to function and PASS. Enabling it for regression.
Change-Id: I1e5c0e2c1056f159957da85d0e4b418efd366222
Signed-off-by: Jamo Luhrsen <>
Create And Remove Flow
[Arguments] ${output_port} ${table_id} ${flow_id} ${verify_switch_flag} ${additional_ovs_flowelements}
Remove Default Flows ${node_id}
- Run Keyword If "${output_port}" == "ANY" Pass Execution Skipping ${output_port} test and marking it passed
@{OVS_FLOWELEMENTS} Create List dl_dst=${eth_dst} table=${table_id} dl_src=${eth_src} nw_src=${ipv4_src} nw_dst=${ipv4_dst}
... ${additional_ovs_flowelements}
##The dictionaries here will be used to populate the match and action elements of the flow mod