/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson India Global Services Pvt Ltd. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import java.util.*; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.commands.ClearBgpCli; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.binding.api.DataBroker; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.binding.api.DataChangeListener; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.common.api.data.LogicalDatastoreType; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.common.api.data.AsyncDataBroker.DataChangeScope; //import org.opendaylight.vpnservice.itm.api.IITMProvider; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.client.BgpRouter; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.client.BgpRouterException; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.client.BgpSyncHandle; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.Routes; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.Update; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.af_afi; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.af_safi; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.gen.qbgpConstants; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.thrift.server.BgpThriftService; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.*; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.*; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ericsson.params.xml.ns.yang.ebgp.rev150901.bgp.neighbors.*; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev100924.*; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.FibEntries; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.fibentries.VrfTables; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.ListenerRegistration; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.DataObject; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class BgpConfigurationManager { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BgpConfigurationManager.class); private static DataBroker broker; private static FibDSWriter fib; private boolean restarting = false; private static Bgp config; private static BgpRouter bgpRouter; private static BgpThriftService updateServer; private static final String DEF_LOGFILE = "/var/log/bgp_debug.log"; private static final String DEF_LOGLEVEL = "errors"; private static final String UPDATE_PORT = "bgp.thrift.service.port"; private static final String CONFIG_HOST = "vpnservice.bgpspeaker.host.name"; private static final String CONFIG_PORT = "vpnservice.bgpspeaker.thrift.port"; private static final String DEF_UPORT = "6644"; private static final String DEF_CHOST = ""; private static final String DEF_CPORT = "7644"; private static final String SDNC_BGP_MIP = "sdnc_bgp_mip"; private static final String CLUSTER_CONF_FILE = "/cluster/etc/cluster.conf"; private static final Timer ipActivationCheckTimer = new Timer(); // to have stale FIB map (RD, Prefix) // number of seconds wait for route sync-up between ODL and BGP. private static final int BGP_RESTART_ROUTE_SYNC_SEC = 360; static String odlThriftIp = ""; private static String cHostStartup; private static String cPortStartup; private static CountDownLatch initer = new CountDownLatch(1); //static IITMProvider itmProvider; public static BgpManager bgpManager; //map> private static Map> staledFibEntriesMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static final Class[] reactors = { ConfigServerReactor.class, AsIdReactor.class, GracefulRestartReactor.class, LoggingReactor.class, NeighborsReactor.class, UpdateSourceReactor.class, EbgpMultihopReactor.class, AddressFamiliesReactor.class, NetworksReactor.class, VrfsReactor.class, BgpReactor.class }; private ListenerRegistration[] registrations; private Object createListener(Class cls) { Constructor ctor; Object obj = null; try { ctor= cls.getConstructor(BgpConfigurationManager.class); obj = ctor.newInstance(this); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to create listener object", e); } return obj; } private void registerCallbacks() { String emsg = "Failed to register listener"; registrations = (ListenerRegistration[]) new ListenerRegistration[reactors.length]; InstanceIdentifier iid = InstanceIdentifier.create(Bgp.class); for (int i = 0; i < reactors.length; i++) { DataChangeListener dcl = (DataChangeListener) createListener(reactors[i]); String dclName = dcl.getClass().getName(); try { registrations[i] = broker.registerDataChangeListener( LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, iid, dcl, DataChangeScope.SUBTREE); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(emsg, e); throw new IllegalStateException(emsg+" "+dclName, e); } } } public void close() { if (updateServer != null) { updateServer.stop(); } } private boolean configExists() { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); Optional b = BgpUtil.read(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, iid); return b.isPresent(); } private String getProperty(String var, String def) { Bundle b = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(BgpManager.class); if (b == null) { return def; } BundleContext context = b.getBundleContext(); if (context == null) { return def; } String s = context.getProperty(var); return (s == null ? def : s); } public BgpConfigurationManager(BgpManager bgpMgr) { broker = bgpMgr.getBroker(); fib = bgpMgr.getFibWriter(); //itmProvider = bgpMgr.getItmProvider(); // there must be a good way to detect that we're restarting. // but for now infer it from the existance of config restarting = configExists(); bgpManager = bgpMgr; bgpRouter = BgpRouter.getInstance(); String uPort = getProperty(UPDATE_PORT, DEF_UPORT); cHostStartup = getProperty(CONFIG_HOST, DEF_CHOST); cPortStartup = getProperty(CONFIG_PORT, DEF_CPORT); VtyshCli.setHostAddr(cHostStartup); ClearBgpCli.setHostAddr(cHostStartup); LOG.info("UpdateServer at localhost:"+uPort+" ConfigServer at " +cHostStartup+":"+cPortStartup); updateServer = new BgpThriftService(Integer.parseInt(uPort), bgpMgr); updateServer.start(); readOdlThriftIpForBgpCommunication(); registerCallbacks(); // this shouldn't be done. config client must connect in // response to config; but connecting at startup to a default // host is legacy behavior. if (!restarting) { bgpRouter.connect(cHostStartup, Integer.parseInt(cPortStartup)); } LOG.info("BGP Configuration manager initialized"); initer.countDown(); } public Bgp get() { return config; } private static final String addWarn = "Config store updated; undo with Delete if needed."; private static final String delWarn = "Config store updated; undo with Add if needed."; private static final String updWarn = "Update operation not supported; Config store updated;" +" restore with another Update if needed."; public class ConfigServerReactor extends AbstractDataChangeListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final String yangObj = "config-server "; public ConfigServerReactor() { super(ConfigServer.class); } protected synchronized void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, ConfigServer val) { LOG.debug("received bgp connect config host {}", val.getHost().getValue()); try { initer.await(); } catch (Exception e) { } LOG.debug("issueing bgp router connect to host {}", val.getHost().getValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { boolean res = bgpRouter.connect(val.getHost().getValue(), val.getPort().intValue()); if (!res) { LOG.error(yangObj + "Add failed; "+addWarn); } } } protected synchronized void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, ConfigServer val) { LOG.debug("received bgp disconnect"); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { bgpRouter.disconnect(); } } protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, ConfigServer oldval, ConfigServer newval) { LOG.error(yangObj + updWarn); } public void close() { int i; for (i=0 ; i < reactors.length ; i++) { if (reactors[i] == ConfigServerReactor.class) { break; } } registrations[i].close(); } } private BgpRouter getClient(String yangObj) { if (bgpRouter == null) { LOG.warn(yangObj+": configuration received when BGP is inactive"); } return bgpRouter; } public class AsIdReactor extends AbstractDataChangeListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final String yangObj = "as-id "; public AsIdReactor() { super(AsId.class); } protected synchronized void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, AsId val) { LOG.debug("received add router config asNum {}", val.getLocalAs().intValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } int asNum = val.getLocalAs().intValue(); Ipv4Address routerId = val.getRouterId(); Long spt = val.getStalepathTime(); Boolean afb = val.isAnnounceFbit(); String rid = (routerId == null) ? "" : routerId.getValue(); int stalepathTime = (spt == null) ? 90 : spt.intValue(); boolean announceFbit = (afb == null) ? false : afb.booleanValue(); try { br.startBgp(asNum, rid, stalepathTime, announceFbit); if (bgpManager.getBgpCounters() == null) { bgpManager.startBgpCountersTask(); } } catch (BgpRouterException bre) { if (bre.getErrorCode() == BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_ACTIVE) { LOG.error(yangObj+"Add requested when BGP is already active"); } else { LOG.error(yangObj+"Add received exception: \"" +bre+"\"; "+addWarn); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+"Add received exception: \""+e+"\"; "+addWarn); } } } protected synchronized void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, AsId val) { LOG.debug("received delete router config asNum {}", val.getLocalAs().intValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } int asNum = val.getLocalAs().intValue(); try { br.stopBgp(asNum); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+" Delete received exception: \""+e+"\"; "+delWarn); } if (bgpManager.getBgpCounters() != null) { bgpManager.stopBgpCountersTask(); } } } protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, AsId oldval, AsId newval) { LOG.error(yangObj + updWarn); } public void close() { int i; for (i=0 ; i < reactors.length ; i++) { if (reactors[i] == AsIdReactor.class) { break; } } registrations[i].close(); } } public class GracefulRestartReactor extends AbstractDataChangeListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final String yangObj = "graceful-restart "; public GracefulRestartReactor() { super(GracefulRestart.class); } protected synchronized void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, GracefulRestart val) { synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } try { br.addGracefulRestart(val.getStalepathTime().intValue()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+"Add received exception: \""+e+"\"; "+addWarn); } } } protected synchronized void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, GracefulRestart val) { LOG.debug("received delete GracefulRestart config val {}", val.getStalepathTime().intValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } try { br.delGracefulRestart(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+" Delete received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +delWarn); } } } protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, GracefulRestart oldval, GracefulRestart newval) { LOG.debug("received update GracefulRestart config val {}", newval.getStalepathTime().intValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } try { br.addGracefulRestart(newval.getStalepathTime().intValue()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+"update received exception: \""+e+"\"; "+addWarn); } } } public void close() { int i; for (i=0 ; i < reactors.length ; i++) { if (reactors[i] == GracefulRestartReactor.class) { break; } } registrations[i].close(); } } public class LoggingReactor extends AbstractDataChangeListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final String yangObj = "logging "; public LoggingReactor() { super(Logging.class); } protected synchronized void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, Logging val) { synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } try { br.setLogging(val.getFile(),val.getLevel()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+"Add received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +addWarn); } } } protected synchronized void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, Logging val) { LOG.debug("received remove Logging config val {}", val.getLevel()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } try { br.setLogging(DEF_LOGFILE, DEF_LOGLEVEL); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+" Delete received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +delWarn); } } } protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, Logging oldval, Logging newval) { synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } try { br.setLogging(newval.getFile(),newval.getLevel()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+"newval received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +addWarn); } } } public void close() { int i; for (i=0 ; i < reactors.length ; i++) { if (reactors[i] == LoggingReactor.class) { break; } } registrations[i].close(); } } public class NeighborsReactor extends AbstractDataChangeListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final String yangObj = "neighbors "; public NeighborsReactor() { super(Neighbors.class); } protected synchronized void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, Neighbors val) { LOG.debug("received add Neighbors config val {}", val.getAddress().getValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } String peerIp = val.getAddress().getValue(); int as = val.getRemoteAs().intValue(); try { //itmProvider.buildTunnelsToDCGW(new IpAddress(peerIp.toCharArray())); br.addNeighbor(peerIp, as); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+"Add received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +addWarn); } } } protected synchronized void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, Neighbors val) { LOG.debug("received remove Neighbors config val {}", val.getAddress().getValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } String peerIp = val.getAddress().getValue(); try { //itmProvider.deleteTunnelsToDCGW(new IpAddress(val.getAddress().getValue().toCharArray())); br.delNeighbor(peerIp); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+" Delete received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +delWarn); } } } protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, Neighbors oldval, Neighbors newval) { //purposefully nothing to do. } public void close() { int i; for (i=0 ; i < reactors.length ; i++) { if (reactors[i] == NeighborsReactor.class) { break; } } registrations[i].close(); } } public class EbgpMultihopReactor extends AbstractDataChangeListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final String yangObj = "ebgp-multihop "; public EbgpMultihopReactor() { super(EbgpMultihop.class); } protected synchronized void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, EbgpMultihop val) { LOG.debug("received add EbgpMultihop config val {}", val.getPeerIp().getValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); try { br.addEbgpMultihop(peerIp, val.getNhops().intValue()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+"Add received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +addWarn); } } } protected synchronized void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, EbgpMultihop val) { LOG.debug("received remove EbgpMultihop config val {}", val.getPeerIp().getValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); try { br.delEbgpMultihop(peerIp); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+" Delete received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +delWarn); } } } protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, EbgpMultihop oldval, EbgpMultihop newval) { LOG.error(yangObj + updWarn); } public void close() { int i; for (i=0 ; i < reactors.length ; i++) { if (reactors[i] == EbgpMultihopReactor.class) { break; } } registrations[i].close(); } } public class UpdateSourceReactor extends AbstractDataChangeListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final String yangObj = "update-source "; public UpdateSourceReactor() { super(UpdateSource.class); } protected synchronized void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, UpdateSource val) { LOG.debug("received add UpdateSource config val {}", val.getSourceIp().getValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); try { br.addUpdateSource(peerIp, val.getSourceIp().getValue()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+"Add received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +addWarn); } } } protected synchronized void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, UpdateSource val) { LOG.debug("received remove UpdateSource config val {}", val.getSourceIp().getValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); try { br.delUpdateSource(peerIp); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+" Delete received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +delWarn); } } } protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, UpdateSource oldval, UpdateSource newval) { LOG.error(yangObj + updWarn); } public void close() { int i; for (i=0 ; i < reactors.length ; i++) { if (reactors[i] == UpdateSourceReactor.class) { break; } } registrations[i].close(); } } public class AddressFamiliesReactor extends AbstractDataChangeListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final String yangObj = "address-families "; public AddressFamiliesReactor() { super(AddressFamilies.class); } protected synchronized void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, AddressFamilies val) { LOG.debug("received add AddressFamilies config val {}", val.getPeerIp().getValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); af_afi afi = af_afi.findByValue(val.getAfi().intValue()); af_safi safi = af_safi.findByValue(val.getSafi().intValue()); try { br.addAddressFamily(peerIp, afi, safi); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+"Add received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +addWarn); } } } protected synchronized void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, AddressFamilies val) { LOG.debug("received remove AddressFamilies config val {}", val.getPeerIp().getValue()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } String peerIp = val.getPeerIp().getValue(); af_afi afi = af_afi.findByValue(val.getAfi().intValue()); af_safi safi = af_safi.findByValue(val.getSafi().intValue()); try { br.delAddressFamily(peerIp, afi, safi); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+" Delete received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +delWarn); } } } protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, AddressFamilies oldval, AddressFamilies newval) { LOG.error(yangObj + updWarn); } public void close() { int i; for (i=0 ; i < reactors.length ; i++) { if (reactors[i] == AddressFamiliesReactor.class) { break; } } registrations[i].close(); } } public class NetworksReactor extends AbstractDataChangeListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final String yangObj = "networks "; public NetworksReactor() { super(Networks.class); } protected synchronized void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, Networks val) { LOG.debug("received add Networks config val {}", val.getPrefixLen()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } String rd = val.getRd(); String pfxlen = val.getPrefixLen(); String nh = val.getNexthop().getValue(); Long label = val.getLabel(); int lbl = (label == null) ? qbgpConstants.LBL_NO_LABEL : label.intValue(); try { br.addPrefix(rd, pfxlen, nh, lbl); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+"Add received exception: \""+e+"\"; "+addWarn); } } } protected synchronized void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, Networks val) { LOG.debug("received remove Networks config val {}", val.getPrefixLen()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } String rd = val.getRd(); String pfxlen = val.getPrefixLen(); Long label = val.getLabel(); int lbl = (label == null) ? 0 : label.intValue(); if (rd == null && lbl > 0) { //LU prefix is being deleted. rd = Integer.toString(lbl); } try { br.delPrefix(rd, pfxlen); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+" Delete received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +delWarn); } } } protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, Networks oldval, Networks newval) { LOG.error(yangObj + updWarn); } public void close() { int i; for (i=0 ; i < reactors.length ; i++) { if (reactors[i] == NetworksReactor.class) { break; } } registrations[i].close(); } } public class VrfsReactor extends AbstractDataChangeListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final String yangObj = "vrfs "; public VrfsReactor() { super(Vrfs.class); } protected synchronized void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, Vrfs val) { LOG.debug("received add Vrfs config val {}", val.getRd()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } try { br.addVrf(val.getRd(), val.getImportRts(), val.getExportRts()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+"Add received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +addWarn); } } } protected synchronized void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, Vrfs val) { LOG.debug("received remove Vrfs config val {}", val.getRd()); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { BgpRouter br = getClient(yangObj); if (br == null) { return; } try { br.delVrf(val.getRd()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(yangObj+" Delete received exception: \""+e+"\"; " +delWarn); } } } protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, Vrfs oldval, Vrfs newval) { LOG.error(yangObj + updWarn); } public void close() { int i; for (i=0 ; i < reactors.length ; i++) { if (reactors[i] == VrfsReactor.class) { break; } } registrations[i].close(); } } Future lastCleanupJob; AtomicReference lastCleanupJobReference = new AtomicReference<>(); AtomicBoolean started = new AtomicBoolean(false); public class BgpReactor extends AbstractDataChangeListener implements AutoCloseable { private static final String yangObj = "Bgp "; public BgpReactor() { super(Bgp.class); } protected synchronized void add(InstanceIdentifier iid, Bgp val) { LOG.debug("received add Bgp config replaying the config"); try { initer.await(); } catch (Exception e) { } synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { config = val; if (restarting) { if (isIpAvailable(odlThriftIp)) { bgpRestarted(); } else { ipActivationCheckTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { public void run() { if (isIpAvailable(odlThriftIp)) { bgpRestarted(); ipActivationCheckTimer.cancel(); } } }, 10000L, 10000L); } } } } protected synchronized void remove(InstanceIdentifier iid, Bgp val) { LOG.debug("received remove Bgp config"); synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { config = null; } } protected void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, Bgp oldval, Bgp newval) { synchronized(BgpConfigurationManager.this) { config = newval; } } public void close() { int i; for (i=0 ; i < reactors.length ; i++) { if (reactors[i] == BgpReactor.class) { break; } } registrations[i].close(); } } public void readOdlThriftIpForBgpCommunication() { File f = new File(CLUSTER_CONF_FILE); if (!f.exists()) { odlThriftIp = ""; return; } BufferedReader br = null; try { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream(f))); String line = br.readLine(); while (line != null) { if (line.contains(SDNC_BGP_MIP)) { line = line.trim(); odlThriftIp = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf(" ")+1); break; } line = br.readLine(); } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { try {br.close();} catch (Exception ignore){} } } public boolean isIpAvailable(String odlip) { try { if (odlip != null) { if ("".equals(odlip)) { return true; } Enumeration e = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface n = (NetworkInterface) e.nextElement(); Enumeration ee = n.getInetAddresses(); while (ee.hasMoreElements()) { InetAddress i = (InetAddress) ee.nextElement(); if (odlip.equals(i.getHostAddress())) { return true; }; } } } } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } public void bgpRestarted() { /* * If there a thread which in the process of stale cleanup, cancel it * and start a new thread (to avoid processing same again). */ if (lastCleanupJobReference.get() != null) { lastCleanupJobReference.get().cancel(true); lastCleanupJobReference.set(null); } Runnable task = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOG.error("started creating stale fib map "); createStaleFibMap(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOG.error("took {} msecs for stale fib map creation ", endTime - startTime); LOG.error("started bgp config replay "); startTime = endTime; replay(); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOG.error("took {} msecs for bgp replay ", endTime - startTime); long route_sync_time = BGP_RESTART_ROUTE_SYNC_SEC; try { route_sync_time = bgpManager.getConfig().getGracefulRestart().getStalepathTime(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("BGP config/Stale-path time is not set"); } Thread.sleep(route_sync_time * 1000L); new RouteCleanup().call(); } catch (Exception eCancel) { LOG.error("Stale Cleanup Task Cancelled", eCancel); } } }; lastCleanupJob = executor.submit(task); lastCleanupJobReference.set(lastCleanupJob); } private static void doRouteSync() { BgpSyncHandle bsh = BgpSyncHandle.getInstance(); LOG.debug("Starting BGP route sync"); try { bgpRouter.initRibSync(bsh); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Route sync aborted, exception when initialzing: "+e); return; } while (bsh.getState() != bsh.DONE) { Routes routes = null; try { routes = bgpRouter.doRibSync(bsh); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Route sync aborted, exception when syncing: "+e); return; } Iterator updates = routes.getUpdatesIterator(); while (updates.hasNext()) { Update u = updates.next(); Map> stale_fib_rd_map = BgpConfigurationManager.getStaledFibEntriesMap(); String rd = u.getRd(); String nexthop = u.getNexthop(); int label = u.getLabel(); String prefix = u.getPrefix(); int plen = u.getPrefixlen(); onUpdatePushRoute(rd, prefix, plen, nexthop, label); } } try { LOG.debug("Ending BGP route-sync"); bgpRouter.endRibSync(bsh); } catch (Exception e) { } } /* onUpdatePushRoute * Get Stale fib map, and compare current route/fib entry. * - Entry compare shall include NextHop, Label. * - If entry matches: delete from STALE Map. NO Change to FIB Config DS. * - If entry nor found, add to FIB Config DS. * - If entry found, but either Label/NextHop doesnt match. * - Update FIB Config DS with modified values. * - delete from Stale Map. */ public static void onUpdatePushRoute(String rd, String prefix, int plen, String nexthop, int label) { Map> stale_fib_rd_map = BgpConfigurationManager.getStaledFibEntriesMap(); boolean addroute = false; if (!stale_fib_rd_map.isEmpty()) { // restart Scenario, as MAP is not empty. Map map = stale_fib_rd_map.get(rd); if (map !=null) { String nexthoplabel = map.get(prefix + "/" + plen); if (null == nexthoplabel) { // New Entry, which happend to be added during restart. addroute = true; } else { map.remove(prefix + "/" + plen); if (isRouteModified(nexthop, label, nexthoplabel)) { LOG.debug("Route add ** {} ** {}/{} ** {} ** {} ", rd, prefix, plen, nexthop, label); // Existing entry, where in Nexthop/Label got modified during restart addroute = true; } } } } else { LOG.debug("Route add ** {} ** {}/{} ** {} ** {} ", rd, prefix, plen, nexthop, label); addroute = true; } if (addroute) { fib.addFibEntryToDS(rd, prefix + "/" + plen, nexthop, label); } } private static boolean isRouteModified(String nexthop, int label, String nexthoplabel) { return !nexthoplabel.isEmpty() && !nexthoplabel.equals(nexthop+"/"+label); } static private void replayNbrConfig(List n, BgpRouter br) { for (Neighbors nbr : n) { try { br.addNeighbor(nbr.getAddress().getValue(), nbr.getRemoteAs().intValue()); //itmProvider.buildTunnelsToDCGW(new IpAddress(nbr.getAddress().getValue().toCharArray())); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Replay:addNbr() received exception: \""+e+"\""); continue; } EbgpMultihop en = nbr.getEbgpMultihop(); if (en != null) { try { br.addEbgpMultihop(en.getPeerIp().getValue(), en.getNhops().intValue()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Replay:addEBgp() received exception: \""+e+"\""); } } UpdateSource us = nbr.getUpdateSource(); if (us != null) { try { br.addUpdateSource(us.getPeerIp().getValue(), us.getSourceIp().getValue()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Replay:addUS() received exception: \""+e+"\""); } } List afs = nbr.getAddressFamilies(); if (afs != null) { for (AddressFamilies af : afs) { af_afi afi = af_afi.findByValue(af.getAfi().intValue()); af_safi safi = af_safi.findByValue(af.getSafi().intValue()); try { br.addAddressFamily(af.getPeerIp().getValue(), afi, safi); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Replay:addAf() received exception: \""+e+"\""); } } } } } public static String getConfigHost() { if (config == null) { return cHostStartup; } ConfigServer ts = config.getConfigServer(); return (ts == null ? cHostStartup : ts.getHost().getValue()); } public static int getConfigPort() { if (config == null) { return Integer.parseInt(cPortStartup); } ConfigServer ts = config.getConfigServer(); return (ts == null ? Integer.parseInt(cPortStartup) : ts.getPort().intValue()); } public static synchronized void replay() { String host = getConfigHost(); int port = getConfigPort(); boolean res = bgpRouter.connect(host, port); if (!res) { String msg = "Cannot connect to BGP config server at "+host+":"+port; if (config != null) { msg += "; Configuration Replay aborted"; } LOG.error(msg); return; } if (config == null) { return; } BgpRouter br = bgpRouter; AsId a = config.getAsId(); if (a == null) { return; } int asNum = a.getLocalAs().intValue(); Ipv4Address routerId = a.getRouterId(); Long spt = a.getStalepathTime(); Boolean afb = a.isAnnounceFbit(); String rid = (routerId == null) ? "" : routerId.getValue(); int stalepathTime = (spt == null) ? 90 : spt.intValue(); boolean announceFbit = (afb == null) ? false : afb.booleanValue(); try { br.startBgp(asNum, rid, stalepathTime, announceFbit); } catch (BgpRouterException bre) { if (bre.getErrorCode() == BgpRouterException.BGP_ERR_ACTIVE) { doRouteSync(); } else { LOG.error("Replay: startBgp() received exception: \"" +bre+"\"; "+addWarn); } } catch (Exception e) { //not unusual. We may have restarted & BGP is already on LOG.error("Replay:startBgp() received exception: \""+e+"\""); } if (bgpManager.getBgpCounters() == null) { bgpManager.startBgpCountersTask(); } Logging l = config.getLogging(); if (l != null) { try { br.setLogging(l.getFile(), l.getLevel()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Replay:setLogging() received exception: \""+e+"\""); } } GracefulRestart g = config.getGracefulRestart(); if (g != null) { try { br.addGracefulRestart(g.getStalepathTime().intValue()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Replay:addGr() received exception: \""+e+"\""); } } List n = config.getNeighbors(); if (n != null) { replayNbrConfig(n, br); } List v = config.getVrfs(); if (v != null) { for (Vrfs vrf : v) { try { br.addVrf(vrf.getRd(), vrf.getImportRts(), vrf.getExportRts()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Replay:addVrf() received exception: \""+e+"\""); } } } List ln = config.getNetworks(); if (ln != null) { for (Networks net : ln) { String rd = net.getRd(); String pfxlen = net.getPrefixLen(); String nh = net.getNexthop().getValue(); Long label = net.getLabel(); int lbl = (label == null) ? 0 : label.intValue(); if (rd == null && lbl > 0) { //LU prefix is being deleted. rd = Integer.toString(lbl); } try { br.addPrefix(rd, pfxlen, nh, lbl); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Replay:addPfx() received exception: \""+e+"\""); } } } } private void update(InstanceIdentifier iid, T dto) { BgpUtil.update(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, iid, dto); } private void asyncWrite(InstanceIdentifier iid, T dto) { BgpUtil.write(broker,LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION,iid,dto); } private void delete(InstanceIdentifier iid) { BgpUtil.delete(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, iid); } public synchronized void startConfig(String bgpHost, int thriftPort) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(ConfigServer.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); Ipv4Address ipAddr = new Ipv4Address(bgpHost); ConfigServer dto = new ConfigServerBuilder().setHost(ipAddr) .setPort((long) thriftPort).build(); update(iid, dto); } public synchronized void startBgp(int as, String routerId, int spt, boolean fbit) { Long localAs = (long) as; Ipv4Address rid = (routerId == null) ? null : new Ipv4Address(routerId); Long staleTime = (long) spt; InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(AsId.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); AsId dto = new AsIdBuilder().setLocalAs(localAs) .setRouterId(rid) .setStalepathTime(staleTime) .setAnnounceFbit(fbit).build(); update(iid, dto); } public synchronized void addLogging(String fileName, String logLevel) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(Logging.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); Logging dto = new LoggingBuilder().setFile(fileName) .setLevel(logLevel).build(); update(iid, dto); } public synchronized void addGracefulRestart(int staleTime) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(GracefulRestart.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); GracefulRestart dto = new GracefulRestartBuilder() .setStalepathTime((long)staleTime).build(); update(iid, dto); } public synchronized void addNeighbor(String nbrIp, int remoteAs) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); Long rAs = (long) remoteAs; InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); Neighbors dto = new NeighborsBuilder().setAddress(nbrAddr) .setRemoteAs(rAs).build(); update(iid, dto); } public synchronized void addUpdateSource(String nbrIp, String srcIp) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); Ipv4Address srcAddr = new Ipv4Address(srcIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(UpdateSource.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); UpdateSource dto = new UpdateSourceBuilder().setPeerIp(nbrAddr) .setSourceIp(srcAddr).build(); update(iid, dto); } public synchronized void addEbgpMultihop(String nbrIp, int nHops) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(EbgpMultihop.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); EbgpMultihop dto = new EbgpMultihopBuilder().setPeerIp(nbrAddr) .setNhops((long)nHops).build(); update(iid, dto); } public synchronized void addAddressFamily(String nbrIp, int afi, int safi) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); Long a = (long) afi; Long sa = (long) safi; InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(AddressFamilies.class, new AddressFamiliesKey(a, sa)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); AddressFamilies dto = new AddressFamiliesBuilder().setPeerIp(nbrAddr) .setAfi(a).setSafi(sa).build(); update(iid, dto); } public synchronized void addPrefix(String rd, String pfx, String nh, int lbl) { Ipv4Address nexthop = new Ipv4Address(nh); Long label = (long) lbl; InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Networks.class, new NetworksKey(pfx, rd)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); Networks dto = new NetworksBuilder().setRd(rd) .setPrefixLen(pfx) .setNexthop(nexthop) .setLabel(label).build(); update(iid, dto); } public synchronized void addVrf(String rd, List irts, List erts) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Vrfs.class, new VrfsKey(rd)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); Vrfs dto = new VrfsBuilder().setRd(rd) .setImportRts(irts) .setExportRts(erts).build(); asyncWrite(iid, dto); } public synchronized void stopConfig() { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(ConfigServer.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public synchronized void stopBgp() { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(AsId.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public synchronized void delLogging() { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class).child(Logging.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public synchronized void delGracefulRestart() { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(GracefulRestart.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public synchronized void delNeighbor(String nbrIp) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public synchronized void delUpdateSource(String nbrIp) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(UpdateSource.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public synchronized void delEbgpMultihop(String nbrIp) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(EbgpMultihop.class); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public synchronized void delAddressFamily(String nbrIp, int afi, int safi) { Ipv4Address nbrAddr = new Ipv4Address(nbrIp); Long a = (long) afi; Long sa = (long) safi; InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Neighbors.class, new NeighborsKey(nbrAddr)) .child(AddressFamilies.class, new AddressFamiliesKey(a, sa)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public synchronized void delPrefix(String rd, String pfx) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Networks.class, new NetworksKey(pfx, rd)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } public synchronized void delVrf(String rd) { InstanceIdentifier.InstanceIdentifierBuilder iib = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Bgp.class) .child(Vrfs.class, new VrfsKey(rd)); InstanceIdentifier iid = iib.build(); delete(iid); } static ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); /* * Remove Stale Marked Routes after timer expiry. */ class RouteCleanup implements Callable { public Integer call () { int totalCleared = 0; try { if (staledFibEntriesMap.isEmpty()) { LOG.info("BGP: RouteCleanup timertask tirggered but STALED FIB MAP is EMPTY"); } else { for (String rd : staledFibEntriesMap.keySet()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { return 0; } Map map = staledFibEntriesMap.get(rd); if (map != null) { for (String prefix : map.keySet()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { return 0; } try { totalCleared++; bgpManager.deletePrefix(rd, prefix); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("BGP: RouteCleanup deletePrefix failed rd:{}, prefix{}" + rd.toString() + prefix); } } } } } } catch(Exception e) { LOG.error("Cleanup Thread Got interrupted, Failed to cleanup stale routes ", e); } finally { staledFibEntriesMap.clear(); } LOG.error("cleared {} stale routes after bgp restart", totalCleared); return 0; } } /* * BGP restart scenario, ODL-BGP manager was/is running. * On re-sync notification, Get a copy of FIB database. */ public static void createStaleFibMap() { int totalStaledCount = 0; try { staledFibEntriesMap.clear(); InstanceIdentifier id = InstanceIdentifier.create(FibEntries.class); DataBroker db = BgpUtil.getBroker(); if (db == null) { LOG.error("Couldn't find BgpUtil broker while creating createStaleFibMap"); return; } Optional fibEntries = BgpUtil.read(BgpUtil.getBroker(), LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, id); if (fibEntries.isPresent()) { List stale_vrfTables = fibEntries.get().getVrfTables(); for (VrfTables vrfTable : stale_vrfTables) { Map stale_fib_ent_map = new HashMap<>(); for (VrfEntry vrfEntry : vrfTable.getVrfEntry()) { if (Thread.interrupted()) { break; } totalStaledCount++; //Create MAP from stale_vrfTables. stale_fib_ent_map.put(vrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), vrfEntry.getNextHopAddress() + "/" + vrfEntry.getLabel()); } staledFibEntriesMap.put(vrfTable.getRouteDistinguisher(), stale_fib_ent_map); } } else { LOG.error("createStaleFibMap:: FIBentries.class is not present"); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("createStaleFibMap:: erorr ", e); } LOG.error("created {} staled entries ", totalStaledCount); } //map> public static Map> getStaledFibEntriesMap() { return staledFibEntriesMap; } }