package org.openflow.codec.protocol; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import org.openflow.codec.protocol.factory.OFPInstructionFactory; import org.openflow.codec.protocol.factory.OFPInstructionFactoryAware; import org.openflow.codec.protocol.instruction.OFPInstruction; import org.openflow.codec.util.U16; /** * Represents an ofp_flow_mod message * * @author David Erickson ( * */ public class OFPFlowMod extends OFPMessage implements OFPInstructionFactoryAware, Cloneable { public static int MINIMUM_LENGTH = 56; public static int MIN_LENGTH_WITHOUT_MATCH = MINIMUM_LENGTH - 8; public static final short OFPFC_ADD = 0; /* New flow. */ public static final short OFPFC_MODIFY = 1; /* Modify all matching flows. */ public static final short OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT = 2; /* * Modify entry strictly * matching wildcards */ public static final short OFPFC_DELETE = 3; /* Delete all matching flows. */ public static final short OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT = 4; /* * Strictly match * wildcards and * priority. */ private OFPInstructionFactory instructionFactory; private long cookie; private long cookieMask; private byte tableId; private OFPFlowModCommand command; private short idleTimeout; private short hardTimeout; private short priority; private int bufferId; private int outPort; private int outGroup; private short flags; private OFPMatch match; private List instructions; public OFPFlowMod() { super(); this.type = OFPType.FLOW_MOD; this.length = U16.t(MINIMUM_LENGTH); } /** * Get buffer_id * * @return */ public int getBufferId() { return this.bufferId; } /** * Set buffer_id * * @param bufferId */ public OFPFlowMod setBufferId(int bufferId) { this.bufferId = bufferId; return this; } /** * Get cookie * * @return */ public long getCookie() { return this.cookie; } /** * Set cookie * * @param cookie */ public OFPFlowMod setCookie(long cookie) { this.cookie = cookie; return this; } public long getCookieMask() { return cookieMask; } public void setCookieMask(long cookieMask) { this.cookieMask = cookieMask; } public byte getTableId() { return tableId; } public void setTableId(byte tableId) { this.tableId = tableId; } /** * Get command * * @return */ public OFPFlowModCommand getCommand() { return this.command; } /** * Set command * * @param command */ public OFPFlowMod setCommand(OFPFlowModCommand command) { this.command = command; return this; } /** * Get flags * * @return */ public short getFlags() { return this.flags; } /** * Set flags * * @param flags */ public OFPFlowMod setFlags(short flags) { this.flags = flags; return this; } /** * Get hard_timeout * * @return */ public short getHardTimeout() { return this.hardTimeout; } /** * Set hard_timeout * * @param hardTimeout */ public OFPFlowMod setHardTimeout(short hardTimeout) { this.hardTimeout = hardTimeout; return this; } /** * Get idle_timeout * * @return */ public short getIdleTimeout() { return this.idleTimeout; } /** * Set idle_timeout * * @param idleTimeout */ public OFPFlowMod setIdleTimeout(short idleTimeout) { this.idleTimeout = idleTimeout; return this; } /** * Gets a copy of the OFPMatch object for this FlowMod, changes to this * object do not modify the FlowMod * * @return */ public OFPMatch getMatch() { return this.match; } /** * Set match * * @param match */ public OFPFlowMod setMatch(OFPMatch match) { this.match = match; return this; } /** * Get out_port * * @return */ public int getOutPort() { return this.outPort; } /** * Set out_port * * @param outPort */ public OFPFlowMod setOutPort(int outPort) { this.outPort = outPort; return this; } /** * Set out_port * * @param port */ public OFPFlowMod setOutPort(OFPPortNo port) { this.outPort = port.getValue(); return this; } public int getOutGroup() { return outGroup; } public void setOutGroup(int outGroup) { this.outGroup = outGroup; } /** * Get priority * * @return */ public short getPriority() { return this.priority; } /** * Set priority * * @param priority */ public OFPFlowMod setPriority(short priority) { this.priority = priority; return this; } /** * Returns instructions contained in this Flow Mod * * @return a list of ordered OFPInstruction objects */ public List getInstructions() { return this.instructions; } /** * Sets the list of instruction this Flow Mod contains * * @param instruction * a list of ordered OFPInstruction objects */ public OFPFlowMod setInstructions(List instructions) { this.instructions = instructions; return this; } @Override public void readFrom(IDataBuffer data) { super.readFrom(data); this.cookie = data.getLong(); this.cookieMask = data.getLong(); this.tableId = data.get(); this.command = OFPFlowModCommand.valueOf(data.get()); this.idleTimeout = data.getShort(); this.hardTimeout = data.getShort(); this.priority = data.getShort(); this.bufferId = data.getInt(); this.outPort = data.getInt(); this.outGroup = data.getInt(); this.flags = data.getShort(); data.getShort(); // pad if (this.match == null) this.match = new OFPMatch(); this.match.readFrom(data); if (this.instructionFactory == null) throw new RuntimeException("OFPInstructionFactory is not set"); int instructionLength = getLengthU() - MIN_LENGTH_WITHOUT_MATCH - match.getLengthWithPadding(); this.instructions = this.instructionFactory.parseInstructions(data, instructionLength); } @Override public void writeTo(IDataBuffer data) { length = getLength(); super.writeTo(data); data.putLong(cookie); data.putLong(cookieMask); data.put(tableId); data.put(command.getValue()); data.putShort(idleTimeout); data.putShort(hardTimeout); data.putShort(priority); data.putInt(bufferId); data.putInt(outPort); data.putInt(outGroup); data.putShort(flags); data.putShort((short) 0); this.match.writeTo(data); if (instructions != null) { for (OFPInstruction instr : instructions) { instr.writeTo(data); } } } /** * get length based on match and instruction length */ public short getLength() { int totalLength = MIN_LENGTH_WITHOUT_MATCH; totalLength += this.match.getLengthWithPadding(); if (instructions != null) { for (OFPInstruction instr : instructions) { totalLength += instr.getLength(); } } length = U16.t(totalLength); return length; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 227; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((instructions == null) ? 0 : instructions.hashCode()); result = prime * result + bufferId; result = prime * result + command.getValue(); result = prime * result + (int) (cookie ^ (cookie >>> 32)); result = prime * result + (int) (cookieMask ^ (cookieMask >>> 32)); result = prime * result + tableId; result = prime * result + flags; result = prime * result + hardTimeout; result = prime * result + idleTimeout; result = prime * result + ((match == null) ? 0 : match.hashCode()); result = prime * result + outPort; result = prime * result + outGroup; result = prime * result + priority; return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } if (!(obj instanceof OFPFlowMod)) { return false; } OFPFlowMod other = (OFPFlowMod) obj; if (instructions == null) { if (other.instructions != null) { return false; } } else if (!instructions.equals(other.instructions)) { return false; } if (bufferId != other.bufferId) { return false; } if (command != other.command) { return false; } if (cookie != other.cookie) { return false; } if (cookieMask != other.cookieMask) { return false; } if (tableId != other.tableId) { return false; } if (flags != other.flags) { return false; } if (hardTimeout != other.hardTimeout) { return false; } if (idleTimeout != other.idleTimeout) { return false; } if (match == null) { if (other.match != null) { return false; } } else if (!match.equals(other.match)) { return false; } if (outPort != other.outPort) { return false; } if (outGroup != other.outGroup) { return false; } if (priority != other.priority) { return false; } return true; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ @Override public OFPFlowMod clone() { try { OFPMatch neoMatch = match.clone(); OFPFlowMod flowMod = (OFPFlowMod) super.clone(); flowMod.setMatch(neoMatch); List instrList = new LinkedList(); for (OFPInstruction instr : this.instructions) instrList.add((OFPInstruction) instr.clone()); flowMod.setInstructions(instrList); return flowMod; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // Won't happen throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return "OFPFlowMod [instructionFactory=" + instructionFactory + ", instructions=" + instructions + ", bufferId=" + bufferId + ", command=" + command + ", cookie=" + cookie + ", cookieMask=" + cookieMask + ", tableId=" + tableId + ", flags=" + flags + ", hardTimeout=" + hardTimeout + ", idleTimeout=" + idleTimeout + ", match=" + match + ", outPort=" + outPort + ", outGroup=" + outGroup + ", priority=" + priority + ", length=" + length + ", type=" + type + ", version=" + version + ", xid=" + xid + "]"; } @Override public void setInstructionFactory(OFPInstructionFactory instructionFactory) { this.instructionFactory = instructionFactory; } }