/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.impl; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Splitter; import com.google.common.collect.Collections2; import com.google.common.io.ByteSource; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.AnyXmlSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceCaseNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ChoiceNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ContainerSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataNodeContainer; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.DataSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.GroupingDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafListSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.LeafSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ListSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.Module; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ModuleImport; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaContext; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaPath; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.TypeDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.UnknownSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.ExtendedType; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.AugmentationSchemaBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.AugmentationTargetBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.Builder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.DataNodeContainerBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.DataSchemaNodeBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.GroupingBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.GroupingMember; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.SchemaNodeBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.TypeDefinitionBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.UsesNodeBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.util.NamedByteArrayInputStream; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.util.NamedFileInputStream; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.util.YangParseException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public final class BuilderUtils { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BuilderUtils.class); private static final Splitter SLASH_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('/'); private static final Splitter COLON_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(':'); private static final String INPUT = "input"; private static final String OUTPUT = "output"; private BuilderUtils() { } public static Collection streamsToByteSources(final Collection streams) throws IOException { Collection result = new HashSet<>(); for (InputStream stream : streams) { result.add(new ByteSourceImpl(stream)); } return result; } public static ByteSource fileToByteSource(final File file) { return new ByteSource() { @Override public InputStream openStream() throws IOException { return new NamedFileInputStream(file, file.getAbsolutePath()); } }; } public static Collection filesToByteSources(final Collection streams) throws FileNotFoundException { return Collections2.transform(streams, new Function() { @Override public ByteSource apply(final File input) { return new ByteSource() { @Override public InputStream openStream() throws IOException { return new NamedFileInputStream(input, input.getAbsolutePath()); } }; } }); } /** * Create new SchemaPath from given path and qname. * * @param schemaPath * base path * @param qname * one or more qnames added to base path * @return new SchemaPath from given path and qname * * @deprecated Use {@link SchemaPath#createChild(QName...)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static SchemaPath createSchemaPath(final SchemaPath schemaPath, final QName... qname) { List path = new ArrayList<>(schemaPath.getPath()); path.addAll(Arrays.asList(qname)); return SchemaPath.create(path, schemaPath.isAbsolute()); } /** * Get module import referenced by given prefix. * * @param builder * module to search * @param prefix * prefix associated with import * @return ModuleImport based on given prefix */ public static ModuleImport getModuleImport(final ModuleBuilder builder, final String prefix) { for (ModuleImport mi : builder.getModuleImports()) { if (mi.getPrefix().equals(prefix)) { return mi; } } return null; } /** * Find dependent module based on given prefix * * @param modules * all available modules * @param module * current module * @param prefix * target module prefix * @param line * current line in yang model * @return module builder if found, null otherwise */ public static ModuleBuilder findModuleFromBuilders(final Map> modules, final ModuleBuilder module, final String prefix, final int line) { ModuleBuilder dependentModule = null; Date dependentModuleRevision = null; if (prefix == null) { dependentModule = module; } else if (prefix.equals(module.getPrefix())) { dependentModule = module; } else { ModuleImport dependentModuleImport = getModuleImport(module, prefix); if (dependentModuleImport == null) { throw new YangParseException(module.getName(), line, "No import found with prefix '" + prefix + "'."); } String dependentModuleName = dependentModuleImport.getModuleName(); dependentModuleRevision = dependentModuleImport.getRevision(); TreeMap moduleBuildersByRevision = modules.get(dependentModuleName); if (moduleBuildersByRevision == null) { return null; } if (dependentModuleRevision == null) { dependentModule = moduleBuildersByRevision.lastEntry().getValue(); } else { dependentModule = moduleBuildersByRevision.get(dependentModuleRevision); } } return dependentModule; } /** * Find module from context based on prefix. * * @param context * schema context * @param currentModule * current module * @param prefix * current prefix used to reference dependent module * @param line * current line in yang model * @return module based on given prefix if found in context, null otherwise */ public static Module findModuleFromContext(final SchemaContext context, final ModuleBuilder currentModule, final String prefix, final int line) { if (context == null) { throw new YangParseException(currentModule.getName(), line, "Cannot find module with prefix '" + prefix + "'."); } TreeMap modulesByRevision = new TreeMap<>(); ModuleImport dependentModuleImport = BuilderUtils.getModuleImport(currentModule, prefix); if (dependentModuleImport == null) { throw new YangParseException(currentModule.getName(), line, "No import found with prefix '" + prefix + "'."); } String dependentModuleName = dependentModuleImport.getModuleName(); Date dependentModuleRevision = dependentModuleImport.getRevision(); for (Module contextModule : context.getModules()) { if (contextModule.getName().equals(dependentModuleName)) { Date revision = contextModule.getRevision(); if (revision == null) { revision = new Date(0L); } modulesByRevision.put(revision, contextModule); } } Module result = null; if (dependentModuleRevision == null) { result = modulesByRevision.get(modulesByRevision.firstKey()); } else { result = modulesByRevision.get(dependentModuleRevision); } return result; } /** * Parse XPath string. * * @param xpathString * XPath as String * @return SchemaPath from given String */ public static SchemaPath parseXPathString(final String xpathString) { final boolean absolute = xpathString.indexOf('/') == 0; final List path = new ArrayList(); for (String pathElement : SLASH_SPLITTER.split(xpathString)) { if (pathElement.length() > 0) { final Iterator it = COLON_SPLITTER.split(pathElement).iterator(); final String s = it.next(); final QName name; if (it.hasNext()) { name = new QName(null, null, s, it.next()); } else { name = new QName(null, null, null, s); } path.add(name); } } return SchemaPath.create(path, absolute); } /** * Add all augment's child nodes to given target. * * @param augment * builder of augment statement * @param target * augmentation target node */ public static void fillAugmentTarget(final AugmentationSchemaBuilder augment, final Builder target) { if (target instanceof DataNodeContainerBuilder) { fillAugmentTarget(augment, (DataNodeContainerBuilder) target); } else if (target instanceof ChoiceBuilder) { fillAugmentTarget(augment, (ChoiceBuilder) target); } else { throw new YangParseException( augment.getModuleName(), augment.getLine(), "Error in augment parsing: The target node MUST be either a container, list, choice, case, input, output, or notification node."); } } /** * Add all augment's child nodes to given target. * * @param augment * builder of augment statement * @param target * augmentation target node */ private static void fillAugmentTarget(final AugmentationSchemaBuilder augment, final DataNodeContainerBuilder target) { for (DataSchemaNodeBuilder child : augment.getChildNodeBuilders()) { DataSchemaNodeBuilder childCopy = CopyUtils.copy(child, target, false); if (augment.getParent() instanceof UsesNodeBuilder) { setNodeAddedByUses(childCopy); } setNodeAugmenting(childCopy); try { target.addChildNode(childCopy); } catch (YangParseException e) { // more descriptive message throw new YangParseException(augment.getModuleName(), augment.getLine(), "Failed to perform augmentation: " + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Add all augment's child nodes to given target. * * @param augment * builder of augment statement * @param target * augmentation target choice node */ private static void fillAugmentTarget(final AugmentationSchemaBuilder augment, final ChoiceBuilder target) { for (DataSchemaNodeBuilder builder : augment.getChildNodeBuilders()) { DataSchemaNodeBuilder childCopy = CopyUtils.copy(builder, target, false); if (augment.getParent() instanceof UsesNodeBuilder) { setNodeAddedByUses(childCopy); } setNodeAugmenting(childCopy); target.addCase(childCopy); } for (UsesNodeBuilder usesNode : augment.getUsesNodeBuilders()) { if (usesNode != null) { throw new YangParseException(augment.getModuleName(), augment.getLine(), "Error in augment parsing: cannot augment choice with nodes from grouping"); } } } /** * Set augmenting flag to true for node and all its child nodes. * * @param node */ private static void setNodeAugmenting(final DataSchemaNodeBuilder node) { node.setAugmenting(true); if (node instanceof DataNodeContainerBuilder) { DataNodeContainerBuilder dataNodeChild = (DataNodeContainerBuilder) node; for (DataSchemaNodeBuilder inner : dataNodeChild.getChildNodeBuilders()) { setNodeAugmenting(inner); } } else if (node instanceof ChoiceBuilder) { ChoiceBuilder choiceChild = (ChoiceBuilder) node; for (ChoiceCaseBuilder inner : choiceChild.getCases()) { setNodeAugmenting(inner); } } } /** * Set addedByUses flag to true for node and all its child nodes. * * @param node */ public static void setNodeAddedByUses(final GroupingMember node) { node.setAddedByUses(true); if (node instanceof DataNodeContainerBuilder) { DataNodeContainerBuilder dataNodeChild = (DataNodeContainerBuilder) node; for (DataSchemaNodeBuilder inner : dataNodeChild.getChildNodeBuilders()) { setNodeAddedByUses(inner); } } else if (node instanceof ChoiceBuilder) { ChoiceBuilder choiceChild = (ChoiceBuilder) node; for (ChoiceCaseBuilder inner : choiceChild.getCases()) { setNodeAddedByUses(inner); } } } /** * Set config flag to new value. * * @param node * node to update * @param config * new config value */ public static void setNodeConfig(final DataSchemaNodeBuilder node, final Boolean config) { if (node instanceof ContainerSchemaNodeBuilder || node instanceof LeafSchemaNodeBuilder || node instanceof LeafListSchemaNodeBuilder || node instanceof ListSchemaNodeBuilder || node instanceof ChoiceBuilder || node instanceof AnyXmlBuilder) { node.setConfiguration(config); } if (node instanceof DataNodeContainerBuilder) { DataNodeContainerBuilder dataNodeChild = (DataNodeContainerBuilder) node; for (DataSchemaNodeBuilder inner : dataNodeChild.getChildNodeBuilders()) { setNodeConfig(inner, config); } } else if (node instanceof ChoiceBuilder) { ChoiceBuilder choiceChild = (ChoiceBuilder) node; for (ChoiceCaseBuilder inner : choiceChild.getCases()) { setNodeConfig(inner, config); } } } public static DataSchemaNodeBuilder findSchemaNode(final List path, final SchemaNodeBuilder parentNode) { DataSchemaNodeBuilder node = null; SchemaNodeBuilder parent = parentNode; int i = 0; while (i < path.size()) { String name = path.get(i).getLocalName(); if (parent instanceof DataNodeContainerBuilder) { node = ((DataNodeContainerBuilder) parent).getDataChildByName(name); } else if (parent instanceof ChoiceBuilder) { node = ((ChoiceBuilder) parent).getCaseNodeByName(name); } else if (parent instanceof RpcDefinitionBuilder) { if ("input".equals(name)) { node = ((RpcDefinitionBuilder) parent).getInput(); } else if ("output".equals(name)) { node = ((RpcDefinitionBuilder) parent).getOutput(); } else { return null; } } else { return null; } if (i < path.size() - 1) { parent = node; } i = i + 1; } return node; } /** * * Find a builder for node in data namespace of YANG module. * * Search is performed on full QName equals, this means builders and schema * path MUST be resolved against imports and their namespaces. * * Search is done in data namespace, this means notification, rpc * definitions and top level data definitions are considered as top-level * items, from which it is possible to traverse. * * * @param schemaPath * Schema Path to node * @param module * ModuleBuilder to start lookup in * @return Node Builder if found, {@link Optional#absent()} otherwise. */ public static Optional findSchemaNodeInModule(final SchemaPath schemaPath, final ModuleBuilder module) { Iterator path = schemaPath.getPathFromRoot().iterator(); Preconditions.checkArgument(path.hasNext(), "Schema Path must contain at least one element."); QName first = path.next(); Optional currentNode = getDataNamespaceChild(module, first); while (currentNode.isPresent() && path.hasNext()) { currentNode = findDataChild(currentNode.get(), path.next()); } return currentNode; } private static Optional findDataChild(final SchemaNodeBuilder parent, final QName child) { if (parent instanceof DataNodeContainerBuilder) { return castOptional(SchemaNodeBuilder.class, findDataChildInDataNodeContainer((DataNodeContainerBuilder) parent, child)); } else if (parent instanceof ChoiceBuilder) { return castOptional(SchemaNodeBuilder.class, findCaseInChoice((ChoiceBuilder) parent, child)); } else if (parent instanceof RpcDefinitionBuilder) { return castOptional(SchemaNodeBuilder.class, findContainerInRpc((RpcDefinitionBuilder) parent, child)); } else { LOG.trace("Child {} not found in node {}", child, parent); return Optional.absent(); } } /** * Casts optional from one argument to other. * * @param cls * Class to be checked * @param optional * Original value * @return */ private static Optional castOptional(final Class cls, final Optional optional) { if (optional.isPresent()) { Object value = optional.get(); if (cls.isInstance(value)) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Actually checked by outer if T casted = (T) value; return Optional.of(casted); } } return Optional.absent(); } /** * * Gets input / output container from {@link RpcDefinitionBuilder} if QName * is input/output. * * * @param parent * RPC Definition builder * @param child * Child QName * @return Optional of input/output if defined and QName is input/output. * Otherwise {@link Optional#absent()}. */ private static Optional findContainerInRpc(final RpcDefinitionBuilder parent, final QName child) { if (INPUT.equals(child.getLocalName())) { return Optional.of(parent.getInput()); } else if (OUTPUT.equals(child.getLocalName())) { return Optional.of(parent.getOutput()); } LOG.trace("Child {} not found in node {}", child, parent); return Optional.absent(); } /** * Finds case by QName in {@link ChoiceBuilder} * * * @param parent * DataNodeContainer in which lookup should be performed * @param child * QName of child * @return Optional of child if found. */ private static Optional findCaseInChoice(final ChoiceBuilder parent, final QName child) { for (ChoiceCaseBuilder caze : parent.getCases()) { if (caze.getQName().equals(child)) { return Optional.of(caze); } } LOG.trace("Child {} not found in node {}", child, parent); return Optional.absent(); } /** * Finds direct child by QName in {@link DataNodeContainerBuilder} * * * @param parent * DataNodeContainer in which lookup should be performed * @param child * QName of child * @return Optional of child if found. */ private static Optional findDataChildInDataNodeContainer(final DataNodeContainerBuilder parent, final QName child) { for (DataSchemaNodeBuilder childNode : parent.getChildNodeBuilders()) { if (childNode.getQName().equals(child)) { return Optional.of(childNode); } } LOG.trace("Child {} not found in node {}", child, parent); return Optional.absent(); } /** * * Find a child builder for node in data namespace of YANG module. * * Search is performed on full QName equals, this means builders and schema * path MUST be resolved against imports and their namespaces. * * Search is done in data namespace, this means notification, rpc * definitions and top level data definitions are considered as top-level * items, from which it is possible to traverse. * * * @param child * Child QName. * @param module * ModuleBuilder to start lookup in * @return Node Builder if found, {@link Optional#absent()} otherwise. */ private static Optional getDataNamespaceChild(final ModuleBuilder module, final QName child) { /* * First we do lookup in data tree, if node is found we return it. */ final Optional dataTreeNode = getDataChildByQName(module, child); if (dataTreeNode.isPresent()) { return dataTreeNode; } /* * We lookup in notifications */ Set notifications = module.getAddedNotifications(); for (NotificationBuilder notification : notifications) { if (notification.getQName().equals(child)) { return Optional. of(notification); } } /* * We lookup in RPCs */ Set rpcs = module.getAddedRpcs(); for (RpcDefinitionBuilder rpc : rpcs) { if (rpc.getQName().equals(child)) { return Optional. of(rpc); } } LOG.trace("Child {} not found in data namespace of module {}", child, module); return Optional.absent(); } private static Optional getDataChildByQName(final DataNodeContainerBuilder builder, final QName child) { for (DataSchemaNodeBuilder childNode : builder.getChildNodeBuilders()) { if (childNode.getQName().equals(child)) { return Optional. of(childNode); } } LOG.trace("Child {} not found in node {}", child, builder); return Optional.absent(); } /** * Find augment target node and perform augmentation. * * @param augment * @param firstNodeParent * parent of first node in path * @param path * path to augment target * @return true if augmentation process succeed, false otherwise */ public static boolean processAugmentation(final AugmentationSchemaBuilder augment, final ModuleBuilder firstNodeParent) { Optional potentialTargetNode = findSchemaNodeInModule(augment.getTargetNodeSchemaPath(), firstNodeParent); if (!potentialTargetNode.isPresent()) { return false; } SchemaNodeBuilder targetNode = potentialTargetNode.get(); fillAugmentTarget(augment, targetNode); Preconditions.checkState(targetNode instanceof AugmentationTargetBuilder, "Node refered by augmentation must be valid augmentation target"); ((AugmentationTargetBuilder) targetNode).addAugmentation(augment); augment.setResolved(true); return true; } public static IdentitySchemaNodeBuilder findBaseIdentity(final Map> modules, final ModuleBuilder module, final String baseString, final int line) { // FIXME: optimize indexOf() away? if (baseString.indexOf(':') != -1) { final Iterator it = COLON_SPLITTER.split(baseString).iterator(); final String prefix = it.next(); final String name = it.next(); if (it.hasNext()) { throw new YangParseException(module.getName(), line, "Failed to parse identityref base: " + baseString); } ModuleBuilder dependentModule = findModuleFromBuilders(modules, module, prefix, line); if (dependentModule == null) { return null; } return findIdentity(dependentModule.getAddedIdentities(), name); } else { return findIdentity(module.getAddedIdentities(), baseString); } } public static IdentitySchemaNodeBuilder findIdentity(final Set identities, final String name) { for (IdentitySchemaNodeBuilder identity : identities) { if (identity.getQName().getLocalName().equals(name)) { return identity; } } return null; } /** * Get module in which this node is defined. * * @param node * @return builder of module where this node is defined */ public static ModuleBuilder getParentModule(final Builder node) { if (node instanceof ModuleBuilder) { return (ModuleBuilder) node; } Builder parent = node.getParent(); while (!(parent instanceof ModuleBuilder)) { parent = parent.getParent(); } Preconditions.checkState(parent instanceof ModuleBuilder); ModuleBuilder parentModule = (ModuleBuilder) parent; if (parentModule.isSubmodule()) { parentModule = parentModule.getParent(); } return parentModule; } public static Set wrapChildNodes(final String moduleName, final int line, final Set nodes, final SchemaPath parentPath, final URI ns, final Date rev, final String pref) { Set result = new HashSet<>(); for (DataSchemaNode node : nodes) { QName qname = new QName(ns, rev, pref, node.getQName().getLocalName()); DataSchemaNodeBuilder wrapped = wrapChildNode(moduleName, line, node, parentPath, qname); result.add(wrapped); } return result; } public static DataSchemaNodeBuilder wrapChildNode(final String moduleName, final int line, final DataSchemaNode node, final SchemaPath parentPath, final QName qname) { final SchemaPath schemaPath = parentPath.createChild(qname); if (node instanceof AnyXmlSchemaNode) { return new AnyXmlBuilder(moduleName, line, qname, schemaPath, ((AnyXmlSchemaNode) node)); } else if (node instanceof ChoiceNode) { return new ChoiceBuilder(moduleName, line, qname, schemaPath, ((ChoiceNode) node)); } else if (node instanceof ContainerSchemaNode) { return new ContainerSchemaNodeBuilder(moduleName, line, qname, schemaPath, ((ContainerSchemaNode) node)); } else if (node instanceof LeafSchemaNode) { return new LeafSchemaNodeBuilder(moduleName, line, qname, schemaPath, ((LeafSchemaNode) node)); } else if (node instanceof LeafListSchemaNode) { return new LeafListSchemaNodeBuilder(moduleName, line, qname, schemaPath, ((LeafListSchemaNode) node)); } else if (node instanceof ListSchemaNode) { return new ListSchemaNodeBuilder(moduleName, line, qname, schemaPath, ((ListSchemaNode) node)); } else if (node instanceof ChoiceCaseNode) { return new ChoiceCaseBuilder(moduleName, line, qname, schemaPath, ((ChoiceCaseNode) node)); } else { throw new YangParseException(moduleName, line, "Failed to copy node: Unknown type of DataSchemaNode: " + node); } } public static Set wrapGroupings(final String moduleName, final int line, final Set nodes, final SchemaPath parentPath, final URI ns, final Date rev, final String pref) { Set result = new HashSet<>(); for (GroupingDefinition node : nodes) { QName qname = new QName(ns, rev, pref, node.getQName().getLocalName()); SchemaPath schemaPath = parentPath.createChild(qname); result.add(new GroupingBuilderImpl(moduleName, line, qname, schemaPath, node)); } return result; } public static Set wrapTypedefs(final String moduleName, final int line, final DataNodeContainer dataNode, final SchemaPath parentPath, final URI ns, final Date rev, final String pref) { Set> nodes = dataNode.getTypeDefinitions(); Set result = new HashSet<>(); for (TypeDefinition node : nodes) { QName qname = new QName(ns, rev, pref, node.getQName().getLocalName()); SchemaPath schemaPath = parentPath.createChild(qname); result.add(new TypeDefinitionBuilderImpl(moduleName, line, qname, schemaPath, ((ExtendedType) node))); } return result; } public static List wrapUnknownNodes(final String moduleName, final int line, final List nodes, final SchemaPath parentPath, final URI ns, final Date rev, final String pref) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (UnknownSchemaNode node : nodes) { QName qname = new QName(ns, rev, pref, node.getQName().getLocalName()); SchemaPath schemaPath = parentPath.createChild(qname); result.add(new UnknownSchemaNodeBuilderImpl(moduleName, line, qname, schemaPath, node)); } return result; } private static final class ByteSourceImpl extends ByteSource { private final String toString; private final ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private ByteSourceImpl(final InputStream input) throws IOException { toString = input.toString(); IOUtils.copy(input, output); } @Override public InputStream openStream() throws IOException { return new NamedByteArrayInputStream(output.toByteArray(), toString); } } }