''' Created on Jan 24, 2014 @author: vdemcak ''' import re import logging import mininet.topo import mininet.net import mininet.util from mininet.node import RemoteController from mininet.node import OVSKernelSwitch class MininetTools(): """ Tool class provides static method for Open_vswitch mininet out of box controls """ @staticmethod def create_network(controller_ip, controller_port): """Create topology and mininet network.""" topo = mininet.topo.Topo() topo.addSwitch('s1') topo.addHost('h1') topo.addHost('h2') topo.addLink('h1', 's1') topo.addLink('h2', 's1') switch=mininet.util.customConstructor( {'ovsk':OVSKernelSwitch}, 'ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13') controller=mininet.util.customConstructor( {'remote': RemoteController}, 'remote,ip=%s,port=%s' % (controller_ip,controller_port)) net = mininet.net.Mininet(topo=topo, switch=switch, controller=controller) return net @staticmethod def __mininet_parse_response(resp_str='', x_dict={}, ikwd={}): for elm in re.split('\s', resp_str.strip()) : elm_prop = re.split('=',elm,1) a_key = (elm_prop[0]).strip() if (ikwd.get(a_key, None) is None) : a_value = '' if (len(elm_prop) > 1): if len(elm_prop[1].split('=')) > 1 : new_dict={} MininetTools.__mininet_parse_response(elm_prop[1],new_dict,ikwd) a_value = new_dict else : a_value = elm_prop[1] a_value = a_value.strip() if isinstance(a_value,str) else (str(a_value)).strip() x_dict[a_key] = a_value @staticmethod def get_dict_of_flows(net, ikwd={}): """Get list of flows from network's first switch. Return list of all flows on switch, sorted by duration (newest first) One flow is a dictionary with all flow's attribute:value pairs. Matches are stored under 'matches' key as another dictionary. Example: { 'actions': 'drop', 'cookie': '0xa,', 'duration': '3.434s,', 'hard_timeout': '12,', 'idle_timeout': '34,', 'matches': { 'ip': None, 'nw_dst': '' }, 'n_bytes': '0,', 'n_packets': '0,', 'priority': '2', 'table': '1,' } """ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # dictionary for return flows = {} # flow command prompt output output = MininetTools.get_flows_string(net) # prepare cmd for parsing to dictionary output = output.replace(',',' ') ; output = output.replace(' ',' ') # action has to be parsed in different way if (len(re.split('actions=', output, 1)) > 0) : action_str = re.split('actions=',output,1)[1] action_dict = {} MininetTools.__mininet_parse_response(action_str, action_dict, ikwd) flows['actions'] = str(action_dict) else : flows['actions'] = '' # remove actions from string (always last) and parse everything else output= re.split('actions=',output,1)[0] MininetTools.__mininet_parse_response(output, flows, ikwd) return flows @staticmethod def get_flows_string(net=None): """ Return flows from switch in string format same as by a call 'ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows sx' """ if net is None: return [] switch = net.switches[0] output = switch.cmdPrint( 'ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows %s' % switch.name) return output.splitlines()[1:]