${router_id} = Collections.Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
[Return] ${router_id}
+Add New Image From Url
+ [Arguments] ${image_url} ${image_name}
+ [Documentation] To add new qcow2 images for testing.
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output wget ${image_url} -O /tmp/new_image.qcow2
+ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack image create ${image_name} --file /tmp/new_image.qcow2 --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public
+Create Flavor
+ [Arguments] ${flavor_name} ${ram_in_mb} ${disk_in_gb} ${ncpu}=1
+ [Documentation] To create new flavors for instance deployment and testing
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack flavor create ${flavor_name} --ram ${ram_in_mb} --disk ${disk_in_gb} --vcpus ${ncpu}
+Create Keypair
+ [Arguments] ${keyname} ${public_key_file}
+ [Documentation] To add keypairs to Openstack that can be used when ssh to instances using publickey authentication
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack keypair create ${keyname} --public-key ${public_key_file}
+Generate And Add Keypair
+ [Arguments] ${keyname} ${keyfilename}
+ [Documentation] To generate keypair using ssh-keygen and add them to Openstack
+ ${result} = Process.Run Process ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f ${JENKINS_WORKSPACE}/${keyfilename} -q -N "" shell=True
+ BuiltIn.Log ${result.stdout}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${result.stderr}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${result.rc}' == '0'
+ OpenStackOperations.Create Keypair ${keyname} ${JENKINS_WORKSPACE}/${keyfilename}.pub
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ SSHLibrary.Put_File ${JENKINS_WORKSPACE}/${keyfilename} /tmp
Create Vm Instances
[Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_instance_names} ${image}=${EMPTY} ${flavor}=m1.nano ${sg}=default ${min}=1
- ... ${max}=1
[Documentation] Create X Vm Instance with the net id of the Netowrk.
+ .. ${max}=1
${image} BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${image}"=="${EMPTY}" ${CIRROS_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}} ${image}
${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${net_name}
: FOR ${vm} IN @{vm_instance_names}
[Arguments] ${port_name} ${vm_instance_name} ${image}=${EMPTY} ${flavor}=m1.nano ${sg}=default
[Documentation] Create One VM instance using given ${port_name} and for given ${compute_node}
${image} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${image}"=="${EMPTY}" ${CIRROS_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}} ${image}
- ${port_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Port Id ${port_name}
- ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server create --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --nic port-id=${port_id} ${vm_instance_name} --security-group ${sg}
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server create --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --port ${port_name} --security-group ${sg} ${vm_instance_name}
-Create Vm Instance With Ports
- [Arguments] ${port_name} ${port2_name} ${vm_instance_name} ${image}=${EMPTY} ${flavor}=m1.nano ${sg}=default
- [Documentation] Create One VM instance using given ${port_name} and for given ${compute_node}
+Create Vm Instance With Ports And Key On Compute Node
+ [Arguments] ${port1_name} ${port2_name} ${vm_instance_name} ${node_hostname} ${image}=${EMPTY} ${flavor}=m1.nano
+ ... ${sg}=default ${keyname}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Create One VM instance using given ${port1_name} and ${port2_name} with keyname for ssh and also on a specific compute node
${image} BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${image}"=="${EMPTY}" ${CIRROS_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}} ${image}
- ${port_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Port Id ${port_name}
- ${port2_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Port Id ${port2_name}
- ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server create --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --nic port-id=${port_id} --nic port-id=${port2_id} ${vm_instance_name} --security-group ${sg}
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server create --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --port ${port1_name} --port ${port2_name} ${vm_instance_name} --security-group ${sg} --availability-zone nova:${node_hostname} --key-name ${keyname}
Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node
[Arguments] ${port_name} ${vm_instance_name} ${node_hostname} ${image}=${EMPTY} ${flavor}=m1.nano ${sg}=default
[Documentation] Create One VM instance using given ${port_name} and for given ${node_hostname}
${image} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${image}"=="${EMPTY}" ${CIRROS_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}} ${image}
- ${port_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Port Id ${port_name}
- ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server create --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --nic port-id=${port_id} --security-group ${sg} --availability-zone nova:${node_hostname} ${vm_instance_name}
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server create --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --port ${port_name} --security-group ${sg} --availability-zone nova:${node_hostname} ${vm_instance_name}
+Remove Security Group From Vm Instance
+ [Arguments] ${vm_instance_name} ${security_group}
+ [Documentation] Delete the Security Group from the VM Instance.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server remove security group ${vm_instance_name} ${security_group}
Create Vm Instance With Ports On Compute Node
[Arguments] ${port1_name} ${port2_name} ${vm_instance_name} ${node_hostname} ${image}=${EMPTY} ${flavor}=m1.nano
... ${sg}=default
- [Documentation] Create One VM instance using given ${port1_name}, ${port2_name} and for given ${node_hostname}
+ [Documentation] Create One VM instance using given ${port1_name}, ${port2_name} and for given ${node_hostname} with no keys (cirros like)
${image} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${image}"=="${EMPTY}" ${CIRROS_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}} ${image}
${port1_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Port Id ${port1_name}
${port2_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Port Id ${port2_name}
BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${fail_on_none}' == 'true' BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${dhcp_ip} None
[Return] ${vm_ip} ${dhcp_ip} ${vm_console_output}
+Verify If Instance Is Arpingable From DHCP Namespace
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${mac} ${ip}
+ [Documentation] Get the Port IP and check the arp -a from DHCP NS to ensure that the VM's have been assigned IP's
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${net_name}
+ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} arping ${ip} -c3 ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT} timeout=60s
+ ${mac_uppercase} = String.Convert To Upper Case ${mac}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} [${mac_uppercase}]
+Check If Instance Is Ready For Ssh Login Using PublicKey
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip} ${user}=centos ${idfile}=/tmp/odlkey
+ [Documentation] Ensure the VM is reachable from ssh as tests would require. This keyword will use publickey authentication
+ ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance with PublicKey Auth ${net_name} ${vm_ip} ifconfig user=${user} idfile=${idfile}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${vm_ip}
+Check If Instance Is Ready For Ssh Login Using Password
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip} ${user}=cirros
+ [Documentation] Ensure the VM is reachable from ssh as tests would require. This keyword will use password authentication
+ ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance ${net_name} ${vm_ip} ifconfig
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${vm_ip}
Get VM IPs
[Arguments] @{vms}
[Documentation] Get the instance IP addresses and nameserver address for the list of given vms.
${output} = DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt And Log exit
Check If Console Is VmInstance
- [Arguments] ${console}=cirros
[Documentation] Check if the session has been able to login to the VM instance
${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt id ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
- BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${console}
+ BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${output} jenkins
Exit From Vm Console
[Documentation] Check if the session has been able to login to the VM instance and exit the instance
- ${rcode} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Return Status OpenStackOperations.Check If Console Is VmInstance cirros
+ ${rcode} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Return Status OpenStackOperations.Check If Console Is VmInstance
BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt exit
Check Ping
BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} 200
Execute Command on VM Instance
- [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip} ${cmd} ${user}=cirros ${password}=cubswin:)
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip} ${cmd} ${user}=cirros ${password}=cubswin:) ${cmd_timeout}=30s
[Documentation] Login to the vm instance using ssh in the network, executes a command inside the VM and returns the ouput.
OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${net_name}
- ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} ssh ${user}@${vm_ip} -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null password:
+ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} ssh ${user}@${vm_ip} -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o PreferredAuthentications=password password:
${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ${password} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
${rcode} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Return Status OpenStackOperations.Check If Console Is VmInstance
+ ${output} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ${cmd} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} timeout=${cmd_timeout}
+ [Teardown] Exit From Vm Console
+ [Return] ${output}
+Execute Command on VM Instance With PublicKey Auth
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip} ${cmd} ${user}=centos ${idfile}=/tmp/odlkey
+ [Documentation] Login to the vm instance using ssh publickey in the network, executes a command inside the VM and returns the ouput.
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${net_name}
+ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} ssh -i ${idfile} ${user}@${vm_ip} -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey prompt=${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT} timeout=60s
+ ${rcode} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Return Status OpenStackOperations.Check If Console Is VmInstance
${output} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ${cmd} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
[Teardown] Exit From Vm Console
[Return] ${output}
+Copy File To VM Instance With PublicKey Auth
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip} ${file_to_copy} ${user}=centos ${idfile}=/tmp/odlkey
+ [Documentation] Login to the vm instance using ssh publickey in the network, executes a command inside the VM and returns the ouput.
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${net_name}
+ ${rc} = SSHLibrary.Execute Command sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} scp -i ${idfile} -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey ${file_to_copy} ${user}@${vm_ip}:/tmp/ return_stdout=False return_rc=True
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
Test Operations From Vm Instance
[Arguments] ${net_name} ${src_ip} ${dest_ips} ${user}=cirros ${password}=cubswin:) ${ttl}=64
... ${ping_should_succeed}=True ${check_metadata}=True
${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server remove security group ${vm} ${sg}
Create SFC Flow Classifier
- [Arguments] ${name} ${src_ip} ${dest_ip} ${protocol} ${dest_port} ${neutron_src_port}
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${src_ip} ${dest_ip} ${protocol} ${neutron_src_port} ${args}=${EMPTY}
[Documentation] Create a flow classifier for SFC
- ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc flow classifier create --ethertype IPv4 --source-ip-prefix ${src_ip}/32 --destination-ip-prefix ${dest_ip}/32 --protocol ${protocol} --destination-port ${dest_port}:${dest_port} --logical-source-port ${neutron_src_port} ${name}
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc flow classifier create --ethertype IPv4 --source-ip-prefix ${src_ip}/32 --destination-ip-prefix ${dest_ip}/32 --protocol ${protocol} --logical-source-port ${neutron_src_port} ${args} ${name}
BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${name}
[Return] ${output}
Delete SFC Flow Classifier
[Arguments] ${name}
[Documentation] Delete a SFC flow classifier
- OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc flow classifier delete ${name}
[Return] ${output}
Create SFC Port Pair
[Arguments] ${name} ${port_in} ${port_out}
[Documentation] Creates a neutron port pair for SFC
- OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port pair create --ingress=${port_in} --egress=${port_out} ${name}
BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${name}
[Return] ${output}
[Return] ${output}
Create SFC Port Chain
- [Arguments] ${name} ${pg1} ${pg2} ${fc}
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${args}=${EMPTY}
[Documentation] Creates a port pair chain with two port groups and a singel classifier.
- ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port chain create --port-pair-group ${pg1} --port-pair-group ${pg2} --flow-classifier ${fc} ${name}
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port chain create ${name} ${args}
BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${name}
[Return] ${output}
+Update SFC Port Chain With A New Flow Classifier
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${fc}
+ [Documentation] Adds a Flow Classifier to a Port Chain
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port chain set ${name} --flow-classifier ${fc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Update SFC Port Chain Removing A Flow Classifier
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${fc}
+ [Documentation] Adds a Flow Classifier to a Port Chain
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port chain unset ${name} --flow-classifier ${fc}
+ [Return] ${output}
Delete SFC Port Chain
[Arguments] ${name}
[Documentation] Delete a SFC port chain
Library OperatingSystem
Library RequestsLibrary
Resource ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/LiveMigration.robot
Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot
@{NETWORKS} network_1
@{SUBNETS} l2_subnet_1
-@{NET_1_VMS} sf1 sf2 sf3 source_vm dest_vm
+@{NET_1_VMS} sf1 sourcevm destvm
+@{NON_SF_VMS} sourcevm destvm
-@{PORTS} p1in p1out p2in p2out p3in p3out source_vm_port
-... dest_vm_port
+@{PORTS} p1in p1out source_vm_port dest_vm_port
+${CURL_COMMAND} curl -v --connect-timeout 25
+${HTTP_FAILURE} connect() timed out!
+${WEBSERVER_80} while true; do echo -e "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 21\r\n\r\nWelcome to web-server80" | sudo nc -l -p 80 ; done
+${WEBSERVER_81} while true; do echo -e "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 21\r\n\r\nWelcome to web-server81" | sudo nc -l -p 81 ; done
+${WEBSERVER_82} while true; do echo -e "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 21\r\n\r\nWelcome to web-server82" | sudo nc -l -p 82 ; done
+${CLOUD_IMAGE} "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04/release/ubuntu-18.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img"
+${CLOUD_USER_NAME} ubuntu
+${VXLAN_TOOL_URL} "https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=sfc.git;a=blob_plain;f=sfc-test/nsh-tools/vxlan_tool.py;h=1445292405bc17516d03e4a448ac2e0f65d38e79;hb=HEAD"
*** Test Cases ***
-Create Flow Classifiers
+Create Flow Classifiers For Basic Test
[Documentation] Create SFC Flow Classifier for TCP traffic between source VM and destination VM
- OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Flow Classifier FC_http @{NET1_VM_IPS}[3] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[4] tcp 80 source_vm_port
+ OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Flow Classifier FC_80 @{NET1_VM_IPS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] tcp source_vm_port args=--destination-port 80:80
+ OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Flow Classifier FC_81 @{NET1_VM_IPS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] tcp source_vm_port args=--destination-port 81:81
-Create Port Pairs
+Create Port Pair
[Documentation] Create SFC Port Pairs
- OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Port Pair PP1 p1in p1out
- OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Port Pair PP2 p2in p2out
- OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Port Pair PP3 p3in p3out
+ OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Port Pair SFPP1 p1in p1out
Create Port Pair Groups
[Documentation] Create SFC Port Pair Groups
- OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Port Pair Group With Two Pairs PG1 PP1 PP2
- OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Port Pair Group PG2 PP3
-Create Port Chain
- [Documentation] Create SFC Port Chain using two port groups an classifier created previously
- OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Port Chain PC1 PG1 PG2 FC_http
-Start Web Server On Destination VM
- [Documentation] Start a simple web server on the destination VM
- OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[4] while true; do echo -e "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 21\r\n\r\nWelcome to web-server" | sudo nc -l -p 80 ; done &
-Add Static Routing On Service Function VMs
- [Documentation] Enable eth1 and add static routing between the ports on the SF VMs
- : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 2
- \ OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[${index}] sudo sh -c 'echo "auto eth1" >> /etc/network/interfaces'
- \ OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[${index}] sudo sh -c 'echo "iface eth1 inet dhcp" >> /etc/network/interfaces'
- \ OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[${index}] sudo /etc/init.d/S40network restart
- \ OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[${index}] sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward'
- \ OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[${index}] sudo ip route add @{NET1_VM_IPS}[3] dev eth0
- \ OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[${index}] sudo ip route add @{NET1_VM_IPS}[4] dev eth1
-Connectivity Tests From Vm Instance1 In net_1
- [Documentation] Login to the source VM instance, and send a HTTP GET using curl to the destination VM instance
- # FIXME need to somehow verify it goes through SFs (flows?)
- ${DEST_VM_LIST} BuiltIn.Create List @{NET1_VM_IPS}[4]
- OpenStackOperations.Test Operations From Vm Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[3] ${DEST_VM_LIST}
- OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[3] curl http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[4]
+ OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Port Pair Group SFPPG1 SFPP1
+Test Communication From Vm Instance1 In net_1 No SF
+ [Documentation] Login to the source VM instance, and send a HTTP GET using curl to the destination VM instance, If the SF handles the traffic, there will be delay causing the time for curl to be higher.
+ ${DEST_VM_LIST} BuiltIn.Create List @{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]
+ ${curl_resp} OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${curl_resp} ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ ${curl_resp} OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]:81
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${curl_resp} ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ [Teardown] BuiltIn.Run Keywords OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs
+ ... AND OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs For SFC
+ ... AND OpenStackOperations.Exit From Vm Console
+Create Port Chain For Src->Dest Port 80
+ [Documentation] Create SFC Port Chain using port group and classifier created previously
+ OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Port Chain SFPC1 args=--port-pair-group SFPPG1 --flow-classifier FC_80
+Test Communication From Vm Instance1 In net_1 Port 80 via SF
+ [Documentation] Login to the source VM instance, and send a HTTP GET using curl to the destination VM instance, If the SF handles the traffic, there will be delay causing the time for curl to be higher.
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens2 --output ens3 --verbose off
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]:81 ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens2 --output ens3 --verbose off --block 80
+ BuiltIn.Comment Port 80 communication should fail as the SF blocks the same
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] ${HTTP_FAILURE}
+ BuiltIn.Comment Test to confirm Port 81 is not blocked
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]:81 ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens2 --output ens3 --verbose off --block 81
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]:81 ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ [Teardown] BuiltIn.Run Keywords OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs
+ ... AND OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs For SFC
+ ... AND OpenStackOperations.Exit From Vm Console
+Update Port Chain To Use Flow Classifier For Port 81
+ [Documentation] Update Port Chain to use FC_82 and FC_83 instead of FC_80 and FC_81
+ OpenStackOperations.Update SFC Port Chain With A New Flow Classifier SFPC1 FC_81
+ OpenStackOperations.Update SFC Port Chain Removing A Flow Classifier SFPC1 FC_80
+Test Communication From Vm Instance1 In net_1 Port 81 via SF
+ [Documentation] Login to the source VM instance, and send a HTTP GET using curl to the destination VM instance, If the SF handles the traffic, there will be delay causing the time for curl to be higher.
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens2 --output ens3 --verbose off
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]:81 ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ ... cmd_timeout=60s
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens2 --output ens3 --verbose off --block 81
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]:81 ${HTTP_FAILURE}
+ ... cmd_timeout=60s
+ BuiltIn.Comment Port 81 communication should fail as the SF blocks the same
+ BuiltIn.Comment Test to confirm Port 80 does not continue to get routed through SF
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens2 --output ens3 --verbose off --block 80
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3x 10s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]:81 ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ ... cmd_timeout=60s
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ [Teardown] BuiltIn.Run Keywords OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs
+ ... AND OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs For SFC
+ ... AND OpenStackOperations.Exit From Vm Console
+Delete And Recreate Port Chain And Flow Classifiers For Symmetric Test
+ OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Flow Classifier FC_SYM @{NET1_VM_IPS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] tcp source_vm_port args=--destination-port 82:82 --source-port 2000 --logical-destination-port dest_vm_port
+ OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Port Chain SFPC1
+ OpenStackOperations.Create SFC Port Chain SFPSYM args=--port-pair-group SFPPG1 --flow-classifier FC_SYM --chain-parameters symmetric=true
+Test Communication From Vm Instance1 For Symmetric Chain
+ [Documentation] Login to the source VM instance, and send a HTTP GET using curl to the destination VM instance, If the SF handles the traffic, there will be delay causing the time for curl to be higher.
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens2 --output ens3 --verbose off
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens3 --output ens2 --verbose off
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 8x 20s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} --local-port 2000 -m 60 http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]:82 ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ ... cmd_timeout=80s
+ BuiltIn.Comment Test to confirm the SRC->DEST Port 82 is routed through SF
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens2 --output ens3 --verbose off --block 82
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens3 --output ens2 --verbose off
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 8x 20s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} --local-port 2000 -m 60 http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]:82 ${HTTP_FAILURE}
+ ... cmd_timeout=80s
+ BuiltIn.Comment Test to confirm DEST->SRC Port 2000 path SFC traversal
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens2 --output ens3 --verbose off
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens3 --output ens2 --verbose off --block 2000
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 8x 20s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} --local-port 2000 -m 60 http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]:82 ${HTTP_FAILURE}
+ ... cmd_timeout=80s
+ BuiltIn.Comment Test to confirm the Normalcy restored
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens2 --output ens3 --verbose off
+ Start Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} args=--do forward --interface ens3 --output ens2 --verbose off
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 8x 20s Access Http And Check Status @{NETWORKS}[0] ${CURL_COMMAND} --local-port 2000 -m 60 http://@{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]:82 ${HTTP_SUCCESS}
+ ... cmd_timeout=80s
+ Stop Vxlan Tool in SF @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP}
+ [Teardown] BuiltIn.Run Keywords OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs
+ ... AND OpenStackOperations.Get Test Teardown Debugs For SFC
+ ... AND OpenStackOperations.Exit From Vm Console
Delete Configurations
[Documentation] Delete all elements that were created in the test case section. These are done
... to leave the test environment as clean as possible upon completion of this suite.
: FOR ${vm} IN @{NET_1_VMS}
\ OpenStackOperations.Delete Vm Instance ${vm}
- OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Port Chain PC1
- OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Port Pair Group PG1
- OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Port Pair Group PG2
- OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Port Pair PP1
- OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Port Pair PP2
- OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Port Pair PP3
- OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Flow Classifier FC_http
+ OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Port Chain SFPSYM
+ OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Port Pair Group SFPPG1
+ OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Port Pair SFPP1
+ OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Flow Classifier FC_80
+ OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Flow Classifier FC_81
+ OpenStackOperations.Delete SFC Flow Classifier FC_SYM
: FOR ${port} IN @{PORTS}
\ OpenStackOperations.Delete Port ${port}
OpenStackOperations.Delete SubNet l2_subnet_1
*** Keywords ***
Suite Setup
OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Setup
+ Create Basic Networks
+ Create Ports For Testing
+ Create Instances For Testing
+ Check Vm Instances Have Ip Address And Ready For Test
+ Start Applications on VM Instances For Test
+Create Basic Networks
+ BuiltIn.Comment Create Network For Testing
OpenStackOperations.Create Network @{NETWORKS}[0]
+ BuiltIn.Comment Create Subnet For Testing
OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet @{NETWORKS}[0] @{SUBNETS}[0] @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[0]
OpenStackOperations.Create Allow All SecurityGroup ${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ BuiltIn.Comment Create Neutron Ports with no port security for SFC Tests
+ OpenStackOperations.Get Suite Debugs
+Create Ports For Testing
: FOR ${port} IN @{PORTS}
\ OpenStackOperations.Create Port @{NETWORKS}[0] ${port} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
- Create Vm Instance With Ports p1in p1out sf1 sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
- Create Vm Instance With Ports p2in p2out sf2 sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
- Create Vm Instance With Ports p3in p3out sf3 sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
- Create Vm Instance With Port source_vm_port source_vm sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
- Create Vm Instance With Port dest_vm_port dest_vm sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
- @{NET1_VM_IPS} ${NET1_DHCP_IP} = OpenStackOperations.Get VM IPs @{NET_1_VMS}
+ OpenStackOperations.Update Port p1in additional_args=--no-security-group
+ OpenStackOperations.Update Port p1in additional_args=--disable-port-security
+ OpenStackOperations.Update Port p1out additional_args=--no-security-group
+ OpenStackOperations.Update Port p1out additional_args=--disable-port-security
+ OpenStackOperations.Get Suite Debugs
+Create Instances For Testing
+ BuiltIn.Comment Create one ubuntu instances and two cirros instances
+ OpenStackOperations.Add New Image From Url ${CLOUD_IMAGE} ${CLOUD_IMAGE_NAME}
+ OpenStackOperations.Create Flavor ${CLOUD_FLAVOR_NAME} 2048 4
+ OpenStackOperations.Generate And Add Keypair sfctest odlsfctest
+ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Ports And Key On Compute Node p1in p1out sf1 ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} image=${CLOUD_IMAGE_NAME} flavor=${CLOUD_FLAVOR_NAME}
+ ... sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} keyname=sfctest
+ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node source_vm_port sourcevm ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} flavor=cirros256
+ OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node dest_vm_port destvm ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} flavor=cirros256
+ OpenStackOperations.Show Debugs @{NET_1_VMS}
+ OpenStackOperations.Get Suite Debugs
+Check Vm Instances Have Ip Address And Ready For Test
+ OpenStackOperations.Poll VM Is ACTIVE sf1
+ OpenStackOperations.Poll VM Is ACTIVE sourcevm
+ OpenStackOperations.Poll VM Is ACTIVE destvm
+ ${sfc1_mac} OpenStackOperations.Get Port Mac p1in
+ ${SF1_IP} OpenStackOperations.Get Port Ip p1in
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 500s 60s OpenStackOperations.Verify If Instance Is Arpingable From Dhcp Namespace @{NETWORKS}[0] ${sfc1_mac} ${SF1_IP}
+ ${src_mac} OpenStackOperations.Get Port Mac source_vm_port
+ ${src_ip} OpenStackOperations.Get Port Ip source_vm_port
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 500s 60s OpenStackOperations.Verify If Instance Is Arpingable From Dhcp Namespace @{NETWORKS}[0] ${src_mac} ${src_ip}
+ ${dest_mac} OpenStackOperations.Get Port Mac dest_vm_port
+ ${dest_ip} OpenStackOperations.Get Port Ip dest_vm_port
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 500s 60s OpenStackOperations.Verify If Instance Is Arpingable From Dhcp Namespace @{NETWORKS}[0] ${dest_mac} ${dest_ip}
+ BuiltIn.Comment If the Tests reach this point, all the Instances are reachable.
+ ${NET1_VM_IPS} BuiltIn.Create List ${src_ip} ${dest_ip}
BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{NET1_VM_IPS}
- BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET1_VM_IPS} None
- BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${NET1_DHCP_IP} None
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${SF1_IP}
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300s 60s OpenStackOperations.Check If Instance Is Ready For Ssh Login Using PublicKey @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} user=ubuntu
+ ... idfile=/tmp/odlsfctest
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300s 60s OpenStackOperations.Check If Instance Is Ready For Ssh Login Using Password @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[0]
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 300s 60s OpenStackOperations.Check If Instance Is Ready For Ssh Login Using Password @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[1]
OpenStackOperations.Show Debugs @{NET_1_VMS}
OpenStackOperations.Get Suite Debugs
+Start Applications on VM Instances For Test
+ BuiltIn.Comment Run Web server Scripts on destination vm listening to 80,81 and 82 ports
+ OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] ${WEBSERVER_80} &
+ OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] ${WEBSERVER_81} &
+ OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[1] ${WEBSERVER_82} &
+ BuiltIn.Comment Get vxlan_tool script
+ Utils.Download File On Openstack Node ${OS_CNTL_CONN_ID} vxlan_tool.py ${VXLAN_TOOL_URL}
+ BuiltIn.Comment Copy vxlan_tool script to SFC VM
+ OpenStackOperations.Copy File To VM Instance With PublicKey Auth @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} /tmp/vxlan_tool.py user=${CLOUD_USER_NAME} idfile=/tmp/odlsfctest
+ BuiltIn.Comment Bring up the second Interface for egress
+ Execute Command on VM Instance with PublicKey Auth @{NETWORKS}[0] ${SF1_IP} sudo ifconfig ens3 up user=${CLOUD_USER_NAME} idfile=/tmp/odlsfctest
+Start Vxlan Tool in SF
+ [Arguments] ${network} ${sf_vm_ip} ${args}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Starts the tool in the SF VM's
+ Execute Command on VM Instance with PublicKey Auth ${network} ${sf_vm_ip} nohup sudo python3 /tmp/vxlan_tool.py ${args} & user=ubuntu idfile=/tmp/odlsfctest
+Stop Vxlan Tool in SF
+ [Arguments] ${network} ${sf_vm_ip}
+ [Documentation] Starts the tool in the SF VM's
+ Execute Command on VM Instance With PublicKey Auth ${network} ${sf_vm_ip} sudo pkill python3 user=ubuntu idfile=/tmp/odlsfctest
+Access Http And Check Status
+ [Arguments] ${vm_ip} ${curl_command} ${ret_code} ${cmd_timeout}=30s
+ ${curl_resp} OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] @{NET1_VM_IPS}[0] ${curl_command} cmd_timeout=${cmd_timeout}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${curl_resp} ${ret_code}