## required steps on a brand new debian 12 system # apt-get install git sudo # adduser opnfv # adduser opnfv sudo # su - opnfv git clone https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/transportpce cd transportpce/tests/Xtesting sudo apt-get install virtualenv virtualenv xtesting -p python3 --system-site-packages . xtesting/bin/activate pip install ansible ansible-galaxy install collivier.xtesting ## Until https://github.com/collivier/ansible-role-xtesting/pull/19 is fixed, the following command ## or any equivalent must be performed so that the playbook correctly performs Jenkins configuration ## sed -i_ 's/port\:{/port: {/' ~/.ansible/roles/collivier.xtesting/templates/run.yaml.j2 ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix community.general community.grafana community.kubernetes community.docker community.postgresql ansible-playbook site.yml deactivate sudo docker build -t . sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2 sudo docker push