#!/usr/bin/env python # # This script deploys a cluster # ------------------------------------------- # # Pre-requisites # - Python 2.7 # - SSHLibrary (pip install robotframework-sshlibrary) # - pystache (pip install pystache) # - argparse (pip install argparse) # # The input that this script will take is as follows, # # - A comma separated list of ip addresses/hostnames for each host on which # the distribution needs to be deployed # - The replication factor to be used # - The ssh username/password of the remote host(s). Note that this should be # the same for each host # - The name of the template to be used. # Note that this template name should match the name of a template folder in # the templates directory. # The templates directory can be found in the same directory as this script. # # Here are the things it will do, # # - Copy over a distribution of opendaylight to the remote host # - Create a timestamped directory on the remote host # - Unzip the distribution to the timestamped directory # - Copy over the template substituted configuration files to the appropriate # location on the remote host # - Create a symlink to the timestamped directory # - Start karaf # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- import argparse import time import pystache import os import sys import random import re from remote_host import RemoteHost parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Cluster Deployer") parser.add_argument( "--distribution", default="", help="the absolute path of the distribution on the local " "host that needs to be deployed. (Must contain " 'version in the form: "<#>.<#>.<#>-", e.g. ' "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT)", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--rootdir", default="/root", help="the root directory on the remote host where the " "distribution is to be deployed", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--hosts", default="", help="a comma separated list of " "host names or ip addresses", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--clean", action="store_true", default=False, help="clean the deployment on the remote host", ) parser.add_argument( "--template", default="openflow", help="the name of the template to be used. " "This name should match a folder in the templates " "directory.", ) parser.add_argument( "--rf", default=3, type=int, help="replication factor. This is the number of replicas " "that should be created for each shard.", ) parser.add_argument( "--user", default="root", help="the SSH username for the " "remote host(s)" ) parser.add_argument( "--password", default="Ecp123", help="the SSH password for the remote host(s)" ) args = parser.parse_args() # # The TemplateRenderer provides methods to render a template # class TemplateRenderer: def __init__(self, template): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.template_root = self.cwd + "/templates/" + template + "/" def render(self, template_path, output_path, variables=None): if variables is None: variables = {} if os.path.exists(self.template_root + template_path) is False: return with open(self.template_root + template_path, "r") as myfile: data = myfile.read() parsed = pystache.parse(u"%(data)s" % locals()) renderer = pystache.Renderer() output = renderer.render(parsed, variables) with open(os.getcwd() + "/temp/" + output_path, "w") as myfile: myfile.write(output) return os.getcwd() + "/temp/" + output_path # # The array_str method takes an array of strings and formats it into a # string such that it can be used in an akka configuration file # def array_str(arr): s = "[" for x in range(0, len(arr)): s = s + '"' + arr[x] + '"' if x < (len(arr) - 1): s += "," s += "]" return s # # The Deployer deploys the controller to one host and configures it # class Deployer: def __init__( self, host, member_no, template, user, password, rootdir, distribution, dir_name, hosts, ds_seed_nodes, rpc_seed_nodes, replicas, clean=False, ): self.host = host self.member_no = member_no self.template = template self.user = user self.password = password self.rootdir = rootdir self.clean = clean self.distribution = distribution self.dir_name = dir_name self.hosts = hosts self.ds_seed_nodes = ds_seed_nodes self.rpc_seed_nodes = rpc_seed_nodes self.replicas = replicas # Connect to the remote host and start doing operations self.remote = RemoteHost(self.host, self.user, self.password, self.rootdir) def kill_controller(self): self.remote.copy_file("kill_controller.sh", self.rootdir + "/") self.remote.exec_cmd(self.rootdir + "/kill_controller.sh") def deploy(self): # Determine distribution version distribution_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.distribution))[0] distribution_ver = re.search( "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+-\w+\Z)|" "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+-\w+)(-RC\d+\Z)|" "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+-\w+)(-RC\d+(\.\d+)\Z)|" "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+-\w+)(-SR\d+\Z)|" "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+-\w+)(-SR\d+(\.\d+)\Z)", distribution_name, ) # noqa if distribution_ver is None: print( "%s is not a valid distribution version." " (Must contain version in the form: " '"<#>.<#>.<#>-" or "<#>.<#>.' '<#>--SR<#>" or "<#>.<#>.<#>' '--RC<#>", e.g. 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT)' % distribution_name ) sys.exit(1) distribution_ver = distribution_ver.group() # Render all the templates renderer = TemplateRenderer(self.template) akka_conf = renderer.render( "akka.conf.template", "akka.conf", { "HOST": self.host, "MEMBER_NAME": "member-" + str(self.member_no), "DS_SEED_NODES": array_str(self.ds_seed_nodes), "RPC_SEED_NODES": array_str(self.rpc_seed_nodes), }, ) module_shards_conf = renderer.render( "module-shards.conf.template", "module-shards.conf", self.replicas ) modules_conf = renderer.render("modules.conf.template", "modules.conf") features_cfg = renderer.render( "org.apache.karaf.features.cfg.template", "org.apache.karaf.features.cfg", {"ODL_DISTRIBUTION": distribution_ver}, ) jolokia_xml = renderer.render("jolokia.xml.template", "jolokia.xml") management_cfg = renderer.render( "org.apache.karaf.management.cfg.template", "org.apache.karaf.management.cfg", {"HOST": self.host}, ) datastore_cfg = renderer.render( "org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.cfg.template", "org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.datastore.cfg", ) # Delete all the sub-directories under the deploy directory if # the --clean flag is used if self.clean is True: self.remote.exec_cmd("rm -rf " + self.rootdir + "/deploy/*") # Create the deployment directory self.remote.mkdir(self.dir_name) # Clean the m2 repository self.remote.exec_cmd("rm -rf " + self.rootdir + "/.m2/repository") # Copy the distribution to the host and unzip it odl_file_path = self.dir_name + "/odl.zip" self.remote.copy_file(self.distribution, odl_file_path) self.remote.exec_cmd("unzip -o " + odl_file_path + " -d " + self.dir_name + "/") # Rename the distribution directory to odl self.remote.exec_cmd( "mv " + self.dir_name + "/" + distribution_name + " " + self.dir_name + "/odl" ) # Copy all the generated files to the server self.remote.mkdir(self.dir_name + "/odl/configuration/initial") self.remote.copy_file(akka_conf, self.dir_name + "/odl/configuration/initial/") self.remote.copy_file( module_shards_conf, self.dir_name + "/odl/configuration/initial/" ) self.remote.copy_file( modules_conf, self.dir_name + "/odl/configuration/initial/" ) self.remote.copy_file(features_cfg, self.dir_name + "/odl/etc/") self.remote.copy_file(jolokia_xml, self.dir_name + "/odl/deploy/") self.remote.copy_file(management_cfg, self.dir_name + "/odl/etc/") if datastore_cfg is not None: self.remote.copy_file(datastore_cfg, self.dir_name + "/odl/etc/") # Add symlink self.remote.exec_cmd( "ln -sfn " + self.dir_name + " " + args.rootdir + "/deploy/current" ) # Run karaf self.remote.start_controller(self.dir_name) def main(): # Validate some input if os.path.exists(args.distribution) is False: print("%s is not a valid file" % args.distribution) sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(os.getcwd() + "/templates/" + args.template) is False: print("%s is not a valid template" % args.template) # Prepare some 'global' variables hosts = args.hosts.split(",") time_stamp = time.time() dir_name = args.rootdir + "/deploy/" + str(time_stamp) ds_seed_nodes = [] rpc_seed_nodes = [] all_replicas = [] replicas = {} for x in range(0, len(hosts)): ds_seed_nodes.append( "akka.tcp://opendaylight-cluster-data@" + hosts[x] + ":2550" ) rpc_seed_nodes.append("akka.tcp://odl-cluster-rpc@" + hosts[x] + ":2551") all_replicas.append("member-" + str(x + 1)) for x in range(0, 10): if len(all_replicas) > args.rf: replicas["REPLICAS_" + str(x + 1)] = array_str( random.sample(all_replicas, args.rf) ) else: replicas["REPLICAS_" + str(x + 1)] = array_str(all_replicas) deployers = [] for x in range(0, len(hosts)): deployers.append( Deployer( hosts[x], x + 1, args.template, args.user, args.password, args.rootdir, args.distribution, dir_name, hosts, ds_seed_nodes, rpc_seed_nodes, replicas, args.clean, ) ) for x in range(0, len(hosts)): deployers[x].kill_controller() for x in range(0, len(hosts)): deployers[x].deploy() # Run the script main()