#!/bin/bash # for some reason not all systems have @base installed yum install -y -q @base # also make sure that a few other utilities are definitely installed yum install -y -q unzip xz # install some needed internal networking configurations yum install -y dnsmasq puppet puppet module install lex-dnsmasq # script requires information about subdomain if [ -z "$1" ]; then >&2 echo "Please provide the subdomain to Vagrant" exit 1 fi # write the subdomain information into a custom facter fact mkdir -p /etc/facter/facts.d/ echo "subdomain=${1}" > /etc/facter/facts.d/subdomain.txt # remove current networking configurations rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/{ifcfg,route}-{eth,docker}* # final bits puppet apply /vagrant/confignetwork.pp # so that cloud-init doesn't futz with our resolv config after we've # configured it chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf # don't let cloud-init do funny things to our routing chattr +i /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 # create a docker bridge that doesn't trample our networks # but only if docker is installed DOCKER=`rpm -q docker-io` if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then echo "---> Docker installed, configuring docker bridge" # fully overwrite the default, otherwise we end up with the options # split over two lines which will fail # Default: OPTIONS=--selinux-enabled echo 'OPTIONS=--selinux-enabled --bip=' > /etc/sysconfig/docker # cat < /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-docker0 #DEVICE="docker0" #TYPE="Bridge" #ONBOOT="yes" #NM_CONTROLLED="no" #IPADDR= #NETMASK= #EOL # # don't let cloud-init do funny things to our docker bridge # chattr +i /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-docker0 cat /etc/sysconfig/docker fi # setup the needed routing cat <> /etc/rc.d/post-cloud-init #!/bin/bash # always force puppet to rerun /usr/bin/puppet apply /vagrant/confignetwork.pp EOL chmod +x /etc/rc.d/post-cloud-init systemd_init() { # create a post-cloud-init.service and enable it cat < /etc/systemd/system/post-cloud-init.service [Unit] Description=Post cloud-init script (overwrites some cloud-init config) After=cloud-init-local.service Requires=cloud-init-local.service [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/post-cloud-init TimeoutSec=0 #RemainAfterExit=yes #SysVStartPriority=99 # Output needs to appear in instance console output StandardOutput=journal+console [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOL /usr/bin/systemctl enable post-cloud-init.service chattr +i /etc/systemd/system/post-cloud-init.service } sysv_init() { # create the SysV init and enable it cat < /etc/init.d/post-cloud-init #!/bin/bash ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: post-cloud-init # Required-Start: $local_fs $network $named $remote_fs cloud-init-local # Should-Start: $time # Required-Stop: # Should-Stop: # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: Setup dnsmasq for LF Rackspace environment # Description: Setup dnsmasq for LF Rackspace environment after # cloud-init-local # Return values acc. to LSB for all commands but status: # 0 - success # 1 - generic or unspecified error # 2 - invalid or excess argument(s) # 3 - unimplemented feature (e.g. "reload") # 4 - user had insufficient privileges # 5 - program is not installed # 6 - program is not configured # 7 - program is not running # 8--199 - reserved (8--99 LSB, 100--149 distrib, 150--199 appl) # # Note that starting an already running service, stopping # or restarting a not-running service as well as the restart # with force-reload (in case signaling is not supported) are # considered a success. RETVAL=0 prog="post-cloud-init" start() { echo -n $"Starting $prog: " /etc/rc.d/post-cloud-init RETVAL=$? return $RETVAL } stop() { echo -n $"Shutting down $prog:" # No-op RETVAL=7 return $RETVAL } case "$1" in start) start RETVAL=$? ;; stop) stop RETVAL=$? ;; restart|try-restart|condrestart) start RETVAL=$? ;; status) echo -n $"Checking for service $prog: " # Return value is slightly different for the status command: # 0 - service up and running # 1 - service dead, but /var/run pid file exists # 2 - service dead, but /var/lock file exists # 3 - service not running (unused) # 4 - service status unknown :-( # 5--199 reserved (5-99 LSB, 100-149 distro, 150-199 appl.) RETVAL=4 ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|try-restart|condrestart|restart|force-reload|reload}" RETVAL=3 ;; esac exit $RETVAL EOL chmod +x /etc/init.d/post-cloud-init /sbin/chkconfig --add post-cloud-init /sbin/chkconfig post-cloud-init on } echo "Checking distribution" if [ `/usr/bin/facter operatingsystem` = "Fedora" ]; then echo "---> Fedora found" systemd_init else if [ `/usr/bin/facter operatingsystemrelease | /bin/cut -d '.' -f1` = "7" ]; then echo "---> CentOS 7" systemd_init else echo "---> CentOS 6" sysv_init fi fi # vim: sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et :