rackspace-convert-base can be used to convert a RackSpace native base image into a Vagrant compatible one. The default image to convert is the 'Fedora 20 (Heisenbug) (PVHVM)' image but this can be overridden just by setting the RSIMAGE environment variable before calling the vagrant up. ex: $ RSIMAGE='CentOS 7 (PVHVM)' vagrant up --provider=rackspace This vagrant will just set the instance up at the most basic to be Vagrant capable and also SELinux enforcing. It will then "reseal" itself and state the the system is ready for imaging. Any further RackSpace specific Vagrant definitions will expect a base system of the form "$DISTRO - Vagrant ready" for the base image name ex: Fedora 20 (Heisenbug) - Vagrant ready or CentOS 7 - Vagrant ready NOTE: The reseal operation _destroys_ the SSH keys that were used to bring the Vagrant system up effectively making the system unable to perform SSH based logins again. This is intentional.