/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson India Global Services Pvt Ltd. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.intervpnlink; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.binding.api.DataBroker; import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.common.api.data.LogicalDatastoreType; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.MDSALUtil; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.MatchInfo; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.MetaDataUtil; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.NwConstants; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.interfaces.IMdsalApiManager; import org.opendaylight.genius.mdsalutil.matches.MatchMetadata; import org.opendaylight.genius.utils.ServiceIndex; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.bgpmanager.api.IBgpManager; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.api.IFibManager; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.api.RouteOrigin; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.VpnConstants; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.VpnFootprintService; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.VpnUtil; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.api.intervpnlink.InterVpnLinkCache; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.api.intervpnlink.InterVpnLinkDataComposite; import org.opendaylight.netvirt.vpnmanager.utilities.InterfaceUtils; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.yang.types.rev130715.Uuid; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flow.inventory.rev130819.tables.table.Flow; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flow.types.rev131026.instruction.list.Instruction; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.FibEntries; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.fibentries.VrfTables; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.fibentries.VrfTablesKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntry; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntryBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.netvirt.fibmanager.rev150330.vrfentries.VrfEntryKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.netvirt.inter.vpn.link.rev160311.InterVpnLinkStates; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.netvirt.inter.vpn.link.rev160311.InterVpnLinks; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.netvirt.inter.vpn.link.rev160311.inter.vpn.link.states.InterVpnLinkState; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.netvirt.inter.vpn.link.rev160311.inter.vpn.link.states.InterVpnLinkStateBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.netvirt.inter.vpn.link.rev160311.inter.vpn.link.states.InterVpnLinkStateKey; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.netvirt.inter.vpn.link.rev160311.inter.vpn.link.states.inter.vpn.link.state.FirstEndpointState; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.netvirt.inter.vpn.link.rev160311.inter.vpn.link.states.inter.vpn.link.state.SecondEndpointState; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.netvirt.inter.vpn.link.rev160311.inter.vpn.links.InterVpnLink; import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.params.xml.ns.yang.netvirt.inter.vpn.link.rev160311.inter.vpn.links.InterVpnLinkKey; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.binding.InstanceIdentifier; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This class contains methods to be used as utilities related with inter-vpn-link. */ public class InterVpnLinkUtil { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InterVpnLinkUtil.class); /** * Retrieves the Instance Identifier that points to an InterVpnLink object * in MD-SAL. * * @param interVpnLinkName The name of the InterVpnLink * @return The requested InstanceIdentifier */ public static InstanceIdentifier getInterVpnLinkPath(String interVpnLinkName) { return InstanceIdentifier.builder(InterVpnLinks.class) .child(InterVpnLink.class, new InterVpnLinkKey(interVpnLinkName)) .build(); } /** * Retrieves the Instance Identifier that points to an InterVpnLinkState object * in MD-SAL. * * @param vpnLinkName The name of the InterVpnLink * @return The requested InstanceIdentifier */ public static InstanceIdentifier getInterVpnLinkStateIid(String vpnLinkName) { return InstanceIdentifier.builder(InterVpnLinkStates.class) .child(InterVpnLinkState.class, new InterVpnLinkStateKey(vpnLinkName)) .build(); } public static String buildInterVpnLinkIfaceName(String vpnName, BigInteger dpnId) { return String.format("InterVpnLink.%s.%s", vpnName, dpnId.toString()); } /** * Updates VpnToDpn map by adding a fake VpnInterface related to an * InterVpnLink in the corresponding DPNs. If the fake iface is the * first one on the any of the specified DPNs, the installation of * Fib flows on that DPN will be triggered. * * @param vpnFootprintService VpnFootprintService service reference * @param vpnName Name of the VPN to which the fake interfaces belong * @param dpnList List of DPNs where the fake InterVpnLink interface must be added */ public static void updateVpnFootprint(VpnFootprintService vpnFootprintService, String vpnName, List dpnList) { LOG.debug("updateVpnFootprint (add): vpn={} dpnList={}", vpnName, dpnList); // Note: when a set of DPNs is calculated for Vpn1, these DPNs are added to the VpnToDpn map of Vpn2. Why? // because we do the handover from Vpn1 to Vpn2 in those DPNs, so in those DPNs we must know how to reach // to Vpn2 targets. If new Vpn2 targets are added later, the Fib will be maintained in these DPNs even if // Vpn2 is not physically present there. for (BigInteger dpnId : dpnList) { String ifaceName = buildInterVpnLinkIfaceName(vpnName, dpnId); vpnFootprintService.updateVpnToDpnMapping(dpnId, vpnName, ifaceName, true /* addition */); } } /** * Updates VpnToDpn map by removing the fake VpnInterface related to an * InterVpnLink in the corresponding DPNs. * * @param vpnFootprintService VpnFootprintService service reference * @param vpnName Name of the VPN to which the fake interfaces belong * @param dpnId DPN where the fake InterVpnLink interface must be removed from */ public static void removeIVpnLinkIfaceFromVpnFootprint(VpnFootprintService vpnFootprintService, String vpnName, BigInteger dpnId) { String ifaceName = buildInterVpnLinkIfaceName(vpnName, dpnId); LOG.debug("updateVpnFootprint (remove): vpn={} dpn={} ifaceName={}", vpnName, dpnId, ifaceName); vpnFootprintService.updateVpnToDpnMapping(dpnId, vpnName, ifaceName, false /* removal */); } /** * Retrieves the InterVpnLink object searching by its name. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @param vpnLinkName Name of the InterVpnLink * @return the InterVpnLink or Optional.absent() if there is no InterVpnLink with the specified name */ public static Optional getInterVpnLinkByName(DataBroker broker, String vpnLinkName) { InstanceIdentifier interVpnLinksIid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(InterVpnLinks.class) .child(InterVpnLink.class, new InterVpnLinkKey(vpnLinkName)).build(); return VpnUtil.read(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, interVpnLinksIid); } /** * Updates inter-VPN link state. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @param vpnLinkName The name of the InterVpnLink * @param state Sets the state of the InterVpnLink to Active or Error * @param newFirstEndpointState Updates the lportTag and/or DPNs of the 1st endpoint of the InterVpnLink * @param newSecondEndpointState Updates the lportTag and/or DPNs of the 2nd endpoint of the InterVpnLink */ public static void updateInterVpnLinkState(DataBroker broker, String vpnLinkName, InterVpnLinkState.State state, FirstEndpointState newFirstEndpointState, SecondEndpointState newSecondEndpointState) { Optional optOldVpnLinkState = getInterVpnLinkState(broker, vpnLinkName); if (optOldVpnLinkState.isPresent()) { InterVpnLinkState newVpnLinkState = new InterVpnLinkStateBuilder(optOldVpnLinkState.get()).setState(state) .setFirstEndpointState(newFirstEndpointState) .setSecondEndpointState(newSecondEndpointState) .build(); VpnUtil.syncUpdate(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, InterVpnLinkUtil.getInterVpnLinkStateIid(vpnLinkName), newVpnLinkState); InterVpnLinkCache.addInterVpnLinkStateToCaches(newVpnLinkState); } else { InterVpnLinkState newIVpnLinkState = new InterVpnLinkStateBuilder().setKey(new InterVpnLinkStateKey(vpnLinkName)) .setInterVpnLinkName(vpnLinkName) .setFirstEndpointState(newFirstEndpointState) .setSecondEndpointState(newSecondEndpointState) .setState(InterVpnLinkState.State.Active) .build(); VpnUtil.syncWrite(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, InterVpnLinkUtil.getInterVpnLinkStateIid(vpnLinkName), newIVpnLinkState); InterVpnLinkCache.addInterVpnLinkStateToCaches(newIVpnLinkState); } } /** * Installs a Flow in LPortDispatcher table that matches on SI=2 and * the lportTag of one InterVpnLink's endpoint and sets the vrfTag of the * other endpoint and sends to FIB table. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @param mdsalManager MDSAL API accessor * @param interVpnLink Object that holds the needed information about both endpoints of the InterVpnLink. * @param dpnList The list of DPNs where this flow must be installed * @param vpnUuidOtherEndpoint UUID of the other endpoint of the InterVpnLink * @param lportTagOfOtherEndpoint Dataplane identifier of the other endpoint of the InterVpnLink * @return the list of Futures for each and every flow that has been installed */ public static List> installLPortDispatcherTableFlow(DataBroker broker, IMdsalApiManager mdsalManager, InterVpnLink interVpnLink, List dpnList, Uuid vpnUuidOtherEndpoint, Long lportTagOfOtherEndpoint) { List> result = new ArrayList<>(); long vpnId = VpnUtil.getVpnId(broker, vpnUuidOtherEndpoint.getValue()); for (BigInteger dpnId : dpnList) { // insert into LPortDispatcher table Flow lportDispatcherFlow = buildLPortDispatcherFlow(interVpnLink.getName(), vpnId, lportTagOfOtherEndpoint.intValue()); result.add(mdsalManager.installFlow(dpnId, lportDispatcherFlow)); } return result; } /** * Builds a Flow to be installed into LPortDispatcher table, that matches on * SI=2 + vpnLinkEndpointPseudoPortTag and sends to FIB. * * @param interVpnLinkName The name of the InterVpnLink * @param vpnId Dataplane identifier of the VPN, the Vrf Tag. * @param lportTag DataPlane identifier of the LogicalPort. * @return the Flow ready to be installed */ public static Flow buildLPortDispatcherFlow(String interVpnLinkName, long vpnId, int lportTag) { LOG.info("Inter-vpn-link : buildLPortDispatcherFlow. vpnId {} lportTag {} ", vpnId, lportTag); List matches = Collections.singletonList(new MatchMetadata( MetaDataUtil.getMetaDataForLPortDispatcher(lportTag, ServiceIndex.getIndex(NwConstants.L3VPN_SERVICE_NAME, NwConstants.L3VPN_SERVICE_INDEX)), MetaDataUtil.getMetaDataMaskForLPortDispatcher())); String flowRef = getLportDispatcherFlowRef(interVpnLinkName, lportTag); Flow lportDispatcherFlow = MDSALUtil.buildFlowNew(NwConstants.LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE, flowRef, VpnConstants.DEFAULT_LPORT_DISPATCHER_FLOW_PRIORITY, flowRef, 0, 0, VpnUtil.getCookieL3((int) vpnId), matches, buildLportDispatcherTableInstructions(vpnId)); return lportDispatcherFlow; } /** * Builds a flowRef to be assigned to the flow to be installed into * LPortDispatcher table. * * @param interVpnLinkName The name of the InterVpnLink * @param lportTag Dataplane identifier of the LogicalPort * @return the flow reference string */ public static String getLportDispatcherFlowRef(String interVpnLinkName, Integer lportTag) { return new StringBuffer() .append(VpnConstants.FLOWID_PREFIX).append("INTERVPNLINK") .append(NwConstants.FLOWID_SEPARATOR).append(interVpnLinkName) .append(NwConstants.FLOWID_SEPARATOR).append(lportTag) .append(NwConstants.FLOWID_SEPARATOR).append(ServiceIndex.getIndex(NwConstants.L3VPN_SERVICE_NAME, NwConstants.L3VPN_SERVICE_INDEX)) .append(NwConstants.FLOWID_SEPARATOR) .append(VpnConstants.DEFAULT_LPORT_DISPATCHER_FLOW_PRIORITY) .toString(); } public static List buildLportDispatcherTableInstructions(long vpnId) { int instructionKey = 0; List instructions = new ArrayList<>(); instructions.add(MDSALUtil.buildAndGetWriteMetadaInstruction(MetaDataUtil.getVpnIdMetadata(vpnId), MetaDataUtil.METADATA_MASK_VRFID, ++instructionKey)); instructions.add(MDSALUtil.buildAndGetGotoTableInstruction(NwConstants.L3_FIB_TABLE, ++instructionKey)); return instructions; } /** * Retrieves the States of all InterVpnLinks. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @return the list of objects that holds the InterVpnLink state information */ public static List getAllInterVpnLinkState(DataBroker broker) { InstanceIdentifier interVpnLinkStateIid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(InterVpnLinkStates.class).build(); Optional interVpnLinkStateOpData = MDSALUtil.read(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, interVpnLinkStateIid); return (interVpnLinkStateOpData.isPresent()) ? interVpnLinkStateOpData.get().getInterVpnLinkState() : new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Retrieves the State of an InterVpnLink. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @param interVpnLinkName The name of the InterVpnLink * @return the object that contains the State of the specified InterVpnLink or Optional.absent() if it doesnt exist */ public static Optional getInterVpnLinkState(DataBroker broker, String interVpnLinkName) { return MDSALUtil.read(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, getInterVpnLinkStateIid(interVpnLinkName)); } /** * Checks if the specified InterVpnLink is currently Active. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @param interVpnLinkName The name of the InterVpnLink * @return true if the InterVpnLink is Active */ public static boolean isInterVpnLinkActive(DataBroker broker, String interVpnLinkName) { Optional optIVpnLinkState = getInterVpnLinkState(broker, interVpnLinkName); if (!optIVpnLinkState.isPresent()) { return false; } InterVpnLinkState interVpnLinkState = optIVpnLinkState.get(); return interVpnLinkState.getState() == InterVpnLinkState.State.Active; } /** * Retrieves an InterVpnLink by searching by one of its endpoint's IP. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @param endpointIp IP to serch for. * @return the InterVpnLink or null if no InterVpnLink can be found */ public static Optional getInterVpnLinkByEndpointIp(DataBroker broker, String endpointIp) { List allInterVpnLinks = InterVpnLinkUtil.getAllInterVpnLinks(broker); for (InterVpnLink interVpnLink : allInterVpnLinks) { if (interVpnLink.getFirstEndpoint().getIpAddress().getValue().equals(endpointIp) || interVpnLink.getSecondEndpoint().getIpAddress().getValue().equals(endpointIp)) { return Optional.of(interVpnLink); } } return Optional.absent(); } /** * Retrieves the InterVpnLink that has one of its 2 endpoints installed in * the specified DpnId. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @param dpnId Id of the DPN * @return The InterVpnLink object if found, Optional.absent() otherwise */ public static Optional getInterVpnLinkByDpnId(DataBroker broker, BigInteger dpnId) { List allInterVpnLinks = InterVpnLinkUtil.getAllInterVpnLinks(broker); for (InterVpnLink interVpnLink : allInterVpnLinks) { Optional optInterVpnLinkState = getInterVpnLinkState(broker, interVpnLink.getName()); if (optInterVpnLinkState.isPresent() && (optInterVpnLinkState.get().getFirstEndpointState().getDpId().contains(dpnId) || optInterVpnLinkState.get().getSecondEndpointState().getDpId().contains(dpnId))) { return Optional.fromNullable(interVpnLink); } } return Optional.absent(); } /** * Retrieves all configured InterVpnLinks. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @return the list of InterVpnLinks */ public static List getAllInterVpnLinks(DataBroker broker) { InstanceIdentifier interVpnLinksIid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(InterVpnLinks.class).build(); Optional interVpnLinksOpData = MDSALUtil.read(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, interVpnLinksIid); return interVpnLinksOpData.isPresent() ? interVpnLinksOpData.get().getInterVpnLink() : new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Retrieves the list of DPNs where the endpoint of a VPN in an InterVPNLink was instantiated. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @param vpnLinkName the name of the InterVpnLink * @param vpnUuid UUID of the VPN whose endpoint to be checked * @return the list of DPN Ids */ public static List getVpnLinkEndpointDPNs(DataBroker broker, String vpnLinkName, String vpnUuid) { Optional interVpnLinkState = getInterVpnLinkState(broker, vpnLinkName); if (interVpnLinkState.isPresent()) { if (interVpnLinkState.get().getFirstEndpointState().getVpnUuid().getValue().equals(vpnUuid)) { return interVpnLinkState.get().getFirstEndpointState().getDpId(); } else { return interVpnLinkState.get().getSecondEndpointState().getDpId(); } } else { LOG.trace("Could not find InterVpnLinkState for interVpnLink {}", vpnLinkName); return new ArrayList<>(); } } /** * Retrieves the list of DPNs where the endpoint of a VPN in an InterVPNLink was instantiated. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @param endpointIp Ip of the endpoint specified in the InterVpnLink * @return the list of DPN Ids */ public static List getVpnLinkEndpointDPNsByIp(DataBroker broker, String endpointIp) { Optional optIVpnLink = getInterVpnLinkByEndpointIp(broker, endpointIp); if (optIVpnLink.isPresent()) { InterVpnLink interVpnLink = optIVpnLink.get(); boolean isFirstEndpoint = interVpnLink.getFirstEndpoint().getIpAddress().getValue().equals(endpointIp); return isFirstEndpoint ? getVpnLinkEndpointDPNs(broker, interVpnLink.getName(), interVpnLink.getFirstEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue()) : getVpnLinkEndpointDPNs(broker, interVpnLink.getName(), interVpnLink.getSecondEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue()); } else { LOG.trace("Could not find an InterVpnLink with endpoint IpAddr={}", endpointIp); return new ArrayList<>(); } } /** * Leaks a route from one VPN to another. By default, the origin for this leaked route is INTERVPN. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @param bgpManager Used to advertise routes to the BGP Router * @param interVpnLink Reference to the object that holds the info about the link between the 2 VPNs * @param srcVpnUuid UUID of the VPN that has the route that is going to be leaked to the other VPN * @param dstVpnUuid UUID of the VPN that is going to receive the route * @param prefix Prefix of the route * @param label Label of the route in the original VPN */ public static void leakRoute(DataBroker broker, IBgpManager bgpManager, InterVpnLink interVpnLink, String srcVpnUuid, String dstVpnUuid, String prefix, Long label) { leakRoute(broker, bgpManager, interVpnLink, srcVpnUuid, dstVpnUuid, prefix, label, RouteOrigin.INTERVPN); } /** * Leaks a route from one VPN to another. * * @param broker dataBroker service reference * @param bgpManager Used to advertise routes to the BGP Router * @param interVpnLink Reference to the object that holds the info about the link between the 2 VPNs * @param srcVpnUuid UUID of the VPN that has the route that is going to be leaked to the other VPN * @param dstVpnUuid UUID of the VPN that is going to receive the route * @param prefix Prefix of the route * @param label Label of the route in the original VPN * @param forcedOrigin By default, origin for leaked routes should be INTERVPN, however it is possible to provide * a different origin if desired. */ // TODO Clean up the exception handling @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") public static void leakRoute(DataBroker broker, IBgpManager bgpManager, InterVpnLink interVpnLink, String srcVpnUuid, String dstVpnUuid, String prefix, Long label, RouteOrigin forcedOrigin) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(interVpnLink); // The source VPN must participate in the InterVpnLink Preconditions.checkArgument(interVpnLink.getFirstEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue().equals(srcVpnUuid) || interVpnLink.getSecondEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue().equals(srcVpnUuid), "The source VPN {} does not participate in the interVpnLink {}", srcVpnUuid, interVpnLink.getName()); // The destination VPN must participate in the InterVpnLink Preconditions.checkArgument(interVpnLink.getFirstEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue().equals(dstVpnUuid) || interVpnLink.getSecondEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue().equals(dstVpnUuid), "The destination VPN {} does not participate in the interVpnLink {}", dstVpnUuid, interVpnLink.getName()); boolean destinationIs1stEndpoint = interVpnLink.getFirstEndpoint().getVpnUuid().getValue().equals(dstVpnUuid); String endpointIp = destinationIs1stEndpoint ? interVpnLink.getSecondEndpoint().getIpAddress().getValue() : interVpnLink.getFirstEndpoint().getIpAddress().getValue(); VrfEntry newVrfEntry = new VrfEntryBuilder().setKey(new VrfEntryKey(prefix)).setDestPrefix(prefix) .setLabel(label).setNextHopAddressList(Collections.singletonList(endpointIp)) .setOrigin(RouteOrigin.INTERVPN.getValue()) .build(); String dstVpnRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(broker, dstVpnUuid); InstanceIdentifier newVrfEntryIid = InstanceIdentifier.builder(FibEntries.class) .child(VrfTables.class, new VrfTablesKey(dstVpnRd)) .child(VrfEntry.class, new VrfEntryKey(newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix())) .build(); VpnUtil.asyncWrite(broker, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, newVrfEntryIid, newVrfEntry); // Finally, route is advertised it to the DC-GW. But while in the FibEntries the nexthop is the other // endpoint's IP, in the DC-GW the nexthop for those prefixes are the IPs of those DPNs where the target // VPN has been instantiated Optional optVpnLinkState = getInterVpnLinkState(broker, interVpnLink.getName()); if (optVpnLinkState.isPresent()) { InterVpnLinkState vpnLinkState = optVpnLinkState.get(); List dpnIdList = destinationIs1stEndpoint ? vpnLinkState.getFirstEndpointState().getDpId() : vpnLinkState.getSecondEndpointState().getDpId(); List nexthops = new ArrayList<>(); for (BigInteger dpnId : dpnIdList) { nexthops.add(InterfaceUtils.getEndpointIpAddressForDPN(broker, dpnId)); } try { LOG.debug("Advertising route in VPN={} [prefix={} label={} nexthops={}] to DC-GW", dstVpnRd, newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), label.intValue(), nexthops); bgpManager.advertisePrefix(dstVpnRd, newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), nexthops, label.intValue()); } catch (Exception exc) { LOG.error("Could not advertise prefix {} with label {} to VPN rd={}", newVrfEntry.getDestPrefix(), label.intValue(), dstVpnRd); } } else { LOG.warn("Error when advertising leaked routes: Could not find State for InterVpnLink={}", interVpnLink.getName()); } } public static void handleStaticRoute(InterVpnLinkDataComposite interVpnLink, String vpnName, String destination, String nexthop, int label, DataBroker dataBroker, IFibManager fibManager, IBgpManager bgpManager) { LOG.debug("handleStaticRoute [vpnLink={} srcVpn={} destination={} nextHop={} label={}]", interVpnLink.getInterVpnLinkName(), vpnName, destination, nexthop, label); String vpnRd = VpnUtil.getVpnRd(dataBroker, vpnName); if (vpnRd == null) { LOG.warn("Could not find Route-Distinguisher for VpnName {}", vpnName); return; } LOG.debug("Writing FibEntry to DS: vpnRd={}, prefix={}, label={}, nexthop={} (interVpnLink)", vpnRd, destination, label, nexthop); fibManager.addOrUpdateFibEntry(dataBroker, vpnRd, destination, Collections.singletonList(nexthop), label, RouteOrigin.STATIC, null); // Now advertise to BGP. The nexthop that must be advertised to BGP are the IPs of the DPN where the // VPN's endpoint have been instantiated // List nexthopList = new ArrayList<>(); // The nexthops to be advertised to BGP List endpointDpns = interVpnLink.getEndpointDpnsByVpnName(vpnName); List nexthopList = endpointDpns.stream().map(dpnId -> InterfaceUtils.getEndpointIpAddressForDPN(dataBroker, dpnId)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); LOG.debug("advertising IVpnLink route to BGP: vpnRd={}, prefix={}, label={}, nexthops={}", vpnRd, destination, label, nexthopList); bgpManager.advertisePrefix(vpnRd, destination, nexthopList, label); // TODO: Leak if static-routes-leaking flag is active } }