--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite to validate subnet routing and multicast functionality in an openstack integrated environment.
+... The assumption of this suite is that the environment is already configured with the proper
+... integration bridges and vxlan tunnels.
+Suite Setup Start Suite
+Suite Teardown Stop Suite
+Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing
+Test Teardown OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs
+Resource ../../../libraries/BgpOperations.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
+Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot
+Resource ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/VpnOperations.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${AS_ID} 100
+${VPN_INSTANCE_ID} 4ae8cd92-48ca-49b5-94e1-b2921a261111
+${VPN_NAME} mc_vpn1
+${L3VPN_RD} 2200:2
+${RPING_MIP_IP} sudo arping -I eth0:1 -c 5 -b -s @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0]
+${RPING_MIP_IP1} sudo arping -I eth0:1 -c 5 -b -s @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1]
+${RPING_MIP_IP2} sudo arping -I eth0:1 -c 5 -b -s @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2]
+${BGP_CONFIG_SERVER_CMD} bgp-connect -h ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} -p 7644 add
+@{NETWORKS} mc_net_1 mc_net_2 mc_net_3
+@{NET_1_VMS} mc_net_1_vm_1 mc_net_1_vm_2 mc_net_1_vm_3 mc_net_1_vm_4
+@{NET_2_VMS} mc_net_2_vm_1 mc_net_2_vm_2 mc_net_2_vm_3 mc_net_2_vm_4
+@{NET_3_VMS} mc_net_3_vm_1 mc_net_3_vm_2 mc_net_3_vm_3 mc_net_3_vm_4
+@{NET_1_PORTS} mc_net_1_port_1 mc_net_1_port_2 mc_net_1_port_3 mc_net_1_port_4
+@{NET_2_PORTS} mc_net_2_port_1 mc_net_2_port_2 mc_net_2_port_3 mc_net_2_port_4
+@{NET_3_PORTS} mc_net_3_port_1 mc_net_3_port_2 mc_net_3_port_3 mc_net_3_port_4
+@{SUBNETS} mc_sub_1 mc_sub_2 mc_sub_3
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify The Subnet Route When Neutron Port Hosting Subnet Route Is Down/up On Single VSwitch Topology
+ [Documentation] Verify the subnet route when enterprise host is down and up.
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0]
+ ${allowed_ip_list} = BuiltIn.Create List @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0]
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${allowed_ip_list}
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0]
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify_IP_Configured_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0]
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${allowed_ip_list}
+ Verify Ping between Inter Intra And Enterprise host
+Verify Enterprise Hosts Reachability After VM Reboot
+ [Documentation] Restart the VSwitch1 which is hosting the enterprise host and check the subnet route
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ @{NET_1_VM_IPS} ${NET1_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_1_VMS}
+ OpenStackOperations.Reboot Nova VM @{NET_1_VMS}[0]
+ @{NET_1_VM_IPS} ${NET1_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_1_VMS}
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0]
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify_IP_Configured_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0]
+ Verify Ping between Inter Intra And Enterprise host
+Verify The Subnet Route For Multiple Subnets On Multi VSwitch Topology When DC-GW Is Restarted
+ [Documentation] Restart dcgw and check enterprise hosts reachability
+ BgpOperations.Restart BGP Processes On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP}
+ Create BGP Config On DCGW
+ Verify Ping between Inter Intra And Enterprise host
+Verify The Subnet Route For Multiple Subnets On Multi VSwitch Topology When Qbgp Is Restarted
+ [Documentation] Restart qbgp and check enterprise hosts reachability
+ BgpOperations.Restart BGP Processes On ODL ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}
+ Verify Ping between Inter Intra And Enterprise host
+*** Keywords ***
+Start Suite
+ [Documentation] Test Suite for Subnet_Routing_and_Multicast_Deployments.
+ VpnOperations.Basic Suite Setup
+ BgpOperations.Start Quagga Processes On ODL ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}
+ BgpOperations.Start Quagga Processes On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP}
+ Create Setup
+Stop Suite
+ [Documentation] Test Teardown for Subnet_Routing_and_Multicast_Deployments.
+ BgpOperations.Delete BGP Configuration On ODL session
+ BgpOperations.Delete BGP Config On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${AS_ID}
+ BgpOperations.Stop BGP Processes On Node ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}
+ BgpOperations.Stop BGP Processes On Node ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP}
+ OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Teardown
+Create Neutron Networks
+ [Documentation] Create required number of networks
+ : FOR ${net} IN @{NETWORKS}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Create Network ${net}
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${NETWORK_URL} ${NETWORKS}
+Create Neutron Subnets
+ [Arguments] ${num_of_network} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY} ${verbose}=TRUE
+ [Documentation] Create required number of subnets for previously created networks
+ : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${num_of_network}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet @{NETWORKS}[${index}] @{SUBNETS}[${index}] @{SUBNET_CIDR}[${index}]
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${SUBNETWORK_URL} ${SUBNETS}
+Create Neutron Ports
+ [Documentation] Create required number of ports under previously created subnets
+ ${allowed_address_pairs_args1} = BuiltIn.Set Variable --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1]
+ ${allowed_address_pairs_args2} = BuiltIn.Set Variable --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1] --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2]
+ ${allowed_address_pairs_args3} = BuiltIn.Set Variable --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2] --allowed-address ip-address=@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0]
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_PORTS}[${index}] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} additional_args=${allowed_address_pairs_args1}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[1] @{NET_2_PORTS}[${index}] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} additional_args=${allowed_address_pairs_args2}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[2] @{NET_3_PORTS}[${index}] sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} additional_args=${allowed_address_pairs_args3}
+Create Nova VMs
+ [Documentation] Create Vm instances on compute nodes
+ : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 2
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_1_PORTS}[${index}] @{NET_1_VMS}[${index}] ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_1_PORTS}[${index+2}] @{NET_1_VMS}[${index+2}] ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_2_PORTS}[${index}] @{NET_2_VMS}[${index}] ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_2_PORTS}[${index+2}] @{NET_2_VMS}[${index+2}] ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_3_PORTS}[${index}] @{NET_3_VMS}[${index}] ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node @{NET_3_PORTS}[${index+2}] @{NET_3_VMS}[${index+2}] ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ @{NET_1_VM_IPS} ${NET1_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_1_VMS}
+ @{NET_2_VM_IPS} ${NET2_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_2_VMS}
+ @{NET_3_VM_IPS} ${NET3_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_3_VMS}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{NET_1_VM_IPS}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{NET_2_VM_IPS}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{NET_3_VM_IPS}
+ BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_1_VM_IPS} None
+ BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_2_VM_IPS} None
+ BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET_3_VM_IPS} None
+ OpenStackOperations.Show Debugs @{NET_1_VMS} @{NET_2_VMS} @{NET_3_VMS}
+Create Setup
+ [Documentation] Create basic topology
+ OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Setup
+ ${id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Project Id ${ODL_RESTCONF_USER}
+ OpenStackOperations.Set Instance Quota For Project ${NUM_OF_INSTANCES} ${id}
+ Create Neutron Networks
+ Create Neutron Subnets ${3}
+ OpenStackOperations.Create And Configure Security Group ${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ Create Neutron Ports
+ Create Nova VMs
+ Create Sub Interfaces And Verify
+ Create L3VPN
+ : FOR ${network} IN @{NETWORKS}
+ \ ${network_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${network}
+ \ VpnOperations.Associate L3VPN To Network networkid=${network_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID}
+ Create BGP Config On ODL
+ Create BGP Config On DCGW
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 10s VpnOperations.Verify Tunnel Status as UP
+ ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ${RPING_MIP_IP}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} broadcast Received 0 reply
+ ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[0] ${RPING_MIP_IP1}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} broadcast Received 0 reply
+ ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[2] @{NET_3_VM_IPS}[0] ${RPING_MIP_IP2}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} broadcast Received 0 reply
+Create Sub Interfaces And Verify
+ [Documentation] Create Sub Interface and verify for all VMs
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0]
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify_IP_Configured_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[0] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0]
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[1] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1] @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[0]
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify_IP_Configured_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[1] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[1] @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[0]
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Configure_IP_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[2] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2] @{NET_3_VM_IPS}[0]
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify_IP_Configured_On_Sub_Interface @{NETWORKS}[2] @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}[2] @{NET_3_VM_IPS}[0]
+Create L3VPN
+ [Documentation] Create L3VPN and verify the same
+ ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id @{NETWORKS}[0]
+ ${tenant_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Tenant ID From Network ${net_id}
+ VpnOperations.VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID} name=${VPN_NAME} rd=["${L3VPN_RD}"] exportrt=["${L3VPN_RD}"] importrt=["${L3VPN_RD}"] tenantid=${tenant_id}
+ VpnOperations.Verify L3VPN On ODL ${VPN_INSTANCE_ID}
+Create BGP Config On ODL
+ [Documentation] Configure BGP Config on ODL
+ KarafKeywords.Issue Command On Karaf Console ${BGP_CONFIG_SERVER_CMD}
+ BgpOperations.Create BGP Configuration On ODL localas=${AS_ID} routerid=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}
+ BgpOperations.AddNeighbor To BGP Configuration On ODL remoteas=${AS_ID} neighborAddr=${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP}
+ ${output} = BgpOperations.Get BGP Configuration On ODL session
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP}
+Create BGP Config On DCGW
+ [Documentation] Configure BGP on DCGW
+ BgpOperations.Configure BGP And Add Neighbor On DCGW ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${AS_ID} ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${VPN_NAME} ${L3VPN_RD}
+ ... ${LOOPBACK_IP}
+ ${output} = BgpOperations.Execute Show Command On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${RUN_CONFIG}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}
+ ${output} = BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 180s 10s BgpOperations.Verify BGP Neighbor Status On Quagga ${DCGW_SYSTEM_IP} ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}
+ [Arguments] ${network_name} ${ip} ${vm_ip} ${mask} ${sub_interface_state}=${EMPTY} ${interface}=eth0
+ ... ${sub_interface_number}=1
+ [Documentation] Keyword for configuring specified IP on specified interface and the corresponding specified sub interface
+ OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${network_name} ${vm_ip} sudo ifconfig ${interface}:${sub_interface_number} ${ip} netmask ${mask} ${sub_interface_state}
+ [Arguments] ${network_name} ${ip} ${vm_ip} ${interface}=eth0 ${sub_interface_number}=1
+ [Documentation] Keyword for verifying specified IP on specified interface and the corresponding specified sub interface
+ ${resp} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${network_name} ${vm_ip} sudo ifconfig ${interface}:${sub_interface_number}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${resp} ${ip}
+Verify Ping between Inter Intra And Enterprise host
+ [Documentation] Ping Enterprise Host for Intra, Inter from different and same network
+ ${dst_ip_list} = BuiltIn.Create List @{NET_1_VM_IPS} @{NET_2_VM_IPS} @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}
+ OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[0] ${dst_ip_list}
+ OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[0] ${dst_ip_list}
+ OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VM_IPS}[2] ${dst_ip_list}
+ OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] @{NET_2_VM_IPS}[2] ${dst_ip_list}