# Stale flows/groups feature is only available in Boron onwards.
CompareStream.Run Keyword If At Least Boron TemplatedRequests.Put As Json Templated folder=${VAR_DIR}/frm-config mapping={"STALE":"true"} session=session
-Add Group 1 In Every Switch
- [Documentation] Add ${ITER} groups of type 1 in every switch.
- : FOR ${switch} IN RANGE 1 ${switches+1}
- \ TemplatedRequests.Post As Json Templated folder=${VAR_DIR}/add-group-1 mapping={"SWITCH":"${switch}"} session=session iterations=${iter}
-Add Group 2 In Every Switch
- [Documentation] Add ${ITER} groups of type 2 in every switch.
- : FOR ${switch} IN RANGE 1 ${switches+1}
- \ TemplatedRequests.Post As Json Templated folder=${VAR_DIR}/add-group-2 mapping={"SWITCH":"${switch}"} session=session iterations=${iter}
-Add Flow to Group 2 In Every Switch
- [Documentation] Add ${ITER} flows to group type 2 in every switch.
- : FOR ${switch} IN RANGE 1 ${switches+1}
- \ TemplatedRequests.Post As Json Templated folder=${VAR_DIR}/add-flow mapping={"SWITCH":"${switch}"} session=session iterations=${ITER}
+Add Groups And Flows
+ [Documentation] Add ${ITER} groups 1&2 and flows in every switch.
+ Add Groups And Flows ${ITER}
Start Mininet Multiple Connections
[Documentation] Start mininet linear with connection to all cluster instances.
[Documentation] Check Flows after mininet starts.
MininetKeywords.Check Flows In Mininet ${mininet_conn_id} ${all_flows}
+Check Entity Owner Status And Find Owner and Successor Before Fail
+ [Documentation] Check Entity Owner Status and identify owner and successor for first switch s1.
+ ${original_owner} ${original_successor_list} ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:1 1
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${original_owner}
+Disconnect Mininet From Owner
+ [Documentation] Disconnect mininet from the owner
+ ${owner_list} BuiltIn.Create List ${original_owner}
+ Disconnect Cluster Mininet break ${owner_list}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${owner_list}
+Check Linear Topology After Disconnect
+ [Documentation] Check Linear Topology After Disconnecting mininet from owner.
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 1s FlowLib.Check Linear Topology ${SWITCHES}
+Remove Flows And Groups After Mininet Is Disconnected
+ [Documentation] Remove 1 group 1&2 and 1 flow in every switch after mininet is disconnected.
+ Remove Single Group And Flow
+Check Flows In Operational DS After Mininet Is Disconnected
+ [Documentation] Check Flows in Operational DS after mininet is disconnected.
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 1s FlowLib.Check Number Of Flows ${less_flows}
+Check Groups In Operational DS After Mininet Is Disconnected
+ [Documentation] Check Groups in Operational DS after mininet is disconnected.
+ FlowLib.Check Number Of Groups ${less_groups}
+Check Flows In Switch After Mininet Is Disconnected
+ [Documentation] Check Flows in switch after mininet is disconnected
+ MininetKeywords.Check Flows In Mininet ${mininet_conn_id} ${less_flows}
+Reconnect Mininet To Owner
+ [Documentation] Reconnect mininet to switch 1 owner.
+ Disconnect Cluster Mininet restore ${owner_list}
+Check Linear Topology After Reconnect
+ [Documentation] Check Linear Topology After Reconnect.
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 1s FlowLib.Check Linear Topology ${SWITCHES}
+Add Flows And Groups After Reconnect
+ [Documentation] Add 1 group type 1&2 and 1 flow in every switch.
+ Add Single Group And Flow
+Check Flows After Reconnect In Operational DS
+ [Documentation] Check Flows in Operational DS after mininet is reconnected.
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 1s FlowLib.Check Number Of Flows ${all_flows}
+Check Groups After Reconnect In Operational DS
+ [Documentation] Check Groups in Operational DS after mininet is reconnected.
+ FlowLib.Check Number Of Groups ${all_groups}
+Check Flows After Reconnect In Switch
+ [Documentation] Check Flows in switch after mininet is reconnected.
+ MininetKeywords.Check Flows In Mininet ${mininet_conn_id} ${all_flows}
Disconnect Mininet From Cluster
[Documentation] Disconnect Mininet from Cluster.
Disconnect Cluster Mininet
Check No Switches After Disconnect
- [Documentation] Check no switches in topology.
+ [Documentation] Check no switches in topology after disconnecting mininet from cluster.
BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 1s FlowLib.Check No Switches In Topology ${SWITCHES}
Remove Flows And Groups While Mininet Is Disconnected
- [Documentation] Remove some groups and flows while network is down.
- : FOR ${switch} IN RANGE 1 ${switches+1}
- \ RequestsLibrary.Delete Request session ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${switch}/table/0/flow/1
- \ RequestsLibrary.Delete Request session ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${switch}/group/1
- \ RequestsLibrary.Delete Request session ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${switch}/group/1000
+ [Documentation] Remove a group and flow while mininet Is Disconnected from cluster.
+ Remove Single Group And Flow
Reconnect Mininet To Cluster
[Documentation] Reconnect mininet to cluster by removing Iptables drop rules that were used to disconnect
Disconnect Cluster Mininet restore
Check Linear Topology After Mininet Reconnects
- [Documentation] Check Linear Topology.
+ [Documentation] Check Linear Topology after reconnect.
BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 1s FlowLib.Check Linear Topology ${SWITCHES}
Check Flows In Operational DS After Mininet Reconnects
- [Documentation] Check Flows after mininet starts.
+ [Documentation] Check Flows in Operational DS after mininet is reconnected.
BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 1s FlowLib.Check Number Of Flows ${less_flows}
Check Groups In Operational DS After Mininet Reconnects
- [Documentation] Check Flows after mininet starts.
+ [Documentation] Check Groups in Operational DS after mininet is reconnected to cluster.
FlowLib.Check Number Of Groups ${less_groups}
Check Flows In Switch After Mininet Reconnects
- [Documentation] Check Flows after mininet starts.
+ [Documentation] Check Flows in switch after mininet is reconnected to cluster.
MininetKeywords.Check Flows In Mininet ${mininet_conn_id} ${less_flows}
Restart Cluster
ClusterManagement.Start_Members_From_List_Or_All wait_for_sync=False
Check Linear Topology After Controller Restarts
- [Documentation] Check Linear Topology.
+ [Documentation] Check Linear Topology after controller restarts.
BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300s 2s FlowLib.Check Linear Topology ${SWITCHES}
Check Flows In Operational DS After Controller Restarts
- [Documentation] Check Flows after mininet starts.
+ [Documentation] Check Flows in Operational DS after controller is restarted.
BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300s 2s FlowLib.Check Number Of Flows ${less_flows}
Check Groups In Operational DS After Controller Restarts
- [Documentation] Check Flows after mininet starts.
+ [Documentation] Check Groups in Operational DS after controller is restarted.
FlowLib.Check Number Of Groups ${less_groups}
Check Flows In Switch After Controller Restarts
- [Documentation] Check Flows after mininet starts.
+ [Documentation] Check Flows in switch after controller is restarted..
MininetKeywords.Check Flows In Mininet ${mininet_conn_id} ${less_flows}
Stop Mininet
\ ${command} = BuiltIn.Set Variable sudo /sbin/iptables -L -n
\ ${output} = Utils.Run Command On Controller cmd=${command}
\ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+Add Groups And Flows
+ [Arguments] ${iter}=1
+ [Documentation] Add ${ITER} groups type 1 & 2 and flows in every switch.
+ : FOR ${switch} IN RANGE 1 ${switches+1}
+ \ TemplatedRequests.Post As Json Templated folder=${VAR_DIR}/add-group-1 mapping={"SWITCH":"${switch}"} session=session iterations=${iter}
+ \ TemplatedRequests.Post As Json Templated folder=${VAR_DIR}/add-group-2 mapping={"SWITCH":"${switch}"} session=session iterations=${iter}
+ \ TemplatedRequests.Post As Json Templated folder=${VAR_DIR}/add-flow mapping={"SWITCH":"${switch}"} session=session iterations=${iter}
+Add Single Group And Flow
+ [Documentation] Add 1 group 1&2 and 1 flow in every switch.
+ Add Groups And Flows 1
+Remove Single Group And Flow
+ [Documentation] Remove 1 group 1&2 and 1 flow in every switch.
+ : FOR ${switch} IN RANGE 1 ${switches+1}
+ \ RequestsLibrary.Delete Request session ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${switch}/table/0/flow/1
+ \ RequestsLibrary.Delete Request session ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${switch}/group/1
+ \ RequestsLibrary.Delete Request session ${CONFIG_NODES_API}/node/openflow:${switch}/group/1000