set -o nounset #Do not allow for unset variables
#set -e #Exit script if a command fails
-# bootstrap_centos
-if sudo yum install -y "kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)"; then
- echo "Kernel-devel installed correctly"
- echo "Warning: Errors issued when installing kernel-devel"
-APT="sudo yum install -y git kernel-debug-devel kernel-headers python-devel vim autoconf automake libtool systemd-units rpm-build openssl openssl-devel groff graphviz selinux-policy-devel python python-twisted-core python-zope-interface python-twisted-web PyQt4 python-six desktop-file-utils procps-ng wget"
-if $APT; then
- echo "Pacakges installed correctly"
- echo "Installation of packages failed"
- exit 1
+# bootstrap_centos
+EL_VERSION=$(grep -oP '\d+\.\d+.\d+' /etc/centos-release)
+K_VERSION=$(uname -r)
+APT="sudo yum update -y centos-release"
+$APT || (echo "Failed to update centos release info" && exit 1)
+APT="sudo yum install -y --enablerepo=C${EL_VERSION}-base --enablerepo=C${EL_VERSION}-updates kernel-devel-${K_VERSION} kernel-debug-devel-${K_VERSION} kernel-headers-${K_VERSION}"
+$APT || (echo "Failed to install kernel devel packages" && exit 1)
+APT="sudo yum install -y git python-devel vim autoconf automake libtool systemd-units rpm-build openssl openssl-devel groff graphviz selinux-policy-devel python python-twisted-core python-zope-interface python-twisted-web PyQt4 python-six desktop-file-utils procps-ng wget"
+$APT || (echo "Failed to install ovs requirement packages" && exit 1)
[ -e ] || \
#compile ovs
-./configure --with-linux=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build --prefix=/usr/local
+./configure --with-linux=/lib/modules/${K_VERSION}/build --prefix=/usr/local
make rpm-fedora RPMBUILD_OPT="--without check --without libcapng"
make DESTDIR=$WORK_DIR/ovs_install/openvswitch_2.6.1 install