*** Settings *** Documentation Suite checks if StatMngr is able to collect flows lineary spread over the switches but in one table on the switch Suite Setup Connect Switches Suite Teardown Stop Switches Library OperatingSystem Library Collections Library XML Library SSHLibrary Variables ../../../../csit/variables/Variables.py Library ../../../../csit/libraries/RequestsLibrary.py Library ../../../../csit/libraries/Common.py Library ../../../../csit/libraries/ScaleClient.py *** Variables *** ${swnr} 17 ${flnr} 17000 ${swspread} linear ${tabspread} first ${topourl} /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1 ${invurl} /restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes @{cntls} ${CONTROLLER} ${linux_prompt} > *** Test Cases *** Configure Flows ${flows} ${notes}= Generate New Flow Details flows=${flnr} switches=${swnr} swspread=${swspread} tabspread=${tabspread} Log ${notes} ${res}= Configure Flows flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=5 Log ${res} Set Suite Variable ${flows} Check Configured Are Operational Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 110s 20s Check Flows Inventory ${flows} ${CONTROLLER} Deconfigure Flows ${res}= Deconfigure Flows flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=5 Log ${res} Check No Flows In Operational ${noflows}= Create List Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 110s 20s Check Flows Inventory ${noflows} ${CONTROLLER} *** Keywords *** Connect Switches [Documentation] Starts mininet with requested number of switches (${swnr}) Log Starting mininet with ${swnr} switches Open Connection ${MININET} prompt=${linux_prompt} timeout=600 Login With Public Key ${MININET_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/${SSH_KEY} any Write sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644 Write sudo mn -c Read Until ${linux_prompt} Write sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${CONTROLLER} --topo linear,${swnr} --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13 Read Until mininet> Sleep 10s Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_XML} Are Switches Connected Topo Stop Switches [Documentation] Stops mininet Log Stopping mininet Delete All Sessions Read Write exit Read Until ${linux_prompt} Close Connection Are Switches Connected Topo [Documentation] Checks wheather switches are connected to controller ${resp}= Get session /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1 headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Log ${resp.content} ${count}= Get Element Count ${resp.content} xpath=node Should Be Equal As Numbers ${count} ${swnr} Check Flows Inventory [Arguments] ${fldets} ${cntl} ${res}= Flow Stats Collected flow_details=${fldets} controller=${cntl} Should Be True ${res}