grammar xpath; /* XPath 1.0 grammar. Should conform to the official spec at The grammar rules have been kept as close as possible to those in the spec, but some adjustmewnts were unavoidable. These were mainly removing left recursion (spec seems to be based on LR), and to deal with the double nature of the '*' token (node wildcard and multiplication operator). See also section 3.7 in the spec. These rule changes should make no difference to the strings accepted by the grammar. Written by Jan-Willem van den Broek Version 1.0 Do with this code as you will. */ /* Ported to Antlr4 by Tom Everett */ main : expr ; locationPath : relativeLocationPath | absoluteLocationPathNoroot ; absoluteLocationPathNoroot : '/' relativeLocationPath | '//' relativeLocationPath ; relativeLocationPath : step (('/'|'//') step)* ; step : axisSpecifier nodeTest predicate* | abbreviatedStep ; axisSpecifier : AxisName '::' | '@'? ; nodeTest: nameTest | NodeType '(' ')' | 'processing-instruction' '(' Literal ')' ; predicate : '[' expr ']' ; abbreviatedStep : '.' | '..' ; expr : orExpr ; primaryExpr : variableReference | '(' expr ')' | Literal | Number | functionCall ; functionCall : functionName '(' ( expr ( ',' expr )* )? ')' ; unionExprNoRoot : pathExprNoRoot ('|' unionExprNoRoot)? | '/' '|' unionExprNoRoot ; pathExprNoRoot : locationPath | filterExpr (('/'|'//') relativeLocationPath)? ; filterExpr : primaryExpr predicate* ; orExpr : andExpr ('or' andExpr)* ; andExpr : equalityExpr ('and' equalityExpr)* ; equalityExpr : relationalExpr (('='|'!=') relationalExpr)* ; relationalExpr : additiveExpr (('<'|'>'|'<='|'>=') additiveExpr)* ; additiveExpr : multiplicativeExpr (('+'|'-') multiplicativeExpr)* ; multiplicativeExpr : unaryExprNoRoot (('*'|'div'|'mod') multiplicativeExpr)? | '/' (('div'|'mod') multiplicativeExpr)? ; unaryExprNoRoot : '-'* unionExprNoRoot ; qName : nCName (':' nCName)? ; // Does not match NodeType, as per spec. functionName : nCName ':' nCName | NCName | AxisName ; variableReference : '$' qName ; nameTest: '*' | nCName ':' '*' | qName ; nCName : NCName | AxisName | NodeType ; NodeType: 'comment' | 'text' | 'processing-instruction' | 'node' ; Number : Digits ('.' Digits?)? | '.' Digits ; fragment Digits : ('0'..'9')+ ; AxisName: 'ancestor' | 'ancestor-or-self' | 'attribute' | 'child' | 'descendant' | 'descendant-or-self' | 'following' | 'following-sibling' | 'namespace' | 'parent' | 'preceding' | 'preceding-sibling' | 'self' ; PATHSEP :'/'; ABRPATH : '//'; LPAR : '('; RPAR : ')'; LBRAC : '['; RBRAC : ']'; MINUS : '-'; PLUS : '+'; DOT : '.'; MUL : '*'; DOTDOT : '..'; AT : '@'; COMMA : ','; PIPE : '|'; LESS : '<'; MORE_ : '>'; LE : '<='; GE : '>='; COLON : ':'; CC : '::'; APOS : '\''; QUOT : '"'; Literal : '"' ~'"'* '"' | '\'' ~'\''* '\'' ; Whitespace : (' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r')+ ->skip ; NCName : NCNameStartChar NCNameChar* ; fragment NCNameStartChar : 'A'..'Z' | '_' | 'a'..'z' | '\u00C0'..'\u00D6' | '\u00D8'..'\u00F6' | '\u00F8'..'\u02FF' | '\u0370'..'\u037D' | '\u037F'..'\u1FFF' | '\u200C'..'\u200D' | '\u2070'..'\u218F' | '\u2C00'..'\u2FEF' | '\u3001'..'\uD7FF' | '\uF900'..'\uFDCF' | '\uFDF0'..'\uFFFD' // Unfortunately, java escapes can't handle this conveniently, // as they're limited to 4 hex digits. TODO. // | '\U010000'..'\U0EFFFF' ; fragment NCNameChar : NCNameStartChar | '-' | '.' | '0'..'9' | '\u00B7' | '\u0300'..'\u036F' | '\u203F'..'\u2040' ;