X-Git-Url: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?a=blobdiff_plain;f=csit%2Fvariables%2FVariables.robot;h=ad8802c1be224700f846c29fc77425a718edc33b;hb=74118d72dc6afa94da9b915069641a54bc18a2d9;hp=3d11fae10149a5335dde7b2d158504253f05ed00;hpb=8b655340e9e566619652ca3102df78c158f1d306;p=integration%2Ftest.git diff --git a/csit/variables/Variables.robot b/csit/variables/Variables.robot index 3d11fae101..ad8802c1be 100644 --- a/csit/variables/Variables.robot +++ b/csit/variables/Variables.robot @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ ${ALERTMESSAGECOUNTRULERECORD} /restconf/config/alertrule:alertMessageCountRu ${AUTH_TOKEN_API} /oauth2/token # FIXME: Move to a separate AAA-related Resource and add description. ${BGP_TOOL_PORT} 17900 # Tool side of BGP communication listens on this port. ${BGPCEP_LOG_LEVEL} ${DEFAULT_BGPCEP_LOG_LEVEL} # Some suites temporarily override org.opendaylight.bgpcep Karaf log level to this value. +${BUNDLEFOLDER} /opt/opendaylight # default location to find opendaylight root folder. Upstream CSIT overrides this on the pybot command line ${CTRLS} controllers # A shorthand. FIXME: Find who uses this and eliminate, or at least add a good description. ${CTRLS_CREATE} controllers.json # A shorthand. FIXME: Find who uses this and eliminate, or at least add a good description. ${CONFIG_NODES_API} /restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes # FIXME: Move to a separate Resource and add description. @@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ ${DELETE_DASHBOARDRECORD} /restconf/operations/dashboardrule:delete-dashboard ${ELASTICPORT} 9200 # Port to use when interacting with ElasticSearch. FIXME: Hide into a specific Resource. ${ENABLE_GLOBAL_TEST_DEADLINES} True # Some suites need this to avoid getting stuck. FIXME: Move to the Resource which uses this. ${ESCAPE_CHARACTER} \x1b # A more readable alias to the special escape character. +${FIB_ENTRIES_URL} ${CONFIG_API}/odl-fib:fibEntries/ ${FLOWFILTERENTRIES_CREATE} flowfilterentries.json # A shorthand. FIXME: Find who uses this and eliminate, or at least add a good description. ${FLOWFILTERS} flowfilters/in # A shorthand. FIXME: Find who uses this and eliminate, or at least add a good description. ${FLOWFILTERS_CREATE} flowfilters.json # A shorthand. FIXME: Find who uses this and eliminate, or at least add a good description. @@ -98,8 +100,11 @@ ${LFM_RPC_API} /restconf/operations/odl-mappingservice # FIXME: Move to a ${LFM_RPC_API_LI} /restconf/operations/lfm-mapping-database # FIXME: Move to a separate LispFlowMapping-related Resource and add description. ${LFM_SB_RPC_API} /restconf/operations/odl-lisp-sb # FIXME: Move to a separate LispFlowMapping-related Resource and add description. ${MODULES_API} /restconf/modules # FIXME: Move to a separate Resource and add description. +${NEUTRON} # FIXME: Move to a separate Neutron-related Resource and add description. +${NEUTRONURL} http://${NEUTRON}:9696 # FIXME: Move to a separate Neutron-related Resource and add description. ${NEUTRON_NB_API} /controller/nb/v2/neutron # FIXME: Move to a separate Neutron-related Resource and add description. ${NEUTRON_NETWORKS_API} ${NEUTRON_NB_API}/networks # FIXME: Move to a separate Neutron-related Resource and add description. +${NEUTRON_SUBNETS_API} ${NEUTRON_NB_API}/subnets # FIXME: Move to a separate Neutron-related Resource and add description. ${NEUTRON_PORTS_API} ${NEUTRON_NB_API}/ports # FIXME: Move to a separate Neutron-related Resource and add description. ${NEUTRON_ROUTERS_API} ${NEUTRON_NB_API}/routers # FIXME: Move to a separate Neutron-related Resource and add description. ${ODL_BGP_PORT} 1790 # ODL side of BGP communication listens on this port number. @@ -129,6 +134,7 @@ ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API} /restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_NETVIRT} /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/netvirt:1 \ # FIXME: Move to a separate Resource and add description. ${OPERATIONAL_TOPO_API} /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology # FIXME: Move to a separate Resource and add description. ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} \$ # Prompt substring specific to OpenStack systems. +${OS_CMD_SUCCESS} Command Returns 0 ${OSREST} /v2.0/networks # FIXME: Move to a separate Neutron-related Resource and add description. ${OVSDBPORT} 6640 # Port number ODL uses for OVSDB protocol communication. TODO: Move to OVSDB-specific Resource. ${PASSWORD} ${DEFAULT_PASSWORD} # Deprecated. FIXME: Eradicate.