A misplaced ampersand caused the command to always return 0
(success), even when the path queried did not exists and the
command was thus supposed to return nonzero (a failure).
Change-Id: If59501fa7d79fc60f0f63fde02095a1c87b19e59
Signed-off-by: Jozef Behran <jbehran@cisco.com>
[Arguments] ${default_path} ${specific_path}
[Documentation] Query active SSH connection, return specific path if it exists else default path.
- ${out} ${rc}= SSHLibrary.Execute_Command ls -lA ${specific_path} &2>1 return_rc=True
+ ${out} ${rc}= SSHLibrary.Execute_Command ls -lA ${specific_path} 2>&1 return_rc=True
BuiltIn.Return_From_Keyword_If ${rc} == 0 ${specific_path}
BuiltIn.Return_From_Keyword ${default_path}