/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson India Global Services Pvt Ltd. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.binding.api.DataBroker; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.common.api.data.LogicalDatastoreType; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.MDSALUtil; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.api.IBgpManager; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.api.RouteOrigin; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.VpnOpDataSyncer.VpnOpDataType; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.populator.input.L3vpnInput; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.populator.intfc.VpnPopulator; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.populator.registry.L3vpnRegistry; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.utilities.InterfaceUtils; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.interfaces.rev140508.interfaces.state.Interface; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.interfaces.rev140508.interfaces.state.Interface.OperStatus; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.Uuid; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.genius.idmanager.rev160406.IdManagerService; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.genius.lockmanager.rev160413.LockManagerService; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.l3vpn.rev130911.PortOpData; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.l3vpn.rev130911.SubnetOpData; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.l3vpn.rev130911.TaskState; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.l3vpn.rev130911.port.op.data.PortOpDataEntry; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.l3vpn.rev130911.port.op.data.PortOpDataEntryKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.l3vpn.rev130911.subnet.op.data.SubnetOpDataEntry; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.l3vpn.rev130911.subnet.op.data.SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.l3vpn.rev130911.subnet.op.data.SubnetOpDataEntryKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.l3vpn.rev130911.subnet.op.data.subnet.op.data.entry.SubnetToDpn; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.ExternalNetworks; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.external.networks.Networks; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.natservice.rev160111.external.networks.NetworksKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn.rev150602.Subnetmaps; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn.rev150602.subnetmaps.Subnetmap; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.neutronvpn.rev150602.subnetmaps.SubnetmapKey; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class VpnSubnetRouteHandler { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VpnSubnetRouteHandler.class); private static final String LOGGING_PREFIX = "SUBNETROUTE:"; private final DataBroker dataBroker; private final SubnetOpDpnManager subOpDpnManager; private final IBgpManager bgpManager; private final VpnInterfaceManager vpnInterfaceManager; private final IdManagerService idManager; private LockManagerService lockManager; private final VpnOpDataSyncer vpnOpDataSyncer; private final VpnNodeListener vpnNodeListener; public VpnSubnetRouteHandler(final DataBroker dataBroker, final SubnetOpDpnManager subnetOpDpnManager, final IBgpManager bgpManager, final VpnInterfaceManager vpnIntfManager, final IdManagerService idManager, LockManagerService lockManagerService, final VpnOpDataSyncer vpnOpDataSyncer, final VpnNodeListener vpnNodeListener) { this.dataBroker = dataBroker; this.subOpDpnManager = subnetOpDpnManager; this.bgpManager = bgpManager; this.vpnInterfaceManager = vpnIntfManager; this.idManager = idManager; this.lockManager = lockManagerService; this.vpnOpDataSyncer = vpnOpDataSyncer; this.vpnNodeListener = vpnNodeListener; } // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") public void onSubnetAddedToVpn(Subnetmap subnetmap, boolean isBgpVpn, Long elanTag) { Uuid subnetId = subnetmap.getId(); String subnetIp = subnetmap.getSubnetIp(); boolean isRouteAdvertised = false; Preconditions.checkNotNull(subnetId, LOGGING_PREFIX + " onSubnetAddedToVpn: SubnetId cannot be null or empty!"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(subnetIp, LOGGING_PREFIX + " onSubnetAddedToVpn: SubnetPrefix cannot be null or empty!"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(elanTag, LOGGING_PREFIX + " onSubnetAddedToVpn: ElanTag cannot be null or empty!"); String vpnName; if (subnetmap.getVpnId() != null) { vpnName = subnetmap.getVpnId().getValue(); long vpnId = VpnUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, vpnName); if (vpnId == VpnConstants.INVALID_ID) { vpnOpDataSyncer.waitForVpnDataReady(VpnOpDataType.vpnInstanceToId, vpnName, VpnConstants.PER_VPN_INSTANCE_MAX_WAIT_TIME_IN_MILLISECONDS); vpnId = VpnUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, vpnName); if (vpnId == VpnConstants.INVALID_ID) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: VpnInstance to VPNId mapping not yet available for VpnName {} " + "processing subnet {} with IP {}, bailing out now.", LOGGING_PREFIX, vpnName, subnetId, subnetIp); return; } } } else { LOG.error("onSubnetAddedToVpn: VpnId {} for subnet {} not found, bailing out", subnetmap.getVpnId(), subnetId); return; } LOG.info("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Subnet {} with IP {}being added to vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName); //TODO(vivek): Change this to use more granularized lock at subnetId level try { VpnUtil.lockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); try { Subnetmap subMap = null; // Please check if subnetId belongs to an External Network InstanceIdentifier subMapid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Subnetmaps.class).child(Subnetmap.class, new SubnetmapKey(subnetId)).build(); Optional sm = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, subMapid); if (!sm.isPresent()) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Unable to retrieve subnetmap entry for subnet {} IP {}" + " vpnName {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId, subnetIp, vpnName); return; } subMap = sm.get(); if (isBgpVpn) { InstanceIdentifier netsIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(ExternalNetworks.class) .child(Networks.class, new NetworksKey(subMap.getNetworkId())).build(); Optional optionalNets = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, netsIdentifier); if (optionalNets.isPresent()) { LOG.info("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: subnet {} with IP {} is an external subnet on external " + "network {}, so ignoring this for SubnetRoute on vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, subMap.getNetworkId().getValue(), vpnName); return; } } //Create and add SubnetOpDataEntry object for this subnet to the SubnetOpData container InstanceIdentifier subOpIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(SubnetOpData.class).child(SubnetOpDataEntry.class, new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId)).build(); Optional optionalSubs = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier); if (optionalSubs.isPresent()) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {} with ip {} and vpn {} already" + " detected to be present", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName); return; } LOG.trace("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Creating new SubnetOpDataEntry node for subnet {} subnetIp {}" + " vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName); Map subDpnMap = new HashMap<>(); BigInteger dpnId = null; SubnetToDpn subDpn = null; SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder = new SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder().setKey(new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId)); subOpBuilder.setSubnetId(subnetId); subOpBuilder.setSubnetCidr(subnetIp); String primaryRd = VpnUtil.getPrimaryRd(dataBroker, vpnName); if (isBgpVpn && !VpnUtil.isBgpVpn(vpnName, primaryRd)) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: The VPN Instance name {} does not have RD. Bailing out for" + " subnet {} subnetIp {} ", LOGGING_PREFIX, vpnName, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp); return; } subOpBuilder.setVrfId(primaryRd); subOpBuilder.setVpnName(vpnName); subOpBuilder.setSubnetToDpn(new ArrayList<>()); subOpBuilder.setRouteAdvState(TaskState.Idle); subOpBuilder.setElanTag(elanTag); Long l3Vni = VpnUtil.getVpnInstanceOpData(dataBroker, primaryRd).getL3vni(); subOpBuilder.setL3vni(l3Vni); // First recover set of ports available in this subnet List portList = subMap.getPortList(); if (portList != null) { for (Uuid port : portList) { Interface intfState = InterfaceUtils.getInterfaceStateFromOperDS(dataBroker,port.getValue()); if (intfState != null) { try { dpnId = InterfaceUtils.getDpIdFromInterface(intfState); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Unable to obtain dpnId for interface {}," + " subnetroute inclusion for this interface for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {}" + " failed with exception {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, port.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, e); continue; } if (dpnId.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Port {} is not assigned DPN yet," + " ignoring subnet {} subnetIP {} vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, port.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName); continue; } subOpDpnManager.addPortOpDataEntry(port.getValue(), subnetId, dpnId); if (intfState.getOperStatus() != OperStatus.Up) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Port {} is not UP yet, ignoring subnet {}" + " subnetIp {} vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, port.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName); continue; } subDpn = subOpDpnManager.addInterfaceToDpn(subnetId, dpnId, port.getValue()); if (intfState.getOperStatus() == OperStatus.Up) { // port is UP subDpnMap.put(dpnId, subDpn); } } else { subOpDpnManager.addPortOpDataEntry(port.getValue(), subnetId, null); } } if (subDpnMap.size() > 0) { subOpBuilder.setSubnetToDpn(new ArrayList<>(subDpnMap.values())); } } electNewDpnForSubnetRoute(subOpBuilder, null /* oldDpnId */, subnetId, subMap.getNetworkId(), isBgpVpn); SubnetOpDataEntry subOpEntry = subOpBuilder.build(); MDSALUtil.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier, subOpEntry); LOG.info("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Added PortOpDataEntry and VpnInterfaces to SubnetOpData" + " for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {} TaskState {} lastTaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, subOpEntry.getRouteAdvState(), subOpEntry.getLastAdvState()); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Creation of SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {}" + " failed {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, ex); } finally { VpnUtil.unlockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetAddedToVpn: Unable to handle subnet {} with ip {} added to vpn {} {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, e); } } // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") public void onSubnetDeletedFromVpn(Subnetmap subnetmap, boolean isBgpVpn) { Uuid subnetId = subnetmap.getId(); LOG.info("{} onSubnetDeletedFromVpn: Subnet {} with ip {} being removed from vpnId {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId, subnetmap.getSubnetIp(), subnetmap.getVpnId()); //TODO(vivek): Change this to use more granularized lock at subnetId level try { VpnUtil.lockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); try { InstanceIdentifier subOpIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(SubnetOpData.class).child(SubnetOpDataEntry.class, new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId)).build(); Optional optionalSubs = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier); if (!optionalSubs.isPresent()) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetDeletedFromVpn: SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {}" + " not available in datastore", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetmap.getVpnId()); return; } LOG.trace("{} onSubnetDeletedFromVpn: Removing the SubnetOpDataEntry node for subnet {} subnetIp {}" + " vpnName {} rd {} TaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), optionalSubs.get().getSubnetCidr(), optionalSubs.get().getVpnName(), optionalSubs.get().getVrfId(), optionalSubs.get().getRouteAdvState()); /* If subnet is deleted (or if its removed from VPN), the ports that are DOWN on that subnet * will continue to be stale in portOpData DS, as subDpnList used for portOpData removal will * contain only ports that are UP. So here we explicitly cleanup the ports of the subnet by * going through the list of ports on the subnet */ InstanceIdentifier subMapid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(Subnetmaps.class).child(Subnetmap.class, new SubnetmapKey(subnetId)).build(); Optional sm = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, subMapid); if (!sm.isPresent()) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetDeletedFromVpn: Stale ports removal: Unable to retrieve subnetmap entry" + " for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), optionalSubs.get().getSubnetCidr(), optionalSubs.get().getVpnName()); } else { Subnetmap subMap = sm.get(); List portList = subMap.getPortList(); if (portList != null) { for (Uuid port : portList) { InstanceIdentifier portOpIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(PortOpData.class).child(PortOpDataEntry.class, new PortOpDataEntryKey(port.getValue())).build(); LOG.trace("{} onSubnetDeletedFromVpn: Deleting portOpData entry for port {}" + " from subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} TaskState()", LOGGING_PREFIX, port.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), optionalSubs.get().getSubnetCidr(), optionalSubs.get().getVpnName(), optionalSubs.get().getRouteAdvState()); MDSALUtil.syncDelete(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, portOpIdentifier); } } } SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder = new SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder(optionalSubs.get()); String rd = subOpBuilder.getVrfId(); String subnetIp = subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr(); String vpnName = subOpBuilder.getVpnName(); //Withdraw the routes for all the interfaces on this subnet //Remove subnet route entry from FIB deleteSubnetRouteFromFib(rd, subnetIp, vpnName, isBgpVpn); MDSALUtil.syncDelete(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier); LOG.info("{} onSubnetDeletedFromVpn: Removed subnetopdataentry successfully from Datastore" + " for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetDeletedFromVpn: Removal of SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {} subnetIp {}" + " vpnId {} failed {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetmap.getSubnetIp(), subnetmap.getVpnId(), ex); } finally { VpnUtil.unlockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} onSubnetDeletedFromVpn: Unable to handle subnet {} with Ip {} removed from vpn {} {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetmap.getSubnetIp(), subnetmap.getVpnId(), e); } } public void onSubnetUpdatedInVpn(Subnetmap subnetmap, Long elanTag) { Uuid subnetId = subnetmap.getId(); String vpnName = subnetmap.getVpnId().getValue(); String subnetIp = subnetmap.getSubnetIp(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(subnetId, LOGGING_PREFIX + " onSubnetUpdatedInVpn: SubnetId cannot be null or empty!"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(subnetIp, LOGGING_PREFIX + " onSubnetUpdatedInVpn: SubnetPrefix cannot be null or empty!"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(vpnName, LOGGING_PREFIX + " onSubnetUpdatedInVpn: VpnName cannot be null or empty!"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(elanTag, LOGGING_PREFIX + " onSubnetUpdatedInVpn: ElanTag cannot be null or empty!"); InstanceIdentifier subOpIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(SubnetOpData.class).child(SubnetOpDataEntry.class, new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId)).build(); Optional optionalSubs = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier); if (optionalSubs.isPresent()) { onSubnetDeletedFromVpn(subnetmap, true); } else { onSubnetAddedToVpn(subnetmap, true, elanTag); } LOG.info("{} onSubnetUpdatedInVpn: subnet {} with Ip {} updated successfully for vpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName); } // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") public void onPortAddedToSubnet(Subnetmap subnetmap, Uuid portId) { Uuid subnetId = subnetmap.getId(); boolean isRouteAdvertised = false; LOG.info("{} onPortAddedToSubnet: Port {} being added to subnet {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue()); //TODO(vivek): Change this to use more granularized lock at subnetId level try { VpnUtil.lockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); try { InstanceIdentifier subOpIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(SubnetOpData.class).child(SubnetOpDataEntry.class, new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId)).build(); Optional optionalSubs = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier); if (!optionalSubs.isPresent()) { LOG.error("{} onPortAddedToSubnet: Port {} is part of a subnet {} that is not in VPN, ignoring", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue()); return; } String vpnName = optionalSubs.get().getVpnName(); String subnetIp = optionalSubs.get().getSubnetCidr(); String rd = optionalSubs.get().getVrfId(); String routeAdvState = optionalSubs.get().getRouteAdvState().toString(); LOG.info("{} onPortAddedToSubnet: Port {} being added to subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {} " + "TaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd, routeAdvState); subOpDpnManager.addPortOpDataEntry(portId.getValue(), subnetId, null); Interface intfState = InterfaceUtils.getInterfaceStateFromOperDS(dataBroker,portId.getValue()); if (intfState == null) { // Interface State not yet available return; } BigInteger dpnId = BigInteger.ZERO; try { dpnId = InterfaceUtils.getDpIdFromInterface(intfState); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} onPortAddedToSubnet: Unable to obtain dpnId for interface {}. subnetroute inclusion" + " for this interface failed for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {} rd {} with " + "exception {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd, e); return; } if (dpnId.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) { LOG.error("{} onPortAddedToSubnet: Port {} is not assigned DPN yet, ignoring subnetRoute " + "inclusion for the interface into subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd); return; } subOpDpnManager.addPortOpDataEntry(portId.getValue(), subnetId, dpnId); if (intfState.getOperStatus() != OperStatus.Up) { LOG.error("{} onPortAddedToSubnet: Port {} is not UP yet, ignoring subnetRoute inclusion for " + "the interface into subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd); return; } LOG.debug("{} onPortAddedToSubnet: Port {} added. Updating the SubnetOpDataEntry node for subnet {} " + "subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {} TaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd, routeAdvState); SubnetToDpn subDpn = subOpDpnManager.addInterfaceToDpn(subnetId, dpnId, portId.getValue()); if (subDpn == null) { LOG.error("{} onPortAddedToSubnet: subnet-to-dpn list is null for subnetId {}. portId {}, " + "vpnName {}, rd {}, subnetIp {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), portId.getValue(), vpnName, rd, subnetIp); return; } SubnetOpDataEntry subnetOpDataEntry = optionalSubs.get(); SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder = new SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder(subnetOpDataEntry); List subDpnList = subOpBuilder.getSubnetToDpn(); subDpnList.add(subDpn); subOpBuilder.setSubnetToDpn(subDpnList); if (subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState() != TaskState.Advertised) { if (subOpBuilder.getNhDpnId() == null) { // No nexthop selected yet, elect one now electNewDpnForSubnetRoute(subOpBuilder, null /* oldDpnId */, subnetId, subnetmap.getNetworkId(), true); } else if (!VpnUtil.isExternalSubnetVpn(subnetOpDataEntry.getVpnName(), subnetId.getValue())) { // Already nexthop has been selected, only publishing to bgp required, so publish to bgp getNexthopTepAndPublishRoute(subOpBuilder, subnetId); } } SubnetOpDataEntry subOpEntry = subOpBuilder.build(); MDSALUtil.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier, subOpEntry); LOG.info("{} onPortAddedToSubnet: Updated subnetopdataentry to OP Datastore for port {} subnet {}" + " subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {} TaskState {} lastTaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subOpEntry.getSubnetCidr(), subOpEntry.getVpnName(), subOpBuilder.getVrfId(), subOpEntry.getRouteAdvState(), subOpEntry.getLastAdvState()); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("{} onPortAddedToSubnet: Updation of subnetOpEntry for port {} subnet {} falied {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), ex); } finally { VpnUtil.unlockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} onPortAddedToSubnet: Unable to handle port {} added to subnet {} {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), e); } } // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") public void onPortRemovedFromSubnet(Subnetmap subnetmap, Uuid portId) { Uuid subnetId = subnetmap.getId(); boolean isRouteAdvertised = false; //TODO(vivek): Change this to use more granularized lock at subnetId level try { VpnUtil.lockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); try { PortOpDataEntry portOpEntry = subOpDpnManager.removePortOpDataEntry(portId.getValue()); if (portOpEntry == null) { return; } BigInteger dpnId = portOpEntry.getDpnId(); if (dpnId == null) { LOG.error("{} onPortRemovedFromSubnet: Port {} does not have a DPNId associated," + " ignoring removal from subnet {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue()); return; } boolean last = subOpDpnManager.removeInterfaceFromDpn(subnetId, dpnId, portId.getValue()); InstanceIdentifier subOpIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(SubnetOpData.class).child(SubnetOpDataEntry.class, new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId)).build(); Optional optionalSubs = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier); if (!optionalSubs.isPresent()) { LOG.info("{} onPortRemovedFromSubnet: Port {} is part of a subnet {} that is not in VPN," + " ignoring", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue()); return; } LOG.info("{} onPortRemovedFromSubnet: Port {} being removed. Updating the SubnetOpDataEntry" + " for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {} TaskState {} lastTaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), optionalSubs.get().getSubnetCidr(), optionalSubs.get().getVpnName(), optionalSubs.get().getVrfId(), optionalSubs.get().getRouteAdvState(), optionalSubs.get().getLastAdvState()); SubnetOpDataEntry subnetOpDataEntry = optionalSubs.get(); SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder = new SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder(subnetOpDataEntry); BigInteger nhDpnId = subOpBuilder.getNhDpnId(); if ((nhDpnId != null) && (nhDpnId.equals(dpnId))) { // select another NhDpnId if (last) { LOG.debug("{} onPortRemovedFromSubnet: Last port {} being removed from subnet {} subnetIp {}" + " vpnName {} rd {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr(), subOpBuilder.getVpnName(), subOpBuilder.getVrfId()); // last port on this DPN, so we need to elect the new NHDpnId electNewDpnForSubnetRoute(subOpBuilder, nhDpnId, subnetId, subnetmap.getNetworkId(), !VpnUtil.isExternalSubnetVpn(subnetOpDataEntry.getVpnName(), subnetId.getValue())); MDSALUtil.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier, subOpBuilder.build()); LOG.info("{} onPortRemovedFromSubnet: Updated subnetopdataentry to OP Datastore" + " removing port {} from subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr(), subOpBuilder.getVpnName(), subOpBuilder.getVrfId()); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("{} onPortRemovedFromSubnet: Removal of portOp for {} from subnet {} failed {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), ex); } finally { VpnUtil.unlockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} onPortRemovedFromSubnet: Unable to handle port {} removed from subnet {} {}",LOGGING_PREFIX, portId.getValue(), subnetId.getValue(), e); } } // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") public void onInterfaceUp(BigInteger dpnId, String intfName, Uuid subnetId) { //TODO(vivek): Change this to use more granularized lock at subnetId level SubnetToDpn subDpn = null; if ((dpnId == null) || Objects.equals(dpnId, BigInteger.ZERO)) { LOG.error("{} onInterfaceUp: Unable to determine the DPNID for port {} on subnet {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, intfName, subnetId.getValue()); return; } try { VpnUtil.lockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); try { InstanceIdentifier subOpIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(SubnetOpData.class).child(SubnetOpDataEntry.class, new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId)).build(); Optional optionalSubs = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier); if (!optionalSubs.isPresent()) { LOG.error("{} onInterfaceUp: SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {} is not available." + " Ignoring interfaceUp for port{}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), intfName); return; } subOpDpnManager.addPortOpDataEntry(intfName, subnetId, dpnId); subDpn = subOpDpnManager.addInterfaceToDpn(subnetId, dpnId, intfName); if (subDpn == null) { return; } SubnetOpDataEntry subnetOpDataEntry = optionalSubs.get(); SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder = new SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder(subnetOpDataEntry); LOG.info("{} onInterfaceUp: Updating the SubnetOpDataEntry node for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {}" + " rd {} TaskState {} lastTaskState {}" , LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr(), subOpBuilder.getVpnName(), subOpBuilder.getVrfId(), subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState(), subOpBuilder.getLastAdvState()); boolean isExternalSubnetVpn = VpnUtil.isExternalSubnetVpn(subnetOpDataEntry.getVpnName(), subnetId.getValue()); List subDpnList = subOpBuilder.getSubnetToDpn(); subDpnList.add(subDpn); subOpBuilder.setSubnetToDpn(subDpnList); if (subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState() != TaskState.Advertised) { if (subOpBuilder.getNhDpnId() == null) { // No nexthop selected yet, elect one now electNewDpnForSubnetRoute(subOpBuilder, null /* oldDpnId */, subnetId, null /*networkId*/, !isExternalSubnetVpn); } else if (!isExternalSubnetVpn) { // Already nexthop has been selected, only publishing to bgp required, so publish to bgp getNexthopTepAndPublishRoute(subOpBuilder, subnetId); } } SubnetOpDataEntry subOpEntry = subOpBuilder.build(); MDSALUtil.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier, subOpEntry); LOG.info("{} onInterfaceUp: Updated subnetopdataentry to OP Datastore port {} up for subnet {}" + " subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {} TaskState {} lastTaskState {} ", LOGGING_PREFIX, intfName, subnetId.getValue(), subOpEntry.getSubnetCidr(), subOpEntry.getVpnName(), subOpEntry.getVrfId(), subOpEntry.getRouteAdvState(), subOpEntry.getLastAdvState()); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("{} onInterfaceUp: Updation of SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {} on port {} up failed {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), intfName, ex); } finally { VpnUtil.unlockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} onInterfaceUp: Unable to handle interface up event for port {} in subnet {} {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, intfName, subnetId.getValue(), e); } } // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") public void onInterfaceDown(final BigInteger dpnId, final String interfaceName, Uuid subnetId) { if ((dpnId == null) || (Objects.equals(dpnId, BigInteger.ZERO))) { LOG.error("{} onInterfaceDown: Unable to determine the DPNID for port {} on subnet {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, interfaceName, subnetId.getValue()); return; } try { VpnUtil.lockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); try { boolean last = subOpDpnManager.removeInterfaceFromDpn(subnetId, dpnId, interfaceName); InstanceIdentifier subOpIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(SubnetOpData.class).child(SubnetOpDataEntry.class, new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId)).build(); Optional optionalSubs = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier); if (!optionalSubs.isPresent()) { LOG.error("{} onInterfaceDown: SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {} is not available." + " Ignoring port {} down event.", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), interfaceName); return; } SubnetOpDataEntry subnetOpDataEntry = optionalSubs.get(); SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder = new SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder(subnetOpDataEntry); LOG.info("{} onInterfaceDown: Updating the SubnetOpDataEntry node for subnet {} subnetIp {}" + " vpnName {} rd {} TaskState {} lastTaskState {} on port {} down", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr(), subOpBuilder.getVpnName(), subOpBuilder.getVrfId(), subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState(), subOpBuilder.getLastAdvState(), interfaceName); BigInteger nhDpnId = subOpBuilder.getNhDpnId(); if ((nhDpnId != null) && (nhDpnId.equals(dpnId))) { // select another NhDpnId if (last) { LOG.debug("{} onInterfaceDown: Last active port {} on the subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {}" + " rd {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, interfaceName, subnetId.getValue(), subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr(), subOpBuilder.getVpnName(), subOpBuilder.getVrfId()); // last port on this DPN, so we need to elect the new NHDpnId electNewDpnForSubnetRoute(subOpBuilder, dpnId, subnetId, null /*networkId*/, !VpnUtil.isExternalSubnetVpn(subnetOpDataEntry.getVpnName(), subnetId.getValue())); MDSALUtil.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier, subOpBuilder.build()); LOG.info("{} onInterfaceDown: Updated subnetopdataentry for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {}" + " rd {} to OP Datastore on port {} down ", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr(), subOpBuilder.getVpnName(), subOpBuilder.getVrfId(), interfaceName); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("{} onInterfaceDown: SubnetOpDataEntry update on interface {} down event for subnet {}" + " falied {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, interfaceName, subnetId.getValue(), ex); } finally { VpnUtil.unlockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} onInterfaceDown: Unable to handle interface down event for port {} in subnet {} {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, interfaceName, subnetId.getValue(), e); } } // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") public void updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelUpEvent(Uuid subnetId, BigInteger dpnId) { boolean isRouteAdvertised = false; LOG.info("{} updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelUpEvent: Subnet {} Dpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), dpnId.toString()); try { VpnUtil.lockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); try { InstanceIdentifier subOpIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(SubnetOpData.class).child(SubnetOpDataEntry.class, new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId)).build(); Optional optionalSubs = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier); if (!optionalSubs.isPresent()) { LOG.error("{} updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelUpEvent: SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {} is not available", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue()); return; } LOG.info("{} updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelUpEvent: Subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {} TaskState {}" + " lastTaskState {} Dpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), optionalSubs.get().getSubnetCidr(), optionalSubs.get().getVpnName(), optionalSubs.get().getVrfId(), optionalSubs.get().getRouteAdvState(), optionalSubs.get().getLastAdvState(), dpnId.toString()); SubnetOpDataEntry subOpEntry = optionalSubs.get(); SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder = new SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder(subOpEntry); boolean isExternalSubnetVpn = VpnUtil.isExternalSubnetVpn(subOpEntry.getVpnName(), subnetId.getValue()); if (subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState() != TaskState.Advertised) { if (subOpBuilder.getNhDpnId() == null) { // No nexthop selected yet, elect one now electNewDpnForSubnetRoute(subOpBuilder, null /* oldDpnId */, subnetId, null /*networkId*/, !isExternalSubnetVpn); } else if (!isExternalSubnetVpn) { // Already nexthop has been selected, only publishing to bgp required, so publish to bgp getNexthopTepAndPublishRoute(subOpBuilder, subnetId); } } subOpEntry = subOpBuilder.build(); MDSALUtil.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier, subOpEntry); LOG.info("{} updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelUpEvent: Updated subnetopdataentry to OP Datastore tunnel up" + " on dpn {} for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {} TaskState {} lastTaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, dpnId.toString(), subnetId.getValue(), subOpEntry.getSubnetCidr(), subOpEntry.getVpnName(), subOpEntry.getVrfId(), subOpEntry.getRouteAdvState(), subOpEntry.getLastAdvState()); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("{} updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelUpEvent: updating subnetRoute for subnet {} on dpn {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), dpnId.toString(), ex); } finally { VpnUtil.unlockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelUpEvent: Unable to handle tunnel up event for subnetId {} dpnId {}" + " with exception {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), dpnId.toString(), e); } } // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") public void updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelDownEvent(Uuid subnetId, BigInteger dpnId) { LOG.info("updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelDownEvent: Subnet {} Dpn {}", subnetId.getValue(), dpnId.toString()); //TODO(vivek): Change this to use more granularized lock at subnetId level try { VpnUtil.lockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); try { InstanceIdentifier subOpIdentifier = InstanceIdentifier.builder(SubnetOpData.class).child(SubnetOpDataEntry.class, new SubnetOpDataEntryKey(subnetId)).build(); Optional optionalSubs = VpnUtil.read(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier); if (!optionalSubs.isPresent()) { LOG.error("{} updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelDownEvent: SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {}" + " is not available", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue()); return; } LOG.debug("{} updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelDownEvent: Dpn {} Subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {}" + " TaskState {} lastTaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, dpnId.toString(), subnetId.getValue(), optionalSubs.get().getSubnetCidr(), optionalSubs.get().getVpnName(), optionalSubs.get().getVrfId(), optionalSubs.get().getRouteAdvState(), optionalSubs.get().getLastAdvState()); SubnetOpDataEntry subOpEntry = null; SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder = new SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder(optionalSubs.get()); BigInteger nhDpnId = subOpBuilder.getNhDpnId(); if ((nhDpnId != null) && (nhDpnId.equals(dpnId))) { electNewDpnForSubnetRoute(subOpBuilder, dpnId, subnetId, null /*networkId*/, true); subOpEntry = subOpBuilder.build(); MDSALUtil.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, subOpIdentifier, subOpEntry); LOG.info("{} updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelDownEvent: Subnet {} Dpn {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {}" + " TaskState {} lastTaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), dpnId.toString(), optionalSubs.get().getSubnetCidr(), optionalSubs.get().getVpnName(), optionalSubs.get().getVrfId(), optionalSubs.get().getRouteAdvState(), optionalSubs.get().getLastAdvState()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("{} updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelDownEvent: Updation of SubnetOpDataEntry for subnet {}" + " on dpn {} failed {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), dpnId, ex); } finally { VpnUtil.unlockSubnet(lockManager, subnetId.getValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} updateSubnetRouteOnTunnelDownEvent: Unable to handle tunnel down event for subnetId {}" + " dpnId {} with exception {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), dpnId.toString(), e); } } @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") private void publishSubnetRouteToBgp(SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder, String nextHopIp) { try { //BGP manager will handle withdraw and advertise internally if prefix //already exist long label = 0; long l3vni = 0; VrfEntry.EncapType encapType = VpnUtil.getEncapType(VpnUtil.isL3VpnOverVxLan(l3vni)); if (encapType.equals(VrfEntry.EncapType.Vxlan)) { l3vni = subOpBuilder.getL3vni(); } else { label = subOpBuilder.getLabel(); } bgpManager.advertisePrefix(subOpBuilder.getVrfId(), null /*macAddress*/, subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr(), Arrays.asList(nextHopIp), encapType, label, l3vni, 0 /*l2vni*/, null /*gatewayMacAddress*/); subOpBuilder.setLastAdvState(subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState()).setRouteAdvState(TaskState.Advertised); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} publishSubnetRouteToBgp: Subnet route not advertised for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {} rd {}" + " with dpnid {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subOpBuilder.getSubnetId().getValue(), subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr(), subOpBuilder.getVpnName(), subOpBuilder.getVrfId(), nextHopIp, e); } } private void getNexthopTepAndPublishRoute(SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder, Uuid subnetId) { String nhTepIp = InterfaceUtils.getEndpointIpAddressForDPN(dataBroker, subOpBuilder.getNhDpnId()); if (nhTepIp != null) { publishSubnetRouteToBgp(subOpBuilder, nhTepIp); } else { LOG.warn("Unable to find nexthopip for rd {} subnetroute subnetip {} for dpnid {}", subOpBuilder.getVrfId(), subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr(), subOpBuilder.getNhDpnId().toString()); electNewDpnForSubnetRoute(subOpBuilder, null /* oldDpnId */, subnetId, null /*networkId*/, true); } } // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") private boolean addSubnetRouteToFib(String rd, String subnetIp, BigInteger nhDpnId, String nextHopIp, String vpnName, Long elanTag, long label, long l3vni, Uuid subnetId, boolean isBgpVpn, String networkName) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(rd, LOGGING_PREFIX + " addSubnetRouteToFib: RouteDistinguisher cannot be null or empty!"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(subnetIp, LOGGING_PREFIX + " addSubnetRouteToFib: SubnetRouteIp cannot be null or empty!"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(vpnName, LOGGING_PREFIX + " addSubnetRouteToFib: vpnName cannot be null or empty!"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(elanTag, LOGGING_PREFIX + " addSubnetRouteToFib: elanTag cannot be null or empty!"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(label, LOGGING_PREFIX + " addSubnetRouteToFib: label cannot be null or empty!"); VrfEntry.EncapType encapType = VpnUtil.getEncapType(VpnUtil.isL3VpnOverVxLan(l3vni)); VpnPopulator vpnPopulator = L3vpnRegistry.getRegisteredPopulator(encapType); LOG.info("{} addSubnetRouteToFib: Adding SubnetRoute fib entry for vpnName {}, subnetIP {}, elanTag {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, vpnName, subnetIp, elanTag); L3vpnInput input = new L3vpnInput().setRouteOrigin(RouteOrigin.CONNECTED).setRd(rd).setVpnName(vpnName) .setSubnetIp(subnetIp).setNextHopIp(nextHopIp).setL3vni(l3vni).setLabel(label).setElanTag(elanTag) .setDpnId(nhDpnId).setEncapType(encapType).setNetworkName(networkName).setPrimaryRd(rd); if (!isBgpVpn) { vpnPopulator.populateFib(input, null /*writeCfgTxn*/, null /*writeOperTxn*/); return true; } Preconditions.checkNotNull(nextHopIp, LOGGING_PREFIX + "NextHopIp cannot be null or empty!"); VpnUtil.syncWrite(dataBroker, LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, VpnUtil .getPrefixToInterfaceIdentifier(VpnUtil.getVpnId(dataBroker, vpnName), subnetIp), VpnUtil .getPrefixToInterface(nhDpnId, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, subnetId, true /*isNatPrefix*/)); vpnPopulator.populateFib(input, null /*writeCfgTxn*/, null /*writeOperTxn*/); try { // BGP manager will handle withdraw and advertise internally if prefix // already exist bgpManager.advertisePrefix(rd, null /*macAddress*/, subnetIp, Collections.singletonList(nextHopIp), encapType, label, l3vni, 0 /*l2vni*/, null /*gatewayMacAddress*/); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} addSubnetRouteToFib: Subnet route not advertised for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpnName {} rd {} " + "with dpnid {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd, nhDpnId, e); return false; } return true; } private int getLabel(String rd, String subnetIp) { int label = VpnUtil.getUniqueId(idManager, VpnConstants.VPN_IDPOOL_NAME, VpnUtil.getNextHopLabelKey(rd, subnetIp)); LOG.trace("{} getLabel: Allocated subnetroute label {} for rd {} prefix {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, label, rd, subnetIp); return label; } // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") private boolean deleteSubnetRouteFromFib(String rd, String subnetIp, String vpnName, boolean isBgpVpn) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(rd, LOGGING_PREFIX + " deleteSubnetRouteFromFib: RouteDistinguisher cannot be null or empty!"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(subnetIp, LOGGING_PREFIX + " deleteSubnetRouteFromFib: SubnetRouteIp cannot be null or empty!"); vpnInterfaceManager.deleteSubnetRouteFibEntryFromDS(rd, subnetIp, vpnName); if (isBgpVpn) { try { bgpManager.withdrawPrefix(rd, subnetIp); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("{} deleteSubnetRouteFromFib: Subnet route not withdrawn for subnetIp {} vpn {} rd {}" + " due to exception {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetIp, vpnName, rd, e); return false; } } return true; } // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") private void electNewDpnForSubnetRoute(SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder, BigInteger oldDpnId, Uuid subnetId, Uuid networkId, boolean isBgpVpn) { List subDpnList = null; boolean isRouteAdvertised = false; subDpnList = subOpBuilder.getSubnetToDpn(); String rd = subOpBuilder.getVrfId(); String subnetIp = subOpBuilder.getSubnetCidr(); String vpnName = subOpBuilder.getVpnName(); long elanTag = subOpBuilder.getElanTag(); BigInteger nhDpnId = null; String nhTepIp = null; boolean isAlternateDpnSelected = false; long l3vni = 0; long label = 0; if (VpnUtil.isL3VpnOverVxLan(subOpBuilder.getL3vni())) { l3vni = subOpBuilder.getL3vni(); } else { label = getLabel(rd, subnetIp); subOpBuilder.setLabel(label); } LOG.info("{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: Handling subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {} rd {} TaskState {}" + " lastTaskState {}", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, subOpBuilder.getVpnName(), subOpBuilder.getVrfId(), subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState(), subOpBuilder.getLastAdvState()); if (!isBgpVpn) { // Non-BGPVPN as it stands here represents use-case of External Subnets of VLAN-Provider-Network // TODO(Tomer): Pulling in both external and internal VLAN-Provider-Network need to be // blended more better into this design. isRouteAdvertised = addSubnetRouteToFib(rd, subnetIp, nhDpnId, nhTepIp, vpnName, elanTag, label, l3vni, subnetId, isBgpVpn, networkId.getValue()); if (isRouteAdvertised) { subOpBuilder.setRouteAdvState(TaskState.Advertised); } else { LOG.error("{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: Unable to find TepIp for subnet {} subnetip {} vpnName {}" + " rd {} for dpnid {}, attempt next dpn", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd, nhDpnId.toString()); subOpBuilder.setRouteAdvState(TaskState.PendingAdvertise); } return; } Iterator subnetDpnIter = subDpnList.iterator(); while (subnetDpnIter.hasNext()) { SubnetToDpn subnetToDpn = subnetDpnIter.next(); if (subnetToDpn.getDpnId().equals(oldDpnId)) { // Is this same is as input dpnId, then ignore it continue; } nhDpnId = subnetToDpn.getDpnId(); if (vpnNodeListener.isConnectedNode(nhDpnId)) { // selected dpnId is connected to ODL // but does it have a TEP configured at all? try { nhTepIp = InterfaceUtils.getEndpointIpAddressForDPN(dataBroker, nhDpnId); if (nhTepIp != null) { isAlternateDpnSelected = true; break; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: Unable to find TepIp for rd {} subnetroute subnetip {}" + " for dpnid {}, attempt next", LOGGING_PREFIX, rd, subnetIp, nhDpnId.toString(), e); continue; } } } if (!isAlternateDpnSelected) { //If no alternate Dpn is selected as nextHopDpn, withdraw the subnetroute if it had a nextHop already. if (isRouteAdvertised(subOpBuilder) && (oldDpnId != null)) { LOG.info("{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: No alternate DPN available for subnet {} subnetIp {} vpn {}" + " rd {} Prefix withdrawn from BGP", LOGGING_PREFIX, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd); // Withdraw route from BGP for this subnet boolean routeWithdrawn = deleteSubnetRouteFromFib(rd, subnetIp, vpnName, isBgpVpn); subOpBuilder.setNhDpnId(null); subOpBuilder.setLastAdvState(subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState()); if (routeWithdrawn) { subOpBuilder.setRouteAdvState(TaskState.Withdrawn); } else { LOG.error("{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: Withdrawing NextHopDPN {} for subnet {} subnetIp {}" + " vpn {} rd {} from BGP failed", LOGGING_PREFIX, oldDpnId.toString(), subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd); subOpBuilder.setRouteAdvState(TaskState.PendingWithdraw); } } } else { //If alternate Dpn is selected as nextHopDpn, use that for subnetroute. subOpBuilder.setNhDpnId(nhDpnId); //update the VRF entry for the subnetroute. isRouteAdvertised = addSubnetRouteToFib(rd, subnetIp, nhDpnId, nhTepIp, vpnName, elanTag, label, l3vni, subnetId, isBgpVpn, networkId.getValue()); subOpBuilder.setLastAdvState(subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState()); if (isRouteAdvertised) { subOpBuilder.setRouteAdvState(TaskState.Advertised); } else { LOG.error("{} electNewDpnForSubnetRoute: Swapping to add new NextHopDpn {} for subnet {} subnetIp {}" + " vpn {} rd {} failed", LOGGING_PREFIX, nhDpnId, subnetId.getValue(), subnetIp, vpnName, rd); subOpBuilder.setRouteAdvState(TaskState.PendingAdvertise); } } } private boolean isRouteAdvertised(SubnetOpDataEntryBuilder subOpBuilder) { return ((subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState() == TaskState.Advertised) || (subOpBuilder.getRouteAdvState() == TaskState.PendingAdvertise)); } }