module odl-l3vpn { namespace "urn:opendaylight:netvirt:l3vpn"; prefix odl-l3vpn; import yang-ext {prefix ext; revision-date "2013-07-09";} import l3vpn { prefix l3vpn; revision-date "2014-08-15"; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix "yang"; } import odl-interface { prefix odlif; revision-date "2016-04-06"; } revision "2013-09-11" { description "L3 VPN Service module"; } grouping adjacency-list{ list adjacency{ key "ip_address"; leaf nextHopIp { type string; } leaf ip_address {type string;} leaf label { type uint32; config "false"; } /* optional */ leaf mac_address {type string;} /* optional */ } } grouping vpn-route-list{ leaf-list route-entry-id{ type uint32; } } augment "/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/l3vpn:vpn-interface" { ext:augment-identifier "adjacencies"; uses adjacency-list; } augment "/l3vpn:vpn-interfaces/l3vpn:vpn-interface" { ext:augment-identifier "opState"; leaf stateUp {type boolean; config false;} } /* Operational DS containers for reverse lookups*/ container prefix-to-interface { config false; list vpn-ids { key vpn-id; leaf vpn-id {type uint32;} list prefixes { key ip_address; leaf ip_address {type string;} leaf dpnId { type uint64; } leaf vpn-interface-name { type string; } } } } container vpn-to-extraroute { config false; list vpn { key vrf-id; leaf vrf-id { description "The vrf-id command configures a route distinguisher (RD) for the IPv4 or IPv6 address family of a VPN instance or vpn instance name for internal vpn case."; type string; } list extraroute { key prefix; leaf prefix {type string;} leaf nexthop-ip { type string; } } } } /* Data models to adhere to restart requirements */ container vpn-instance-to-vpn-id { list vpn-instance { key vpn-instance-name; leaf vpn-instance-name { type string; } leaf vpn-id { type uint32; } leaf vrf-id { description "The vrf-id command configures a route distinguisher (RD) for the IPv4 or IPv6 address family of a VPN instance or vpn instance name for internal vpn case."; type string; } } } container vpn-instance-op-data { config false; list vpn-instance-op-data-entry { key vrf-id; leaf vpn-id { type uint32;} leaf vrf-id { description "The vrf-id command configures a route distinguisher (RD) for the IPv4 or IPv6 address family of a VPN instance or vpn instance name for internal vpn case."; type string; } leaf vpn-interface-count { type uint32; } uses vpn-route-list; list vpn-to-dpn-list { key dpnId; leaf dpnId { type uint64; } list vpn-interfaces { key interface-name; leaf interface-name { type string; } } list ip-addresses { key ip-address; leaf ip-address { type string; } } } } } typedef task-state { type enumeration { enum na { value "0"; description "Task not applicable"; } enum pending { value "1"; description "Task is in pending state"; } enum done { value "2"; description "Task has been completed"; } } description "This value the status of any task. The possible values are NA, PENDING or DONE. "; } container subnet-op-data { list subnet-op-data-entry { key subnet-id; leaf subnet-id { type yang:uuid; description "UUID representing the subnet "; } leaf nh-dpnId { type uint64; description "DpnId for the DPN used as nexthop for this subnet"; } leaf vpn-name { type string; description "VPN Instance name"; } leaf vrf-id { type string; } leaf subnet-cidr { type string; description "Subnet in cidr notation"; } leaf route-adv-state { type task-state; description "The status of the subnet route advertisement. Route advertisement could be in a NA, PENDING or DONE state."; } leaf elan-tag{ type uint32; } list subnet-to-dpn { key dpnId; leaf dpnId { type uint64; } list vpn-interfaces { key interface-name; leaf interface-name { type string; } } } } } container port-op-data { list port-op-data-entry { key port-id; leaf port-id { type string; description "UUID in string format representing the port "; } leaf subnet-id { type yang:uuid; description "Back reference to obtain the subnet for a port "; } leaf dpnId { type uint64; } } } container rd-to-elan-op{ list rd-to-elan-op-entry{ key "rd subnet-ip"; leaf rd { type string; } leaf subnet-ip { type string; } leaf next-hop-ip { type string; } leaf vpn-name { type string; } leaf elan-tag{ type uint32; } } } grouping dpn-in-vpn-event { leaf dpn-id { type uint64; } leaf vpn-name { type string; } leaf rd { type string; } } notification add-dpn-event { container add-event-data { uses dpn-in-vpn-event; } } notification remove-dpn-event { container remove-event-data { uses dpn-in-vpn-event; } } /* container to maintain mapping between neutron router and DPN(s) on which vpn-interfaces for router are present */ container neutron-router-dpns { list router-dpn-list { key router-id; leaf router-id { type string;} list dpn-vpninterfaces-list { key dpn-id; leaf dpn-id { type uint64;} list router-interfaces { key interface; leaf interface { type string; } } } } } container router-interfaces { list router-interface { key interface-name; leaf interface-name { type string; } leaf router-name { type string; } } } /* * Configured Transport Type for l3vpn service. */ container conf-transport-type-l3vpn { leaf transport-type { mandatory "true"; type identityref { base odlif:tunnel-type-base; } description "L3VPN service will use this config to setup the transport type for tunnels between DPNs."; } } }