*** Settings *** Documentation Test Suite for vpn instance Suite Setup Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Library ../../libraries/RequestsLibrary.py Variables ../../variables/Variables.py Variables ../../variables/vpnservice/Variables.py Library Collections *** Variables *** ${REST_CON} /restconf/config/ @{vpn_inst_values} testVpn1 1000:1 1000:1,2000:1 3000:1,4000:1 @{vm_int_values} s1-eth1 l2vlan openflow:1:1 @{vm_vpnint_values} s1-eth1 testVpn1 12:f8:57:a8:b9:a1 *** Test Cases *** Create VPN Instance [Documentation] Creates VPN Instance through restconf [Tags] Post ${resp} Post Json session ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-instances/ data=${vpn_instance} Log ${resp.content} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204 Verify VPN instance [Documentation] Verifies the vpn instance is created [Tags] Get ${resp} RequestsLibrary.get session ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-instances/vpn-instance/${vpn_inst_values[0]}/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Log ${resp.content} : FOR ${value} IN @{vpn_inst_values} \ Should Contain ${resp.content} ${value} Create ietf vm interface [Documentation] Creates ietf interface through the restconf [Tags] Post ${resp} Post Json session ${REST_CON}ietf-interfaces:interfaces/ data=${vm_interface} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204 Verify ietf vm interface [Documentation] Verifies ietf interface created [Tags] Get ${resp} RequestsLibrary.get session ${REST_CON}ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/${vm_int_values[0]}/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Log ${resp.content} : FOR ${value} IN @{vm_int_values} \ Should Contain ${resp.content} ${value} Create VPN interface [Documentation] Creates vpn interface for the corresponding ietf interface [Tags] Post ${resp} Post Json session ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/ data=${vm_vpninterface} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204 Verify VPN interface [Documentation] Verifies the vpn interface created [Tags] Get ${resp} RequestsLibrary.get session ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Log ${resp.content} : FOR ${value} IN @{vm_vpnint_values} \ Should Contain ${resp.content} ${value} Verify FIB entry after create [Documentation] Verifies the fib entry for the corresponding vpn interface [Tags] Get Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Ensure The Fib Entry Is Present vrfTables/${vpn_inst_values[1]}/vrfEntry/${vm_vpnint_values[2]}/ ${vm_vpnint_values[2]} Delete vm vpn interface [Documentation] Deletes the vpn interface [Tags] Delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Delete session ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Verify after deleteing vm vpn interface [Documentation] Verifies vpn interface after delete [Tags] Verify after delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.get session ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404 Delete VPN Instance [Documentation] Deletes the VPN Instance [Tags] Delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Delete session ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-instances/vpn-instance/${vpn_inst_values[0]}/ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Verify after deleting the vpn instance [Documentation] Verifies after deleting the vpn instance [Tags] Verfiy after delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.get session ${REST_CON}l3vpn:vpn-instances/vpn-instance/${vpn_inst_values[0]}/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404 Delete vm ietf interface [Documentation] Deletes the ietf interface [Tags] Delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.Delete session ${REST_CON}ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/${vm_int_values[0]} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Verify after deleting vm ietf interface [Documentation] Verifies ietf interface after delete [Tags] Verify after delete ${resp} RequestsLibrary.get session ${REST_CON}ietf-interfaces:interfaces/interface/${vm_int_values[0]} headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404 Verify FIB entry after delete [Documentation] Verifies the fib entry is deleted for the corresponding vpn interface [Tags] Get Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 2s Ensure The Fib Entry Is Removed vrfTables/${vpn_inst_values[1]}/vrfEntry/${vm_vpnint_values[2]}/ *** Keywords *** Ensure The Fib Entry Is Present [Arguments] ${uri_part} ${prefix} [Documentation] Will succeed if the fib entry is present for the vpn ${resp} RequestsLibrary.get session ${REST_CON}odl-fib:fibEntries/${uri_part} headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Log ${resp.content} Should Contain ${resp.content} ${prefix} Should Contain ${resp.content} label Ensure the Fib Entry Is Removed [Arguments] ${uri_part} [Documentation] Will succeed if the fib entry is removed for the vpn ${resp} RequestsLibrary.get session ${REST_CON}odl-fib:fibEntries/${uri_part} headers=${ACCEPT_XML} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 404