#!/usr/bin/python __author__ = "Jan Medved" __copyright__ = "Copyright(c) 2014, Cisco Systems, Inc." __license__ = "New-style BSD" __email__ = "jmedved@cisco.com" import argparse import time from flow_config_blaster import FlowConfigBlaster, get_json_from_file from inventory_crawler import InventoryCrawler from config_cleanup import cleanup_config_odl def wait_for_stats(crawler, exp_found, timeout, delay): total_delay = 0 print 'Waiting for stats to catch up:' while True: crawler.crawl_inventory() print ' %d, %d' % (crawler.reported_flows, crawler.found_flows) if crawler.found_flows == exp_found or total_delay > timeout: break total_delay += delay time.sleep(delay) if total_delay < timeout: print 'Stats collected in %d seconds.' % total_delay else: print 'Stats collection did not finish in %d seconds. Aborting...' % total_delay if __name__ == "__main__": JSON_FLOW_MOD1 = '''{ "flow-node-inventory:flow": [ { "flow-node-inventory:cookie": %d, "flow-node-inventory:cookie_mask": 4294967295, "flow-node-inventory:flow-name": "%s", "flow-node-inventory:hard-timeout": %d, "flow-node-inventory:id": "%s", "flow-node-inventory:idle-timeout": %d, "flow-node-inventory:installHw": false, "flow-node-inventory:instructions": { "flow-node-inventory:instruction": [ { "flow-node-inventory:apply-actions": { "flow-node-inventory:action": [ { "flow-node-inventory:drop-action": {}, "flow-node-inventory:order": 0 } ] }, "flow-node-inventory:order": 0 } ] }, "flow-node-inventory:match": { "flow-node-inventory:ipv4-destination": "%s/32", "flow-node-inventory:ethernet-match": { "flow-node-inventory:ethernet-type": { "flow-node-inventory:type": 2048 } } }, "flow-node-inventory:priority": 2, "flow-node-inventory:strict": false, "flow-node-inventory:table_id": 0 } ] }''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Flow programming performance test: First adds and then deletes flows ' 'into the config tree, as specified by optional parameters.') parser.add_argument('--host', default='', help='Host where odl controller is running (default is') parser.add_argument('--port', default='8181', help='Port on which odl\'s RESTCONF is listening (default is 8181)') parser.add_argument('--cycles', type=int, default=1, help='Number of flow add/delete cycles; default 1. Both Flow Adds and Flow Deletes are ' 'performed in cycles. worker threads are started in each cycle and the cycle ' 'ends when all threads finish. Another cycle is started when the previous cycle finished.') parser.add_argument('--threads', type=int, default=1, help='Number of request worker threads to start in each cycle; default=1. ' 'Each thread will add/delete flows.') parser.add_argument('--flows', type=int, default=10, help='Number of flows that will be added/deleted by each worker thread in each cycle; ' 'default 10') parser.add_argument('--nodes', type=int, default=16, help='Number of nodes if mininet is not connected; default=16. If mininet is connected, ' 'flows will be evenly distributed (programmed) into connected nodes.') parser.add_argument('--delay', type=int, default=2, help='Time (seconds) to between inventory polls when waiting for stats to catch up; default=1') parser.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, default=100, help='The maximum time (seconds) to wait between the add and delete cycles; default=100') parser.add_argument('--delete', dest='delete', action='store_true', default=True, help='Delete all added flows one by one, benchmark delete ' 'performance.') parser.add_argument('--bulk-delete', dest='bulk_delete', action='store_true', default=False, help='Delete all flows in bulk; default=False') parser.add_argument('--auth', dest='auth', action='store_true', help="Use authenticated access to REST (username: 'admin', password: 'admin'); default=False") parser.add_argument('--startflow', type=int, default=0, help='The starting Flow ID; default=0') parser.add_argument('--file', default='', help='File from which to read the JSON flow template; default: no file, use a built in ' 'template.') in_args = parser.parse_args() # Initialize if in_args.file != '': flow_template = get_json_from_file(in_args.file) else: flow_template = JSON_FLOW_MOD1 ic = InventoryCrawler(in_args.host, in_args.port, 0, 'operational', in_args.auth, False) fct = FlowConfigBlaster(in_args.host, in_args.port, in_args.cycles, in_args.threads, in_args.nodes, in_args.flows, in_args.startflow, in_args.auth, flow_template) # Get baseline stats ic.crawl_inventory() reported = ic.reported_flows found = ic.found_flows print 'Baseline:' print ' Reported nodes: %d' % reported print ' Found nodes: %d' % found # Run through , where are started in each cycle and are added from each thread fct.add_blaster() print '\n*** Total flows added: %s' % fct.get_total_flows() print ' HTTP[OK] results: %d\n' % fct.get_ok_flows() # Wait for stats to catch up wait_for_stats(ic, found + fct.get_ok_flows(), in_args.timeout, in_args.delay) # Run through , where are started in each cycle and previously added in an add cycle are # deleted in each thread if in_args.bulk_delete: print '\nDeleting all flows in bulk:' sts = cleanup_config_odl(in_args.host, in_args.port, in_args.auth) if sts != 200: print ' Failed to delete flows, code %d' % sts else: print ' All flows deleted.' else: print '\nDeleting flows one by one\n ', fct.delete_blaster() # Wait for stats to catch up wait_for_stats(ic, found, in_args.timeout, in_args.delay)