/* * (C) Copyright 2016 Pantheon Technologies, s.r.o. and others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.triemap; final class INode extends INodeBase { static final Object KEY_PRESENT = new Object (); static final Object KEY_ABSENT = new Object (); /** * Virtual result for lookup methods indicating that the lookup needs to be restarted. This is a faster version * of throwing a checked exception to control the restart. */ static final Object RESTART = new Object(); INode(final Gen gen, final MainNode bn) { super(gen, bn); } MainNode gcasRead(final TrieMap ct) { return GCAS_READ(ct); } MainNode GCAS_READ(final TrieMap ct) { MainNode m = /* READ */ READ(); MainNode prevval = /* READ */ m.READ_PREV(); if (prevval == null) { return m; } else { return GCAS_Complete(m, ct); } } private MainNode GCAS_Complete(MainNode m, final TrieMap ct) { while (true) { if (m == null) { return null; } else { // complete the GCAS MainNode prev = /* READ */ m.READ_PREV(); INode ctr = ct.readRoot(true); if (prev == null) { return m; } if (prev instanceof FailedNode) { // try to commit to previous value FailedNode fn = (FailedNode) prev; if (CAS(m, fn.READ_PREV())) { return fn.READ_PREV(); } else { // Tailrec // return GCAS_Complete (/* READ */mainnode, ct); m = /* READ */ READ(); continue; } } else if (prev instanceof MainNode) { // Assume that you've read the root from the generation // G. // Assume that the snapshot algorithm is correct. // ==> you can only reach nodes in generations <= G. // ==> `gen` is <= G. // We know that `ctr.gen` is >= G. // ==> if `ctr.gen` = `gen` then they are both equal to // G. // ==> otherwise, we know that either `ctr.gen` > G, // `gen` < // G, // or both if ((ctr.gen == gen) && ct.nonReadOnly()) { // try to commit if (m.CAS_PREV(prev, null)) { return m; } else { // return GCAS_Complete (m, ct); // tailrec continue; } } else { // try to abort m.CAS_PREV(prev, new FailedNode<>(prev)); return GCAS_Complete(/* READ */ READ(), ct); } } } throw new RuntimeException ("Should not happen"); } } boolean GCAS(final MainNode old, final MainNode n, final TrieMap ct) { n.WRITE_PREV (old); if (CAS (old, n)) { GCAS_Complete (n, ct); return /* READ */ n.READ_PREV() == null; } else { return false; } } private boolean equal(final K k1, final K k2, final TrieMap ct) { return ct.equality().equiv(k1, k2); } private INode inode(final MainNode cn) { return new INode<>(gen, cn); } INode copyToGen(final Gen ngen, final TrieMap ct) { return new INode<>(ngen, GCAS_READ(ct)); } /** * Inserts a key value pair, overwriting the old pair if the keys match. * * @return true if successful, false otherwise */ boolean rec_insert(final K k, final V v, final int hc, final int lev, final INode parent, final Gen startgen, final TrieMap ct) { while (true) { MainNode m = GCAS_READ (ct); // use -Yinline! if (m instanceof CNode) { // 1) a multiway node CNode cn = (CNode) m; int idx = (hc >>> lev) & 0x1f; int flag = 1 << idx; int bmp = cn.bitmap; int mask = flag - 1; int pos = Integer.bitCount(bmp & mask); if ((bmp & flag) != 0) { // 1a) insert below BasicNode cnAtPos = cn.array[pos]; if (cnAtPos instanceof INode) { INode in = (INode) cnAtPos; if (startgen == in.gen) { return in.rec_insert(k, v, hc, lev + 5, this, startgen, ct); } else { if (GCAS (cn, cn.renewed(startgen, ct), ct)) { // return rec_insert (k, v, hc, lev, parent, // startgen, ct); // tailrec continue; } else { return false; } } } else if (cnAtPos instanceof SNode) { SNode sn = (SNode) cnAtPos; if (sn.hc == hc && equal(sn.k, k, ct)) { return GCAS (cn, cn.updatedAt(pos, new SNode<>(k, v, hc), gen), ct); } else { CNode rn = (cn.gen == gen) ? cn : cn.renewed(gen, ct); MainNode nn = rn.updatedAt(pos, inode(CNode.dual(sn, sn.hc, new SNode<>(k, v, hc), hc, lev + 5, gen)), gen); return GCAS (cn, nn, ct); } } } else { CNode rn = (cn.gen == gen) ? cn : cn.renewed (gen, ct); MainNode ncnode = rn.insertedAt(pos, flag, new SNode<> (k, v, hc), gen); return GCAS (cn, ncnode, ct); } } else if (m instanceof TNode) { clean(parent, ct, lev - 5); return false; } else if (m instanceof LNode) { LNode ln = (LNode) m; MainNode nn = ln.inserted(k, v); return GCAS(ln, nn, ct); } throw new RuntimeException ("Should not happen"); } } /** * Inserts a new key value pair, given that a specific condition is met. * * @param cond * null - don't care if the key was there * KEY_ABSENT - key wasn't there * KEY_PRESENT - key was there * other value `v` - key must be bound to `v` * @return null if unsuccessful, Option[V] otherwise (indicating * previous value bound to the key) */ Option rec_insertif(final K k, final V v, final int hc, final Object cond, final int lev, final INode parent, final Gen startgen, final TrieMap ct) { while (true) { MainNode m = GCAS_READ(ct); // use -Yinline! if (m instanceof CNode) { // 1) a multiway node CNode cn = (CNode) m; int idx = (hc >>> lev) & 0x1f; int flag = 1 << idx; int bmp = cn.bitmap; int mask = flag - 1; int pos = Integer.bitCount(bmp & mask); if ((bmp & flag) != 0) { // 1a) insert below BasicNode cnAtPos = cn.array [pos]; if (cnAtPos instanceof INode) { INode in = (INode) cnAtPos; if (startgen == in.gen) { return in.rec_insertif(k, v, hc, cond, lev + 5, this, startgen, ct); } else { if (GCAS(cn, cn.renewed(startgen, ct), ct)) { // return rec_insertif (k, v, hc, cond, lev, // parent, startgen, ct); // tailrec continue; } else { return null; } } } else if (cnAtPos instanceof SNode) { SNode sn = (SNode) cnAtPos; if (cond == null) { if (sn.hc == hc && equal(sn.k, k, ct)) { if (GCAS(cn, cn.updatedAt(pos, new SNode<> (k, v, hc), gen), ct)) { return Option.makeOption(sn.v); } else { return null; } } else { CNode rn = (cn.gen == gen) ? cn : cn.renewed(gen, ct); MainNode nn = rn.updatedAt(pos, inode (CNode.dual(sn, sn.hc, new SNode<>(k, v, hc), hc, lev + 5, gen)), gen); if (GCAS(cn, nn, ct)) { return Option.makeOption(); // None; } else { return null; } } } else if (cond == INode.KEY_ABSENT) { if (sn.hc == hc && equal (sn.k, k, ct)) { return Option.makeOption(sn.v); } else { CNode rn = (cn.gen == gen) ? cn : cn.renewed (gen, ct); MainNode nn = rn.updatedAt(pos, inode (CNode.dual(sn, sn.hc, new SNode<>(k, v, hc), hc, lev + 5, gen)), gen); if (GCAS(cn, nn, ct)) { return Option.makeOption(); // None } else { return null; } } } else if (cond == INode.KEY_PRESENT) { if (sn.hc == hc && equal (sn.k, k, ct)) { if (GCAS(cn, cn.updatedAt(pos, new SNode<>(k, v, hc), gen), ct)) { return Option.makeOption(sn.v); } else { return null; } } else { return Option.makeOption();// None; } } else { if (sn.hc == hc && equal (sn.k, k, ct) && sn.v == cond) { if (GCAS(cn, cn.updatedAt (pos, new SNode<>(k, v, hc), gen), ct)) { return Option.makeOption(sn.v); } else { return null; } } else { return Option.makeOption(); // None } } } } else if (cond == null || cond == INode.KEY_ABSENT) { CNode rn = (cn.gen == gen) ? cn : cn.renewed(gen, ct); CNode ncnode = rn.insertedAt (pos, flag, new SNode<>(k, v, hc), gen); if (GCAS(cn, ncnode, ct)) { return Option.makeOption(); // None } else { return null; } } else if (cond == INode.KEY_PRESENT) { return Option.makeOption(); // None; } else { return Option.makeOption(); // None } } else if (m instanceof TNode) { clean(parent, ct, lev - 5); return null; } else if (m instanceof LNode) { // 3) an l-node LNode ln = (LNode) m; if (cond == null) { Option optv = ln.get(k); if (insertln(ln, k, v, ct)) { return optv; } else { return null; } } else if (cond == INode.KEY_ABSENT) { Option t = ln.get(k); if (t == null) { if (insertln(ln, k, v, ct)) { return Option.makeOption();// None } else { return null; } } else { return t; } } else if (cond == INode.KEY_PRESENT) { Option t = ln.get(k); if (t != null) { if (insertln(ln, k, v, ct)) { return t; } else { return null; } } else { return null; // None } } else { Option t = ln.get (k); if (t != null) { if (((Some) t).get() == cond) { if (insertln(ln, k, v, ct)) { return new Some<>((V) cond); } else { return null; } } else { return Option.makeOption (); } } } } // throw new RuntimeException ("Should not happen"); } } boolean insertln(final LNode ln, final K k, final V v, final TrieMap ct) { LNode nn = ln.inserted (k, v); return GCAS (ln, nn, ct); } /** * Looks up the value associated with the key. * * @return null if no value has been found, RESTART if the operation * wasn't successful, or any other value otherwise */ Object rec_lookup(final K k, final int hc, final int lev, final INode parent, final Gen startgen, final TrieMap ct) { while (true) { MainNode m = GCAS_READ(ct); // use -Yinline! if (m instanceof CNode) { // 1) a multinode final CNode cn = (CNode) m; int idx = (hc >>> lev) & 0x1f; int flag = 1 << idx; int bmp = cn.bitmap; if ((bmp & flag) == 0) { return null; // 1a) bitmap shows no binding } else { // 1b) bitmap contains a value - descend int pos = (bmp == 0xffffffff) ? idx : Integer.bitCount(bmp & (flag - 1)); final BasicNode sub = cn.array[pos]; if (sub instanceof INode) { INode in = (INode) sub; if (ct.isReadOnly() || (startgen == ((INodeBase) sub).gen)) { return in.rec_lookup(k, hc, lev + 5, this, startgen, ct); } else { if (GCAS(cn, cn.renewed(startgen, ct), ct)) { // return rec_lookup (k, hc, lev, parent, // startgen, ct); // Tailrec continue; } else { return RESTART; // used to be throw RestartException } } } else if (sub instanceof SNode) { // 2) singleton node SNode sn = (SNode) sub; if (((SNode) sub).hc == hc && equal (sn.k, k, ct)) { return sn.v; } else { return null; } } } } else if (m instanceof TNode) { // 3) non-live node return cleanReadOnly((TNode) m, lev, parent, ct, k, hc); } else if (m instanceof LNode) { // 5) an l-node Option tmp = ((LNode) m).get (k); return (tmp instanceof Option) ? ((Option) tmp) : null; } throw new RuntimeException ("Should not happen"); } } private Object cleanReadOnly(final TNode tn, final int lev, final INode parent, final TrieMap ct, final K k, final int hc) { if (ct.nonReadOnly()) { clean(parent, ct, lev - 5); return RESTART; // used to be throw RestartException } else { if (tn.hc == hc && equal(tn.k, k, ct)) { return tn.v; } else { return null; } } } /** * Removes the key associated with the given value. * * @param v * if null, will remove the key irregardless of the value; * otherwise removes only if binding contains that exact key * and value * @return null if not successful, an Option[V] indicating the previous * value otherwise */ Option rec_remove(final K k, final V v, final int hc, final int lev, final INode parent, final Gen startgen, final TrieMap ct) { MainNode m = GCAS_READ(ct); // use -Yinline! if (m instanceof CNode) { CNode cn = (CNode) m; int idx = (hc >>> lev) & 0x1f; int bmp = cn.bitmap; int flag = 1 << idx; if ((bmp & flag) == 0) { return Option.makeOption(); } else { int pos = Integer.bitCount(bmp & (flag - 1)); BasicNode sub = cn.array [pos]; Option res = null; if (sub instanceof INode) { INode in = (INode) sub; if (startgen == in.gen) { res = in.rec_remove(k, v, hc, lev + 5, this, startgen, ct); } else { if (GCAS(cn, cn.renewed (startgen, ct), ct)) { res = rec_remove(k, v, hc, lev, parent, startgen, ct); } else { res = null; } } } else if (sub instanceof SNode) { SNode sn = (SNode) sub; if (sn.hc == hc && equal(sn.k, k, ct) && (v == null || v.equals(sn.v))) { MainNode ncn = cn.removedAt(pos, flag, gen).toContracted(lev); if (GCAS(cn, ncn, ct)) { res = Option.makeOption(sn.v); } else { res = null; } } else { res = Option.makeOption (); } } if (res instanceof None || (res == null)) { return res; } else { if (parent != null) { // never tomb at root MainNode n = GCAS_READ(ct); if (n instanceof TNode) { cleanParent(n, parent, ct, hc, lev, startgen); } } return res; } } } else if (m instanceof TNode) { clean(parent, ct, lev - 5); return null; } else if (m instanceof LNode) { LNode ln = (LNode) m; if (v == null) { Option optv = ln.get(k); MainNode nn = ln.removed(k, ct); if (GCAS (ln, nn, ct)) { return optv; } else { return null; } } else { Option tmp = ln.get(k); if (tmp instanceof Some) { Some tmp1 = (Some) tmp; if (tmp1.get () == v) { MainNode nn = ln.removed(k, ct); if (GCAS(ln, nn, ct)) { return tmp; } else { return null; } } } } } throw new RuntimeException ("Should not happen"); } void cleanParent(final Object nonlive, final INode parent, final TrieMap ct, final int hc, final int lev, final Gen startgen) { while (true) { MainNode pm = parent.GCAS_READ(ct); if (pm instanceof CNode) { CNode cn = (CNode) pm; int idx = (hc >>> (lev - 5)) & 0x1f; int bmp = cn.bitmap; int flag = 1 << idx; if ((bmp & flag) == 0) { // somebody already removed this i-node, we're done } else { int pos = Integer.bitCount(bmp & (flag - 1)); BasicNode sub = cn.array[pos]; if (sub == this) { if (nonlive instanceof TNode) { TNode tn = (TNode) nonlive; MainNode ncn = cn.updatedAt(pos, tn.copyUntombed (), gen).toContracted (lev - 5); if (!parent.GCAS(cn, ncn, ct)) { if (ct.readRoot().gen == startgen) { // cleanParent (nonlive, parent, ct, hc, // lev, startgen); // tailrec continue; } } } } } } else { // parent is no longer a cnode, we're done } break; } } private void clean(final INode nd, final TrieMap ct, final int lev) { MainNode m = nd.GCAS_READ(ct); if (m instanceof CNode) { CNode cn = (CNode) m; nd.GCAS(cn, cn.toCompressed(ct, lev, gen), ct); } } boolean isNullInode(final TrieMap ct) { return GCAS_READ(ct) == null; } int cachedSize(final TrieMap ct) { MainNode m = GCAS_READ(ct); return m.cachedSize(ct); } // /* this is a quiescent method! */ // def string(lev: Int) = "%sINode -> %s".format(" " * lev, mainnode // match { // case null => "" // case tn: TNode[_, _] => "TNode(%s, %s, %d, !)".format(tn.k, tn.v, // tn.hc) // case cn: CNode[_, _] => cn.string(lev) // case ln: LNode[_, _] => ln.string(lev) // case x => "".format(x) // }) @Override String string(final int lev) { return "INode"; } }