*** Settings *** Documentation Test suite for the switch manager bundle. Suite Setup Create Session ${ODL_CONTROLLER_SESSION} ${PREFIX} auth=${AUTH} Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions Library Collections Library RequestsLibrary Library ../../libraries/Common.py Library ../../libraries/SwitchManager.py Variables ../../variables/Variables.py Library ../../libraries/Topology.py *** Variables *** ${REST_CONTEXT} /controller/nb/v2/switchmanager *** Test Cases *** List all nodes [Documentation] List all nodes and their properties in the network. [Tags] list_info ${URL} Combine Strings ${REST_CONTEXT} / ${CONTAINER} /nodes Log ${topo_tree_level} ${topo_nodes} Get Nodes From Topology ${TOPO_TREE_LEVEL} ${resp} Get ${ODL_CONTROLLER_SESSION} ${URL} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200 Response status code error ${jsondata}= To JSON ${resp.content} ${nodes} Extract All Nodes ${jsondata} Collection Should Contain ${nodes} ${topo_nodes}