--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test Suite for ACL Service Recovery:
+... The Service Recovery Manager provides
+... common interface to recover services in ODL.
+... This feature will register ACL service for recovery
+... and implement the mechanism to recover ACL service.
+Suite Setup Start Suite
+Suite Teardown Run Keywords OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Teardown
+... AND SetupUtils.Setup_Logging_For_Debug_Purposes_On_List_Or_All INFO ${TEST_LOG_COMPONENTS}
+Test Setup Run Keywords SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing
+... AND OpenStackOperations.Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID}
+Test Teardown OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library String
+Resource ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/Genius.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot
+Resource ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/OVSDB.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/OvsManager.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot
+Resource ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot
+Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${acl_sr_security_group} acl_sr_sg
+@{acl_sr_networks} acl_sr_net_1 acl_sr_net_2 acl_sr_net_3
+@{acl_sr_subnets} acl_sr_sub_1 acl_sr_sub_2 acl_sr_sub_3
+@{acl_sr_net_1_ports} acl_sr_net_1_port_1 acl_sr_net_1_port_2
+@{acl_sr_net_1_vms} acl_sr_net_1_vm_1 acl_sr_net_1_vm_2
+${TEST_LOG_LEVEL} trace
+@{TEST_LOG_COMPONENTS} org.opendaylight.netvirt.aclservice org.opendaylight.genius.interfacemanager org.opendaylight.genius.srm
+*** Test Cases ***
+ACL Service Recovery CLI
+ [Documentation] This test case covers ACL service recovery.
+ ${count_before} = OvsManager.Get Dump Flows Count ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID} ${INGRESS_ACL_REMOTE_ACL_TABLE}
+ ${node_id} = OVSDB.Get DPID ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Delete Request session ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${node_id}/flow-node-inventory:table/${INGRESS_ACL_REMOTE_ACL_TABLE}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify ACL Flows Should Not Contain ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID} ${INGRESS_ACL_REMOTE_ACL_TABLE}
+ ${output} = Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console srm:recover service acl
+ Should Contain ${output} RPC call to recover was successful
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify Flow Counts Are Same ${count_before} ${INGRESS_ACL_REMOTE_ACL_TABLE}
+ACL Instance Recovery CLI
+ [Documentation] This test case covers ACL instance recovery.
+ ${count_before} = OvsManager.Get Dump Flows Count ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID} ${EGRESS_LEARN_ACL_FILTER_TABLE}
+ ${node_id} = OVSDB.Get DPID ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl del-flows br-int -OOpenflow13 "table=${EGRESS_LEARN_ACL_FILTER_TABLE},icmp" ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify ACL Flows Should Not Contain ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID} ${EGRESS_LEARN_ACL_FILTER_TABLE} icmp
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack security group show ${acl_sr_security_group} | awk '/ id / {print $4}'
+ ${splitted_output} = String.Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
+ ${instance_id} = Collections.Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
+ ${output} = Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console srm:recover instance acl-instance ${instance_id}
+ Should Contain ${output} RPC call to recover was successful
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify ACL Flows Should Contain ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID} ${EGRESS_LEARN_ACL_FILTER_TABLE} icmp
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify Flow Counts Are Same ${count_before} ${EGRESS_LEARN_ACL_FILTER_TABLE}
+ACL Interface Recovery CLI
+ [Documentation] This test case covers ACL interface recovery.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port show ${acl_sr_net_1_ports[0]} |awk '/ mac_address / {print$4}'
+ @{list} = Split String ${output}
+ ${port_mac} Set Variable ${list[0]}
+ ${count_before} = OvsManager.Get Dump Flows Count ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID} ${EGRESS_ACL_TABLE} port_mac=${port_mac}
+ ${node_id} OVSDB.Get DPID ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl del-flows br-int -OOpenflow13 "table=${EGRESS_ACL_TABLE},dl_dst=${port_mac}" ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify ACL Flows Should Not Contain ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID} ${EGRESS_ACL_TABLE} ${port_mac}
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port show ${acl_sr_net_1_ports[0]} |awk '/ id / {print$4}'
+ ${splitted_output} = String.Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
+ ${interface_id} = Collections.Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
+ ${output} = Issue_Command_On_Karaf_Console srm:recover instance acl-interface ${interface_id}
+ Should Contain ${output} RPC call to recover was successful
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify ACL Flows Should Contain ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID} ${EGRESS_ACL_TABLE} ${port_mac}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify Flow Counts Are Same ${count_before} ${EGRESS_ACL_TABLE} port_mac=${port_mac}
+*** Keywords ***
+Verify Flow Counts Are Same
+ [Arguments] ${count_before} ${table_id} ${port_mac}=""
+ [Documentation] Verify flows count should be same as before and after for a table id with a given port mac.
+ ${count_after} = OvsManager.Get Dump Flows Count ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID} ${table_id} port_mac=${port_mac}
+ Should Be Equal As Numbers ${count_before} ${count_after}
+Verify ACL Flows Should Not Contain
+ [Arguments] ${conn_id} ${table_id} ${acl_var}=${None}
+ [Documentation] Verify dump flows should not be having the table id.
+ SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${conn_id}
+ ${output} = Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int -OOpenFlow13 | grep table=${table_id} ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${acl_var}'=='None' Should Not Contain ${output} table=${table_id}
+ ... ELSE Should Not Contain ${output} ${acl_var}
+Verify ACL Flows Should Contain
+ [Arguments] ${conn_id} ${table_id} ${acl_var}=${None}
+ [Documentation] Verify dump flows should be having the table id.
+ SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${conn_id}
+ ${output} = Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int -OOpenFlow13 | grep table=${table_id} ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${acl_var}'=='None' Should Contain ${output} table=${table_id}
+ ... ELSE Should Contain ${output} ${acl_var}
+Start Suite
+ [Documentation] Create Basic setup for the feature. Creates single network, subnet, two ports and two VMs.
+ OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Setup
+ SetupUtils.Setup_Logging_For_Debug_Purposes_On_List_Or_All ${TEST_LOG_LEVEL} ${TEST_LOG_COMPONENTS}
+ OpenStackOperations.Create Allow All SecurityGroup ${acl_sr_security_group}
+ OpenStackOperations.Create Network @{acl_sr_networks}[0]
+ OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet @{acl_sr_networks}[0] @{acl_sr_subnets}[0] ${acl_sr_subnet_cidrs[0]}
+ OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{acl_sr_networks}[0] ${acl_sr_net_1_ports[0]} sg=${acl_sr_security_group}
+ OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{acl_sr_networks}[0] ${acl_sr_net_1_ports[1]} sg=${acl_sr_security_group}
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Utils.Check For Elements At URI ${PORT_URL} ${acl_sr_net_1_ports}
+ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${acl_sr_net_1_ports[0]} ${acl_sr_net_1_vms[0]} ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=${acl_sr_security_group}
+ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${acl_sr_net_1_ports[1]} ${acl_sr_net_1_vms[1]} ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME} sg=${acl_sr_security_group}