, new id 5 Write sh ovs-vsctl add-port s2 s2-eth2 Read Until mininet> @{list} Create List openflow:2:5 Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 2s Check For Elements At URI ${REST_CONTEXT} ${list} *** Keywords *** Verify Links [Arguments] ${expected_links} ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get session ${REST_CONTEXT}/topology/flow:1 Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 ${result} To JSON ${resp.content} Log ${result} ${content} Get From Dictionary ${result} topology ${topology} Get From List ${content} 0 ${link} Get From Dictionary ${topology} link Sort List ${link} Lists Should be Equal ${link} ${expected_links}