/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.impl; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.io.ByteSource; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QNameModule; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.AugmentationSchema; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.Deviation; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ExtensionDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.FeatureDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.IdentitySchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.Module; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.ModuleImport; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.NotificationDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.RpcDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaPath; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.TypeDefinition; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.UnknownSchemaNode; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.util.ModuleImportImpl; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.AugmentationSchemaBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.Builder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.DataNodeContainerBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.DataSchemaNodeBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.DocumentedNodeBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.ExtensionBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.GroupingBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.SchemaNodeBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.TypeAwareBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.TypeDefinitionBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.UnknownSchemaNodeBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.api.UsesNodeBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.util.AbstractDocumentedDataNodeContainerBuilder; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.builder.util.Comparators; import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.parser.util.YangParseException; /** * Builder of Module object. If this module is dependent on external * module/modules, these dependencies must be resolved before module is built, * otherwise result may not be valid. */ public class ModuleBuilder extends AbstractDocumentedDataNodeContainerBuilder implements DocumentedNodeBuilder { private ModuleImpl instance; private final String name; private final String sourcePath; private static final SchemaPath SCHEMA_PATH = SchemaPath.create(Collections. emptyList(), true); private String prefix; private QNameModule qnameModule = QNameModule.create(null, null); private final boolean submodule; private String belongsTo; private ModuleBuilder parent; private final Deque actualPath = new LinkedList<>(); private final Set dirtyNodes = new HashSet<>(); final Set imports = new HashSet<>(); private final Set augments = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private final List augmentBuilders = new ArrayList<>(); private final List allAugments = new ArrayList<>(); private final List allGroupings = new ArrayList<>(); private final List allUsesNodes = new ArrayList<>(); private final Set rpcs = new TreeSet<>(Comparators.SCHEMA_NODE_COMP); private final Set addedRpcs = new HashSet<>(); private final Set notifications = new TreeSet<>(Comparators.SCHEMA_NODE_COMP); private final Set addedNotifications = new HashSet<>(); private final Set identities = new TreeSet<>(Comparators.SCHEMA_NODE_COMP); private final Set addedIdentities = new HashSet<>(); private final Set features = new TreeSet<>(Comparators.SCHEMA_NODE_COMP); private final Set addedFeatures = new HashSet<>(); private final Set deviations = new HashSet<>(); private final Set deviationBuilders = new HashSet<>(); private final List extensions = new ArrayList<>(); private final List addedExtensions = new ArrayList<>(); private final List allUnknownNodes = new ArrayList<>(); private final List allLists = new ArrayList<>(); private String source; private String yangVersion; private String organization; private String contact; public ModuleBuilder(final String name, final String sourcePath) { this(name, false, sourcePath); } public ModuleBuilder(final String name, final boolean submodule, final String sourcePath) { super(name, 0, null); this.name = name; this.sourcePath = sourcePath; this.submodule = submodule; actualPath.push(this);//FIXME: this escapes constructor } public ModuleBuilder(final Module base) { super(base.getName(), 0, new QName(base.getNamespace(), base.getRevision(), base.getPrefix(), base.getName()), SCHEMA_PATH, base); this.name = base.getName(); this.sourcePath = base.getModuleSourcePath(); submodule = false; yangVersion = base.getYangVersion(); actualPath.push(this);//FIXME: this escapes constructor prefix = base.getPrefix(); qnameModule = base.getQNameModule(); augments.addAll(base.getAugmentations()); rpcs.addAll(base.getRpcs()); notifications.addAll(base.getNotifications()); for (IdentitySchemaNode identityNode : base.getIdentities()) { addedIdentities.add(new IdentitySchemaNodeBuilder(name, identityNode)); } features.addAll(base.getFeatures()); deviations.addAll(base.getDeviations()); extensions.addAll(base.getExtensionSchemaNodes()); unknownNodes.addAll(base.getUnknownSchemaNodes()); source = base.getSource(); } @Override protected String getStatementName() { return "module"; } /** * Build new Module object based on this builder. */ @Override public Module build() { if(instance != null) { return instance; } buildChildren(); // FEATURES for (FeatureBuilder fb : addedFeatures) { features.add(fb.build()); } // NOTIFICATIONS for (NotificationBuilder entry : addedNotifications) { notifications.add(entry.build()); } // AUGMENTATIONS for (AugmentationSchemaBuilder builder : augmentBuilders) { augments.add(builder.build()); } // RPCs for (RpcDefinitionBuilder rpc : addedRpcs) { rpcs.add(rpc.build()); } // DEVIATIONS for (DeviationBuilder entry : deviationBuilders) { deviations.add(entry.build()); } // EXTENSIONS for (ExtensionBuilder eb : addedExtensions) { extensions.add(eb.build()); } Collections.sort(extensions, Comparators.SCHEMA_NODE_COMP); // IDENTITIES for (IdentitySchemaNodeBuilder id : addedIdentities) { identities.add(id.build()); } // UNKNOWN NODES for (UnknownSchemaNodeBuilder unb : addedUnknownNodes) { unknownNodes.add(unb.build()); } Collections.sort(unknownNodes, Comparators.SCHEMA_NODE_COMP); instance = new ModuleImpl(name, sourcePath, this); return instance; } public String getModuleSourcePath() { return sourcePath; } @Override public ModuleBuilder getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(final ModuleBuilder parent) { this.parent = parent; } @Override public void setParent(final Builder parent) { throw new YangParseException(name, 0, "Can not set parent to module"); } @Override public SchemaPath getPath() { return SCHEMA_PATH; } public void enterNode(final Builder node) { actualPath.push(node); } public void exitNode() { actualPath.pop(); } public Builder getActualNode() { if (actualPath.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return actualPath.peekFirst(); } } public Set getDirtyNodes() { return dirtyNodes; } public Set getAugments() { return augments; } public List getAugmentBuilders() { return augmentBuilders; } public List getAllAugments() { return allAugments; } public Set getIdentities() { return identities; } public Set getAddedIdentities() { return addedIdentities; } public Set getFeatures() { return features; } public Set getAddedFeatures() { return addedFeatures; } public List getAllGroupings() { return allGroupings; } public List getAllUsesNodes() { return allUsesNodes; } public Set getDeviations() { return deviations; } public Set getDeviationBuilders() { return deviationBuilders; } public List getExtensions() { return extensions; } public List getAddedExtensions() { return addedExtensions; } public List getAllUnknownNodes() { return allUnknownNodes; } public List getAllLists() { return allLists; } public String getName() { return name; } public URI getNamespace() { return qnameModule.getNamespace(); } public QNameModule getQNameModule() { return qnameModule; } public void setQNameModule(final QNameModule qnameModule) { this.qnameModule = Preconditions.checkNotNull(qnameModule); } public void setNamespace(final URI namespace) { this.qnameModule = QNameModule.create(namespace, qnameModule.getRevision()); } public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } public Date getRevision() { return qnameModule.getRevision(); } protected Set getImports() { return imports; } protected String getSource() { return source; } public boolean isSubmodule() { return submodule; } public String getBelongsTo() { return belongsTo; } public void setBelongsTo(final String belongsTo) { this.belongsTo = belongsTo; } public void markActualNodeDirty() { final TypeAwareBuilder nodeBuilder = (TypeAwareBuilder) getActualNode(); dirtyNodes.add(nodeBuilder); } public void setRevision(final Date revision) { this.qnameModule = QNameModule.create(qnameModule.getNamespace(), revision); } public void setPrefix(final String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; } public void setYangVersion(final String yangVersion) { this.yangVersion = yangVersion; } public void setOrganization(final String organization) { this.organization = organization; } public void setContact(final String contact) { this.contact = contact; } public boolean addModuleImport(final String moduleName, final Date revision, final String prefix) { checkNotSealed(); final ModuleImport moduleImport = createModuleImport(moduleName, revision, prefix); return imports.add(moduleImport); } public Set getModuleImports() { return imports; } public ExtensionBuilder addExtension(final QName qname, final int line, final SchemaPath path) { checkNotSealed(); Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (!(parent.equals(this))) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "extension can be defined only in module or submodule"); } final String extName = qname.getLocalName(); for (ExtensionBuilder addedExtension : addedExtensions) { if (addedExtension.getQName().getLocalName().equals(extName)) { raiseYangParserException("extension", "node", extName, line, addedExtension.getLine()); } } final ExtensionBuilder builder = new ExtensionBuilderImpl(name, line, qname, path); builder.setParent(parent); addedExtensions.add(builder); return builder; } public ContainerSchemaNodeBuilder addContainerNode(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath schemaPath) { checkNotSealed(); final ContainerSchemaNodeBuilder builder = new ContainerSchemaNodeBuilder(name, line, qname, schemaPath); Builder parent = getActualNode(); builder.setParent(parent); addChildToParent(parent, builder, qname.getLocalName()); return builder; } public ListSchemaNodeBuilder addListNode(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath schemaPath) { checkNotSealed(); final ListSchemaNodeBuilder builder = new ListSchemaNodeBuilder(name, line, qname, schemaPath); Builder parent = getActualNode(); builder.setParent(parent); addChildToParent(parent, builder, qname.getLocalName()); allLists.add(builder); return builder; } public LeafSchemaNodeBuilder addLeafNode(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath schemaPath) { checkNotSealed(); final LeafSchemaNodeBuilder builder = new LeafSchemaNodeBuilder(name, line, qname, schemaPath); Builder parent = getActualNode(); builder.setParent(parent); addChildToParent(parent, builder, qname.getLocalName()); return builder; } public LeafListSchemaNodeBuilder addLeafListNode(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath schemaPath) { checkNotSealed(); final LeafListSchemaNodeBuilder builder = new LeafListSchemaNodeBuilder(name, line, qname, schemaPath); Builder parent = getActualNode(); builder.setParent(parent); addChildToParent(parent, builder, qname.getLocalName()); return builder; } public GroupingBuilder addGrouping(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath path) { checkNotSealed(); final GroupingBuilder builder = new GroupingBuilderImpl(name, line, qname, path); Builder parent = getActualNode(); builder.setParent(parent); String groupingName = qname.getLocalName(); if (parent.equals(this)) { for (GroupingBuilder addedGrouping : getGroupingBuilders()) { if (addedGrouping.getQName().getLocalName().equals(groupingName)) { raiseYangParserException("", "Grouping", groupingName, line, addedGrouping.getLine()); } } addGrouping(builder); } else { if (parent instanceof DataNodeContainerBuilder) { DataNodeContainerBuilder parentNode = (DataNodeContainerBuilder) parent; for (GroupingBuilder addedGrouping : parentNode.getGroupingBuilders()) { if (addedGrouping.getQName().getLocalName().equals(groupingName)) { raiseYangParserException("", "Grouping", groupingName, line, addedGrouping.getLine()); } } parentNode.addGrouping(builder); } else if (parent instanceof RpcDefinitionBuilder) { RpcDefinitionBuilder parentNode = (RpcDefinitionBuilder) parent; for (GroupingBuilder child : parentNode.getGroupings()) { if (child.getQName().getLocalName().equals(groupingName)) { raiseYangParserException("", "Grouping", groupingName, line, child.getLine()); } } parentNode.addGrouping(builder); } else { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "Unresolved parent of grouping " + groupingName); } } allGroupings.add(builder); return builder; } public AugmentationSchemaBuilder addAugment(final int line, final String augmentTargetStr, final int order) { checkNotSealed(); final AugmentationSchemaBuilder builder = new AugmentationSchemaBuilderImpl(name, line, augmentTargetStr, order); Builder parent = getActualNode(); builder.setParent(parent); if (parent.equals(this)) { // augment can be declared only under 'module' ... if (!(augmentTargetStr.startsWith("/"))) { throw new YangParseException( name, line, "If the 'augment' statement is on the top level in a module, the absolute form of a schema node identifier MUST be used."); } augmentBuilders.add(builder); } else { // ... or 'uses' statement if (parent instanceof UsesNodeBuilder) { if (augmentTargetStr.startsWith("/")) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "If 'augment' statement is a substatement to the 'uses' statement, it cannot contain absolute path (" + augmentTargetStr + ")"); } ((UsesNodeBuilder) parent).addAugment(builder); } else { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "Augment can be declared only under module or uses statement."); } } allAugments.add(builder); return builder; } public UsesNodeBuilder addUsesNode(final int line, final String groupingPathStr) { checkNotSealed(); final UsesNodeBuilder usesBuilder = new UsesNodeBuilderImpl(name, line, groupingPathStr); Builder parent = getActualNode(); usesBuilder.setParent(parent); if (parent.equals(this)) { addUsesNode(usesBuilder); } else { if (!(parent instanceof DataNodeContainerBuilder)) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "Unresolved parent of uses '" + groupingPathStr + "'."); } ((DataNodeContainerBuilder) parent).addUsesNode(usesBuilder); } if (parent instanceof AugmentationSchemaBuilder) { usesBuilder.setAugmenting(true); } allUsesNodes.add(usesBuilder); return usesBuilder; } public void addRefine(final RefineHolderImpl refine) { checkNotSealed(); final Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (!(parent instanceof UsesNodeBuilder)) { throw new YangParseException(name, refine.getLine(), "refine can be defined only in uses statement"); } ((UsesNodeBuilder) parent).addRefine(refine); refine.setParent(parent); } public RpcDefinitionBuilder addRpc(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath path) { checkNotSealed(); Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (!(parent.equals(this))) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "rpc can be defined only in module or submodule"); } final RpcDefinitionBuilder rpcBuilder = new RpcDefinitionBuilder(name, line, qname, path); rpcBuilder.setParent(parent); String rpcName = qname.getLocalName(); checkNotConflictingInDataNamespace(rpcName, line); addedRpcs.add(rpcBuilder); return rpcBuilder; } private void checkNotConflictingInDataNamespace(final String rpcName, final int line) { for (DataSchemaNodeBuilder addedChild : getChildNodeBuilders()) { if (addedChild.getQName().getLocalName().equals(rpcName)) { raiseYangParserException("rpc", "node", rpcName, line, addedChild.getLine()); } } for (RpcDefinitionBuilder rpc : addedRpcs) { if (rpc.getQName().getLocalName().equals(rpcName)) { raiseYangParserException("", "rpc", rpcName, line, rpc.getLine()); } } for (NotificationBuilder addedNotification : addedNotifications) { if (addedNotification.getQName().getLocalName().equals(rpcName)) { raiseYangParserException("rpc", "notification", rpcName, line, addedNotification.getLine()); } } } public ContainerSchemaNodeBuilder addRpcInput(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath schemaPath) { checkNotSealed(); final Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (!(parent instanceof RpcDefinitionBuilder)) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "input can be defined only in rpc statement"); } final RpcDefinitionBuilder rpc = (RpcDefinitionBuilder) parent; final ContainerSchemaNodeBuilder inputBuilder = new ContainerSchemaNodeBuilder(name, line, qname, schemaPath); inputBuilder.setParent(rpc); rpc.setInput(inputBuilder); return inputBuilder; } public ContainerSchemaNodeBuilder addRpcOutput(final SchemaPath schemaPath, final QName qname, final int line) { checkNotSealed(); final Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (!(parent instanceof RpcDefinitionBuilder)) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "output can be defined only in rpc statement"); } final RpcDefinitionBuilder rpc = (RpcDefinitionBuilder) parent; final ContainerSchemaNodeBuilder outputBuilder = new ContainerSchemaNodeBuilder(name, line, qname, schemaPath); outputBuilder.setParent(rpc); rpc.setOutput(outputBuilder); return outputBuilder; } public void addNotification(final NotificationDefinition notification) { checkNotSealed(); notifications.add(notification); } public NotificationBuilder addNotification(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath path) { checkNotSealed(); final Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (!(parent.equals(this))) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "notification can be defined only in module or submodule"); } String notificationName = qname.getLocalName(); checkNotConflictingInDataNamespace(notificationName, line); final NotificationBuilder builder = new NotificationBuilder(name, line, qname, path); builder.setParent(parent); addedNotifications.add(builder); return builder; } public FeatureBuilder addFeature(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath path) { Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (!(parent.equals(this))) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "feature can be defined only in module or submodule"); } final FeatureBuilder builder = new FeatureBuilder(name, line, qname, path); builder.setParent(parent); String featureName = qname.getLocalName(); for (FeatureBuilder addedFeature : addedFeatures) { if (addedFeature.getQName().getLocalName().equals(featureName)) { raiseYangParserException("", "feature", featureName, line, addedFeature.getLine()); } } addedFeatures.add(builder); return builder; } public ChoiceBuilder addChoice(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath path) { final ChoiceBuilder builder = new ChoiceBuilder(name, line, qname, path); Builder parent = getActualNode(); builder.setParent(parent); addChildToParent(parent, builder, qname.getLocalName()); return builder; } public ChoiceCaseBuilder addCase(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath path) { Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (parent == null || parent.equals(this)) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "'case' parent not found"); } final ChoiceCaseBuilder builder = new ChoiceCaseBuilder(name, line, qname, path); builder.setParent(parent); if (parent instanceof ChoiceBuilder) { ((ChoiceBuilder) parent).addCase(builder); } else if (parent instanceof AugmentationSchemaBuilder) { ((AugmentationSchemaBuilder) parent).addChildNode(builder); } else { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "Unresolved parent of 'case' " + qname.getLocalName()); } return builder; } public AnyXmlBuilder addAnyXml(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath schemaPath) { final AnyXmlBuilder builder = new AnyXmlBuilder(name, line, qname, schemaPath); Builder parent = getActualNode(); builder.setParent(parent); addChildToParent(parent, builder, qname.getLocalName()); return builder; } @Override public void addTypedef(final TypeDefinitionBuilder typedefBuilder) { String nodeName = typedefBuilder.getQName().getLocalName(); for (TypeDefinitionBuilder tdb : getTypeDefinitionBuilders()) { if (tdb.getQName().getLocalName().equals(nodeName)) { raiseYangParserException("", "typedef", nodeName, typedefBuilder.getLine(), tdb.getLine()); } } super.addTypedef(typedefBuilder); } public TypeDefinitionBuilderImpl addTypedef(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath path) { final TypeDefinitionBuilderImpl builder = new TypeDefinitionBuilderImpl(name, line, qname, path); Builder parent = getActualNode(); builder.setParent(parent); String typedefName = qname.getLocalName(); if (parent.equals(this)) { addTypedef(builder); } else { if (parent instanceof DataNodeContainerBuilder) { DataNodeContainerBuilder parentNode = (DataNodeContainerBuilder) parent; for (TypeDefinitionBuilder child : parentNode.getTypeDefinitionBuilders()) { if (child.getQName().getLocalName().equals(typedefName)) { raiseYangParserException("", "typedef", typedefName, line, child.getLine()); } } parentNode.addTypedef(builder); } else if (parent instanceof RpcDefinitionBuilder) { RpcDefinitionBuilder rpcParent = (RpcDefinitionBuilder) parent; for (TypeDefinitionBuilder tdb : rpcParent.getTypeDefinitions()) { if (tdb.getQName().getLocalName().equals(builder.getQName().getLocalName())) { raiseYangParserException("", "typedef", typedefName, line, tdb.getLine()); } } rpcParent.addTypedef(builder); } else { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "Unresolved parent of typedef " + typedefName); } } return builder; } public void setType(final TypeDefinition type) { Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (!(parent instanceof TypeAwareBuilder)) { throw new YangParseException("Failed to set type '" + type.getQName().getLocalName() + "'. Invalid parent node: " + parent); } ((TypeAwareBuilder) parent).setType(type); } public UnionTypeBuilder addUnionType(final int line, final QNameModule module) { final Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (parent == null) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "Unresolved parent of union type"); } else { final UnionTypeBuilder union = new UnionTypeBuilder(name, line); if (parent instanceof TypeAwareBuilder) { ((TypeAwareBuilder) parent).setTypedef(union); return union; } else { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "Invalid parent of union type."); } } } public void addIdentityrefType(final int line, final SchemaPath schemaPath, final String baseString) { final IdentityrefTypeBuilder identityref = new IdentityrefTypeBuilder(name, line, baseString, schemaPath); final Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (parent == null) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "Unresolved parent of identityref type."); } else { if (parent instanceof TypeAwareBuilder) { final TypeAwareBuilder typeParent = (TypeAwareBuilder) parent; typeParent.setTypedef(identityref); dirtyNodes.add(typeParent); } else { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "Invalid parent of identityref type."); } } } public DeviationBuilder addDeviation(final int line, final String targetPath) { Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (!(parent.equals(this))) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "deviation can be defined only in module or submodule"); } final DeviationBuilder builder = new DeviationBuilder(name, line, targetPath); builder.setParent(parent); deviationBuilders.add(builder); return builder; } public IdentitySchemaNodeBuilder addIdentity(final QName qname, final int line, final SchemaPath path) { Builder parent = getActualNode(); if (!(parent.equals(this))) { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "identity can be defined only in module or submodule"); } String identityName = qname.getLocalName(); for (IdentitySchemaNodeBuilder idBuilder : addedIdentities) { if (idBuilder.getQName().equals(qname)) { raiseYangParserException("", "identity", identityName, line, idBuilder.getLine()); } } final IdentitySchemaNodeBuilder builder = new IdentitySchemaNodeBuilder(name, line, qname, path); builder.setParent(parent); addedIdentities.add(builder); return builder; } @Override public void addUnknownNodeBuilder(final UnknownSchemaNodeBuilder builder) { addedUnknownNodes.add(builder); allUnknownNodes.add(builder); } public UnknownSchemaNodeBuilderImpl addUnknownSchemaNode(final int line, final QName qname, final SchemaPath path) { final Builder parent = getActualNode(); final UnknownSchemaNodeBuilderImpl builder = new UnknownSchemaNodeBuilderImpl(name, line, qname, path); builder.setParent(parent); allUnknownNodes.add(builder); if (parent.equals(this)) { addedUnknownNodes.add(builder); } else { if (parent instanceof SchemaNodeBuilder) { parent.addUnknownNodeBuilder(builder); } else if (parent instanceof DataNodeContainerBuilder) { parent.addUnknownNodeBuilder(builder); } else if (parent instanceof RefineHolderImpl) { parent.addUnknownNodeBuilder(builder); } else { throw new YangParseException(name, line, "Unresolved parent of unknown node '" + qname.getLocalName() + "'"); } } return builder; } public Set getRpcs() { return rpcs; } public Set getAddedRpcs() { return addedRpcs; } public Set getNotifications() { return notifications; } public Set getAddedNotifications() { return addedNotifications; } @Override public String toString() { return "module " + name; } public void setSource(final ByteSource byteSource) throws IOException { try (InputStream stream = byteSource.openStream()) { setSource(IOUtils.toString(stream)); } } public void setSource(final String source) { this.source = source; } /** * Add child to parent. Method checks for duplicates and add given child * node to parent. If node with same name is found, throws exception. If * parent is null, child node will be added directly to module. * * @param parent * @param child * @param childName */ private void addChildToParent(final Builder parent, final DataSchemaNodeBuilder child, final String childName) { final int lineNum = child.getLine(); if (parent.equals(this)) { addChildToModule(child, childName, lineNum); } else { addChildToSubnodeOfModule(parent, child, childName, lineNum); } } public String getYangVersion() { return yangVersion; } public String getContact() { return contact; } public String getOrganization() { return organization; } /** * Adds child node child to the set of nodes child nodes. * * The method reduces the complexity of the method * {@link #addChildToParent(Builder, DataSchemaNodeBuilder, String) * addChildToParent}. * * @param child * data schema node builder for child node * @param childName * string with name of child node * @param lineNum * line number in YANG file where is the node with the name equal * to childName is defined */ private void addChildToModule(final DataSchemaNodeBuilder child, final String childName, final int lineNum) { // if parent == null => node is defined under module // All leafs, leaf-lists, lists, containers, choices, rpcs, // notifications, and anyxmls defined within a parent node or at the // top level of the module or its submodules share the same // identifier namespace. for (DataSchemaNodeBuilder childNode : getChildNodeBuilders()) { if (childNode.getQName().getLocalName().equals(childName)) { raiseYangParserException("'" + child + "'", "node", childName, lineNum, childNode.getLine()); } } for (RpcDefinitionBuilder rpc : addedRpcs) { if (rpc.getQName().getLocalName().equals(childName)) { raiseYangParserException("'" + child + "'", "rpc", childName, lineNum, rpc.getLine()); } } for (NotificationBuilder notification : addedNotifications) { if (notification.getQName().getLocalName().equals(childName)) { raiseYangParserException("'" + child + "'", "notification", childName, lineNum, notification.getLine()); } } addChildNode(child); } /** * Adds child node child to the group of child nodes of the * parent * * The method reduces the complexity of the method * {@link #addChildToParent(Builder, DataSchemaNodeBuilder, String) * addChildToParent}. * * * @param parent * builder of node which is parent for child * @param child * data schema node builder for child node * @param childName * string with name of child node * @param lineNum * line number in YANG file where is the node with the name equal * to childName is defined */ private void addChildToSubnodeOfModule(final Builder parent, final DataSchemaNodeBuilder child, final String childName, final int lineNum) { // no need for checking rpc and notification because they can be // defined only under module or submodule if (parent instanceof DataNodeContainerBuilder) { DataNodeContainerBuilder parentNode = (DataNodeContainerBuilder) parent; for (DataSchemaNodeBuilder childNode : parentNode.getChildNodeBuilders()) { if (childNode.getQName().getLocalName().equals(childName)) { raiseYangParserException("'" + child + "'", "node", childName, lineNum, childNode.getLine()); } } parentNode.addChildNode(child); } else if (parent instanceof ChoiceBuilder) { ChoiceBuilder parentNode = (ChoiceBuilder) parent; for (ChoiceCaseBuilder caseBuilder : parentNode.getCases()) { if (caseBuilder.getQName().getLocalName().equals(childName)) { raiseYangParserException("'" + child + "'", "node", childName, lineNum, caseBuilder.getLine()); } } parentNode.addCase(child); } else { throw new YangParseException(name, lineNum, "Unresolved parent of node '" + childName + "'."); } } private ModuleImport createModuleImport(final String moduleName, final Date revision, final String prefix) { return new ModuleImportImpl(moduleName, revision, prefix); } private void raiseYangParserException(final String cantAddType, final String type, final String name, final int currentLine, final int duplicateLine) { StringBuilder msgPrefix = new StringBuilder(""); if (cantAddType != null && !cantAddType.isEmpty()) { msgPrefix.append("Can not add "); msgPrefix.append(cantAddType); msgPrefix.append(": "); } String msg = String.format("%s%s with same name '%s' already declared at line %d.", msgPrefix, type, name, duplicateLine); throw new YangParseException(getModuleName(), currentLine, msg); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode()); result = prime * result + qnameModule.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((prefix == null) ? 0 : prefix.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } ModuleBuilder other = (ModuleBuilder) obj; if (name == null) { if (other.name != null) { return false; } } else if (!name.equals(other.name)) { return false; } if (!qnameModule.equals(other.qnameModule)) { return false; } if (prefix == null) { if (other.prefix != null) { return false; } } else if (!prefix.equals(other.prefix)) { return false; } return true; } public List getExtensionInstances() { return unknownNodes; } }