import requests,json from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth USERNAME='admin' PASSWORD='admin' REGISTER_EP_URL="http://%s:8181/restconf/operations/endpoint:register-endpoint" REGISTER_TENANTS_URL="http://%s:8181/restconf/config/policy:tenants" REGISTER_NODES_URL="http://%s:8181/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes" endpointGroups = {} def get_epg(tenantId, epgId): k = "{}|{}".format(tenantId,epgId) if k in endpointGroups: return endpointGroups[k] tenant = get_tenant(tenantId); data = { "id": epgId, "consumer-named-selector": [], "provider-named-selector": [] } tenant["endpoint-group"].append(data) endpointGroups[k] = data return data tenants = {} # This is where some of the policy is set, subject and classifiers def get_tenant(tenantId): if tenantId in tenants: return tenants[tenantId] data = { "id": tenantId, "l3-context": [], "l2-bridge-domain": [], "l2-flood-domain": [], "subnet": [], "endpoint-group": [], "contract": [], "subject-feature-instances": { "classifier-instance": [ {"name": "http-dest", "classifier-definition-id": "4250ab32-e8b8-445a-aebb-e1bd2cdd291f", "parameter-value": [ {"name": "proto", "int-value": "6"}, {"name": "destport", "int-value": "80"} ]}, {"name": "http-src", "classifier-definition-id": "4250ab32-e8b8-445a-aebb-e1bd2cdd291f", "parameter-value": [ {"name": "proto", "int-value": "6"}, {"name": "sourceport", "int-value": "80"} ]}, {"name": "icmp", "classifier-definition-id": "79c6fdb2-1e1a-4832-af57-c65baf5c2335", "parameter-value": [ {"name": "proto", "int-value": "1"} ]}, ] } } tenants[tenantId] = data return data subnets = {} def get_fd(tenantId, fdId, parent): tenant = get_tenant(tenantId) data = {"id": fdId, "parent": parent} tenant["l2-flood-domain"].append(data) return data def get_bd(tenantId, bdId, parent): tenant = get_tenant(tenantId) data = {"id": bdId, "parent": parent} tenant["l2-bridge-domain"].append(data) return data def get_l3c(tenantId, l3cId): tenant = get_tenant(tenantId) data = {"id": l3cId} tenant["l3-context"].append(data) return data def get_subnet(tenantId, subnetId, parent, prefix, router): k = "{}|{}".format(tenantId, subnetId) if k in subnets: return subnets[k] tenant = get_tenant(tenantId) data = {"id": subnetId, "parent": parent, "ip-prefix": prefix, "virtual-router-ip": router} tenant["subnet"].append(data) return data endpoints = [] def get_ep(tenantId, groupId, l3ctx, ip, l2ctx, mac, sw, port): group = get_epg(tenantId, groupId) data = {"tenant": tenantId, "endpoint-group": groupId, "l2-context": l2ctx, "mac-address": mac, "l3-address": [{"l3-context": l3ctx, "ip-address": ip}], "ofoverlay:node-id": "openflow:{}".format(sw), "ofoverlay:node-connector-id": "openflow:{}:{}".format(sw, port) } endpoints.append(data) return data nodes = [] def get_node_config(sw, tun_ip): data = { "id": "openflow:{}".format(sw), "ofoverlay:tunnel-ip": tun_ip } nodes.append(data) return data # This is where specifics of the contract are defined. Note: Classifiers are SET in the get_tenant procedure. def get_contract(tenantId, pgroupId, cgroupId, contractId): tenant = get_tenant(tenantId) pgroup = get_epg(tenantId, pgroupId) cgroup = get_epg(tenantId, cgroupId) data = { "id": contractId, "subject": [{"name": "allow-http-subject", "rule": [ {"name": "allow-http-rule", "classifier-ref": [ {"name": "http-dest", "direction": "in"}, {"name": "http-src", "direction": "out"} ]} ]}, {"name": "allow-icmp-subject", "rule": [ {"name": "allow-icmp-rule", "classifier-ref": [ {"name": "icmp"} ]} ]}], "clause": [{"name": "allow-http-clause", "subject-refs": ["allow-http-subject", "allow-icmp-subject"]}] } tenant["contract"].append(data) cgroup["consumer-named-selector"].append({ "name": "{}-{}-{}".format(pgroupId, cgroupId, contractId), "contract": [contractId] }) pgroup["provider-named-selector"].append({ "name": "{}-{}-{}".format(pgroupId, cgroupId, contractId), "contract": [contractId] }) return data def post(url, data): headers = {'Content-type': 'application/', 'Accept': 'application/'} print "POST %s" % url print json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True) r =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD)) print r.text r.raise_for_status() def put(url, data): headers = {'Content-type': 'application/', 'Accept': 'application/'} print "PUT %s" % url print json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True) r = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD)) print r.text r.raise_for_status() def register_tenants(contHost): data = {"policy:tenants": {"tenant": tenants.values()}} put(REGISTER_TENANTS_URL % contHost, data) def register_eps(contHost): for ep in endpoints: data = {"input": ep} post(REGISTER_EP_URL % contHost, data) def register_nodes(contHost): data = {"opendaylight-inventory:nodes": {"node": nodes}} put(REGISTER_NODES_URL % contHost, data)