/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.binding.api.DataBroker; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.ActionInfo; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.InstructionInfo; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.MatchInfoBase; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.NwConstants; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.NxMatchFieldType; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.NxMatchInfo; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.actions.ActionNxConntrack; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.instructions.InstructionApplyActions; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.interfaces.IMdsalApiManager; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchEthernetDestination; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchEthernetType; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice.api.AclServiceManager.Action; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice.api.AclServiceManager.MatchCriteria; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice.utils.AclConstants; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice.utils.AclDataUtil; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice.utils.AclServiceOFFlowBuilder; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice.utils.AclServiceUtils; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.access.control.list.rev160218.access.lists.acl.access.list.entries.Ace; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.MacAddress; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice.rev160608.IpPrefixOrAddress; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice.rev160608.interfaces._interface.AllowedAddressPairs; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Provides the stateful implementation for ingress (w.r.t VM) ACL service. * *

* Note: Table names used are w.r.t switch. Hence, switch ingress is VM egress * and vice versa. */ public class StatefulIngressAclServiceImpl extends AbstractIngressAclServiceImpl { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatefulIngressAclServiceImpl.class); /** * Initialize the member variables. * * @param dataBroker the data broker instance. * @param mdsalManager the mdsal manager. * @param aclDataUtil * the acl data util. * @param aclServiceUtils * the acl service util. */ public StatefulIngressAclServiceImpl(DataBroker dataBroker, IMdsalApiManager mdsalManager, AclDataUtil aclDataUtil, AclServiceUtils aclServiceUtils) { // Service mode is w.rt. switch super(dataBroker, mdsalManager, aclDataUtil, aclServiceUtils); } /** * Program conntrack rules. * * @param dpid the dpid * @param dhcpMacAddress the dhcp mac address. * @param allowedAddresses the allowed addresses * @param lportTag the lport tag * @param addOrRemove add or remove the flow */ @Override protected void programSpecificFixedRules(BigInteger dpid, String dhcpMacAddress, List allowedAddresses, int lportTag, String portId, Action action, int addOrRemove) { programIngressAclFixedConntrackRule(dpid, lportTag, allowedAddresses, portId, action, addOrRemove); } @Override protected String syncSpecificAclFlow(BigInteger dpId, int lportTag, int addOrRemove, Ace ace, String portId, Map> flowMap, String flowName) { List matches = flowMap.get(flowName); flowName += "Ingress" + lportTag + ace.getKey().getRuleName(); matches.add(AclServiceUtils.buildLPortTagMatch(lportTag)); matches.add(new NxMatchInfo(NxMatchFieldType.ct_state, new long[] {AclConstants.TRACKED_NEW_CT_STATE, AclConstants.TRACKED_NEW_CT_STATE_MASK})); Long elanTag = AclServiceUtils.getElanIdFromInterface(portId, dataBroker); List actionsInfos = new ArrayList<>(); actionsInfos.add(new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, elanTag.intValue(), (short) 255)); List instructions = getDispatcherTableResubmitInstructions(actionsInfos); // For flows related remote ACL, unique flow priority is used for // each flow to avoid overlapping flows int priority = getIngressSpecificAclFlowPriority(dpId, addOrRemove, flowName); syncFlow(dpId, NwConstants.EGRESS_ACL_FILTER_TABLE, flowName, priority, "ACL", 0, 0, AclConstants.COOKIE_ACL_BASE, matches, instructions, addOrRemove); return flowName; } private int getIngressSpecificAclFlowPriority(BigInteger dpId, int addOrRemove, String flowName) { int priority; if (addOrRemove == NwConstants.DEL_FLOW) { priority = aclServiceUtils.releaseAndRemoveFlowPriorityFromCache(dpId, NwConstants.EGRESS_ACL_FILTER_TABLE, flowName); } else { priority = aclServiceUtils.allocateAndSaveFlowPriorityInCache(dpId, NwConstants.EGRESS_ACL_FILTER_TABLE, flowName); } return priority; } /** * Adds the rule to send the packet to the netfilter to check whether it is * a known packet. * * @param dpId the dpId * @param allowedAddresses the allowed addresses * @param priority the priority of the flow * @param flowId the flowId * @param conntrackState the conntrack state of the packets thats should be * send * @param conntrackMask the conntrack mask * @param portId the portId * @param addOrRemove whether to add or remove the flow */ private void programConntrackRecircRules(BigInteger dpId, List allowedAddresses, Integer priority, String flowId, String portId, int addOrRemove) { for (AllowedAddressPairs allowedAddress : allowedAddresses) { IpPrefixOrAddress attachIp = allowedAddress.getIpAddress(); MacAddress attachMac = allowedAddress.getMacAddress(); List matches = new ArrayList<>(); matches.add(MatchEthernetType.IPV4); matches.add(new MatchEthernetDestination(attachMac)); matches.addAll(AclServiceUtils.buildIpMatches(attachIp, MatchCriteria.MATCH_DESTINATION)); List instructions = new ArrayList<>(); List actionsInfos = new ArrayList<>(); Long elanTag = AclServiceUtils.getElanIdFromInterface(portId, dataBroker); actionsInfos.add(new ActionNxConntrack(2, 0, 0, elanTag.intValue(), NwConstants.EGRESS_ACL_REMOTE_ACL_TABLE)); instructions.add(new InstructionApplyActions(actionsInfos)); String flowName = "Ingress_Fixed_Conntrk_" + dpId + "_" + attachMac.getValue() + "_" + String.valueOf(attachIp.getValue()) + "_" + flowId; syncFlow(dpId, NwConstants.EGRESS_ACL_TABLE, flowName, AclConstants.PROTO_MATCH_PRIORITY, "ACL", 0, 0, AclConstants.COOKIE_ACL_BASE, matches, instructions, addOrRemove); } } /** * Programs the default connection tracking rules. * * @param dpid the dp id * @param lportTag the lport tag * @param allowedAddresses the allowed addresses * @param portId the portId * @param write whether to add or remove the flow. */ private void programIngressAclFixedConntrackRule(BigInteger dpid, int lportTag, List allowedAddresses, String portId, Action action, int write) { programConntrackRecircRules(dpid, allowedAddresses, AclConstants.CT_STATE_UNTRACKED_PRIORITY, "Recirc",portId, write); programIngressConntrackDropRules(dpid, lportTag, write); LOG.info("programIngressAclFixedConntrackRule : default connection tracking rule are added."); } /** * Adds the rule to drop the unknown/invalid packets . * * @param dpId the dpId * @param lportTag the lport tag * @param priority the priority of the flow * @param flowId the flowId * @param conntrackState the conntrack state of the packets thats should be * send * @param conntrackMask the conntrack mask * @param tableId table id * @param addOrRemove whether to add or remove the flow */ private void programConntrackDropRule(BigInteger dpId, int lportTag, Integer priority, String flowId, int conntrackState, int conntrackMask, int addOrRemove) { List matches = AclServiceOFFlowBuilder.addLPortTagMatches(lportTag, conntrackState, conntrackMask); List instructions = AclServiceOFFlowBuilder.getDropInstructionInfo(); flowId = "Ingress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop" + dpId + "_" + lportTag + "_" + flowId; syncFlow(dpId, NwConstants.INGRESS_ACL_FILTER_TABLE, flowId, priority, "ACL", 0, 0, AclConstants.COOKIE_ACL_DROP_FLOW, matches, instructions, addOrRemove); } /** * Adds the rules to drop the unknown/invalid packets . * * @param dpId the dpId * @param lportTag the lport tag * @param addOrRemove whether to add or remove the flow */ private void programIngressConntrackDropRules(BigInteger dpId, int lportTag, int addOrRemove) { programConntrackDropRule(dpId, lportTag, AclConstants.CT_STATE_TRACKED_NEW_DROP_PRIORITY, "Tracked_New", AclConstants.TRACKED_NEW_CT_STATE, AclConstants.TRACKED_NEW_CT_STATE_MASK, addOrRemove); programConntrackDropRule(dpId, lportTag, AclConstants.CT_STATE_TRACKED_INVALID_PRIORITY, "Tracked_Invalid", AclConstants.TRACKED_INV_CT_STATE, AclConstants.TRACKED_INV_CT_STATE_MASK, addOrRemove); } }