from string import Template # helps in taking the hostname entered by the user global hostname global port __author__ = "Basheeruddin Ahmed" __copyright__ = "Copyright(c) 2014, Cisco Systems, Inc." __license__ = "New-style BSD" __email__ = "" def getServer(): return hostname + ":" + port # noqa def getCarsUrl(): """Cars resource URL for GET""" return "http://" + getServer() + "/restconf/config/car:cars" def getPersonsUrl(): """People resouce URL for GET""" return "http://" + getServer() + "/restconf/config/people:people" def getCarPersonUrl(): """GET cars persons mapping resource URL""" return "http://" + getServer() + "/restconf/config/car-people:car-people" def getAddCarUrl(): """POST or DELETE URL""" return "http://" + getServer() + "/restconf/config" def getAddPersonUrl(): """POST or DELETE URL""" return "http://" + getServer() + "/restconf/config" def getAddPersonRpcUrl(): """POST URL -using rpc""" return "http://" + getServer() + "/restconf/operations/people:add-person" def getAddCarPersonUrl(): """POST URL for car person mapping""" return "http://" + getServer() + "/restconf/config" def getBuyCarRpcUrl(): """POST URL for buy car rpc""" return "http://" + getServer() + "/restconf/operations/car-purchase:buy-car" # Template for Car resource payload add_car_payload_template = Template( """ {"car:cars":{ "car-entry": [ { "id": "$id", "category": "$category", "model": "$model", "manufacturer": "$manufacturer", "year": "$year" } ] }} """ ) # Template for Person resource payload add_person_payload_template = Template( """ {"people:people":{ "person": [ { "id": "$personId", "gender": "$gender", "age": "$age", "address": "$address", "contactNo":"$contactNo" } ] }} """ ) # Template for Car Person mapping payload add_car_person_template = Template( """ {"car-people:car-people":{ "car-person": [ { "car-id": "$Id", "person-id": "$personId" } ] }} """ ) # Template for adding person using RPC add_person_rpc_payload_template = Template( """ { "input": { "people:id" : "$personId", "people:gender":"$gender", "people:address" : "$address", "people:contactNo":"$contactNo", "people:age":"$age" } } """ ) # Template for buying car rpc buy_car_rpc_template = Template( """ { "input" : { "car-purchase:person" : "/people:people/people:person[people:id='$personId']", "car-purchase:person-id" : "$personId", "car-purchase:car-id" : "$carId" } } """ )