''' Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html Created on May 11, 2014 @author: Vaclav Demcak ''' import xml.dom.minidom as md from xml.dom.minidom import Element import requests from openvswitch.parser_tools import ParseTools from tools.crud_test_with_param_superclass import OF_CRUD_Test_Base from tools.xml_parser_tools import XMLtoDictParserTools METER_ID_TAG_NAME = 'meter-id' # TODO : find why band-burst-size has same value as dscp-remark (same for band-rate) IGNORED_TAGS_FOR_OPERATIONAL_COMPARISON = [ 'meter-name', 'container-name', 'band-burst-size', 'band-rate', 'flags', 'perc_level', 'barrier'] METER_TAGS_FOR_UPDATE = ['band-burst-size', 'band-rate'] class OF_CRUD_Test_Meters(OF_CRUD_Test_Base): def setUp(self): super(OF_CRUD_Test_Meters, self).setUp() # ----- PUT ----- ids = ParseTools.get_values(self.xml_input_DOM, METER_ID_TAG_NAME) data = (self.host, self.port, ids[METER_ID_TAG_NAME]) self.conf_url = 'http://%s:%d/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes' \ '/node/openflow:1/meter/%s' % data self.oper_url = 'http://%s:%d/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes' \ '/node/openflow:1/meter/%s' % data # ----- POST ----- data = (self.host, self.port) self.conf_url_post = 'http://%s:%d/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes' \ '/node/openflow:1/' % data # ----- SAL SERVICE OPERATIONS ----- self.oper_url_add = 'http://%s:%d/restconf/operations/sal-meter:add-meter' % data self.oper_url_upd = 'http://%s:%d/restconf/operations/sal-meter:update-meter' % data self.oper_url_del = 'http://%s:%d/restconf/operations/sal-meter:remove-meter' % data # Modify input data self.data_from_file_input = '' for node in self.xml_input_DOM.documentElement.childNodes: self.data_from_file_input += node.toxml(encoding='utf-8') # The xml body without data - data come from file (all meter subtags) self.oper_input_stream = '\n' \ '\n' \ ' %s' \ ' ' \ '/inv:nodes/inv:node[inv:id="openflow:1"]\n' \ '' % self.data_from_file_input def tearDown(self): # cleaning configuration DataStore without a response validation self.log.info(self._paint_msg_cyan('Uncontrolled cleaning after meter test')) requests.delete(self.conf_url, auth=self._get_auth(), headers=self._get_xml_result_header()) # cleaning device without a response validation requests.post(self.oper_url_del, data=self.oper_input_stream, auth=self._get_auth(), headers=self._get_xml_request_result_header()) super(OF_CRUD_Test_Meters, self).tearDown() def test_conf_PUT(self): self.log.info("--- Meter conf. PUT test ---") # -------------- CREATE ------------------- self.log.info(self._paint_msg_yellow(" CREATE Meter by PUT REST")) # send request via RESTCONF self.put_REST_XML_conf_request(self.conf_url, self.xml_input_stream) # check request content against restconf's config datastore response = self.get_REST_XML_response(self.conf_url) xml_resp_stream = (response.text).encode('utf-8', 'ignore') xml_resp_DOM = md.parseString(xml_resp_stream) self.assertDataDOM(self.xml_input_DOM, xml_resp_DOM) # check request content against restconf's operational datastore response = self.get_REST_XML_response(self.oper_url) self.__validate_contain_meter(response, self.xml_input_DOM) # -------------- UPDATE ------------------- self.log.info(self._paint_msg_yellow(" UPDATE Meter by PUT REST")) xml_updated_stream = self.__update_meter_input() self.put_REST_XML_conf_request(self.conf_url, xml_updated_stream) # check request content against restconf's config datastore response = self.get_REST_XML_response(self.conf_url) xml_resp_stream = (response.text).encode('utf-8', 'ignore') xml_resp_DOM = md.parseString(xml_resp_stream) xml_upd_DOM = md.parseString(xml_updated_stream) self.assertDataDOM(xml_upd_DOM, xml_resp_DOM) # check request content against restconf's operational datastore response = self.get_REST_XML_response(self.oper_url) self.__validate_contain_meter(response, xml_upd_DOM) # -------------- DELETE ------------------- self.log.info(self._paint_msg_yellow(" DELETE Meter by DELETE REST ")) # Delte data from config DataStore response = self.delete_REST_XML_response(self.conf_url) # Data has been deleted, so we expect the 404 response code response = self.get_REST_XML_deleted_response(self.conf_url) # Meter operational data has a specific content # and the comparable data has to be filtered before comparison response = self.get_REST_XML_response(self.oper_url) self.__validate_contain_meter(response, self.xml_input_DOM, False) def test_conf_POST(self): self.log.info("--- Meter conf. POST test ---") # -------------- CREATE ------------------- self.log.info(self._paint_msg_yellow(" CREATE Meter by POST REST")) # send request via RESTCONF self.post_REST_XML_request(self.conf_url_post, self.xml_input_stream) # check request content against restconf's config datastore response = self.get_REST_XML_response(self.conf_url) xml_resp_stream = (response.text).encode('utf-8', 'ignore') xml_resp_DOM = md.parseString(xml_resp_stream) self.assertDataDOM(self.xml_input_DOM, xml_resp_DOM) # check request content against restconf's operational datastore response = self.get_REST_XML_response(self.oper_url) self.__validate_contain_meter(response, self.xml_input_DOM) # test error for double create (POST could create data only) self.log.info(self._paint_msg_yellow(" UPDATE Meter by POST REST")) response = self.post_REST_XML_repeat_request(self.conf_url_post, self.xml_input_stream) # -------------- DELETE ------------------- self.log.info(self._paint_msg_yellow(" DELETE Meter by DELETE REST")) # Delte data from config DataStore response = self.delete_REST_XML_response(self.conf_url) # Data has been deleted, so we expect the 404 response code response = self.get_REST_XML_deleted_response(self.conf_url) # Meter operational data has a specific content # and the comparable data has to be filtered before comparison response = self.get_REST_XML_response(self.oper_url) self.__validate_contain_meter(response, self.xml_input_DOM, False) # sal-meter services def test_operations_POST(self): self.log.info("--- Meter operations sal-service test ---") # -------------- CREATE ------------------- self.log.info(self._paint_msg_yellow(" CREATE Meter by add-sal-service")) # send request via RESTCONF self.post_REST_XML_request(self.oper_url_add, self.oper_input_stream) # TODO : check no empty transaction_id from post add_service # check request content against restconf's config datastore # operation service don't change anything in a Config. Data Store # so we expect 404 response code (same as a check after delete self.get_REST_XML_deleted_response(self.conf_url) # check request content against restconf's operational datastore # operational Data Store has to present new meter response = self.get_REST_XML_response(self.oper_url) self.__validate_contain_meter(response, self.xml_input_DOM) # -------------- UPDATE ------------------- self.log.info(self._paint_msg_yellow(" UPDATE Meter by update-sal-service")) xml_updated_stream = self.__update_meter_input() xml_updated_DOM = md.parseString(xml_updated_stream) data_from_updated_stream = '' for node in xml_updated_DOM.documentElement.childNodes: data_from_updated_stream += node.toxml(encoding='utf-8') # The xml body without data - data come from file (all meters's subtags) oper_update_stream = '\n' \ '\n' \ ' \n' \ ' %s' \ ' \n' \ ' \n' \ ' %s' \ ' \n' \ ' ' \ '/inv:nodes/inv:node[inv:id="openflow:1"]\n' \ '' % (self.data_from_file_input, data_from_updated_stream) self.post_REST_XML_request(self.oper_url_upd, oper_update_stream) # TODO : check no empty transaction_id from post add_service # check request content against restconf's config datastore # operation service don't change anything in a Config. Data Store # so we expect 404 response code (same as a check after delete self.get_REST_XML_deleted_response(self.conf_url) # check request content against restconf's operational datastore # operational Data Store has to present updated meter response = self.get_REST_XML_response(self.oper_url) self.__validate_contain_meter(response, xml_updated_DOM) # -------------- DELETE ------------------- self.log.info(self._paint_msg_yellow(" DELETE Meter by remove-sal-service")) # Delte data from config DataStore response = self.post_REST_XML_request(self.oper_url_del, self.oper_input_stream) # Data never been added, so we expect the 404 response code response = self.get_REST_XML_deleted_response(self.conf_url) # Meter operational data has a specific content # and the comparable data has to be filtered before comparison response = self.get_REST_XML_response(self.oper_url) self.__validate_contain_meter(response, self.xml_input_DOM, False) # --------------- HELP METHODS --------------- def __validate_contain_meter(self, oper_resp, orig_DOM, exp_contain=True): xml_resp_stream = (oper_resp.text).encode('utf-8', 'ignore') xml_resp_DOM = md.parseString(xml_resp_stream) nodeListOperMeters = xml_resp_DOM.getElementsByTagName('meter-config-stats') if nodeListOperMeters.length > 1: raise AssertionError('\n !!! Operational Data Store has more \'meter-config-stats\' tags as one \n') origDict = XMLtoDictParserTools.parseDOM_ToDict( orig_DOM._get_documentElement(), ignoreList=IGNORED_TAGS_FOR_OPERATIONAL_COMPARISON) origDict['meter-config-stats'] = origDict.pop('meter') nodeDict = {} for node in nodeListOperMeters: nodeDict = XMLtoDictParserTools.parseDOM_ToDict( node, ignoreList=IGNORED_TAGS_FOR_OPERATIONAL_COMPARISON) if exp_contain: if nodeDict != origDict: err_msg = '\n !!! Loaded operation statistics doesn\'t contain expected meter \n' \ ' expected: %s\n found: %s\n differences: %s\n' \ '' % (origDict, nodeDict, XMLtoDictParserTools.getDifferenceDict(origDict, nodeDict)) self.log.error(self._paint_msg_red(err_msg)) raise AssertionError(err_msg) else: if nodeDict == origDict: err_msg = '\n !!! Loaded operation statistics contains expected meter \n' \ ' found: %s\n ' % (nodeDict) self.log.error(self._paint_msg_red(err_msg)) raise AssertionError(err_msg) def __update_meter_input(self): # action only for yet xml_dom_input = md.parseString(self.xml_input_stream) for tag_name in METER_TAGS_FOR_UPDATE: tag_list = xml_dom_input.getElementsByTagName(tag_name) if tag_list is not None and len(tag_list) > 0: tag_elm = tag_list[0] for child in tag_elm.childNodes: if child.nodeType == Element.TEXT_NODE: nodeValue = (child.nodeValue).encode('utf-8', 'ignore') if len(nodeValue.strip(' \t\n\r')) > 0: newValue = self.returnReverseInputTest(nodeValue) newTagEl = child.ownerDocument.createTextNode(newValue) self.log.info(self._paint_msg_cyan( 'Meter change for %s from %s to %s' % (tag_name, nodeValue, newValue))) child.parentNode.replaceChild(newTagEl, child) return xml_dom_input.toxml(encoding='utf-8')