from mininet.topo import Topo from mininet.node import RemoteController from import Mininet from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections from mininet.log import setLogLevel from mininet.node import Node import re import time from subprocess import call from subprocess import check_output def addController(sw, ip): call(['ovs-vsctl', 'set-controller', sw, 'tcp:%s:6653' % ip ]) def addSwitch(net, name, dpid=None): switch = net.addSwitch(name, dpid=dpid) return switch def addHost(net, switch, name, ip, mac): host = net.addHost(name, ip=ip, mac=mac) net.addLink(host, switch) def setOFVersion(sw, version='OpenFlow13,OpenFlow12,OpenFlow10'): call(['ovs-vsctl', 'set', 'bridge', sw, 'protocols={}'.format(version)]) def addTunnel(sw, sourceIp=None): ifaceName = '{}_vxlan0'.format(sw) cmd = ['ovs-vsctl', 'add-port', sw, ifaceName, '--', 'set', 'Interface', ifaceName, 'type=vxlan', 'options:remote_ip=flow', 'options:key=flow'] if sourceIp is not None: cmd.append('options:source_ip={}'.format(sourceIp)) call(cmd) #ovs-ofctl dump-ports-desc s1 -OOpenFlow13 def startMininet(switches, hosts, contIP=''): setLogLevel('info') net = Mininet(controller=None, autoSetMacs=True, listenPort=6634) swobjs = {} swports = {} for sw in switches: swobj = addSwitch(net, sw['name']) swobjs[sw['name']] = swobj swports[sw['name']] = 0; for host in hosts: if host['switch'] not in swobjs: continue sw = swobjs[host['switch']] swports[host['switch']] += 1; port = swports[host['switch']] addHost(net, sw, host['name'], host['ip'], host['mac']) host['port'] = port try: net.start() for sw in switches: addTunnel(sw['name'], sw['tunnelIp']) for host in net.hosts: gw = re.sub(r'.\d+$', ".1", host.IP()) host.cmd('route add default gw {}'.format(gw)) # ODL is very fragile so let's give it some time time.sleep(1) # This is a workaround for a bug encountered during # the Helium release. Setting the vSwitch from 1.0 # to 1.3 while it was connected to the controller # exposed a bug in the openflowplugin, which resulted # in the controller missing some of the ports on the # vswitch. This change avoids the bug by switching # the version before connecting the switch to the # controller. for sw in switches: setOFVersion(sw['name']) addController(sw['name'], contIP) return net except Exception, e: net.stop() raise e