*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for VTN Manager Suite Setup Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Library SSHLibrary Library Collections Library ../../../libraries/RequestsLibrary.py Library ../../../libraries/Common.py Library ../../../libraries/Topology.py Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py *** Variables *** ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS} controller/nb/v2/vtn/default/vtns *** Test Cases *** Add a vtn Tenant1 [Documentation] Add a vtn Tenant1 Add a vtn Tenant1 {"description": "Virtual Tenant 1 for Hackfest network"} Add a vBridge vBridge1 [Documentation] Add a vBridge vBridge1 in vtn Tenant1 Add a vBridge Tenant1 vBridge1 {} Add a interface If1 [Documentation] Add a interface if1 into vBridge vBrdige1 Add a interface Tenant1 vBridge1 if1 {} Add a interface if2 [Documentation] Add a interface if2 into vBridge vBrdige1 Add a interface Tenant1 vBridge1 if2 {} Add a portmap for interface if1 [Documentation] Create a portmap on Interface if1 of vBridge1 ${node} Create Dictionary type OF id 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02 ${port} Create Dictionary name s2-eth1 ${portmap_data} Create Dictionary node ${node} port ${port} Add a portmap Tenant1 vBridge1 if1 ${portmap_data} Add a portmap for interface if2 [Documentation] Create a portmap on Interface if2 of vBridge1 ${node} Create Dictionary type OF id 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03 ${port} Create Dictionary name s3-eth1 ${portmap_data} Create Dictionary node ${node} port ${port} Add a portmap Tenant1 vBridge1 if2 ${portmap_data} Add a vBridge vBridge2 [Documentation] Add a vBridge vBridge2 in vtn Tenant1 Add a vBridge Tenant1 vBridge2 {} Add a interface If3 [Documentation] Add a interface if3 into vBridge vBrdige2 Add a interface Tenant1 vBridge2 if3 {} Add a interface if4 [Documentation] Add a interface if4 into vBridge vBrdige2 Add a interface Tenant1 vBridge2 if4 {} Add a portmap for interface if3 [Documentation] Create a portmap on Interface if3 of vBridge2 ${node} Create Dictionary type OF id 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02 ${port} Create Dictionary name s2-eth2 ${portmap_data} Create Dictionary node ${node} port ${port} Add a portmap Tenant1 vBridge2 if3 ${portmap_data} Add a portmap for interface if4 [Documentation] Create a portmap on Interface if4 of vBridge2 ${node} Create Dictionary type OF id 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03 ${port} Create Dictionary name s3-eth2 ${portmap_data} Create Dictionary node ${node} port ${port} Add a portmap Tenant1 vBridge2 if4 ${portmap_data} Ping h1 to h3 [Documentation] Ping h1 to h3, verify no packet loss Write h1 ping -w 10 h3 ${result} Read Until mininet> Should Contain ${result} 64 bytes Ping h2 to h4 [Documentation] Ping h2 to h4, verify no packet loss Write h2 ping -w 10 h4 ${result} Read Until mininet> Should Contain ${result} 64 bytes Delete a vtn Tenant1 [Documentation] Delete a vtn Tenant1 Delete a vtn Tenant1 *** Keywords *** Add a vtn [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vtn_data} [Documentation] Create a vtn with specified parameters. ${resp} Post session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name} data=${vtn_data} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201 Delete a vtn [Arguments] ${vtn_name} [Documentation] Create a vtn with specified parameters. ${resp} Delete session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Add a vBridge [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${vBridge_data} [Documentation] Create a vBridge in a VTN ${resp} Post session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name}/vbridges/${vBridge_name} data=${vBridge_data} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201 Add a interface [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${interface_name} ${interface_data} [Documentation] Create a interface into a vBridge of a VTN ${resp} Post session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name}/vbridges/${vBridge_name}/interfaces/${interface_name} data=${interface_data} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201 Add a portmap [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${interface_name} ${portmap_data} [Documentation] Create a portmap for a interface of a vbridge ${resp} Put session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name}/vbridges/${vBridge_name}/interfaces/${interface_name}/portmap data=${portmap_data} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200