import requests import logging import time import xml.dom.minidom as md import threading from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from openvswitch.parser_tools import ParseTools TO_GET = 30 TO_PUT = 10 TO_DEL = 30 WAIT_TIME = 15 OPERATIONAL_DELAY = 11 FLOWS_PER_SECOND = 5 FLOW_ID_TEMPLATE = 'FLOW_ID_TEMPLATE' COOKIE_TEMPLATE = 'COOKIE_TEMPLATE' HARD_TO_TEMPLATE = 'HARD_TO_TEMPLATE' FLOW_NAME_TEMPLATE = 'FLOW_NAME_TEMPLATE' IPV4DST_TEMPLATE = 'IPV4DST_TEMPLATE' PRIORITY_TEMPLATE = 'PRIORITY_TEMPLATE' xml_template = '' \ '' \ 'false' \ '00' \ '2' \ ''+FLOW_ID_TEMPLATE+'255false' \ '2048' \ ''+IPV4DST_TEMPLATE+''+HARD_TO_TEMPLATE+'' \ 'FlowModFlags [_cHECKOVERLAP=false, _rESETCOUNTS=false, _nOPKTCOUNTS=false, _nOBYTCOUNTS=false, _sENDFLOWREM=false]' \ ''+COOKIE_TEMPLATE+'34000'+FLOW_NAME_TEMPLATE+''+PRIORITY_TEMPLATE+'' \ 'false' class MapNames(): TEST = 'TEST' DUMMY = 'DUMMY' loglevels = { 'debug' : logging.DEBUG, 'info' : logging.INFO, 'warning' : logging.WARNING, 'error' : logging.ERROR } class FlowAdderThread(threading.Thread): """ Thread to remove flows from TestClassAdd TestClassAdd should implement methods inc_flow(value, key) and inc_error() """ def __init__(self, test_class, thread_id, host, port, net, flows_ids_from=0, flows_ids_to=1): """ test_class: should be type of TestClassAdd thread_id: id of thread host: controller's ip address port: controller's port net: mininet instance flows_ids_from: minimum id of flow to be added (including) flows_ids_to: maximum id of flow to be added (excluding) """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.thread_id = thread_id self.flows = 0 self.errors = 0 self.flows_ids_from = flows_ids_from self.flows_ids_to = flows_ids_to self.test_class = test_class = net = host self.port = port self.flows = 0 self.errors = 0 self.log = logging.getLogger('FlowAdderThread: ' + str(thread_id)) self.log.propagate = False = logging.StreamHandler() self.log.addHandler( formatter = logging.Formatter('THREAD A{0}: %(levelname)s: %(message)s'.format(self.thread_id))'created new FlowAdderThread->id:{0}, flows id: {1} -> {2}'.format(self.thread_id, self.flows_ids_from, self.flows_ids_to)) def make_cookie_marker(self, input, number=0): return '0x' + "{0:x}".format(int(''.join("{0:x}".format(ord(c)) for c in (input)), 16) + number) def make_ipv4_address(self, number, octet_count=4, octet_size=255): mask = 24 ip = ['10', '0', '0', '0'] if number < (255**3): for o in range(1, octet_count): ip[octet_count - 1 - o] = str(number % octet_size) number = number / octet_size #mask -= 8 if number == 0: break return '.'.join(ip) + '/{0}'.format(mask) def __add_flows(self, act_flow_id): cookie_id = None try: self.log.debug('adding flow id: {0}'.format(act_flow_id)) cookie_id = self.make_cookie_marker('stress', act_flow_id) xml_string = str(xml_template).replace(FLOW_ID_TEMPLATE, str(act_flow_id))\ .replace(COOKIE_TEMPLATE, str(int(cookie_id, 16)))\ .replace(HARD_TO_TEMPLATE, '1200').replace(FLOW_NAME_TEMPLATE,'FooXf{0}'.format(act_flow_id))\ .replace(IPV4DST_TEMPLATE,self.make_ipv4_address(act_flow_id)).replace(PRIORITY_TEMPLATE,str(act_flow_id))'loaded xml: {0}'.format(''.join(xml_string.split()))) tree = md.parseString(xml_string) ids = ParseTools.get_values(tree.documentElement, 'table_id', 'id') data = (, self.port, ids['table_id'], ids['id']) url = 'http://%s:%d/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes' \ '/node/openflow:1/table/%s/flow/%s' % data # send request via RESTCONF headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/xml', 'Accept': 'application/xml', } self.log.debug('sending request to url: {0}'.format(url)) rsp = requests.put(url, auth=('admin', 'admin'), data=xml_string, headers=headers, timeout=TO_PUT) self.log.debug('received status code: {0}'.format(rsp.status_code)) self.log.debug('received content: {0}'.format(rsp.text)) assert rsp.status_code == 204 or rsp.status_code == 200, 'Status' \ ' code returned %d' % rsp.status_code # we expect that controller doesn't fail to store flow on switch self.test_class.inc_flow(flow_id=act_flow_id, cookie_id=cookie_id) self.flows += 1 except Exception as e: self.log.error('Error storing flow id:{0}, cookie-id:{1}, reason: {2}'.format(act_flow_id, cookie_id, str(e))) self.test_class.inc_error() self.errors += 1 def run(self): self.flows, self.errors = 0, 0'adding flows {0} to {1}'.format(self.flows_ids_from, self.flows_ids_to)) for i in range(self.flows_ids_from, self.flows_ids_to): self.__add_flows(i)'finished, added {0} flows, {1} errors'.format(self.flows,self.errors)) class FlowRemoverThread(threading.Thread): """ Thread to remove flows from TestClassDelete TestClassDelete should implement method delete_flows_from_map(value, key) """ def __init__(self, test_class, thread_id, host, port, net, flows_to_delete=[]): """ test_class: should be type of TestClassDelete thread_id: id of thread host: controller's ip address port: controller's port net: mininet instance flows_to_delete: dictionary of flows to delete with items to match method delete_flows_from_map(value, key) """ threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.thread_id = thread_id self.flows_to_delete = flows_to_delete self.test_class = test_class self.removed = 0 self.errors = 0 = net = host self.port = port self.log = logging.getLogger('FlowRemoverThread: ' + str(thread_id)) self.log.propagate = False = logging.StreamHandler() self.log.addHandler( formatter = logging.Formatter('THREAD R{0}: %(levelname)s: %(message)s'.format(self.thread_id))'created new FlowRemoverThread->id:{0}'.format(self.thread_id)) def __remove_flows(self, act_flow_id, cookie_id): headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml', 'Accept': 'application/xml'} url = 'http://%s:%d/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes' \ '/node/openflow:1/table/2/flow/%s' % (, self.port, act_flow_id) try: response = requests.delete(url, auth=('admin','admin'), headers=headers, timeout=TO_DEL) self.log.debug('deletion flow: {0} from controller: response: {1}'.format(act_flow_id, response.status_code)) assert response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 204, 'Delete response should be 200 or 204 is {0}'.format(response.status_code) self.test_class.delete_flow_from_map(act_flow_id, cookie_id) self.removed += 1 except Exception as e: self.log.error('Error deleting flow:{0}, reason: {1}'.format(act_flow_id, str(e))) self.errors += 1 except requests.exceptions.Timeout as te: self.log.error('Error deleting flow: {0}, timeout reached: {1}'.format(act_flow_id, str(te))) self.errors += 1 def run(self): self.log.debug('started removing flows') for flow_ids in set(self.flows_to_delete): self.__remove_flows(flow_ids[1], flow_ids[0])'finished removing {0} flows, {1} errors'.format(self.removed, self.errors))