#!/usr/bin/python """ Controller Isolation Tool Author: Phillip Shea Updated: 2015-May-07 This tool isolates an indicated controller from the cluster. The tool takes a single integer argument corresponding to the number of a controller in a json file's ordered list of controllers. This is the controller to be isolated. A file named 'cluster.json' containing a list of the IP addresses and credentials of the controllers is required. It resides in the same directory as monitor.py. The file should look like this: { "cluster": { "controllers": [ "", "", "" ], "user": "username", "pass": "password" } } Usage:python isolate.py [controller to be isolated] """ import sys sys.path.append('../../../csit/libraries') import UtilLibrary import json try: with open('cluster.json') as cluster_file: data = json.load(cluster_file) except: print str(sys.exc_info()) print "unable to open the file cluster.json" exit(1) try: cluster_list = data["cluster"]["controllers"] user_name = data["cluster"]["user"] user_pass = data["cluster"]["pass"] except: print str(sys.exc_info()) print 'Error reading the file cluster.json' exit(1) try: isolate = int(sys.argv[1]) except: print 'You must specify the number (e.g. 1, 2, 3) of the controller to isolate.' exit(1) print "isolating controller " + str(isolate) print UtilLibrary.isolate_controller(cluster_list, user_name, user_pass, isolate)