/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice.tests import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.actions.ActionNxConntrack import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.actions.ActionNxResubmit import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.actions.ActionDrop import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.FlowEntity import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.instructions.InstructionApplyActions import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchEthernetDestination import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchEthernetSource import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchEthernetType import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchIcmpv6 import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchIpProtocol import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchIpv6Destination import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchIpv6Source import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchMetadata import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.MetaDataUtil import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.nxmatches.NxMatchCtState import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.nxmatches.NxMatchTcpDestinationPort import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.nxmatches.NxMatchUdpDestinationPort import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.MacAddress import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.nxmatches.NxMatchRegister import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.openflowjava.nx.match.rev140421.NxmNxReg6 class FlowEntryObjectsStatefulIPv6 extends FlowEntryObjectsStateful { override fixedConntrackIngressFlowsPort1() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Ingress_Fixed_Conntrk_123_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F3_2001:db8:1::/64_Recirc" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 0, 0, 5000, 243 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchEthernetDestination(new MacAddress("0D:AA:D8:42:30:F3")), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Destination("2001:db8:1::/64") ] priority = 61010 tableId = 241 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Ingress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_New" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = 50 tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Ingress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_Invalid" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new NxMatchCtState(48, 48) ] priority = 62015 tableId = 213 as short ] ] } override etherIngressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ETHERnull_ipv6_remoteACL_interface_aap_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F3_2001:db8:1::/64" +"Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("2001:db8:1::/64"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ETHERnull_ipv6_remoteACL_interface_aap_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F4_2001:db8:2::/64" +"Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("2001:db8:2::/64"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ] ] } override fixedConntrackEgressFlowsPort1() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Egress_Fixed_Conntrk_123_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F3_2001:db8:1::/64_Recirc" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 0, 0, 5000, 213 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetSource(new MacAddress("0D:AA:D8:42:30:F3")), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("2001:db8:1::/64") ] priority = 61010 tableId = 211 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Egress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_New" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = 50 tableId = 243 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Egress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_Invalid" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(48, 48) ] priority = 62015 tableId = 243 as short ] ] } override fixedConntrackIngressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Ingress_Fixed_Conntrk_123_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F4_2001:db8:2::/64_Recirc" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 0, 0, 5000, 243 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchEthernetDestination(new MacAddress("0D:AA:D8:42:30:F4")), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Destination("2001:db8:2::/64") ] priority = 61010 tableId = 241 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Ingress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_New" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = 50 tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Ingress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_Invalid" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new NxMatchCtState(48, 48) ] priority = 62015 tableId = 213 as short ] ] } override fixedConntrackEgressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Egress_Fixed_Conntrk_123_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F4_2001:db8:2::/64_Recirc" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 0, 0, 5000, 213 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetSource(new MacAddress("0D:AA:D8:42:30:F4")), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("2001:db8:2::/64") ] priority = 61010 tableId = 211 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Egress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_New" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = 50 tableId = 243 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Egress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_Invalid" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(48, 48) ] priority = 62015 tableId = 243 as short ] ] } override fixedConntrackIngressFlowsPort3() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Ingress_Fixed_Conntrk_123_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F5_2001:db8:3::/64_Recirc" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 0, 0, 5000, 243 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchEthernetDestination(new MacAddress("0D:AA:D8:42:30:F5")), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Destination("2001:db8:3::/64") ] priority = 61010 tableId = 241 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Ingress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_New" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = 50 tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Ingress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_Invalid" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new NxMatchCtState(48, 48) ] priority = 62015 tableId = 213 as short ] ] } override fixedConntrackEgressFlowsPort3() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Egress_Fixed_Conntrk_123_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F5_2001:db8:3::/64_Recirc" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 0, 0, 5000, 213 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetSource(new MacAddress("0D:AA:D8:42:30:F5")), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("2001:db8:3::/64") ] priority = 61010 tableId = 211 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Egress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_New" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = 50 tableId = 243 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100481bi flowId = "Egress_Fixed_Conntrk_Drop123_987_Tracked_Invalid" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionDrop() ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ] ] } override tcpIngressFlowPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_80_65535Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchTcpDestinationPort(80, 65535), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ] ] } override tcpEgressFlowPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_80_65535_ipv6_remoteACL_interface_aap_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F3_2001:db8:1::/64" +"Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Destination("2001:db8:1::/64"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchTcpDestinationPort(80, 65535), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_80_65535_ipv6_remoteACL_interface_aap_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F4_2001:db8:2::/64Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Destination("2001:db8:2::/64"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchTcpDestinationPort(80, 65535), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ] ] } override udpEgressFlowsPort1() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "UDP_DESTINATION_80_65535Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchUdpDestinationPort(80, 65535), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ] ] } override udpIngressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "UDP_DESTINATION_80_65535_ipv6_remoteACL_interface_aap_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F3_2001:db8:1::/64" +"Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("2001:db8:1::/64"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchUdpDestinationPort(80, 65535), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "UDP_DESTINATION_80_65535_ipv6_remoteACL_interface_aap_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F4_2001:db8:2::/64Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("2001:db8:2::/64"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchUdpDestinationPort(80, 65535), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ] ] } override udpEgressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "UDP_DESTINATION_80_65535Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchUdpDestinationPort(80, 65535), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ] ] } override icmpIngressFlowsPort1() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V6_DESTINATION_23_Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIcmpv6(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ] ] } override icmpIngressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V6_DESTINATION_23_Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIcmpv6(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ] ] } override icmpEgressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V6_DESTINATION_23__ipv6_remoteACL_interface_aap_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F3_2001:db8:1::/64" +"Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Destination("2001:db8:1::/64"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIcmpv6(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V6_DESTINATION_23__ipv6_remoteACL_interface_aap_0D:AA:D8:42:30:F4_2001:db8:2::/64" +"Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Destination("2001:db8:2::/64"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIcmpv6(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ] ] } override udpIngressPortRangeFlows() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "UDP_DESTINATION_2000_65532Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchUdpDestinationPort(2000, 65532), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ] ] } override tcpEgressRangeFlows() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_776_65534Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchTcpDestinationPort(776, 65534), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_512_65280Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchTcpDestinationPort(512, 65280), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_334_65534Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchTcpDestinationPort(334, 65534), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_333_65535Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchTcpDestinationPort(333, 65535), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_336_65520Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchTcpDestinationPort(336, 65520), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_352_65504Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchTcpDestinationPort(352, 65504), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_384_65408Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchTcpDestinationPort(384, 65408), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_768_65528Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new NxMatchTcpDestinationPort(768, 65528), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ] ] } override udpIngressAllFlows() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "UDP_DESTINATION_1_0Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ] ] } override tcpEgressAllFlows() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "TCP_DESTINATION_1_0Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ] ] } override icmpIngressFlowsPort3() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V6_DESTINATION_23_Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIcmpv6(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V6_DESTINATION_23_Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426a22" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIcmpv6(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new NxMatchRegister(NxmNxReg6, 252672L, 268435200L), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 243 as short ] ] } override icmpEgressFlowsPort3() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V6_DESTINATION_23_Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIcmpv6(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V6_DESTINATION_23_Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426a21" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpv6Source("::/0"), new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIcmpv6(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchCtState(33, 33) ] priority = IdHelper.getFlowPriority(flowId) tableId = 213 as short ] ] } }