package org.openflow.protocol.factory; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.openflow.protocol.OFMessage; import org.openflow.protocol.OFType; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFAction; import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFActionType; import org.openflow.protocol.queue.OFQueueProperty; import org.openflow.protocol.queue.OFQueuePropertyType; import org.openflow.protocol.statistics.OFStatistics; import org.openflow.protocol.statistics.OFStatisticsType; import org.openflow.protocol.statistics.OFVendorStatistics; /** * A basic OpenFlow factory that supports naive creation of both Messages and * Actions. * * @author David Erickson ( * @author Rob Sherwood ( * */ public class BasicFactory implements OFMessageFactory, OFActionFactory, OFQueuePropertyFactory, OFStatisticsFactory { @Override public OFMessage getMessage(OFType t) { return t.newInstance(); } @Override public List parseMessages(ByteBuffer data) { return parseMessages(data, 0); } @Override public List parseMessages(ByteBuffer data, int limit) { List results = new ArrayList(); OFMessage demux = new OFMessage(); OFMessage ofm; while (limit == 0 || results.size() <= limit) { if (data.remaining() < OFMessage.MINIMUM_LENGTH) return results; data.mark(); demux.readFrom(data); data.reset(); if (demux.getLengthU() > data.remaining()) return results; ofm = getMessage(demux.getType()); if (ofm instanceof OFActionFactoryAware) { ((OFActionFactoryAware)ofm).setActionFactory(this); } if (ofm instanceof OFMessageFactoryAware) { ((OFMessageFactoryAware)ofm).setMessageFactory(this); } if (ofm instanceof OFQueuePropertyFactoryAware) { ((OFQueuePropertyFactoryAware)ofm).setQueuePropertyFactory(this); } if (ofm instanceof OFStatisticsFactoryAware) { ((OFStatisticsFactoryAware)ofm).setStatisticsFactory(this); } ofm.readFrom(data); if (OFMessage.class.equals(ofm.getClass())) { // advance the position for un-implemented messages data.position(data.position()+(ofm.getLengthU() - OFMessage.MINIMUM_LENGTH)); } results.add(ofm); } return results; } @Override public OFAction getAction(OFActionType t) { return t.newInstance(); } @Override public List parseActions(ByteBuffer data, int length) { return parseActions(data, length, 0); } @Override public List parseActions(ByteBuffer data, int length, int limit) { List results = new ArrayList(); OFAction demux = new OFAction(); OFAction ofa; int end = data.position() + length; while (limit == 0 || results.size() <= limit) { if (data.remaining() < OFAction.MINIMUM_LENGTH || (data.position() + OFAction.MINIMUM_LENGTH) > end) return results; data.mark(); demux.readFrom(data); data.reset(); if (demux.getLengthU() > data.remaining() || (data.position() + demux.getLengthU()) > end) return results; ofa = getAction(demux.getType()); ofa.readFrom(data); if (OFAction.class.equals(ofa.getClass())) { // advance the position for un-implemented messages data.position(data.position()+(ofa.getLengthU() - OFAction.MINIMUM_LENGTH)); } results.add(ofa); } return results; } @Override public OFActionFactory getActionFactory() { return this; } @Override public OFStatistics getStatistics(OFType t, OFStatisticsType st) { return st.newInstance(t); } @Override public List parseStatistics(OFType t, OFStatisticsType st, ByteBuffer data, int length) { return parseStatistics(t, st, data, length, 0); } /** * @param t * OFMessage type: should be one of stats_request or stats_reply * @param st * statistics type of this message, e.g., DESC, TABLE * @param data * buffer to read from * @param length * length of statistics * @param limit * number of statistics to grab; 0 == all * * @return list of statistics */ @Override public List parseStatistics(OFType t, OFStatisticsType st, ByteBuffer data, int length, int limit) { List results = new ArrayList(); OFStatistics statistics = getStatistics(t, st); int start = data.position(); int count = 0; while (limit == 0 || results.size() <= limit) { // TODO Create a separate MUX/DEMUX path for vendor stats if (statistics instanceof OFVendorStatistics) ((OFVendorStatistics)statistics).setLength(length); /** * can't use data.remaining() here, b/c there could be other data * buffered past this message */ if ((length - count) >= statistics.getLength()) { if (statistics instanceof OFActionFactoryAware) ((OFActionFactoryAware)statistics).setActionFactory(this); statistics.readFrom(data); results.add(statistics); count += statistics.getLength(); statistics = getStatistics(t, st); } else { if (count < length) { /** * Nasty case: partial/incomplete statistic found even * though we have a full message. Found when NOX sent * agg_stats request with wrong agg statistics length (52 * instead of 56) * * just throw the rest away, or we will break framing */ data.position(start + length); } return results; } } return results; // empty; no statistics at all } @Override public OFQueueProperty getQueueProperty(OFQueuePropertyType t) { return t.newInstance(); } @Override public List parseQueueProperties(ByteBuffer data, int length) { return parseQueueProperties(data, length, 0); } @Override public List parseQueueProperties(ByteBuffer data, int length, int limit) { List results = new ArrayList(); OFQueueProperty demux = new OFQueueProperty(); OFQueueProperty ofqp; int end = data.position() + length; while (limit == 0 || results.size() <= limit) { if (data.remaining() < OFQueueProperty.MINIMUM_LENGTH || (data.position() + OFQueueProperty.MINIMUM_LENGTH) > end) return results; data.mark(); demux.readFrom(data); data.reset(); if (demux.getLengthU() > data.remaining() || (data.position() + demux.getLengthU()) > end) return results; ofqp = getQueueProperty(demux.getType()); ofqp.readFrom(data); if (OFQueueProperty.class.equals(ofqp.getClass())) { // advance the position for un-implemented messages data.position(data.position()+(ofqp.getLengthU() - OFQueueProperty.MINIMUM_LENGTH)); } results.add(ofqp); } return results; } }