*** Settings ***\r
Documentation Test suite for RESTCONF LACP inventory\r
-Suite Setup Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS}\r
+Suite Setup LACP Inventory Suite Setup\r
Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions\r
Library SSHLibrary\r
Library Collections\r
${agg2-connector-id2} 4\r
*** Test Cases ***\r
-Get list of nodes and LACP reference on Inventory\r
- [Documentation] Get the nodes data\r
- ${resp} Get session ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API}\r
- Verify LACP RESTAPI Response Code for node\r
- Verify LACP RESTAPI Aggregator and Tag Contents ${resp.content} non-lag-groupid\r
- Verify LACP RESTAPI Aggregator and Tag Contents ${resp.content} lacp-aggregators\r
Get the Specific Node Inventory and Lacp aggregator details\r
[Documentation] Get the lacp-aggregator data for specific node\r
${resp} Get session ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API}/node/${node1}\r
[Arguments] ${resp.content} ${agg-id} ${connector}\r
[Documentation] Will check for node connectory info for node\r
Should Contain ${resp.content} ${connector}='${agg-id}'\r
+Verify LACP Tags Are Formed\r
+ [Documentation] Fundamental Check That LACP is working\r
+ ${resp} Get session ${OPERATIONAL_NODES_API}\r
+ Verify LACP RESTAPI Response Code for node\r
+ Verify LACP RESTAPI Aggregator and Tag Contents ${resp.content} non-lag-groupid\r
+ Verify LACP RESTAPI Aggregator and Tag Contents ${resp.content} lacp-aggregators\r
+LACP Inventory Suite Setup\r
+ [Documentation] If these basic checks fail, there is no need to continue any of the other test cases\r
+ Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS}\r
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Verify LACP Tags Are Formed\r