"""Multithreaded utility for rapid LSP updating. This utility updates LSPs whose name correspond to the ones created by pcc-mock tool. The new state is hardcoded to contain one configurable hop and final hop of "". AuthStandalone library is used to handle session and restconf authentication. Number of workers is configurable, each worker issues blocking restconf requests. Work is distributed beforehand in round-robin fashion. The utility waits for the last worker to finish, or for time to run off. The responses are checked for status and content, results are written to collections.Counter and printed at exit. If collections does not contain Counter, "import Counter" is attempted. It is advised to pin the python process to single CPU for optimal performance, as Global Interpreter Lock prevents true utilization on more CPUs (while overhead of context switching remains). Remark: For early implementations, master process CPU suffered from overhead of Queue suitable for multiprocessing, which put performance down even when workers had more CPU for them. But that may not be true for more mature implementation. """ # Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. # # This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the # terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, # and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html __author__ = "Vratko Polak" __copyright__ = "Copyright(c) 2015, Cisco Systems, Inc." __license__ = "Eclipse Public License v1.0" __email__ = "vrpolak@cisco.com" import argparse import collections # For deque and Counter. import ipaddr import threading import time try: from collections import Counter except ImportError: # Python 2.6 does not have Counter in collections. import Counter # Assumes that user copies Counter.py around. import AuthStandalone def str2bool(text): """Utility converter, based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/19227287""" return text.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1") # Note: JSON data contains '"', so using "'" to quote Pythons strings. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--pccs', default='1', type=int, help='number of PCCs to simulate') parser.add_argument('--lsps', default='1', type=int, help='number of LSPs pre PCC to update') parser.add_argument('--workers', default='1', type=int, help='number of blocking https threads to use') parser.add_argument('--hop', default='', help='ipv4 prefix (including /32) of hop to use') parser.add_argument('--timeout', default='300', type=float, help='seconds to bail out after') # FIXME: grammar parser.add_argument('--refresh', default='0.1', type=float, help='seconds to sleep in main thread if nothing to do') parser.add_argument('--pccaddress', default='', help='IP address of the first simulated PCC') parser.add_argument('--odladdress', default='', help='IP address of ODL acting as PCE') parser.add_argument('--user', default='admin', help='Username for restconf authentication') parser.add_argument('--password', default='admin', help='Password for restconf authentication') parser.add_argument('--scope', default='sdn', help='Scope for restconf authentication') parser.add_argument('--reuse', default='True', type=str2bool, help='Should single requests session be re-used') args = parser.parse_args() # arguments are read expected = '''{"output":{}}''' class CounterDown(object): """Counter which also knows how many items are left to be added.""" def __init__(self, tasks): self.counter = Counter.Counter() self.opened = tasks def add(self, result): self.counter[result] += 1 self.opened -= 1 def iterable_msg(pccs, lsps, workers, hop): """Generator yielding tuple of worker number and kwargs to post.""" first_pcc_int = int(ipaddr.IPv4Address(args.pccaddress)) # Headers are constant, but it is easier to add them to kwargs in this generator. headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # TODO: Perhaps external text file with Template? May affect performance. list_data = [ '{"input":{"node":"pcc://', '', '",', '"name":"pcc_', '', '_tunnel_', '', '","network-topology-ref":', '"/network-topology:network-topology/network-topology:topology', '[network-topology:topology-id=\\\"pcep-topology\\\"]",', '"arguments":{"lsp":{"delegate":true,"administrative":true},', '"ero":{"subobject":[{"loose":false,"ip-prefix":{"ip-prefix":', '"', hop, '"}},{"loose":false,"ip-prefix":{"ip-prefix":', '""}}]}}}}' ] for lsp in range(1, lsps + 1): str_lsp = str(lsp) list_data[6] = str_lsp # Replaces with new pointer. for pcc in range(pccs): pcc_ip = str(ipaddr.IPv4Address(first_pcc_int + pcc)) list_data[1] = pcc_ip list_data[4] = pcc_ip whole_data = ''.join(list_data) # print 'DEBUG:', whole_data + '\n' worker = (lsp * pccs + pcc) % workers post_kwargs = {"data": whole_data, "headers": headers} yield worker, post_kwargs def queued_send(session, queue_messages, queue_responses): """Pop from queue, Post and append result; repeat until empty.""" uri = 'operations/network-topology-pcep:update-lsp' while 1: try: post_kwargs = queue_messages.popleft() except IndexError: # nothing more to send return response = AuthStandalone.Post_Using_Session(session, uri, **post_kwargs) # The response perhaps points to some data stored in session, # and the session implementation may explicitly call close() to free that data. # To be sure, we clone information before further processing. status = int(response.status_code) # copy constructor content = str(response.content) # copy constructor resp_tuple = (status, content) queue_responses.append(resp_tuple) def classify(resp_tuple): """Return 'pass' or a reason what is wrong with response.""" # print 'DEBUG: received', response prepend = '' status = resp_tuple[0] # print 'DEBUG: verifying status', status if status != 200: # is it int? # print 'DEBUG:', response.content prepend = 'status: ' + str(status) + ' ' content = resp_tuple[1] # print 'DEBUG: verifying content', content if prepend or (content != expected): return prepend + 'content: ' + str(content) return 'pass' # Main. list_q_msg = [collections.deque() for _ in range(args.workers)] for worker, post_kwargs in iterable_msg(args.pccs, args.lsps, args.workers, args.hop): # print 'DEBUG: worker', repr(worker), 'message', repr(message) list_q_msg[worker].append(post_kwargs) queue_responses = collections.deque() # thread safe threads = [] for worker in range(args.workers): session = AuthStandalone.Init_Session(args.odladdress, args.user, args.password, args.scope, args.reuse) queue_messages = list_q_msg[worker] thread_args = (session, queue_messages, queue_responses) thread = threading.Thread(target=queued_send, args=thread_args) thread.daemon = True threads.append(thread) tasks = sum(map(len, list_q_msg)) # fancy way of counting, should equal to pccs*lsps. counter = CounterDown(tasks) print 'work is going to start with', tasks, 'tasks' time_start = time.time() for thread in threads: thread.start() # debug_list = [] # time_result = time_start while 1: """Main loop for reading and classifying responses, sleeps when there is nothing to process.""" timedelta_left = time_start + args.timeout - time.time() if timedelta_left > 0: while counter.opened > 0: try: resp_tuple = queue_responses.popleft() # thread safe except IndexError: break result = classify(resp_tuple) counter.add(result) # time_now = time.time() # timedelta_fromlast = time_now - time_result # debug_msg = 'DEBUG: opened: ' + str(counter.opened) # debug_msg += ' fromlast: ' + str(timedelta_fromlast) # debug_list.append(debug_msg) # time_result = time_now if counter.opened > 0: # debug_list.append('DEBUG: sleep ' + str(args.refresh)) time.sleep(args.refresh) continue left = len(queue_responses) if left: print 'error: more responses left inqueue', left else: print 'Time is up!' left = len(queue_responses) # can be still increasing # if left: # print 'WARNING: left', left for _ in range(left): resp_tuple = queue_responses.popleft() # thread safe result = classify(resp_tuple) counter.add(result) break # may leave late items in queue_reponses time_stop = time.time() timedelta_duration = time_stop - time_start print 'took', timedelta_duration print repr(counter.counter) # for message in debug_list: # print message