--- /dev/null
+The purpose of this library is the ability to spread configured flows
+over the specified tables and switches.
+The idea how to configure and checks inventory operational data is taken from
+import random
+import threading
+import netaddr
+import Queue
+import requests
+import json
+class Counter(object):
+ def __init__(self, start=0):
+ self.lock = threading.Lock()
+ self.value = start
+ def increment(self, value=1):
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ val = self.value
+ try:
+ self.value += value
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ return val
+_spreads = ['gauss', 'linear', 'first'] # possible defined spreads at the moment
+_default_flow_template = '''{
+ "flow-node-inventory:flow": [
+ {
+ "flow-node-inventory:cookie": %d,
+ "flow-node-inventory:cookie_mask": 4294967295,
+ "flow-node-inventory:flow-name": "%s",
+ "flow-node-inventory:hard-timeout": %d,
+ "flow-node-inventory:id": "%s",
+ "flow-node-inventory:idle-timeout": %d,
+ "flow-node-inventory:installHw": false,
+ "flow-node-inventory:instructions": {
+ "flow-node-inventory:instruction": [
+ {
+ "flow-node-inventory:apply-actions": {
+ "flow-node-inventory:action": [
+ {
+ "flow-node-inventory:drop-action": {},
+ "flow-node-inventory:order": 0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "flow-node-inventory:order": 0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "flow-node-inventory:match": {
+ "flow-node-inventory:ipv4-destination": "%s/32",
+ "flow-node-inventory:ethernet-match": {
+ "flow-node-inventory:ethernet-type": {
+ "flow-node-inventory:type": 2048
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "flow-node-inventory:priority": 2,
+ "flow-node-inventory:strict": false,
+ "flow-node-inventory:table_id": %d
+ }
+ ]
+def _get_notes(fldet=[]):
+ '''For given list of flow details it produces a dictionary with statistics
+ { swId1 : { tabId1 : flows_count1,
+ tabId2 : flows_count2,
+ ...
+ 'total' : switch count }
+ swId2 ...
+ }
+ '''
+ notes = {}
+ for (sw, tab, flow) in fldet:
+ if sw not in notes:
+ notes[sw] = {'total': 0}
+ if tab not in notes[sw]:
+ notes[sw][tab] = 0
+ notes[sw][tab] += 1
+ notes[sw]['total'] += 1
+ return notes
+def _randomize(spread, maxn):
+ '''Returns a randomized switch or table id'''
+ if spread not in _spreads:
+ raise Exception('Spread method {} not available'.format(spread))
+ while True:
+ if spread == 'gauss':
+ ga = abs(random.gauss(0, 1))
+ rv = int(ga*float(maxn)/3)
+ if rv < maxn:
+ return rv
+ elif spread == 'linear':
+ rv = int(random.random() * float(maxn))
+ if rv < maxn:
+ return rv
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('rv >= maxn')
+ elif spread == 'first':
+ return 0
+def generate_new_flow_details(flows=10, switches=1, swspread='gauss', tables=250, tabspread='gauss'):
+ """Generate a list of tupples (switch_id, table_id, flow_id) which are generated
+ according to the spread rules between swithces and tables.
+ It also returns a dictionary with statsistics."""
+ swflows = [_randomize(swspread, switches) for f in range(int(flows))]
+ fltables = [(s, _randomize(tabspread, tables), idx) for idx, s in enumerate(swflows)]
+ notes = _get_notes(fltables)
+ return fltables, notes
+def _prepare_add(cntl, sw, tab, fl, ip, template=None):
+ '''Creates a PUT http requests to configure a flow in configuration datastore'''
+ url = 'http://'+cntl+':'+'8181'
+ url += '/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/openflow:'+str(sw)+'/table/'+str(tab)+'/flow/'+str(fl)
+ flow = template % (fl, 'TestFlow-%d' % fl, 65000, str(fl), 65000, str(netaddr.IPAddress(ip)), tab)
+ req = requests.Request('PUT', url, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, data=flow, auth=('admin', 'admin'))
+ return req
+def _prepare_delete(cntl, sw, tab, fl, ip, template=None):
+ '''Creates a DELETE http request to remove the flow from configuration datastore'''
+ url = 'http://'+cntl+':'+'8181'
+ url += '/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/openflow:'+str(sw)+'/table/'+str(tab)+'/flow/'+str(fl)
+ req = requests.Request('DELETE', url, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, auth=('admin', 'admin'))
+ return req
+def _wt_request_sender(thread_id, preparefnc, inqueue=None, exitevent=None, controllers=[], restport='', template=None,
+ outqueue=None):
+ '''The funcion runs in a thread. It reads out flow details from the queue and configures
+ the flow on the controller'''
+ ses = requests.Session()
+ cntl = controllers[0]
+ counter = [0 for i in range(600)]
+ while True:
+ try:
+ (sw, tab, fl, ip) = inqueue.get(timeout=1)
+ sw, tab, fl, ip = sw+1, tab, fl+1, ip
+ except Queue.Empty:
+ if exitevent.is_set() and inqueue.empty():
+ break
+ continue
+ req = preparefnc(cntl, sw, tab, fl, ip, template=template)
+ prep = ses.prepare_request(req)
+ try:
+ rsp = ses.send(prep, timeout=5)
+ except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
+ counter[99] += 1
+ continue
+ counter[rsp.status_code] += 1
+ res = {}
+ for i, v in enumerate(counter):
+ if v > 0:
+ res[i] = v
+ outqueue.put(res)
+def _config_task_executor(preparefnc, flow_details=[], flow_template=None, controllers=[''], restport='8181',
+ nrthreads=1):
+ '''Function starts thread executors and put required information to the queue. Executors read the queue and send
+ http requests. After the thread's join, it produces a summary result.'''
+ # TODO: multi controllers support
+ ip_addr = Counter(int(netaddr.IPAddress('')))
+ if flow_template is not None:
+ template = flow_template
+ else:
+ template = _default_flow_template
+ # lets enlarge the tupple of flow details with IP, to be used with the template
+ flows = [(s, t, f, ip_addr.increment()) for s, t, f in flow_details]
+ # lets fill the qurue
+ q = Queue.Queue()
+ for f in flows:
+ q.put(f)
+ # result_gueue
+ rq = Queue.Queue()
+ # creaet exit event
+ ee = threading.Event()
+ # lets start threads whic will read flow details fro queues and send
+ threads = []
+ for i in range(int(nrthreads)):
+ t = threading.Thread(target=_wt_request_sender, args=(i, preparefnc),
+ kwargs={"inqueue": q, "exitevent": ee, "controllers": controllers, "restport": restport,
+ "template": template, "outqueue": rq})
+ threads.append(t)
+ t.start()
+ ee.set()
+ result = {}
+ # waitng for them
+ for t in threads:
+ t.join()
+ res = rq.get()
+ for k, v in res.iteritems():
+ if k not in result:
+ result[k] = v
+ else:
+ result[k] += v
+ return result
+def configure_flows(*args, **kwargs):
+ '''Configure flows based on given flow details
+ Input parameters with default values: preparefnc, flow_details=[], flow_template=None,
+ controllers=[''], restport='8181', nrthreads=1'''
+ return _config_task_executor(_prepare_add, *args, **kwargs)
+def deconfigure_flows(*args, **kwargs):
+ '''Deconfigure flows based on given flow details.
+ Input parameters with default values: preparefnc, flow_details=[], flow_template=None,
+ controllers=[''], restport='8181', nrthreads=1'''
+ return _config_task_executor(_prepare_delete, *args, **kwargs)
+def _get_operational_inventory_of_switches(controller):
+ '''GET requests to get operational inventory node details'''
+ url = 'http://'+controller+':8181/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes'
+ rsp = requests.get(url, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}, stream=False, auth=('admin', 'admin'))
+ if rsp.status_code != 200:
+ return None
+ inv = json.loads(rsp.content)['nodes']['node']
+ switches = [sw for sw in inv if 'openflow:' in sw['id']]
+ return switches
+def flow_stats_collected(flow_details=[], controller=''):
+ '''Once flows are configured, thisfunction is used to check if flows are present in the operational datastore'''
+ # print type(flow_details), flow_details
+ if type(flow_details) is not list:
+ raise Exception('List expected')
+ active_flows = 0
+ found_flows = 0
+ switches = _get_operational_inventory_of_switches(controller)
+ if switches is None:
+ return False
+ for sw in switches:
+ tabs = sw['flow-node-inventory:table']
+ for t in tabs:
+ active_flows += t['opendaylight-flow-table-statistics:flow-table-statistics']['active-flows']
+ if 'flow' in t:
+ found_flows += len(t['flow'])
+ print "ActiveFlows(reported)/FlowsFound/FlowsExpected", active_flows, found_flows, len(flow_details)
+ if found_flows == len(flow_details):
+ return True
+ return False
+def get_switches_count(controller=''):
+ '''Count the switches presnt in the operational inventory nodes datastore'''
+ switches = _get_operational_inventory_of_switches(controller)
+ if switches is None:
+ return 0
+ return len(switches)
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Suite checks if StatMngr is able to collect flows with gaussian spread over the switches and gaussian spread over tables within the switch
+Suite Setup Connect Switches
+Suite Teardown Stop Switches
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library Collections
+Library XML
+Library SSHLibrary
+Variables ../../../../csit/variables/Variables.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/RequestsLibrary.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/Common.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/ScaleClient.py
+*** Variables ***
+${swnr} 17
+${flnr} 17000
+${swspread} gauss
+${tabspread} gauss
+${topourl} /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1
+${invurl} /restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes
+@{cntls} ${CONTROLLER}
+${linux_prompt} >
+*** Test Cases ***
+Configure Flows
+ ${flows} ${notes}= Generate New Flow Details flows=${flnr} switches=${swnr} swspread=${swspread} tabspread=${tabspread}
+ Log ${notes}
+ ${res}= Configure Flows flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=5
+ Log ${res}
+ Set Suite Variable ${flows}
+Check Configured Are Operational
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 110s 20s Check Flows Inventory ${flows} ${CONTROLLER}
+Deconfigure Flows
+ ${res}= Deconfigure Flows flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=5
+ Log ${res}
+Check No Flows In Operational
+ ${noflows}= Create List
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 110s 20s Check Flows Inventory ${noflows} ${CONTROLLER}
+*** Keywords ***
+Connect Switches
+ [Documentation] Starts mininet with requested number of switches (${swnr})
+ Log Starting mininet with ${swnr} switches
+ Open Connection ${MININET} prompt=${linux_prompt} timeout=600
+ Login With Public Key ${MININET_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any
+ Write sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644
+ Write sudo mn -c
+ Read Until ${linux_prompt}
+ Write sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${CONTROLLER} --topo linear,${swnr} --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13
+ Read Until mininet>
+ Sleep 10s
+ Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_XML}
+ Are Switches Connected Topo
+Stop Switches
+ [Documentation] Stops mininet
+ Log Stopping mininet
+ Delete All Sessions
+ Read
+ Write exit
+ Read Until ${linux_prompt}
+ Close Connection
+Are Switches Connected Topo
+ [Documentation] Checks wheather switches are connected to controller
+ ${resp}= Get session /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1 headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ ${count}= Get Element Count ${resp.content} xpath=node
+ Should Be Equal As Numbers ${count} ${swnr}
+Check Flows Inventory
+ [Arguments] ${fldets} ${cntl}
+ ${res}= Flow Stats Collected flow_details=${fldets} controller=${cntl}
+ Should Be True ${res}
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Suite checks if StatMngr is able to collect flows with linear spread over the switches and linear spread over tables within the switch
+Suite Setup Connect Switches
+Suite Teardown Stop Switches
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library Collections
+Library XML
+Library SSHLibrary
+Variables ../../../../csit/variables/Variables.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/RequestsLibrary.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/Common.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/ScaleClient.py
+*** Variables ***
+${swnr} 17
+${flnr} 17000
+${swspread} linear
+${tabspread} linear
+${topourl} /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1
+${invurl} /restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes
+@{cntls} ${CONTROLLER}
+${linux_prompt} >
+*** Test Cases ***
+Configure Flows
+ ${flows} ${notes}= Generate New Flow Details flows=${flnr} switches=${swnr} swspread=${swspread} tabspread=${tabspread}
+ Log ${notes}
+ ${res}= Configure Flows flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=5
+ Log ${res}
+ Set Suite Variable ${flows}
+Check Configured Are Operational
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 110s 20s Check Flows Inventory ${flows} ${CONTROLLER}
+Deconfigure Flows
+ ${res}= Deconfigure Flows flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=5
+ Log ${res}
+Check No Flows In Operational
+ ${noflows}= Create List
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 110s 20s Check Flows Inventory ${noflows} ${CONTROLLER}
+*** Keywords ***
+Connect Switches
+ [Documentation] Starts mininet with requested number of switches (${swnr})
+ Log Starting mininet with ${swnr} switches
+ Open Connection ${MININET} prompt=${linux_prompt} timeout=600
+ Login With Public Key ${MININET_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any
+ Write sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644
+ Write sudo mn -c
+ Read Until ${linux_prompt}
+ Write sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${CONTROLLER} --topo linear,${swnr} --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13
+ Read Until mininet>
+ Sleep 10s
+ Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_XML}
+ Are Switches Connected Topo
+Stop Switches
+ [Documentation] Stops mininet
+ Log Stopping mininet
+ Delete All Sessions
+ Read
+ Write exit
+ Read Until ${linux_prompt}
+ Close Connection
+Are Switches Connected Topo
+ [Documentation] Checks wheather switches are connected to controller
+ ${resp}= Get session /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1 headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ ${count}= Get Element Count ${resp.content} xpath=node
+ Should Be Equal As Numbers ${count} ${swnr}
+Check Flows Inventory
+ [Arguments] ${fldets} ${cntl}
+ ${res}= Flow Stats Collected flow_details=${fldets} controller=${cntl}
+ Should Be True ${res}
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Suite checks if StatMngr is able to collect flows if all are present on one switch in one table no matter how many switches are connecteded to the controller
+Suite Setup Connect Switches
+Suite Teardown Stop Switches
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library Collections
+Library XML
+Library SSHLibrary
+Variables ../../../../csit/variables/Variables.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/RequestsLibrary.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/Common.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/ScaleClient.py
+*** Variables ***
+${swnr} 17
+${flnr} 17000
+${swspread} first
+${tabspread} first
+${topourl} /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1
+${invurl} /restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes
+@{cntls} ${CONTROLLER}
+${linux_prompt} >
+*** Test Cases ***
+Configure Flows
+ ${flows} ${notes}= Generate New Flow Details flows=${flnr} switches=${swnr} swspread=${swspread} tabspread=${tabspread}
+ Log ${notes}
+ ${res}= Configure Flows flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=5
+ Log ${res}
+ Set Suite Variable ${flows}
+Check Configured Are Operational
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 110s 20s Check Flows Inventory ${flows} ${CONTROLLER}
+Deconfigure Flows
+ ${res}= Deconfigure Flows flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=5
+ Log ${res}
+Check No Flows In Operational
+ ${noflows}= Create List
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 110s 20s Check Flows Inventory ${noflows} ${CONTROLLER}
+*** Keywords ***
+Connect Switches
+ [Documentation] Starts mininet with requested number of switches (${swnr})
+ Log Starting mininet with ${swnr} switches
+ Open Connection ${MININET} prompt=${linux_prompt} timeout=600
+ Login With Public Key ${MININET_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any
+ Write sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644
+ Write sudo mn -c
+ Read Until ${linux_prompt}
+ Write sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${CONTROLLER} --topo linear,${swnr} --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13
+ Read Until mininet>
+ Sleep 10s
+ Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_XML}
+ Are Switches Connected Topo
+Stop Switches
+ [Documentation] Stops mininet
+ Log Stopping mininet
+ Delete All Sessions
+ Read
+ Write exit
+ Read Until ${linux_prompt}
+ Close Connection
+Are Switches Connected Topo
+ [Documentation] Checks wheather switches are connected to controller
+ ${resp}= Get session /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1 headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ ${count}= Get Element Count ${resp.content} xpath=node
+ Should Be Equal As Numbers ${count} ${swnr}
+Check Flows Inventory
+ [Arguments] ${fldets} ${cntl}
+ ${res}= Flow Stats Collected flow_details=${fldets} controller=${cntl}
+ Should Be True ${res}
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Suite checks if StatMngr is able to collect flows lineary spread over the switches but in one table on the switch
+Suite Setup Connect Switches
+Suite Teardown Stop Switches
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library Collections
+Library XML
+Library SSHLibrary
+Variables ../../../../csit/variables/Variables.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/RequestsLibrary.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/Common.py
+Library ../../../../csit/libraries/ScaleClient.py
+*** Variables ***
+${swnr} 17
+${flnr} 17000
+${swspread} linear
+${tabspread} first
+${topourl} /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1
+${invurl} /restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes
+@{cntls} ${CONTROLLER}
+${linux_prompt} >
+*** Test Cases ***
+Configure Flows
+ ${flows} ${notes}= Generate New Flow Details flows=${flnr} switches=${swnr} swspread=${swspread} tabspread=${tabspread}
+ Log ${notes}
+ ${res}= Configure Flows flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=5
+ Log ${res}
+ Set Suite Variable ${flows}
+Check Configured Are Operational
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 110s 20s Check Flows Inventory ${flows} ${CONTROLLER}
+Deconfigure Flows
+ ${res}= Deconfigure Flows flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=5
+ Log ${res}
+Check No Flows In Operational
+ ${noflows}= Create List
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 110s 20s Check Flows Inventory ${noflows} ${CONTROLLER}
+*** Keywords ***
+Connect Switches
+ [Documentation] Starts mininet with requested number of switches (${swnr})
+ Log Starting mininet with ${swnr} switches
+ Open Connection ${MININET} prompt=${linux_prompt} timeout=600
+ Login With Public Key ${MININET_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any
+ Write sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644
+ Write sudo mn -c
+ Read Until ${linux_prompt}
+ Write sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${CONTROLLER} --topo linear,${swnr} --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13
+ Read Until mininet>
+ Sleep 10s
+ Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_XML}
+ Are Switches Connected Topo
+Stop Switches
+ [Documentation] Stops mininet
+ Log Stopping mininet
+ Delete All Sessions
+ Read
+ Write exit
+ Read Until ${linux_prompt}
+ Close Connection
+Are Switches Connected Topo
+ [Documentation] Checks wheather switches are connected to controller
+ ${resp}= Get session /restconf/operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/flow:1 headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ ${count}= Get Element Count ${resp.content} xpath=node
+ Should Be Equal As Numbers ${count} ${swnr}
+Check Flows Inventory
+ [Arguments] ${fldets} ${cntl}
+ ${res}= Flow Stats Collected flow_details=${fldets} controller=${cntl}
+ Should Be True ${res}