# make system modifications to handle being on a private Rackspace network # lint:ignore:80chars notice ("Operating system detected is: '${::operatingsystem} ${::operatingsystemrelease}'") # lint:endignore notice ("Subdomain being used is: '${::subdomain}'") # configure nameservers for domains case $::subdomain { /^dfw\./: { $ns1 = '' $ns2 = '' case $::subdomain { /opendaylight/: { $router = '' } /odlforge/: { $router = '' } default: { fail("Unrecognized subdomain ${::subdomain}") } } } /^ord\./: { $ns1 = '' $ns2 = '' $router = '' } default: { fail("Unrecognized subdomain ${::subdomain}") } } # dnsmasq class { 'dnsmasq': } # Setup dnsmasq special domain handlers dnsmasq::conf { 'LF-ns1': ensure => present, content => 'server=/linux-foundation.org/', } dnsmasq::conf { 'LF-ns2': ensure => present, content => 'server=/linux-foundation.org/', } dnsmasq::conf { 'ODL-ns1': ensure => present, content => 'server=/opendaylight.org/', } dnsmasq::conf { 'ODL-ns2': ensure => present, content => 'server=/opendaylight.org/', } dnsmasq::conf { 'ODLForge-ns1': ensure => present, content => 'server=/odlforge.org/', } dnsmasq::conf { 'ODLForge-ns2': ensure => present, content => 'server=/odlforge.org/', } # fix the resolver file { '/etc/resolv.conf': content => "search ${::subdomain} nameserver nameserver ${ns1} nameserver ${ns2} options timeout:2 ", } file { '/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/00_lf_resolv.cfg': content => "#cloud-config manage_resolv_conf: true resolv_conf: nameservers: ['', '${ns1}', '${ns2}'] searchdomains: - ${::subdomain} options: timeout: 2 ", } file_line { 'add_resolver': path => '/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/10_rackspace.cfg', line => ' - resolv_conf', after => ' - update_etc_hosts', } # OS specific configuration case $::operatingsystem { 'CentOS', 'Fedora', 'RedHat': { file { '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0': content => "default via ${router} dev eth0", } # disable the DNS peerage so that our resolv.conf doesn't # get destroyed file_line { 'disable_peerdns': path => '/etc/sysconfig/network', line => 'PEERDNS=no', } } 'Ubuntu': { file { '/etc/network/if-up.d/0000routing': content => "#!/bin/sh\nip route add default via ${router} dev eth0", mode => '0755', } } default: { notice ("${::operatingsystem} is not supported by this configuration") } }