/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice.tests import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.actions.ActionNxConntrack import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.actions.ActionNxResubmit import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.FlowEntity import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.instructions.InstructionApplyActions import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchEthernetType import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchIcmpv4 import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchIcmpv6 import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchIpProtocol import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchIpv4Destination import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchIpv4Source import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchMetadata import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchTcpFlags import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchUdpDestinationPort import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchUdpSourcePort import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.MetaDataUtil import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.NxMatchFieldType import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.NxMatchInfoBuilder import static extension org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.testutils.XtendBuilderExtensions.operator_doubleGreaterThan class FlowEntryObjectsStateless extends FlowEntryObjectsBase { protected def etherFlows() { fixedIngressFlowsPort1 + etherFlowIngressPort1 + fixedEgressFlowsPort1 + etherFlowEgressPort1 + fixedIngressFlowsPort2 + etherIngressFlowsPort2 + fixedEgressFlowsPort2 + etheregressFlowPort2 } protected def tcpFlows() { fixedIngressFlowsPort1 + tcpIngressFlowPort1 + fixedEgressFlowsPort1 + tcpEgressFlowPort1 + fixedIngressFlowsPort2 + tcpIngressFlowPort2 + fixedEgressFlowsPort2 + tcpEgressFlowPort2 } protected def udpFlows() { fixedIngressFlowsPort1 + fixedEgressFlowsPort1 + fixedIngressFlowsPort2 + fixedEgressFlowsPort2 } protected def icmpFlows() { fixedIngressFlowsPort1 + fixedEgressFlowsPort1 + fixedIngressFlowsPort2 + fixedEgressFlowsPort2 } protected def dstRangeFlows() { fixedIngressFlowsPort1 + fixedEgressFlowsPort1 + tcpEgressRangeFlows } protected def dstAllFlows() { fixedIngressFlowsPort1 + fixedEgressFlowsPort1 } protected def icmpFlowsForTwoAclsHavingSameRules() { fixedIngressFlowsPort3 + fixedEgressFlowsPort3 } protected def etherFlowIngressPort1() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_ETHERnullIngress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 251 as short ] ] } protected def etherFlowEgressPort1() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_ETHERnullEgress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ] ] } protected def etherIngressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_ETHERnullIngress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 251 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_ETHERnullIngress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 251 as short ] ] } protected def etherEgressFlowsPort1() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "[SYN_ETHERnullIngress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 251 as short ] ] } protected def etheregressFlowPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_ETHERnullEgress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ] ] } protected def tcpIngressFlowPort1() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_80_65535Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 80L, 65535L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 251 as short ] ] } protected def tcpIngressFlowPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_80_65535Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 80L, 65535L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 251 as short ] ] } protected def tcpEgressFlowPort1() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_80_65535Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 80L, 65535L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ] ] } protected def tcpEgressFlowPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_80_65535Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 80L, 65535L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_80_65535Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 80L, 65535L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ] ] } protected def udpEgressFlowsPort1() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "UDP_DESTINATION_80_65535Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_udp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 80L, 65535L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = 61010 tableId = 41 as short ] ] } protected def udpIngressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "UDP_DESTINATION_80_65535_ipv4_remoteACL_interface_aap_AllowedAddressPairsKey " +"[_macAddress=MacAddress [_value=0D:AA:D8:42:30:F3], _ipAddress=IpPrefixOrAddress " +"[_ipPrefix=IpPrefix [_ipv4Prefix=Ipv4Prefix [_value=]]]]" +"Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIpv4Source("", "24"), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_udp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 80L, 65535L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = 61010 tableId = 252 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "UDP_DESTINATION_80_65535_ipv4_remoteACL_interface_aap_AllowedAddressPairsKey [_macAddress=MacAddress [_value=0D:AA:D8:42:30:F4], _ipAddress=IpPrefixOrAddress [_ipPrefix=IpPrefix [_ipv4Prefix=Ipv4Prefix [_value=]]]]Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIpv4Source("", "24"), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_udp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 80L, 65535L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = 61010 tableId = 252 as short ] ] } protected def udpEgressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "UDP_DESTINATION_80_65535Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_udp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 80L, 65535L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = 61010 tableId = 41 as short ] ] } protected def icmpIngressFlowsPort1() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V4_DESTINATION_23_Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIcmpv4(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = 61010 tableId = 252 as short ] ] } protected def icmpIngressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V4_DESTINATION_23_Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIcmpv4(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = 61010 tableId = 252 as short ] ] } protected def icmpEgressFlowsPort2() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V4_DESTINATION_23__ipv4_remoteACL_interface_aap_AllowedAddressPairsKey " +"[_macAddress=MacAddress [_value=0D:AA:D8:42:30:F3], _ipAddress=IpPrefixOrAddress " +"[_ipPrefix=IpPrefix [_ipv4Prefix=Ipv4Prefix [_value=]]]]" +"Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIpv4Destination("", "24"), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIcmpv4(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = 61010 tableId = 41 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V4_DESTINATION_23__ipv4_remoteACL_interface_aap_AllowedAddressPairsKey " +"[_macAddress=MacAddress [_value=0D:AA:D8:42:30:F4], _ipAddress=IpPrefixOrAddress " +"[_ipPrefix=IpPrefix [_ipv4Prefix=Ipv4Prefix [_value=]]]]" +"Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIpv4Destination("", "24"), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIcmpv4(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = 61010 tableId = 41 as short ] ] } protected def udpIngressPortRangeFlows() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "UDP_DESTINATION_2000_65532Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_udp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 2000L, 65532L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = 61010 tableId = 252 as short ] ] } protected def tcpEgressRangeFlows() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_776_65534Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 776L, 65534L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_512_65280Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 512L, 65280L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_334_65534Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 334L, 65534L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_333_65535Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 333L, 65535L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_336_65520Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 336L, 65520L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_352_65504Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 352L, 65504L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_384_65408Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 384L, 65408L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "SYN_TCP_DESTINATION_768_65528Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL_SYN_" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.nx_tcp_dst_with_mask matchValues = #[ 768L, 65528L ] ], new MatchIpProtocol(6 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, 1152920405095219200bi), new MatchTcpFlags(2) ] priority = 61005 tableId = 40 as short ] ] } protected def icmpIngressFlowsPort3() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V4_DESTINATION_23_Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac7" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIcmpv4(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = AclServiceTestBase.FLOW_PRIORITY_SG_1 tableId = 252 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V4_DESTINATION_23_Ingress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426a22" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIcmpv4(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = AclServiceTestBase.FLOW_PRIORITY_SG_2 tableId = 252 as short ] ] } protected def icmpEgressFlowsPort3() { #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V4_DESTINATION_23_Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac6" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIcmpv4(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = AclServiceTestBase.FLOW_PRIORITY_SG_1 tableId = 41 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "ICMP_V4_DESTINATION_23_Egress98785cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426a21" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxConntrack(2, 1, 0, 5000, 255 as short), new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIcmpv4(2 as short, 3 as short), new MatchIpProtocol(1 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG), new NxMatchInfoBuilder >> [ matchField = NxMatchFieldType.ct_state matchValues = #[ 33L, 33L ] ] ] priority = AclServiceTestBase.FLOW_PRIORITY_SG_2 tableId = 41 as short ] ] } override def expectedFlows(String mac) { // Code auto. generated by https://github.com/vorburger/xtendbeans #[ new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Ingress_DHCP_Server_v4123_987__Permit_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchUdpDestinationPort(68 as short), new MatchUdpSourcePort(67 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 251 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Ingress_DHCP_Server_v6_123_987___Permit_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchUdpDestinationPort(546 as short), new MatchUdpSourcePort(547 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 251 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Ingress_ICMPv6_123_987_130_Permit_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(58 as short), new MatchIcmpv6(130 as short, 0 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 251 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Ingress_ICMPv6_123_987_135_Permit_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(58 as short), new MatchIcmpv6(135 as short, 0 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 251 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Ingress_ICMPv6_123_987_136_Permit_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(58 as short), new MatchIcmpv6(136 as short, 0 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 251 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Ingress_ARP_123_987" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(220 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2054L), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 251 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Egress_DHCP_Client_v4123_987__Permit_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchUdpDestinationPort(67 as short), new MatchUdpSourcePort(68 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Egress_DHCP_Client_v6_123_987__Permit_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchUdpDestinationPort(547 as short), new MatchUdpSourcePort(546 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Egress_DHCP_Server_v4123_987__Drop_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(2048L), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchUdpDestinationPort(68 as short), new MatchUdpSourcePort(67 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Egress_DHCP_Server_v6_123_987__Drop_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(17 as short), new MatchUdpDestinationPort(546 as short), new MatchUdpSourcePort(547 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Egress_ICMPv6_123_987_134_Drop_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(58 as short), new MatchIcmpv6(134 as short, 0 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63020 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Egress_ICMPv6_123_987_133_Permit_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(58 as short), new MatchIcmpv6(133 as short, 0 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Egress_ICMPv6_123_987_135_Permit_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(58 as short), new MatchIcmpv6(135 as short, 0 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 40 as short ], new FlowEntity(123bi) => [ cookie = 110100480bi flowId = "Egress_ICMPv6_123_987_136_Permit_" flowName = "ACL" instructionInfoList = #[ new InstructionApplyActions(#[ new ActionNxResubmit(17 as short) ]) ] matchInfoList = #[ new MatchEthernetType(34525L), new MatchIpProtocol(58 as short), new MatchIcmpv6(136 as short, 0 as short), new MatchMetadata(1085217976614912bi, MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_LPORT_TAG) ] priority = 63010 tableId = 40 as short ] ] } }