""" This module contains functions to manipulate gerrit queries. """ import datetime import json import os import re import shlex import subprocess import traceback import sys # TODO: Haven't tested python 3 if sys.version < '3': import urllib import urlparse urlencode = urllib.urlencode urljoin = urlparse.urljoin urlparse = urlparse.urlparse do_input = raw_input else: import urllib.parse import urllib.request urlencode = urllib.parse.urlencode urljoin = urllib.parse.urljoin urlparse = urllib.parse.urlparse do_input = input class GitReviewException(Exception): EXIT_CODE = 127 class CommandFailed(GitReviewException): def __init__(self, *args): Exception.__init__(self, *args) (self.rc, self.output, self.argv, self.envp) = args self.quickmsg = dict([ ("argv", " ".join(self.argv)), ("rc", self.rc), ("output", self.output)]) def __str__(self): return self.__doc__ + """ The following command failed with exit code %(rc)d "%(argv)s" ----------------------- %(output)s -----------------------""" % self.quickmsg class GerritQuery: REMOTE_URL = 'ssh://git.opendaylight.org:29418' BRANCH = 'master' QUERY_LIMIT = 50 remote_url = REMOTE_URL branch = BRANCH query_limit = QUERY_LIMIT verbose = 0 def __init__(self, remote_url, branch, query_limit, verbose): self.remote_url = remote_url self.branch = branch self.query_limit = query_limit self.verbose = verbose def set_verbose(self, verbose): self.verbose = verbose @staticmethod def print_safe_encoding(string): if sys.stdout.encoding is None: print(string) else: print(string.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'replace')) def run_command_status(self, *argv, **kwargs): if self.verbose >= 2: print(datetime.datetime.now(), "Running:", " ".join(argv)) if len(argv) == 1: # for python2 compatibility with shlex if sys.version_info < (3,) and isinstance(argv[0], unicode): argv = shlex.split(argv[0].encode('utf-8')) else: argv = shlex.split(str(argv[0])) stdin = kwargs.pop('stdin', None) newenv = os.environ.copy() newenv['LANG'] = 'C' newenv['LANGUAGE'] = 'C' newenv.update(kwargs) p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=subprocess.PIPE if stdin else None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=newenv) (out, nothing) = p.communicate(stdin) out = out.decode('utf-8', 'replace') return (p.returncode, out.strip()) def run_command(self, *argv, **kwargs): (rc, output) = self.run_command_status(*argv, **kwargs) return output def run_command_exc(self, klazz, *argv, **env): """ Run command *argv, on failure raise klazz klazz should be derived from CommandFailed """ (rc, output) = self.run_command_status(*argv, **env) if rc != 0: raise klazz(rc, output, argv, env) return output def parse_gerrit_ssh_params_from_git_url(self): """ Parse a given Git "URL" into Gerrit parameters. Git "URLs" are either real URLs or SCP-style addresses. """ # The exact code for this in Git itself is a bit obtuse, so just do # something sensible and pythonic here instead of copying the exact # minutiae from Git. # Handle real(ish) URLs if "://" in self.remote_url: parsed_url = urlparse(self.remote_url) path = parsed_url.path hostname = parsed_url.netloc username = None port = parsed_url.port # Workaround bug in urlparse on OSX if parsed_url.scheme == "ssh" and parsed_url.path[:2] == "//": hostname = parsed_url.path[2:].split("/")[0] if "@" in hostname: (username, hostname) = hostname.split("@") if ":" in hostname: (hostname, port) = hostname.split(":") if port is not None: port = str(port) # Handle SCP-style addresses else: username = None port = None (hostname, path) = self.remote_url_url.split(":", 1) if "@" in hostname: (username, hostname) = hostname.split("@", 1) # Strip leading slash and trailing .git from the path to form the project # name. project_name = re.sub(r"^/|(\.git$)", "", path) return (hostname, username, port, project_name) def gerrit_request(self, request): """ Send a gerrit request and receive a response. :param str request: A gerrit query :return unicode: The JSON response """ (hostname, username, port, project_name) = \ self.parse_gerrit_ssh_params_from_git_url() port_data = "p%s" % port if port is not None else "" if username is None: userhost = hostname else: userhost = "%s@%s" % (username, hostname) if self.verbose >= 2: print("gerrit request %s %s" % (self.remote_url, request)) output = self.run_command_exc( CommandFailed, "ssh", "-x" + port_data, userhost, request) if self.verbose >= 3: self.print_safe_encoding(output) return output def make_gerrit_query(self, project, changeid=None, limit=1, msg=None): """ Make a gerrit query by combining the given options. :param str project: The project to search :param str changeid: A Change-Id to search :param int limit: The number of items to return :param str msg: A commit-msg to search :return str: A gerrit query """ query = "gerrit query --format=json limit:%d status:merged --all-approvals " \ "project:%s branch:%s" \ % (limit, project, self.branch) if changeid: query += " change:%s" % changeid if msg: query += " message:%s" % msg return query def parse_gerrit(self, line, parse_exc=Exception): """ Parse a single gerrit line and copy certain fields to a dictionary. The merge time is found by looking for the Patch Set->Approval with a SUBM type. Then use the grantedOn value. :param str line: A single line from a previous gerrit query :param parse_exc: The exception to except :return dict: Pairs of gerrit items and their values """ parsed = {} try: if line and line[0] == "{": try: data = json.loads(line) parsed['id'] = data['id'] parsed['number'] = data['number'] parsed['subject'] = data['subject'] parsed['url'] = data['url'] parsed['lastUpdated'] = data['lastUpdated'] if "patchSets" in data: patch_sets = data['patchSets'] for patch_set in reversed(patch_sets): if "approvals" in patch_set: approvals = patch_set['approvals'] for approval in approvals: if 'type' in approval and approval['type'] == 'SUBM': parsed['grantedOn'] = approval['grantedOn'] break if parsed['grantedOn']: break except Exception: if self.verbose: print("Failed to decode JSON: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) self.print_safe_encoding(line) except Exception as err: print("Exception: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) raise parse_exc(err) return parsed def extract_lines_from_json(self, changes): """ Extract a list of lines from the JSON gerrit query response. Drop the stats line. :param unicode changes: The full JSON gerrit query response :return list: Lines of the JSON """ lines = [] for line in changes.split("\n"): if line.find('stats') == -1: lines.append(line) if self.verbose >= 2: print("get_gerrit_lines: found %d lines" % len(lines)) return lines def get_gerrits(self, project, changeid=None, limit=1, msg=None): """ Get a list of gerrits from gerrit query request. Gerrit returns queries in order of lastUpdated so resort based on merge time. Also because gerrit returns them in lastUpdated order, it means all gerrits merged after the one we are using will be returned, so the query limit needs to be high enough to capture those extra merges plus the limit requested. TODO: possibly add the before query to set a start time for the query around the change :param str project: The project to search :param str or None changeid: A Change-Id to search :param int limit: The number of items to return :param str msg: A commit-msg to search :return str: A gerrit query """ query = self.make_gerrit_query(project, changeid, limit, msg) changes = self.gerrit_request(query) lines = self.extract_lines_from_json(changes) gerrits = [] for line in lines: gerrits.append(self.parse_gerrit(line)) from operator import itemgetter sorted_gerrits = sorted(gerrits, key=itemgetter('grantedOn'), reverse=True) return sorted_gerrits