""" Script to add bridges/ports/termination points to ovsdb config """ import argparse import logging import requests __author__ = "Marcus Williams" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corp Inc., Cisco Systems Inc. and others" __credits__ = ["Jan Medved, Lori Jakab"] __license__ = "New-style BSD" __email__ = "marcus.williams@intel.com" __version__ = "0.0.1" class OvsdbConfigBlaster(object): PUT_HEADERS = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=", "Accept": "application/json", } GET_HEADERS = { "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=", } DELETE_HEADERS = { "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=", } TIMEOUT = 10 def __init__( self, controller_ip, controller_port, vswitch_ip, vswitch_ovsdb_port, vswitch_remote_ip, vswitch_remote_ovsdb_port, vswitch_port_type, vswitch_lst_del_br, delete_ports, num_instances, ): """ Args: :param controller_ip: The ODL host ip used to send RPCs :param controller_port: The RESTCONF port on the ODL host :param vswitch_ip: The ip of OpenvSwitch to use :param vswitch_ovsdb_port: The ovsdb port of OpenvSwitch to use :param vswitch_remote_ip: The ip of remote OpenvSwitch to use :param vswitch_remote_ovsdb_port: The ovsdb port of remote OpenvSwitch to use :param vswitch_port_type: Port type to create :param vswitch_lst_del_br: string containing a list of ovs switches on which BR'S should be deleted. :param num_instances: The number of instances (bridges, ports etc)to be added :param delete_ports: The number of ports to be deleted from a bridge """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) self.session = requests.Session() self.controller_ip = controller_ip self.controller_port = controller_port self.vswitch_dict = dict() self.add_vswitch_to_dict( vswitch_ip, vswitch_remote_ip, vswitch_ovsdb_port, "ovs-1" ) if vswitch_remote_ip: self.add_vswitch_to_dict( vswitch_remote_ip, vswitch_ip, vswitch_remote_ovsdb_port, "ovs-2" ) self.vswitch_port_type = vswitch_port_type self.vswitch_lst_del_br = vswitch_lst_del_br self.num_instances = num_instances self.delete_ports = delete_ports self.connect_vswitch(self.vswitch_dict["ovs-1"]) if self.vswitch_dict.get("ovs-2"): self.connect_vswitch(self.vswitch_dict["ovs-2"]) @staticmethod def return_ovsdb_url(vswitch_ip, vswitch_ovsdb_port, url_type="config"): """Return an ovsdb restconf url Args: :param vswitch_ip: The ip of Open vSwitch to use :param vswitch_ovsdb_port: The ovsdb port of Open vSwitch to use :param url_tyep: The type of url 'config' | 'oper' """ url_prefix = None if url_type == "config": url_prefix = "restconf/config/" elif url_type == "oper": url_prefix = "restconf/operational/" ovsdb_url = ( url_prefix + "network-topology:" "network-topology/topology/" "ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:%2F%2F" + vswitch_ip + ":" + vswitch_ovsdb_port ) return ovsdb_url def add_vswitch_to_dict( self, vswitch_ip, vswitch_remote_ip, vswitch_ovsdb_port, vswitch_name ): """Add details of an Open vSwitch instance to self.vswitch_dict Args: :param vswitch_ip: The ip of Open vSwitch to use :param vswitch_remote_ip: The ip of remote Open vSwitch to use :param vswitch_ovsdb_port: The ovsdb port of Open vSwitch to use :param vswitch_name: The name to label the added Open vSwitch instance """ urlprefix = "http://" + self.controller_ip + ":" + self.controller_port + "/" self.vswitch_dict.update( { vswitch_name: { "name": vswitch_name, "ip": vswitch_ip, "remote-ip": vswitch_remote_ip, "ovsdb-port": vswitch_ovsdb_port, "node-id": "ovsdb://%s:%s" % (vswitch_ip, vswitch_ovsdb_port), "post-url": urlprefix + OvsdbConfigBlaster.return_ovsdb_url( vswitch_ip, vswitch_ovsdb_port ), "get-config-url": urlprefix + OvsdbConfigBlaster.return_ovsdb_url( vswitch_ip, vswitch_ovsdb_port ), "get-oper-url": urlprefix + OvsdbConfigBlaster.return_ovsdb_url( vswitch_ip, vswitch_ovsdb_port ), } } ) def connect_vswitch(self, vswitch_dict): """Connect ODL to an Open vSwitch instance using restconf Args: :param vswitch_dict: A dictionary detailing an instance of Open vSwitch """ connect_ovs_body = { "network-topology:node": [ { "node-id": unicode(vswitch_dict["node-id"]), "connection-info": { "ovsdb:remote-port": unicode(vswitch_dict["ovsdb-port"]), "ovsdb:remote-ip": unicode(vswitch_dict["ip"]), }, } ] } self.send_rest(self.session, vswitch_dict["post-url"], connect_ovs_body) def add_bridge(self, num_instances, vswitch_name="ovs-1"): """Add num_instances of bridge to ODL config Args: :param num_instances: Number of bridges to create :param vswitch_name: A name describing an instance of Open vSwitch """ for i in range(num_instances): bridge_name = unicode("br-" + str(i) + "-test") add_bridge_body = { "network-topology:node": [ { "node-id": "%s/bridge/%s" % ( unicode(self.vswitch_dict[vswitch_name].get("node-id")), unicode(bridge_name), ), "ovsdb:bridge-name": unicode(bridge_name), "ovsdb:datapath-id": "00:00:b2:bf:48:25:f2:4b", "ovsdb:protocol-entry": [ {"protocol": "ovsdb:ovsdb-bridge-protocol-openflow-13"} ], "ovsdb:controller-entry": [ { "target": "tcp:%s:%s" % (self.controller_ip, self.controller_port) } ], "ovsdb:managed-by": "/network-topology:network-topology/" "network-topology:topology" "[network-topology:topology-id" "='ovsdb:1']/network-topology:node" "[network-topology:node-id=" "'%s']" % unicode(self.vswitch_dict[vswitch_name].get("node-id")), } ] } self.send_rest( self.session, self.vswitch_dict[vswitch_name].get("post-url") + "%2Fbridge%2F" + bridge_name, add_bridge_body, ) self.session.close() def add_port(self, port_type="ovsdb:interface-type-vxlan"): """Add self.num_instances of port to ODL config Args: :param port_type: The type of port to create default: 'ovsdb:interface-type-vxlan' """ bridge_name = "br-0-test" self.add_bridge(1, "ovs-1") # self.add_bridge(1, 'ovs-2') for instance in range(self.num_instances): for vswitch in self.vswitch_dict.itervalues(): if port_type == "ovsdb:interface-type-vxlan": port_prefix = "tp-" ovsdb_rest_url = ( vswitch.get("post-url") + "%2Fbridge%2F" + bridge_name + "/termination-point/" ) body_name = "tp-body" else: port_prefix = "port-" ovsdb_rest_url = ( vswitch.get("post-url") + "%2Fbridge%2F" + bridge_name + "/port/" ) body_name = "port-body" port_name = port_prefix + str(instance) + "-test-" + vswitch.get("ip") body = { "tp-body": { "network-topology:termination-point": [ { "ovsdb:options": [ { "ovsdb:option": "remote_ip", "ovsdb:value": unicode( vswitch.get("remote-ip") ), } ], "ovsdb:name": unicode(port_name), "ovsdb:interface-type": unicode(port_type), "tp-id": unicode(port_name), "vlan-tag": unicode(instance + 1), "trunks": [{"trunk": "5"}], "vlan-mode": "access", } ] }, # TODO add port-body "port-body": {}, } self.send_rest( self.session, ovsdb_rest_url + port_name, body.get(body_name) ) self.session.close() def delete_bridge(self, vswitch_lst_del_br, num_bridges): """Delete num_instances of bridge in ODL config Args: :param num_bridges: Number of bridges to delete :param vswitch_lst_del_br: A list containing instances of Open vSwitch on which bridges should be deleted. """ for vswitch_names in vswitch_lst_del_br: for br_num in range(num_bridges): bridge_name = unicode("br-" + str(br_num) + "-test") self.send_rest_del( self.session, self.vswitch_dict[vswitch_names].get("post-url") + "%2Fbridge%2F" + bridge_name, ) self.session.close() def delete_port(self, num_ports): """Delete ports from ODL config Args: :param num_ports: Number of ports to delete """ for port in range(num_ports): bridge_name = "br-0-test" for vswitch in self.vswitch_dict.itervalues(): port_prefix = "tp-" ovsdb_rest_url = ( vswitch.get("post-url") + "%2Fbridge%2F" + bridge_name + "/termination-point/" ) port_name = port_prefix + str(port) + "-test-" + vswitch.get("ip") self.send_rest_del(self.session, ovsdb_rest_url + port_name) self.session.close() def send_rest_del(self, session, rest_url): """Send an HTTP DELETE to the Rest URL and return the status code Args: :param session: The HTTP session handle :return int: status_code - HTTP status code """ ret = session.delete( rest_url, headers=self.DELETE_HEADERS, stream=False, timeout=self.TIMEOUT ) if ret.status_code is not 200: raise ValueError(ret.text, ret.status_code, rest_url) return ret.status_code def send_rest(self, session, rest_url, json_body): """Send an HTTP PUT to the Rest URL and return the status code Args: :param session: The HTTP session handle :param json_body: the JSON body to be sent Returns: :return int: status_code - HTTP status code """ ret = session.put( rest_url, json=json_body, headers=self.PUT_HEADERS, stream=False, timeout=self.TIMEOUT, ) if ret.status_code is not 200: raise ValueError(ret.text, ret.status_code, rest_url, json_body) return ret.status_code if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Add:delete bridge/port/term-points to OpenDaylight" ) parser.add_argument( "--mode", default="None", help='Operating mode, can be "bridge", "port" or "term" \ (default is "bridge")', ) parser.add_argument( "--controller", default="", help="IP of running ODL controller \ (default is", ) parser.add_argument( "--controllerport", default="8181", help="Port of ODL RESTCONF \ (default is 8181)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vswitch", default="", help="IP of Open vSwitch \ (default is", ) parser.add_argument( "--vswitchport", default="6640", help="Port of Open vSwitch OVSDB server \ (default is 6640)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vswitchremote", default=None, help="IP of remote Open vSwitch \ (default is none)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vswitchremoteport", default=None, help="Port of remote Open vSwitch OVSDB server \ (default is none)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vswitchporttype", default=None, help="Port of remote Open vSwitch OVSDB server \ (default is none)", ) parser.add_argument( "--deletebridges", nargs="*", type=str, default=None, help="A list of switches on which to delete bridges, " 'uses instances for number of bridges. \ Example: "ovs-1 ovs2" \ (default is none)', ) parser.add_argument( "--deleteports", type=int, default=1, help="delete ports of remote open vswitch ovsdb server (default 1)", ) parser.add_argument( "--instances", type=int, default=1, help="Number of instances to add/get (default 1)", ) args = parser.parse_args() ovsdb_config_blaster = OvsdbConfigBlaster( args.controller, args.controllerport, args.vswitch, args.vswitchport, args.vswitchremote, args.vswitchremoteport, args.vswitchporttype, args.deletebridges, args.deleteports, args.instances, ) if args.mode == "bridge": if args.deletebridges is not None: ovsdb_config_blaster.delete_bridge( ovsdb_config_blaster.vswitch_lst_del_br, ovsdb_config_blaster.num_instances, ) else: ovsdb_config_blaster.add_bridge(ovsdb_config_blaster.num_instances) elif args.mode == "term": if args.deleteports is not None: ovsdb_config_blaster.delete_port(ovsdb_config_blaster.delete_ports) else: ovsdb_config_blaster.add_port() else: print( "please use: python ovsdbconfigblaster.py --help " "\nUnsupported mode: ", args.mode, )