X-Git-Url: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?a=blobdiff_plain;f=csit%2Fvariables%2FVariables.robot;h=34d0b05880408f8c6fb99d89db14bf3bed5c118f;hb=3060158ef20adae464e65bf3e6d9717bf58fc56c;hp=a4026f5f3694eeab89788618f542a7eda42ae8fb;hpb=f3036b01959596b7a70e1717c9f64f0e3d1c973b;p=integration%2Ftest.git diff --git a/csit/variables/Variables.robot b/csit/variables/Variables.robot index a4026f5f36..34d0b05880 100644 --- a/csit/variables/Variables.robot +++ b/csit/variables/Variables.robot @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Documentation Resource consisting purely of variable definitions useful for ${ALERTFIELDCONTENTRULERECORD} /restconf/config/alertrule:alertFieldContentRuleRecord/ # FIXME: Move to a separate Centinel-related Resource and add description. ${ALERTFIELDVALUERULERECORD} /restconf/config/alertrule:alertFieldValueRuleRecord # FIXME: Move to a separate Centinel-related Resource and add description. ${ALERTMESSAGECOUNTRULERECORD} /restconf/config/alertrule:alertMessageCountRuleRecord/ # FIXME: Move to a separate Centinel-related Resource and add description. -@{AUTH} admin admin # Authentication tuple for accessing ODL RESTCONF server. TODO: Migrate most suites to TemplatedRequests, then chose a more descriptive name. +@{AUTH} ${ODL_RESTCONF_USER} ${ODL_RESTCONF_PASSWORD} # Authentication tuple for accessing ODL RESTCONF server. TODO: Migrate most suites to TemplatedRequests, then chose a more descriptive name. @{AUTH_SDN} sdnadmin sdnsdn # Authentication tuple for accessing ODL RESTCONF server with Keystone Authentication @{AUTH_SDN_DOMAIN} sdnadmin@sdn sdnsdn # Authentication tuple for accessing ODL RESTCONF server with Keystone Authentication @{AUTH_SDN_WRONG_DOM} sdnadmin@wrong sdnsdn # Authentication tuple for accessing ODL RESTCONF server with Keystone Authentication @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ ${ALERTMESSAGECOUNTRULERECORD} /restconf/config/alertrule:alertMessageCountRu ${AUTH_TOKEN_API} /oauth2/token # FIXME: Move to a separate AAA-related Resource and add description. ${BGP_TOOL_PORT} 17900 # Tool side of BGP communication listens on this port. ${BGPCEP_LOG_LEVEL} ${DEFAULT_BGPCEP_LOG_LEVEL} # Some suites temporarily override org.opendaylight.bgpcep Karaf log level to this value. +${BUNDLEFOLDER} /opt/opendaylight # default location to find opendaylight root folder. Upstream CSIT overrides this on the pybot command line ${CTRLS} controllers # A shorthand. FIXME: Find who uses this and eliminate, or at least add a good description. ${CTRLS_CREATE} controllers.json # A shorthand. FIXME: Find who uses this and eliminate, or at least add a good description. ${CONFIG_NODES_API} /restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes # FIXME: Move to a separate Resource and add description. @@ -63,10 +64,12 @@ ${DEFAULT_PASSWORD} ${EMPTY} # Generic *_SYSTEM linux password. If empty, ${DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_LOG_LEVEL} ${DEFAULT_ODL_LOG_LEVEL} # Fallback Karaf log level specific to org.opendaylight.protocol. ${DEFAULT_USER} jenkins # Generic *_SYSTEM linux user name name. TODO: Rename to DEFUALT_LINUX_USER. FIXME: Add -v to releng/builder and change the value to something more common, e.g. "vagrant". ${DEFAULT_TIMEOUT} 30s # Generic *_SYSTEM SSH.Login timeout. Some systems are slow to authenticate. +${DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_HTTP} 5 # Used for HTTP connections ${DELETE_DASHBOARDRECORD} /restconf/operations/dashboardrule:delete-dashboard # FIXME: Move to a separate Centinel-related Resource and add description. ${ELASTICPORT} 9200 # Port to use when interacting with ElasticSearch. FIXME: Hide into a specific Resource. ${ENABLE_GLOBAL_TEST_DEADLINES} True # Some suites need this to avoid getting stuck. FIXME: Move to the Resource which uses this. ${ESCAPE_CHARACTER} \x1b # A more readable alias to the special escape character. +${FAIL_ON_EXCEPTIONS} False # global flag (can/should be tweak on pybot command line) which suites can use if they are validating exceptions to pass/fail tests on ${FIB_ENTRIES_URL} ${CONFIG_API}/odl-fib:fibEntries/ ${FLOWFILTERENTRIES_CREATE} flowfilterentries.json # A shorthand. FIXME: Find who uses this and eliminate, or at least add a good description. ${FLOWFILTERS} flowfilters/in # A shorthand. FIXME: Find who uses this and eliminate, or at least add a good description. @@ -81,15 +84,20 @@ ${GBP_REGEP_API} /restconf/operations/endpoint:register-endpoint # FIXME: ${GBP_TENANTS_API} /restconf/config/policy:tenants # FIXME: Move to a separate GroupBasedPolicy-related Resource and add description. ${GBP_TUNNELS_API} /restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes # FIXME: Move to a separate GroupBasedPolicy-related Resource and add description. ${GBP_UNREGEP_API} /restconf/operations/endpoint:unregister-endpoint # FIXME: Move to a separate GroupBasedPolicy-related Resource and add description. +${GENIUS_IFM_CONFIG_FLAG} ${KARAF_HOME}/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config/genius-ifm-config.xml ${GET_CONFIGURATION_URI} /restconf/operational/configuration:configurationRecord/ # FIXME: Move to a separate Centinel-related Resource and add description. ${GET_DASHBOARDRECORD} /restconf/operational/dashboardrule:dashboardRecord/ # FIXME: Move to a separate Centinel-related Resource and add description. ${GET_INTENTS_URI} /retconf/config/intent:intents # FIXME: Move to a separate Nemo-related Resource and add description. &{HEADERS} Content-Type=application/json # Deprecated. Sometimes conflicts with argument name. TODO: Migrate most suites to TemplatedRequests, then chose a more descriptive name. &{HEADERS_YANG_JSON} Content-Type=application/yang.data+json # Content type for JSON data, used to work around Requests auto-serialization. TODO: Hide into more specific Resource if possible. &{HEADERS_XML} Content-Type=application/xml # Content type for XML data. TODO: Hide into more specific Resource if possible. +${KARAF_PROMPT_LOGIN} opendaylight-user # This is used for karaf console login. +${ICMP_TYPE} 135 ${KARAF_DETAILED_PROMPT} @${ESCAPE_CHARACTER}[0m${ESCAPE_CHARACTER}[34mroot${ESCAPE_CHARACTER}[0m> # Larger substring of Karaf prompt, shorter ones may result in false positives. +${KARAF_HOME} ${WORKSPACE}${/}${BUNDLEFOLDER} # Karaf home directory path. +${KARAF_LOG} ${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf.log # location of karaf.log in standard CSIT jobs ${KARAF_PASSWORD} karaf # Plaintext password to authenticate to Karaf console. -${KARAF_PROMPT} opendaylight-user # Simple and readable Karaf prompt substring. +${KARAF_PROMPT} opendaylight-user.*root.*> # This is used for interactive read until prompt in regexp format. ${KARAF_SHELL_PORT} 8101 # ODL provides SSH access to Karaf consoleon this port. ${KARAF_USER} karaf # User name to authenticate to Karaf SSH console. ${KEYFILE_PASS} any # Implementation detail related to SSHLibrary.Login_With_Public_Key. TODO: Hide in SSHKeywords. @@ -106,6 +114,7 @@ ${NEUTRON_NETWORKS_API} ${NEUTRON_NB_API}/networks # FIXME: Move to a sepa ${NEUTRON_SUBNETS_API} ${NEUTRON_NB_API}/subnets # FIXME: Move to a separate Neutron-related Resource and add description. ${NEUTRON_PORTS_API} ${NEUTRON_NB_API}/ports # FIXME: Move to a separate Neutron-related Resource and add description. ${NEUTRON_ROUTERS_API} ${NEUTRON_NB_API}/routers # FIXME: Move to a separate Neutron-related Resource and add description. +${ODL_AKKA_PORT} 2550 # Port number akka cluster communicates on ${ODL_BGP_PORT} 1790 # ODL side of BGP communication listens on this port number. ${ODL_CONTROLLER_SESSION} ${NONE} # Deprecated. Not clear if this refers to HTTP or SSH sessions. FIXME: Eradicate, or at least convert to a resource-private variable. ${ODL_NETCONF_CONFIG_PORT} 1830 # Port number ODL NETCONF server of Config Subsystem listens on. @@ -115,7 +124,10 @@ ${ODL_NETCONF_PASSWORD} ${ODL_RESTCONF_PASSWORD} # Both ODL Netconf server ${ODL_NETCONF_PROMPT} ]]>]]> # Standard prompt string for NETCONF protocol. ${ODL_NETCONF_USER} ${ODL_RESTCONF_USER} # Both ODL Netconf servers require this user name to authenticate. ${ODL_OF_PLUGIN} lithium # Codename of OpenFlowPlugin implementation ODL is configured to use. +# TODO: get rid of all uses of ODL_OF_PORT and use ODL_OF_PORT_6633 instead, if 6653 is not acceptable ${ODL_OF_PORT} 6633 # Port number ODL communicates using OpenFlow protocol on. +${ODL_OF_PORT_6633} 6633 # Port number ODL communicates using OpenFlow protocol on. +${ODL_OF_PORT_6653} 6653 # Port number ODL communicates using OpenFlow protocol on. ${ODL_RESTCONF_USER} admin # Username for basic HTTP authentication used by requests against ODL RESTCONF server. ${ODL_RESTCONF_PASSWORD} admin # Plaintext password for basic HTTP authentication used by requests against ODL RESTCONF server. ${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP} # IP address of system hosting member 1 od ODL cluster. @@ -146,6 +158,11 @@ ${PREDEFINE_ROLE_URI} /restconf/config/nemo-user:user-roles # FIXME: Move ${PREFIX} http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${PORT} # Deprecated. FIXME: Name is to generic. Eradicate. ${PROTOCOL_LOG_LEVEL} ${DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_LOG_LEVEL} # Some suites temporarily override org.opendaylight.protocol Karaf log level to this value. ${PWD} ${ODL_RESTCONF_PASSWORD} # Deprecated. FIXME: Eradicate. +${REGEX_IPROUTE} ip-route: via [0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3} +${REGEX_IPV4} [0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3} +${REGEX_NAMESERVER} nameserver [0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3} +${REGEX_OBTAINED} [0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3} obtained +${REGEX_UUID} [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} ${REGISTER_TENANT_URI} /restconf/operations/nemo-intent:register-user # FIXME: Move to a separate Nemo-related Resource and add description. ${RESTCONFPORT} 8181 # Primary port for ODL RESTCONF, although 8080 should also work. ${RESTCONFPORT_TLS} 8443 # Port for ODL RESTCONF Secure (TLS) operations