module simple-nodes { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:"+ "simple-nodes"; prefix "sn"; organization "opendaylight"; import test { prefix tst; } description "test file containing yang data nodes"; revision "2013-07-30" { description "Initial revision."; reference "will be defined"; } typedef mytype { type string; } // NOTE: simple comment anyxml data { config false; description "anyxml desc"; if-feature has-name; mandatory true; must "ifType != 'ethernet' or " + "(ifType = 'ethernet' and ifMTU = 1500)" { error-message "An ethernet MTU must be 1500"; } must "ifType != 'atm' or " + "(ifType = 'atm' and ifMTU <= 17966 and ifMTU >= 64)" { error-app-tag "anyxml data error-app-tag"; error-message "An atm MTU must be 64 .. 17966"; description "an error occured in data"; reference "data must ref"; } reference "data ref"; status obsolete; when "class != 'wheel'"; } }