/* * (C) Copyright 2016 Pantheon Technologies, s.r.o. and others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.triemap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater; final class CNode extends MainNode { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater CSIZE_UPDATER = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater( CNode.class, "csize"); private static final BasicNode[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new BasicNode[0]; private static final int NO_SIZE = -1; final int bitmap; final BasicNode[] array; final Gen gen; private volatile int csize = NO_SIZE; private CNode(final Gen gen, final int bitmap, final BasicNode... array) { this.bitmap = bitmap; this.array = array; this.gen = gen; } CNode(final Gen gen) { this(gen, 0, EMPTY_ARRAY); } static MainNode dual(final SNode x, final int xhc, final SNode y, final int yhc, final int lev, final Gen gen) { if (lev >= 35) { return new LNode<>(x.k, x.v, y.k, y.v); } final int xidx = (xhc >>> lev) & 0x1f; final int yidx = (yhc >>> lev) & 0x1f; final int bmp = (1 << xidx) | (1 << yidx); if (xidx == yidx) { INode subinode = new INode<>(gen, dual(x, xhc, y, yhc, lev + 5, gen)); return new CNode<>(gen, bmp, subinode); } return xidx < yidx ? new CNode<>(gen, bmp, x, y) : new CNode<>(gen, bmp, y, x); } // this should only be called from within read-only snapshots @Override int cachedSize(final TrieMap ct) { int sz = csize; if (sz == NO_SIZE) { // We have not computed the size yet, do that now sz = computeSize(ct); if (!CSIZE_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, NO_SIZE, sz)) { // We have been pre-empted by some else: read the result sz = csize; } } return sz; } // lends itself towards being parallelizable by choosing // a random starting offset in the array // => if there are concurrent size computations, they start // at different positions, so they are more likely to // to be independent private int computeSize(final TrieMap ct) { int i = 0; int sz = 0; // final int offset = (array.length > 0) ? // // util.Random.nextInt(array.length) /* <-- benchmarks show that // // this causes observable contention */ // scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom.current.nextInt (0, // array.length) // : 0; final int offset = 0; while (i < array.length) { int pos = (i + offset) % array.length; BasicNode elem = array [pos]; if (elem instanceof SNode) { sz += 1; } else if (elem instanceof INode) { sz += ((INode) elem).cachedSize(ct); } i += 1; } return sz; } CNode updatedAt(final int pos, final BasicNode nn, final Gen gen) { int len = array.length; BasicNode[] narr = new BasicNode[len]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, narr, 0, len); narr[pos] = nn; return new CNode<>(gen, bitmap, narr); } CNode removedAt(final int pos, final int flag, final Gen gen) { BasicNode[] arr = array; int len = arr.length; BasicNode[] narr = new BasicNode[len - 1]; System.arraycopy(arr, 0, narr, 0, pos); System.arraycopy(arr, pos + 1, narr, pos, len - pos - 1); return new CNode<>(gen, bitmap ^ flag, narr); } CNode insertedAt(final int pos, final int flag, final BasicNode nn, final Gen gen) { int len = array.length; int bmp = bitmap; BasicNode[] narr = new BasicNode[len + 1]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, narr, 0, pos); narr [pos] = nn; System.arraycopy(array, pos, narr, pos + 1, len - pos); return new CNode<>(gen, bmp | flag, narr); } /** * Returns a copy of this cnode such that all the i-nodes below it are * copied to the specified generation `ngen`. */ CNode renewed(final Gen ngen, final TrieMap ct) { int i = 0; BasicNode[] arr = array; int len = arr.length; BasicNode[] narr = new BasicNode[len]; while (i < len) { BasicNode elem = arr[i]; if (elem instanceof INode) { narr [i] = ((INode) elem).copyToGen(ngen, ct); } else if (elem != null) { narr [i] = elem; } i += 1; } return new CNode<>(ngen, bitmap, narr); } MainNode toContracted(final int lev) { if (array.length == 1 && lev > 0) { if (array[0] instanceof SNode) { return ((SNode) array[0]).copyTombed(); } return this; } return this; } // - if the branching factor is 1 for this CNode, and the child // is a tombed SNode, returns its tombed version // - otherwise, if there is at least one non-null node below, // returns the version of this node with at least some null-inodes // removed (those existing when the op began) // - if there are only null-i-nodes below, returns null MainNode toCompressed(final TrieMap ct, final int lev, final Gen gen) { int bmp = bitmap; int i = 0; BasicNode[] arr = array; BasicNode[] tmparray = new BasicNode[arr.length]; while (i < arr.length) { // construct new bitmap BasicNode sub = arr[i]; if (sub instanceof INode) { final INode in = (INode) sub; final MainNode inodemain = in.gcasRead(ct); assert (inodemain != null); tmparray [i] = resurrect(in, inodemain); } else if (sub instanceof SNode) { tmparray [i] = sub; } i += 1; } return new CNode(gen, bmp, tmparray).toContracted(lev); } private static BasicNode resurrect(final INode inode, final MainNode inodemain) { return inodemain instanceof TNode ? ((TNode) inodemain).copyUntombed() : inode; } @Override String string(final int lev) { // "CNode %x\n%s".format(bitmap, array.map(_.string(lev + // 1)).mkString("\n")); return "CNode"; } /* * quiescently consistent - don't call concurrently to anything * involving a GCAS!! */ // protected Seq collectElems() { // array flatMap { // case sn: SNode[K, V] => Some(sn.kvPair) // case in: INode[K, V] => in.mainnode match { // case tn: TNode[K, V] => Some(tn.kvPair) // case ln: LNode[K, V] => ln.listmap.toList // case cn: CNode[K, V] => cn.collectElems // } // } // } // protected Seq collectLocalElems() { // // array flatMap { // // case sn: SNode[K, V] => Some(sn.kvPair._2.toString) // // case in: INode[K, V] => Some(in.toString.drop(14) + "(" + in.gen + // ")") // // } // return null; // } @Override public String toString () { // val elems = collectLocalElems // "CNode(sz: %d; %s)".format(elems.size, // elems.sorted.mkString(", ")) return "CNode"; } }